Gumball sat in solitude, reading his history textbook. Bricks of text explained the politics behind World War I, Which normally would have made anyone fall dead asleep but Gumball was enamored. History has become his favorite subject in Highschool.
Now at seven-teen years old, he had matured greatly. He stood at a tall 6' 3", and has bulked up during his Highschool years. His hair was longer, giving him an "Emo" look as it swooped over his left eye. He changed his attire too, wearing black jeans, black tennis shoes, a tee shirt with a white torso and red sleeves, and a beanie with an eye winking and the number 91 on it.
Yes, to any outsider this may not seem like the Gumball everyone once knew, but he changed. When Penny broke up with him in the middle of freshman year, as she had to move across the country for family reasons, he cried, he was angry, he was hurt, he was confused.
But he bettered himself. He got buffer, he dove into school and his grades improved. However, his social life had died. Him and Darwin were basically roommates now. Everyone else had changed, and he just split ways from them. Now he kept himself occupied as an aspiring musician, playing acoustic guitar and wanting to be spend other parts of his days at museums. This just further drove him to be an outcast from his schoolmates.
Gumball closed his textbook and sighed heavily. He was beyond tired and did not feel like going home. Home was toxic now, atleast to him. He stopped getting along with family when Penny left.
He slumped his backpack over his shoulder and walked slowly home, taking every detour possible. Gumball sat on the park bench, enjoying the beautiful October weather. A light breeze picked up and the scent of cinnamon passed him by. A smile grew on his face, and he closed his eyes just enjoying life for a small change.
"Well if I don't believe my eyes. Gumball Watterson, smiling."
His eyes shot open and saw where the words originated from. The tall ghost stood in front of him, smirking. "Gotta live a little Carrie," he smirked back at her.
She rolled her eyes and sat next to him. Carrie herself had matured a bit. Her breasts grew, she herself stood at 5' 11" and had some curves to her. She still kept her ghostly tail but if needed such as for sports she could switch to a tail. Carrie still kept her Emo status, but joined the volleyball team as she enjoyed that. She also was cut off by most, and mainly just stayed in her books. Carrie donned a white beanie and a dark blue tee-shirt, with a black and white open flannel on top. She kept some wristbands on depending on the day.
"So what're you up to?"
Gumball sat up straighter and put his leg over his knee, "Just the usual, school work and trying to take the first chance to get the hell out of here. What about you?"
Carrie smiled and lowered her head, "Same as you, just barely getting by."
He chuckled and shook his head. She stood up and smirked at him, "Well, I'd absolutely love to stay and chat, but I got shit to do. See ya around kiddo," she flashed a peace sign and teleported away.
Gumball smiled slightly and stood up. He stretched and yawned, looking at his surroundings. However, his thoughts were cut short by his stomach growling. 'Great, gotta waste more money on food,' he sighed and walked to Josie's Deli.
"Hey Gumball! The usual?" He nodded and sat in the corner. The friendly buffalo, Josie, smiled at him. "You getting along with everyone at school?"
He merely grunted in response. "Gumball, you gotta make friends. What's the point of living if you don't have someone to share experiences with?"
He shrugged, "The way I see it, school is merely for education, not for making friends."
Josie sighed and handed him his sandwich. "It's on the house. And Gumball you better start making friends or you'll be more miserable than ever!" She said those last words in an ominous tone and with a smile on her face. He chuckled and tipped his sandwich at her, "Thanks Josie. I'll see ya around."
He left and began eating slowly. He sat back on the park bench, eating in solitude and found solace in the tranquil urban setting around him.
He starting thinking on what Josie said. 'Maybe I should get some friends. Wouldn't hurt I don't think. Who knows what might happen.' His thoughts wrestled on Josie's message for the rest of the day. Gumball walked in late, about a quarter past midnight and woke up his dad on the couch.
Richard groggily raised his head. "Dad don't worry, it's Gumball." Richard gave a thumbs up and fell back asleep. Gumball chuckled and went up to his room. Darwin was asleep in his fish bowl, the room dark. He stripped to his boxers, went to the bathroom and did his nightly duties. He flopped onto his bed and passed out.
Gumball angrily pounded his alarm clock off. He groaned and sat up, scratching his head. His head felt fuzzy and found it difficult to wake up. 'Fucking hell' he stood up and stretched. He grabbed his clothes and a towel and hopped in the shower. As he walked by everyone's vacant rooms, he figured they were all downstairs.
He put on some hot water and climbed into the shower. The water felt good on his fur. He cleaned himself and brushed his teeth and got dressed. There was a pounding on the door as he was putting his pants on, "GUMBALL WATTERSON YOU BETTER OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT THIS INSTANT!". His mother was going to nearly bust down the door.
He sighed and slipped into a shirt and walked out, "All yours." He said this monotone and walked past everyone. He grabbed his backpack and walked to school. There were dead leaves on the ground and the trees were looking barren. The school bus went by as well as the rest of his class. He kept on walking, enjoying the nice weather.
He barely made it in to school on time, which had been a theme for him. Gumball sat in the back of the class, spacing out as the teacher went on about organic compounds.
Organic chemistry flew by, as did art and pre-calculus. The days seemed to melt into each other and Gumball felt as if he were just going through the motions.
At lunch, he sat outside alone. He merely just picked at his food. Josie's sandwiches were the only thing he wanted to eat and was willing to eat. He sighed and pushed his food away.
He looked up and saw Carrie with a slightly worried look on her face. "Are you okay? You shouldn't skip meals."
He sighed, "Yeah I'm good, just not hungry." He stood up and collected his things. "If you need a friend or someone to talk to, I'm always here for you Gumball." When he turned around she hugged him and whispered, "I know what it's like to be depressed and have no one around."
The bell for last class rang. Gumball stood confused, and watched her disappear into the school. How did she know? It's not like she saw the scars, or was there when it happened. Had she been inside his mind or something?
Gumball shook his head and went inside. Gumball would rather watch paint dry than go through another literature class.
'Thank fuck the school day is over,' he joyfully thought to himself as everyone left the building in a rush. He stayed behind so he could be alone. His mind soon back tracked to what Carrie said today.
"I do too smile, just not often and not at the things everyone else enjoys," he thought to himself. He meandered around the grounds and eventually found himself back at Josie's Deli. He whistled as he came and his favorite buffalo greeted him.
"You seem chipper today."
Gumball smirked slightly and took a seat, "Well, I might be making a friend, well she's more of an acquaintance."
Josie's smiled at him and pulled his hat off playfully, ruffling his hair, "That's great! See I told you making friends would you happier."
Gumball laughed and straightened his hair. He pulled out some money, "How about a rueben today?" He put his beanie on and looked at Josie.
She took the money and smiled, "Totally Gumball. It'll be out in a minute!" She turned and started making his sandwich.
Gumball just swiveled around in his chair until she finished. He noticed at how little people were in the deli today, usually Josie's was a hot spot after school hours. However, he shrugged and chalked it up to the cooler weather. More people wanted hot drinks this time of year.
His thoughts were snapped away when a bell sounded and a sandwich was placed on the counter. "All yours Gumball." She smiled at him as he picked it up. "Thanks Josie, you're a life saver," he said as he smiled back at her.
He walked on, eating his sandwich and enjoying the air. He smiled, and muttered to himself "Damn she makes a good sandwich."
"Do my eyes beseech me or is Gumball smiling two days in a row? I think I need to call the local asylum and tell them they have a new patient."
He jerked his head to see the smirking face of a ghost. He smirked and shook his head, "You know I'm just starting to enjoy life again."
She smiled and walked up to him, "Maybe so, but teasing you is still fun as much as it was in middle school."
Gumball smiled and lowered his head. Yes, middle school was definitely his blunder years. "Ha ha, very funny. You know, middle school wasn't kind to you either."
She giggled and playfully punched his arm as they continued walking and talking. Inside his head, Gumball smiled and thought "Is Carrie my friend now?"
Soon they reached a rather gloomy looking house, and Carrie looked down. "Well, this is my house," she muttered, but Gumball failed to detect the hint of sadness in her voice.
He smiled and chirped, "Well damn! I didn't mean to keep you busy and talk your ears off."
She smiled up at him, "You know, as much as i still tease you, it was nice walking home with you Gumball."
Gumball smiled and felt his heart skip a beat when he saw her eyes. They were grey, but even though she was a ghost, they were full of life. He dismissed his heart and spoke, "Yeah, it was nice. We should totally do it more!"
Carrie giggled and waved to him, "Well, see you tomorrow Gumball."
He smiled and watched her go into her house. When the door closed, he turned on his heels and headed home. He soon realized he was still smiling.
"Huh, maybe I am smiling too much."
The next day rolled around, and Gumball was less enthused than the day before. Being an office aide for his first class was a little sucky, but today everyone needed something so he was kept busy. He had history today, which excited him, but today he was having trouble focusing. It was like his mind was elsewhere, thinking of things out yonder in the unknown.
Astronomy came and went like the decaying leaves outside. At lunch, he sat alone again at a bench. He sighed and looked at his food. He didn't want it. Today was a slightly off day to him. He scratched at his scars and rolled his sleeves down more. He was too embarrassed about his pain.
"Mind if I join you?"
He looked up to see big, pleading, grey eyes.
He smiled and slid down the bench a little bit, patting to the seat next to him. "Totally, unfortunately I gotta move some meetings around to fit you in."
She smirked and nudged him playfully. "With an attitude like that, no wonder you're so smart. In fact, I'd say you're a smart ass." Carrie giggled and smirked at him as she sat next to him.
The two made their talk, Carrie ate some of her food while Gumball had a small nibble. She frowned slightly when the lunch bell rang signaling the time for the last class.
"Gumball you hardly ate," she said, with a slight hint of concern in her voice.
Gumball smiled and reassured her, "Carrie, I'm okay. I'll get something at Josie's Deli like I normally do after school."
She huffed at him and sling her bag over her shoulder. "At least eat a little more at school. It wouldn't hurt you know. You need energy to keep up."
He sighed and nodded, "I'll try, but only because you're my friend."
Carrie looked up, beaming. So they had become friends now!
He smiled at her and they parted ways for their last class, French for Gumball and Chemistry for Carrie.
True to his word, Gumball has acquired another sandwich from Josie's and was on his way home. He bumped into his little ghost friend.
"Carrie!" He smiled and waved at her as she was crossing the street. She smiled and made her walk brisk, smiling at him. "Hey Gumball!" She said, her sweet tone flew over the cats head. He was missing a lot of underlying tones from her.
The two walked and talked as they had before. He walked her home and walked back to his house. He went to his room and turned on his music, a little bit of Wink-91 to help him collect himself.
He looked out his window and reflected on the past few days. He went from a social outcast to having a friend! What was that all about?
He realized, also, that he hadn't thought of Penny since. He winced at her name, and rubbed his arm. The breakup between the two was not pretty, nor was their closure. It was heated, and toxic. The two needed to mature, unfortunately they didn't know it until Penny had to move and all the issues with each other they kept secret from each other were revealed.
He sighed and turned on the song "Anomaly", by Airwaves and Angels. He flung himself back on his bed and closed his eyes. He felt like an anomaly, like no one understood his pain or what he was going through.
His eyes burst open at Carrie's words. "I know what it's like to be depressed and have no one around." Should he open up to her about his pain? Should he keep quiet? There were two storms battling in his head for the rest of the day, until he soon fell asleep.
AN: Yeah, wow. I hope it's good. I miss how this section of the site used to be way back in the day. It was full of stories and fun. This is a new story, and yes I do plan on keeping up with it as well as my Pokémon fic Kindred Spirits. That next chapter should be out before the end of the year. I know it seems a while away but I got college in a few weeks plus work and personal life. But, this story I'm hoping to be good. It won't be long, nothing more than like fifteen-seventeen chapters at absolute max. Just wanted a cute yet teenage like GumballxCarrie fic. See y'all around