The first time Jaden sees the two he's half asleep on the bus.
It was just another day in this gloomy country he happened to have stopped in. The money was a hassle to deal with and the people gave him odd looks for his speech and clothes.
But he ignored that and spent most of his time just sight seeing. However, he couldn't quite ignore the child with what looked to be a kuriboh currently eating an entire bucket of fried chicken. Rubbing his eyes to rid them of sleep he was quite surprised to see that the kuriboh wasn't a figment of his imagination. There really was a Kuriboh gorging itself on chicken.
Wanting to get to the bottom of this mystery he's found, he got up from his chair and headed over to the child.
"I didn't know Kuribohs could eat such a large amount of chicken." "Then you haven't met this one yet." The boy looked over to the side. Jaden was frozen at those sharp emerald green eyes boring into his soul.
"Who are you?" "Little old me? My name's Jaden Yuki, The next King of Games!" He struck a pose. "You seem more like a king of fools then of games." He toppled over. "You're so cold. What's your name?" He watched the younger stroke the fur of his Kuriboh. "I'm Harry. Just Harry." "Well just Harry, you seemed to be sitting all alone so I've decided to keep you company!"
"Will you keep bothering me with your cheerfulness?" "Of course." "Oh."
Harry, as Jaden realised after being forced to buy another bucket for the greedy Kuriboh, was quite a quiet child. And very small. For a five year old kid he sure was tiny.
"It's getting late, my uncle and aunt will start to worry." He said the words with such distain that Jaden thought for sure he was gonna start swearing.
"Ah that sucks, will I see you tomorrow then?" Harry seemed confused. "You actually want to see me again?" "Of course, you're one interesting kid." Jaden gave him a grin as they parted ways, unknowing of the bond beginning to form between them.
They see each other for several more days until Harry lets it spill that his home life isn't so great. It reminds Jaden of his own life and, wanting to not let that happen to such a bright child, bought him his first set of cards.
"These are really popular back home. Not so much here though." Harry gapped at the assortment of different booster packs and deck boxes he was given. "I know they aren't as cool as a toy-" "Thank You!" Jaden nearly fell over as the small body crashed into his own.
He gave a soft chuckle and ruffled the kid's hair. "It was my pleasure. Now come on, that deck won't build itself!"
"Harry, if I could take you away from this place would you come with me?" The longer he stayed the more he wanted to steal Harry away. He couldn't do that and risk charges, so he went with a different approach.
Little Harry with his doe eyes pulls at his heart strings. "you'd actually want me to come with you?" "I mean if you don't want to-" "No! I do! But, what about my current guardians? Won't they be mad?"
"Kid, they don't seem to care about you at all. I'd like to give you what I wasn't given until later in my life." "What's that?" "A friend."
Getting custody over Harry wasn't as hard as he thought, they just threw the child onto him and ran out the court room.
The two spent the next few hours signing papers and getting passports done before heading to Jaden's hotel room and sleeping the night away.
Harry Yuki, formerly Harry Potter, was ecstatic that he was leaving the country with his new father, shuffling his deck excitedly as he sat in his seat on the airplane.
Jaden himself was in a daze, him a father? That was a dream he thought was miles away from reality. But here he was now, sitting next to his new son and on a plane to his next adventure.
He let a smile grow on his face he watched the younger scold the Kuriboh in his lap.
"He eat all your cookies again?" "Yeah, the little greedy monster." It was said monster that led the two meeting, Jaden doesn't regret a single second.
Authors note: I'm not sure if this will stay a one-shot or if I should expand on it more.
Leave a message/like if you want me to continue.
Until then.