Chapter Twenty – Two Worlds, One Family

Moxie and her crew made sure to capture the remaining thugs who worked for Creek. When they returned home, the thugs would be prosecuted and most likely imprisoned for the rest of their lives. Moxie didn't ask very many questions when Poppy reported that Creek was dead. She did, however, insist that they leave as soon as possible.

Thankfully for Satin, Chenille, and Poppy, Branch came back to see them off. He had already applied the medicinal leaves to his wounds, but Satin and Chenille insisted on wrapping the injuries with gauze from the first aid kit. Satin and Chenille hugged Branch tightly, and then left him and Poppy alone to talk. There wasn't much to talk about, though. Poppy had changed into a new dress and cleaned herself up. That didn't do much to brighten her spirit.

"The Troll Tree doesn't seem as magnificent compared to this place." Poppy said.

"I will miss you, Poppy." Branch said.

Poppy swallowed back her tears. "Miss Poppy!" Moxie called.

"I'm coming!" Poppy said. She held out her hand to Branch. "Well…goodbye…."

Branch looked at her hand, and then pressed his palm against hers similarly to how they did when they first met. "Goodbye."

Poppy couldn't take it anymore. She turned and jumped into the rowboat before Branch could see her crying. Branch stared after her sadly. He wanted to pull her back. It just wouldn't be right, though. He couldn't keep her here if she didn't want to stay.

"Bye Branch!" Satin called from the rowboat as Moxie started paddling away.

"Bye!" Chenille echoed her sister. She sighed as she and Satin sat down. "I'm going to miss him."

"Me too." Satin sighed.

Poppy touched her palm. She could almost feel Branch's hand still there. So many memories they had together in such a short time. She tied her hair back into a ponytail and picked up her flower headband. Satin and Chenille took her hands in theirs.

"Poppy, darling." Satin said. "We were just thinking….."

"…that if you want to stay, you should." Chenille finished.

"Girls, please don't." Poppy begged. She tried to pull her headband on over her bangs, but she fumbled with the hairpiece. "I can't stay there when I belong in the Troll Tree with you and—"

She gasped when the wind snatched her headband from her hands, and it flew over to land in the surf. Branch scooped up the headband, rubbing one of the felt flowers with his thumb. He stared back at Poppy with a hopeful expression. Poppy stared back. Everything inside her called out for her to go back.

"You love him." Satin said.

Poppy looked down, then back to her sisters. Could she really….?

"Go on." Chenille nodded.

Poppy smiled broadly, and she hugged her sisters. Then, to Moxie's surprise, Poppy leaped right out of the rowboat and half-swam, half-ran to the shore. Branch stood, staring in surprise as a smile stretched across his face. The second she was close enough, Poppy jumped forward and hugged Branch. The force of the pink troll slamming into the blue one sent both of them falling into the sea. Poppy laughed as she sat upright, and Branch shook water of his head with a grin a mile wide. He almost couldn't believe she actually came back. She truly loved him enough to give up her life in the Troll Tree and stay with him. Poppy had a brief moment where she couldn't believe she just jumped out of the rowboat. But boy did it feel good to be back with Branch. In her elation, she wrapped her arms around Branch's neck and planted a kiss right on his lips. After a second, she realized what she did and jumped back.

"Oh, uh, sorry." Poppy said with a deep blush in her cheeks. Branch looked pretty shell-shocked, but in a good way. He handed Poppy her headband, and she pulled it on. She felt Branch's hand on her face, and he guided her lips back to his in a tender kiss. When they broke apart, Poppy noticed something on the sand. She cleared her throat and pointed. Branch followed her point to see the pack standing there, most of them with playful smirks. Branch laughed and helped Poppy to her feet, leading her back to the pack.

Satin and Chenille sighed simultaneously with bliss at the sight. Chenille grinned at her twin. "You thinking what I'm thinking?"

"Aren't I always?" Satin laughed. "Captain Moxie! Tell them you never found us!"

"What?" Moxie asked in amazement.

"People get lost in the forest all the time." Chenille shrugged. She and Satin hopped right off the rowboat and headed for shore.

Rosiepuff approached Branch and Poppy first. She had her hands on her hips and an eyebrow raised at the pink troll. Branch pushed Poppy forward, and the pink troll curtsied politely. Rosiepuff smiled, took Poppy's head in her hands, and pressed their foreheads together. That act alone showed Poppy was accepted, and the pack cheered loudly.

Wolf-trolls didn't really have holidays like the rainbow trolls. But they did have the most sacred of traditions. One such tradition was the Full Moon Songs. Ever full moon, the pack would gather together to hear the wolfsong of every wolf-troll who found theirs.

This would be the first one for Poppy, Satin, and Chenille.

The girls adjusted rather nicely to living with Branch and the wolf-trolls. The pack accepted the girls with open hearts, rather fascinated by how well they could sing. It certainly made Full Moon Songs more fun. Suki, Cooper, Guy Diamond, Smidge, Biggie, and Fuzzbert recreated their song they danced to when they first discovered the camp. Satin and Chenille didn't really have a wolfsong, but they did perform a duet of one of their favorite tunes. Of course, this caused several male wolf-trolls to swoon over the pretty ladies. Even Rosiepuff sang her wolfsong, though it brought back some pain since it was a song Peppy completed a long time ago.

"To finish off the night, per the usual, we will do a group song!" Suki announced to the pack. "And our alpha has chosen a special song that he and his lady love will start for us."

Branch rolled his eyes. "Lady love? Really?"

"Don't talk like you don't enjoy it." Poppy teased.

Branch pulled her into a side-hug and kissed her cheek. "Suki, Cooper, take it away!"

Cooper and Suki nodded, and they began making music by using the natural instruments around them. Guy Diamond, Fuzzbert, Biggie, and Smidge jumped in to help. They used leaves and rocks and the wood of the trees and even plucked at the strings of vines tied between two pieces of wood. All these sounds came together to form the music, and Branch and Poppy began to sing.

Branch took the first verse. It was the verse that sang of the wolf-trolls and their beautiful home. It was about their way of life and the traditions they carried. Traditions that Branch would be responsible for continuing as their new alpha. He would miss Peppy and often wish he had the older alpha's guidance. Branch just knew he would do everything he could to be the best alpha he could be, and hopefully he would be half the alpha Peppy was.

Poppy was next, singing in a way that conveyed her feelings upon arriving in Darknem. It was a new adventure for her. Though she was scared at first, she was also excited. Who could've guessed she would find someone like Branch, and then join his pack and basically become a wolf-troll herself? She had no regrets. She loved Branch, and she wanted to spend her life with him.

Suki and Cooper took their turn, once again singing of their pack and home. Suki was also proud of being a wolf-troll. She knew her place in the world, and she never questioned it. She once questioned Branch, but it didn't take long before he became like a brother to her. As for Cooper, he didn't know where he'd be if it weren't for Branch coming to his aide. He owed his better life to his brother.

Satin and Chenille came up next. Their verse exemplified their feelings as they came to Darknem. This was a trip their mother planned to take with them when Poppy turned eighteen and graduated from school. But when their mother passed, Satin and Chenille became Poppy's guardians at a rather young age. Fresh out of school, and they had to balance their career plans with raising Poppy. They never imagined their lives would take this turn. It was certainly a nice change, and they wouldn't trade it for anything.

Branch invited Rosiepuff to join them in the song. She knew exactly how to contribute to the song: by singing of her role in how they came to be who they were today. She thought her world ended when her pup was killed by Zina. But finding Branch gave her a new purpose. She loved Branch with all her heart, and she was so proud of who he had become. Branch knew the truth of his birth parents, but he would always see Rosiepuff as his mother and no one else.

The singers joined their voices in a melodic chorus to finish the song. This wasn't just a song, it was a story. It was a story of their lives and how all those stories wove together to create the pack they had now. Not many animal tribes in the forest could have multiple species living in harmony. This pack had wolf-trolls, rainbow trolls, and even a llama as part of their family. The road they traveled to get this far was full of bumps, smooth roads, and a few hills, but it worked out in the end.

This song, this story, told of the dark times they endured, the happiness they felt now, and the hope that shined for their future.

Under Branch's rule as alpha, this wolf-troll pack would prosper.