Sabo watched from the edge as his little brother trailed across the pool deck clumsily. Just as his hands were about to slap the wall he tripped on his own feet and fell to the ground, scraping up his already torn knees. He turned to Sabo with a pout and the other boy just shrugged. The process had been a very slow one. Most of the week had been spent showing Luffy how to get his legs. And once he conquered that the struggle became using them. He was still very unused to being bipedal and unlike Sabo and Ace he had no experience walking on land. Making all of this new to him.

"You have to be faster than that," Sabo told him as Luffy pulled himself off the ground determined this time.

"I can do it!" He insisted, his scraped knees and palms said otherwise but Sabo had always admired his brother's persistence.

Sabo flicked his tail back and forth as he pulled himself a bit further out of the pool. As much as he liked to agree with Luffy he was rapidly starting to lose faith in this plan. He hadn't talked to his brother since that night but for the last five days he had been carefully stealing food and throwing it over the railing. But he knew Luffy needed a lot more experience before their escape, unless he wanted to try and outrun the whitebeard crew on their own ship while carrying Luffy. Better not.

"All right new rule little brother, from now on no more swimming for you. Unless the pirates are here you have to be on the deck. If you can't learn how to run by tonight, then your not allowed to sleep in the nest.

"What!" Luffy cried in panic. "Where will I sleep?"

Both of them looked at the floor at the same time and Luffy's worry turned to a pout. "But Sabo it's sooo cold out here."

"Can you handle it?" Sabo asked doubtfully. He didn't feel good about pushing him this hard. But coddling Luffy wouldn't help the situation. Not when everything was dependent on how quickly he could learn how to move.

Luffy looked at the water before wiping his scrapes and nodding. "I can do it!" He said again with much more conviction. "You'll see, I'll be running so quickly by tonight. I'll be even faster than you! And then you'll have to sleep on the deck."

Sabo smiled. It was good to see Luffy was acting a little bit more like himself. The whole encounter with humans had shaken him a little bit. Ever since getting captured and hurt he had been a little more fragile then usual. It was good to have him back.

"Your getting much quicker." He praised him lightly. "Keep practicing all right. And soon the three of us will be together again and free."

Luffy smiled widely at that. "Let's do it!"


The next morning Thatch was there bright and early, with the doctor in tow, to feed the younglings breakfast. But once again today, like the rest of the week, only Sabo greeted them.

"Where's the little guy?" The doctor asked.

The boy just shrugged as he swam over to the edge in front of Thatch.

"Is he sick!" The man asked in concern. "Is it his tail? I can help with that."

"He's fine," Sabo said simply as Thatch gave him some fish and apples.

"Where is he?"

"He's hiding." He told the man abstractly. The doctor looked concerned, but Thatch had been expecting it. That was what Sabo said every time they had asked. He would be more worried if they didn't occasionally see the red flick of Luffy's tail on some days. He was still all right. But for some reason he just did not feel like coming out. Which was odd as the last time they had seen him things were good between the humans and Merfry's. Whatever was going on Oyaji was right. The three of them were about to make their move.

Thatch handed Sabo the other half of the fish, these wrapped in a scrap of cloth. "Make sure Luffy gets these."

Sabo nodded as he took them. "I will."

And Thatch had no doubt that he would do as he said. The blond Fry wasn't the type to try and steal his injured little brothers' food. No he was far too responsible to do that.

He told Oyaji his suspicions and the man whole heartedly agreed. Soon the three Fry's would be in their care.

"We can't keep all three of them in our bath forever." It wasn't fair to them.

"I might be able to come up with a solution for that," The doctor said. "But only if you let me take a look at them, especially the little one. It's been weeks, I need to see that tail of his. It could be infected."

"Sabo said he is fine."

"They are both children," The doctor said stiffly, annoyed his expert opinion was being ignored. "That type of injury should not be messed around with. If this was a normal case I would have checked in twice already."

"It looks like Luffy is scared of you," Thatch reasoned. "It's hard to make them do anything… not without draining the whole pool."

"If that is what it comes to." The doctor said.

Oyaji interrupted their debate with a booming laugh. "No need my children. They will make their move soon. The pod wants to be together. They won't risk separation for young Ace much longer. He will come to get them."

"What if they get away?"

"We must make sure they don't."

"And how will we do that?"

"We will triple the night patrol. Tell them to watch our own decks as well as the waters. But I do not want violence to be used in catching them. You and Marco have taken a special interest in these younglings, can I trust you two to catch them without harming them when it comes down to it."

Thatch nodded. "Yes sir."


Seven days after his conversation with Ace Sabo woke Luffy up where he was curled up with the towel in their nest.

"Hmm?" He asked sleepily as Sabo shook him once again.

"Come on Lu, let's get out of here."

"And see Ace," Luffy said, reluctantly sitting up.

"And see Ace," He agreed.

Sabo dried off first while Luffy changed his tail. To his surprise, and great relief, Luffy had managed to teach himself how to run on his new legs. True to his words he had slept in the nest last night, even if he didn't actually get to go to sleep until late into the night. But he turned out to be fast enough that Sabo was proud. Of course he shouldn't be surprised, after all when Luffy set his mind to something no earthly force could deter him.

After he sufficiently dried himself he moved to Luffy, starting with his shaggy hair before helping him with the shirt. Sabo had stolen it on one of his last expeditions into the ship to gather food supplies. Luffy, who had never worn clothes before pulled and tugged on the fabric in annoyance.

"It's so uncomfortable," He complained as Sabo did up the buttons for him. "Why do they do this to themselves."

"They are very strange creatures," Sabo agreed as he straitened the collar around his little brothers' neck so it hid his gills. He doubted anyone would overlook the only children on the ship simply because they were half dressed but he did it regardless. It was a more of an instinct to try and cover what they were from the greedy humans.


Luffy nodded, determination in his eyes. "I'll be super-fast!"

"Are your legs going to be okay?" Sabo asked kneeling down besides him to try and look at his ankles but Luffy stepped back quickly. "I won't get us caught," He said unusually serious.

"That's not why I am worried," Sabo told him as he reached out only for Luffy to step backwards again.

The process of changing his tail had been a long one for Luffy and Sabo suspected that was because of his still healing injury. Although he still managed it in the end, he had torn all of the stiches and reopened the wound. Sabo had ripped the bandages in two so he could tie both ankles up but he could see the red spots where they had began to bleed through. If swimming was painful in itself, he couldn't imagine that running under the force of gravity felt much better. But Luffy hadn't complained even once. And now with the determined look on his little brothers face Sabo worried that, in his desperation to make this plan work, he had been too hard on Luffy. But now was not the time to second guess himself.

'I will make it up to him,' He thought. 'A thousand times once they got out of here.' He would keep them alive and find a forever home where they could grow up until the three of them matured enough to leave the pod.

But to Luffy he said, "I know you won't. You got much faster, you've done well."

Luffy smiled broadly at the praise.

"Ready?" He asked pulling out the key.

Luffy nodded, the large smile still plastered over his face as Sabo held out his hand.

"Hold my hand so you don't trip okay. If I say to run don't look back. Just make it over the railing and into the ocean. Me and Ace will find you. Got it!"

"Um!" He agreed grabbing Sabo's hand and locking their fingers together. "Let's do it!"


Marco was woken up by a loud pounding on his door. It was very late indeed but he was a light sleeper. It was a practical skill when you lived the pirate's life. He answered the door quickly, surprising the young man on the other side.

"Sorry, I know it's rather late," The man sputtered uncomfortably.

"Never mind that, what's up?"

"It's… umm well I was told to report to you and the fourth division commander if we see anything… unusual."

Marco was instantly awake now as he stepped forward. "What did you see?"

"Well it's not so much what I saw…" He mumbled almost to quietly for Marco to hear.


"It's what I think I saw," He admitted. "But now I am worried I am going crazy."

"What do you think you saw?"

"A ghost."

"A… wait what?" Of all the things he had expected the man to say that was not it. "What do you mean a ghost."

"Like a ghost ghost."

"Are you sure it was a ghost?" Marco asked. As opposed to a small merfry with legs.

"Well I can't be sure really. I've never seen a ghost before. But I was in the watch tower, look'in at the deck like I was told. And, mind you it's dark. But I see this- this white thing just dart out of the shadows and fly across the deck. I don't know if that's what you were looking for or?"

"No that's it," Marco told him. "Good job. Can you go wake Thatch up and send him up to the deck?"

The young man nodded, obviously relieved Marco didn't seem to think he was crazy. "It's not a ghost then?"

"No," Marco assured him. "Just one smart little boy."


Luffy saw Ace before Ace saw him, and the wind was knocked out of him as the younger practically bulldozed into him.

"Get off!" He hissed as Luffy wrapped his noodle like little arms around him, squeezing the life out of him.


"And whose fault is that!" Ace snapped and Sabo sighed. Not that he expected any different, but he had hoped his week of solitude might have softened the oldest a little bit. Apparently not, he was still very much pissed at both of them for getting caught. But Luffy, who was used to his brother's temper, wasn't deterred.

"I'm glad you're okay," Luffy told him in relief.

Ace frowned as his cheeks redden slightly, a sure sign that Luffy's affection was embarrassing him. "Yea, you too I guess." He patted his fluffy hair reassuringly gesturing for Sabo to come over. When he did Ace swung his arm over his shoulder, letting Luffy cling to his side.

"They didn't hurt you guys?" He asked and Sabo shook his head.

"They were nice to us," He told Ace. Surprisingly so. Even as glorified pets they were more or less treated as equals. He had never figured out their true motives. But it didn't matter now.

To Ace he said, "What are you doing here? You were supposed to wait on the deck for us." Not at the entrance to the ladder.

Ace just shrugged noncommittally. "You guys took too long."

"You were Worried!" Sabo said immediately getting shushed by the other when he got to loud. A few beats of silence passed between them before he spoke again.

"Your big softy."

"I was not!" Ace hissed. "I just thought Luffy wouldn't be able to do it and I would have to come help you carry him! You know how useless he is!"

"Hey!" Luffy said from Ace's side. "Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Guys!" Sabo cut them both off before they could get into it right now. "It doesn't matter. The important thing is we are together, and we won't let them separate us again."

Ace's frustration turned into a smile as he nodded.

"Yea!" Luffy cheered.

"Alright, lets get out of here."


Ace had covered himself in a sheet to make it past the night watch without being seen. Marco found the sheet discarded outside one of the doorways that led below deck. The first thing Thatch had done after being woken up was go straight to the pool to see if their 'captives' were still there. The door was still locked but these little ones were smart. There was no way to be sure they were in the pool without draining it, which they did not have time for.

"Don't bother," Marco had told him. "We should assume they already escaped and are somewhere on the ship."

"It could take forever to search the whole ship," Thatch told him. "They are so tiny; they could hide anywhere."

"It doesn't matter where they are, it only matters where they are going." Marco reminded him. "They are going to try and go over the railing. If I had to guess before the sun rises. And if they can manage it there is no chance of us getting them back."

"We won't let that happen!" Thatch said. They had failed to get Sabo to trust them while they had been staying here and that meant they had to step up their methods a little bit. But it didn't matter, they already were pirates after all. Who cares if they were also kidnapping pirates? So long as they could help save three little kids.

"It won't come to that," Marco agreed.

He could deny it all he liked. Thatch knew Marco had a soft spot for the little fry's the same way everyone else did.

The two of them enlisted the help of the night watch group as well as waking the doctor up. They had promised him a thorough check up of all three of them once caught to make sure they were staying healthy. The man had been bothering Oyaji non-stop about his littlest patient's health.

Even though they had been given permission to enlist anyone who could help, both of them decided that too many pirates on deck would scare the kids and cause another incident like the one before. Besides, the two of them plus the night crew were more then enough people to handle it, even if some of their brothers would be disappointed tomorrow morning at being left out.

So the pirates slowly made their way around the deck, gently moving crates aside and searching barrels.

"So they have been planning this for a week then?" Thatch asked.

"Looks like it?" Marco answered back.

"What I don't get is why did Sabo make Luffy hide during that time? You don't think something is actually wrong with him, do you?"

"I'm sure he's fine," Marco told him. Despite their mistrust he was sure Sabo would have told them if things got really bad. "He might have been worried about Luffy accidently tipping us off to their plan with his behavior."

"Or outright saying it," Thatch said. In the short time he had been taking care of them he could already tell Luffy was terrible at keeping secrets.

"Or that." He agreed.

By the time the three of them were found it was nearly dawn. It seemed as if the kids were tipped off to the pirate's search and had hidden themselves. Although not well enough.

There was a surprised cry from near the bow of the ship followed by a frantic yell. "I found them!"

Marco and Thatch looked at each other before taking off towards the voice.

"Their getting away!" The man cried again in warning to his fellow crew mates.

"Get them!" Cried another.

"Don't get them!" Thatch reminded them sharply. "Their just kids. Be careful with them."

"Don't get them!" The man amended kindly. He was too caught up in the chase to remember that their targets were scared little things.

"What happened?" Marco asked as they came upon the bow of the ship.

The man who had cried was winded, hands on his knees as he tried to catch his breath. More pirates were soon to follow the other two, gathering around the bow.

"I moved some boxes- startled them," he told them breathlessly. "Bolted- I tried to follow but- damn- little guys are fast. They booked it like there was no tomorrow."

"Where did they go?" Marco asked.

The man pointed to the lower deck and Marco took off in that direction, most of the watch men following him. Thatch worried they were enjoying this a little too much, it wasn't a came of cat and mouse after all. All though it had been a while since the crew had seen some real action and apparently this was how they preferred to spend their energy.

"Were there three of them?" He asked and the man nodded. "Yea three little ones, just like you said. But are you sure their part fish?"

"Merfry," Thatch corrected him automatically. It wasn't very polite to say that about mer-people.

"Yea, that. Are you sure?"

"I'm sure. Why do you say that?"

"Well I only saw them for a sec, An' I know what the fishermen said about them. That they just looked like human children. But I didn't believe them. Not until now. But I'll be damned they sure looked human. No scales, no tails. They ran like it too."

"Are you sure?" Thatch asked in surprise. All three of them had legs."

"Like I said, each one looked like a scrappy little human kid. Maybe you guys were wrong about them?" The man said.

"No, their definitely Mer." Thatch told him. They hadn't exactly made the knowledge of the kids being hybrids public news yet. Everyone who had personally met them had the grace not to give in to the gossip and respect their privacy. But enough people had seen Luffy trapped in the net and Sabo and Ace in human form to cause a lot of confusion. But it hardly mattered now. Oyaji would sort it all out once they figured this mess out.

"So what are they then?"

"Scared," Thatch told him.


The team had stocked up on supplies at the last town they had been at, and the empty crates had been piled against the lower mast to deal with at a later time. And it looked like they had just become the perfect hiding place for the young fugitives. There was just enough space between them for a cat or perhaps three malnourished children to crawl underneath them and hide.

"You three can come out," Marco told them. "We aren't going to hurt you; you have my word." There was no sound from the pile. Not that he expected that to work.

"Can you help me move the boxes?" He asked the men who were gathering around. They agreed all to readily, picking the empty crates up and stacking them on top of each other.

"We solved the mystery of if Luffy is a hybrid," Thatch said as he came onto the scene. "George told me that all three of them have legs. Apparently their fast."

"What's a hybrid?" One of the men asked.

"Pops will tell you later," Thatch told him as he moved to help them.

"Well that's interesting," Marco mused as he helped the man shift the box. Unaware that they were quickly coming upon the chosen hiding spot.


They scattered like mice the second the box was lifted. The pirate had been right, all three had legs. Although fast as they were it was clear to Marco that Luffy was the slowest. Meaning he was still unused to his legs. And everyone knew it, that was why his hand was clutched tightly in the black-haired boys as they sprinted towards the railing. The pirates split up to grab them, half of them chasing the blond boy who had taken off in another direction and the others going after the two.

The first one to grab them was in for a nasty surprise as the sharp teeth of the blond came down around his hand. The man let go startled and Sabo once again took off across the deck. Undeterred more men closed in on the other two but they were held off by Ace when he let go of Luffy's hand to launch himself at them with an angry cry.

"Go Luffy!" He snapped.


"Luffy run," Sabo screamed at him from across the deck.

The seemed to restart the little one's sense of urgency as he turned away from his fighting brother and sprinted over towards the railing of the ship. When his path was blocked by the group he switched his course to the opposite railing.

Marco and Thatch abstained from the chaos not wanting to add to the little one's stress. Although it seemed to both of them there was an easy fix to stop the chase. Even if neither liked it.

"Do you want me too-?" Thatch began but Marco shook his head.

"No, I can handle it." He knew how fond of them Thatch was. Leaving him where he was Marco quickly made his way to the opposite railing, hopping over the crates with impressive agility just as Ace freed himself from the group, wiggling and punching his way out of their grabbing arms as he dashed over to the railing, every muscle in his body posed to jump over. Similarly, Sabo had reached the railing, far enough away from the pirates that he would be in the ocean before anyone could try to stop him. But he hesitated there, railing gripped in his hands as he watched the carnage around them. Marco knew who he was waiting for.

Luffy had stumbled on his unfamiliar legs, hitting the deck. Although he was quick to scramble back to his feet as he kept running. He was a nimble little guy, dodging the pirates like they were stationary rocks on an unsteady ocean. Impressive as his learning curve was he was still the weakest link and everyone knew it, including him.

Marco intercepted him before he could come close to the railing, grabbing his arm in an iron grip

Ace saw this, and let out an angry noise. He climbed back over the railing furiously coming to his little brother's protection. On the other side of the ship Sabo hadn't moved but he made no indication to jump either, instead he kept his eyes firmly fixed on Marco.

"Hey it's alright," Marco reassured Luffy even as he moved his grip from his wrist to pick him up.

This further enraged his brother who screamed, "Let him go you Bastard!"

"It's Ace right?" Marco said making sure to keep his voice level. "Do you remember me?"

"I don't care who you are," came the angry response. "Put him down or I'll kill you!" Some of the men, approached the kid but Marco waived them off gently.

"I can't do that," He explained patiently. "I need the three of you to come with me."

"No way Human!" Ace snapped. "We do that and we are as good as dead!"

Luffy whined at that, shifting in Marco's hold until the man tightened his grip a bit. Not so much as to hurt the kid but rather keep him there. Still he felt Luffy trembling, like the last time he had picked him up. It seemed like he didn't enjoy the close contact with humans.

His attentional flickered over to the spot where Sabo stood, still clutching the railing, waiting for what happened next.

"What should we do?" One of the pirates asked Marco rather unsurely. They seemed to realize the children had more or less been neutralized and they didn't want to add to the chaos.

"We got it from here thank you," Marco said firmly his gaze never elaving the children in front of him.

"Like hell you do!" Ace growled.

"But," One of the men gestured to where Sabo was, one move away from escaping. Except he wasn't going to do that.

"It's fine," Marco assured them. He nodded to Thatch silently asking the man to deal with the blond and he agreed.

Ace, halfway to Marco froze when he saw Thatch approach his brother. He looked helplessly between them and a low growl ripped out of his throat. "Leave him the hell alone!" He cried as Sabo tensed up at Thatch's approach.

The pirate froze, putting his hands up in placation as Sabo tilted himself away, leaning off the railing and towards the ocean.

"Hey bud," He greeted as if they were simply having another one of their meal time conversations. "Can you come away from the railing for me?" Blue eyes flitted to Ace who shook his head vehemently.

"Why?" He said finally.

"You're a smart boy, you know why," Thatch told him.

"So you can sell us?"

"No! Of course not." Thatch told him horrified. "I thought we were past this bud, we aren't going to hurt you at all."

"But you won't let us go," He pried.

They had been over this as well. And although he was no doctor Thatch didn't even want to think about the harm Luffy had done himself stretching his injured tail into two injured ankles. The doctor was going to have a field day with this one.

Rather then get back into this old argument he held his hand out to the kid. "Sabo it's okay. You have my word we won't hurt your brothers."

"Liars!" Ace snapped.

Sabo chewed his lip, looking over at Ace helplessly. Finally he turned back to Thatch.

"Let him go first."

Both men knew that the second they did that the kids would be gone. But Marco nodded anyways putting Luffy down. The second Luffy's legs touched the floor he tried to bolt back over to Ace. Marco grabbed his shoulder gently but firmly to stop him from escaping which caused Ace to growl warningly again.

Realizing he was both a hostage and a bargaining chip against his brothers Luffy whined, scratching his little fingers against Marcos hold on him. But no matter what he did he was outmatched in strength.

Both men felt the child's helpless whine weigh heavily on their conscience, but his brothers reacted instantly. Sabo pushed away from the railing, avoiding Thatch with a noticeable margin as he headed straight for his brother. Ace did the same only hesitating when Luffy waved them off.

"Go!" He said to his brothers, sniffing a bit as his nose began to run. "You told me to run away no matter what."

"Luffy shut up!" Ace said in irritation. A sharp contrast to his protective actions.

"But you guys can escape and…and be free."

"We're not free if we're not together stupid!" Ace snapped again.


"Luffy shut up!" It was Sabo this time, imitating his brother. Apparently neither even liked hearing Luffy say it.

Luffy sniffed again, clumsily wiping his nose with his free hand. But Marco didn't lesson his hold despite his mixed feelings about everything going around. Even for self-proclaimed criminals this felt a bit…unfair how things played out for the kids.

Marco tugged his hand, gently at first then firmer when Luffy stayed rooted on the spot.

"Come on," He told him gently. "I know you don't like being picked up."

Luffy looked over at his brother who just nodded. After a moment of internal deliberation, he finally gave in, following Marco across the deck. The other two trailed behind as Marco knew they would, not willing to be parted from each other again. He had gone after Luffy to avoid physically forcing all three of them back into captivity, which was a sure way to get someone hurt.

Ace hesitated briefly at the doorway inside the ship but after a low growl he clenched his fist and bravely followed Luffy. Thatch waited patiently for him to move before following closely behind the two older boys, closing and locking the door behind them, trapping them inside the ship, and in their minds sealing their terrible fate.


I hope everyone is doing alright.


VampireApple : Thank you! This was so sweet. I am really glad you like it. I know it is kind of stupid, but it makes me happy!

Haha, thank you again. It seemed a bit like they were like that in the anime. Sabo and Luffy never seemed to fight like him and Ace did. I'm glad you think I did a good job! I promise to get into their back story a bit later.

Thank you for the nice review! I hope you are doing well.

too addicted to fiction: Thank you! They will eventually. But the kids are still a little too mistrustful of them to believe they didn't now about that. I'm glad you like it!

haso12123: Thank you! I'm glad you liked it!

Phonenix: Thank you! I'm glad to be original haha.

Samster7241: Aw thank you! I'm glad you think so haha.

kagome11: I'm glad you think so! Don't worry Ace is back with his brothers now so he can yell at them in person. I think they were too worried at getting caught, but he would have let both of them have it if they made it back into the ocean.

Right, I'm still so sad about that : (

He does! But he is a quick learner when it comes to athletic stuff! (Definitely not academic haha). And yes he did! Luffy missed his brother.

Thank you for the nice review!

Kitsune Foxfire: Aw thank you! I'm glad you like it!

Mel7200: Of course, thank you!

KingCat48: That's all right! It is my fault for being stupid haha. That is so nice of you thought thank you! I am really glad you like it, that is always good to hear. I will keep doing my best so hopefully the rest of the story is aright as well!

yukino76: True words haha.

Rahhpixy: Of course! And I am glad. I had a lot of fun writing that chapter! As I do all the chapters.

Buterflypuss: Thank you!

Guest 1: Don't worry it had not been abandoned. I just got caught up in some of my other stories. Never say never but I am sure I can handle this one, it won't be that long and I love to write! I am glad you liked it!

MelodiofHope: Thank you! Hopefully this chapter was alright. More on Teach later!

RIAEVANS: I'm glad! I hate assignment submissions (shudder). I had one today as well. Thank you for the nice words! I love to hear that people are enjoying them! It always makes it worth it to me : )

I know Defenders is a little dark. I like the write this one for the same reason haha. It always makes me feel better. But give that one another few chapters and the fluff will start to roll in.

(And AWW, that is so sweet to hear)