AN: Hey! I'm back to writing for this instead of using my pre-made chapters. So that means it could take a while for an update, as I want more pre-made chapters. So this will be updated! But NOT soon!
Please don't rush me kthnxbye.
Day 0.0.0
He didn't remember how, or what had happened. Whatever it was, it was okay, though.
The dark had suddenly broke, and there was light everywhere. It was scary. He kept hearing voices, and he thought they were scary as well.
They'd moved him into a little room - it looked so, so much better than the dark. It had some soft, flat thing at one wall that was nice to lie on, some weird thing that released water when he pulled at the handles, and several other oddities he couldn't remember much about.
They gave him food, three times per day, and even gave him very, very delicious treats sometimes. For no reason.
There were no tests. None. These were a different kind of humans, he thinks.
They called him 'kid', 'child', 'small-fry', and many more names. Each one with a small amount of affection, each one meant for him.
Some of the security guards would sometimes stop by and play games with him. Games he'd no idea how to play, like tic-tac-toe, and checkers. He loved checkers.
It wasn't lonely, like how he'd been before.
Heck, he could barely remember before. He did know that his bracelet meant something good, though, and it was supposed to glow.
One of the guards had looked it over, once, and said, 'wow, thats practically antique. must have gotten it from your parents, huh?'
He didn't know what parents were, but he nodded to the guard anyway.
He never had one, constant guard, though. There was always a new one to replace the last guard, and sometimes the new ones didn't spare him even a glance.
Some would tell him little things like 'don't worry, kid, your parents are out there somewhere', or 'chin up, little guy, there's still hope.'
There was indeed still hope, but why would they tell him his parents were out there? Were parents an object he needed? Strange, if so, because if he needed his parents, why couldn't he remember what it was?
Ah well. He doesn't bother asking. All that time being muzzled had harmed his voice to a point where it seemed nearly impossible to speak. Plus, he wasn't too sure how to form the words he'd really want to say, anyway.
So he lets the guards talk about his parents.
Why not? They're good company, after all. He didnt need his parents, whatever that may be.