Once again the story will take place 8 years before the main timeline but lot of other thing are gonna be changed, but don't worry, Pedo Freya won't be going anywhere, and if you want Yandere Aiz to stay, just ask.

While her familia was out on an expedition, the goddess of mischief, Loki, decided to go on a journey outside of Orario. She was currently walking through a forest, during her walk she saw the body of a little boy, bruised, and bloodied, shocked to see this she ran towards him to see if he was okay.

"Kid! Hey kid! Are you okay?!"

She then placed her head onto his chest and sighed in relief knowing he lives. After she checked him, he slowly began to open his eyes.

"W-wha…?" He looked up to she Loki smiling at him.

"You're alive!"

As soon as she said that the boy's eyes shot open instantly with fear, he broke free from the goddess's grasp and backed away from her.

"Wait wha-?"

"Please don't hurt me!"

"I'm not gonna hurt ya kid, don't worry, you can trust me." She then leaned in and embraced him.

Feeling her warm embrace caused him to finally calm down.

"Now tell me what happened to you, um...wait what's your name?"

"Bell Cranel."

"Okay, Bell, can you tell me what happened to you?"

Bell tensed up as soon as she asked that.

"Auh if you don't want to talk about it you don't have to, I won't force you!" She said nervously seeing how he reacted.

"No it's not that its just, its just that I don't like remembering it, but, talking about it to someone else will be the only way I'll be able to get help."

"Truer words have never been spoken Bell. C'mon, I'll take you back to my home in Orario, we can talk there."

"I can move on my own." Bell tried to stand only to fall.

"You're injured, bruised, and starving, c'mon." Loki the picked up Bell in her arms and proceeded to walk back to Orario while Bell fell asleep in her arms.

Twilight Manor

After they got to the base of the Loki Familia, Bell got cleaned up, had his wounds treated, most of them on his limbs and sides, and ate. They were currently sitting on Loki's bed where Bell was telling her what happened to him, hearing all of this infuriated her on how the people of his village treated him and that he never knew why.

After Bell was done telling her his story he looked up at her. "Miss, my existence isn't a sin, is it?"

This ended with Loki hugging him. "Of course not Bell! Don't pay attention to what people like them say! They just don't see you for who you really are."

Hearing her say this, Bell began to break into tears, for the first time, in a long time, someone cared about him.

After the two separated from their hug Bell got up from the bed.

"Well I should get going now, bye miss." But before he could leave Loki called out to him.

"Bell wait!" Before he reached the doorknob he stopped and turned around to face her.

"Bell, how would you like to join my familia?"

Bell was surprised by her offer and was surprised even more when he realised who she is.

"Miss, are you, a Goddess?" Loki just smiled at his expression.

"Yep! The goddess of mischief herself, Loki!" Hearing this Bell bowed down to her.

"P-please forgive me for not knowing Kami-sama!"

This caused Loki to chuckle at him.

"Stand up Bell, I don't mind, really. Now let me ask you again, would you like to join my familia?"

"Are you sure?" Bell looked up at the goddess who just grinned.

"Yep! So what do you say?"

Bell thought about his decision for awhile. 'If I joined her familia...then this could be the only way for me to reach my goal!'

Bell stood up from the ground. "Alright! I'll join your familia, Kami-sama!" Loki wore a bright smile.

"Well then, welcome to my Familia Bell-kun!"

"It's a pleasure to serve you Kami-sama!"

"Hm! Now come on we have to get you your falna and tomorrow we'll register you at the Guild."

"Okay Kami-sama."

And with that the epic tale of Bell Cranel began.

And that's the first chapter of the reboot done, so what do you guys think? If there are still problems leave them in the reviews. There will be a lot of things changed, but there will be some things that will stay the same, but if there are some things in the old story you don't want to change let me know. One thing I changed is that Bell doesn't know that he's a demigod and won't know until later on.


Bell's stats

Name: Bell Cranel

Age: 6

Alias: none

Familia: Loki Familia

Race: Human


Strength I0

Endurance I0

Dexterity I0

Agility I0

Magic I0