Disclaimer: No ownership of Pokémon or Chaotic.
Chapter 1: In the Mirrored Wall
The moon lit over a castle overlooking a glorious land and lake. In a tower and seeing veils of Aurora lights illuminating the night sky was an old blue man with a large white beard. He wore a blue wizard's hat and a blue cape over a dark robe. Joining him was a young light brown Minotaur woman with ram horns. "The Aurora Lights over Lake Ken-I-Po are beautiful," she awed. "Wouldn't you agree, Najarin?" The man in blue observed the Aurora Lights but wasn't too comfortable.
"I suppose, if the veil wasn't as bright, Katarin," Najarin grumbled. Katarin wondered about Najarin's study.
"Is that a problem?" Looking up at the Aurora Lights, Najarin's suspicions grew.
"I'm not quite certain. The lights are the brightest I've ever seen in my life on Perim." Katarin blinked to Najarin's concern.
"I do not understand. Are you implying that danger is imminent?" Najarin began to walk from the opening.
"I'm believing it is. I need to seek answers in my chamber." Katarin wasn't sure if the news was serious as Najarin made it out to be.
"Let me guess: You're going to use Song of Futuresight?"
"Correct. In times like these, a Mugic like Song of Futuresight will determine the danger necessary." In a chamber, Najarin looked around different heptagon crystals, all with no middle. He picked a pearl-colored crystal. "This will do." Katarin became more concerned with what may or may not emerge.
"Najarin, what if the Song of Futuresight produces nothing?"
"Katarin, I've known these lands much longer than you have. The brightness of the Aurora Lights do not illuminate without purpose." The crystal floated upward before Najarin emitted a form of energy. It seeped into the crystal. "Song of Futuresight! Show me the peril of what's to come!" The crystal sounded seven notes, then it shot a beam to Najarin. That's when he saw the future.
(Vision of Futuresight)
A massive lake emerged where many creatures attacked everything in sight. Numerous creatures clouded in darkness and shaped laid waste to anyone that can move. That's when a giant blue merman with a serpent body rose from the depths of the lake. He was muscular as well as somewhat transparent. "My freedom!" he bellowed. "I can now conquer Perim! No creature will stand in my way!" Creatures that came from the lake attacked anyone and anything that moved. A raven-haired green muscled man wearing golden armor and a black muscular devil-like beast with blue horns and lava-like glow on his chest stood no chance against the swarm. The merman cackled, his victory within his grasp. Then, a blue glow caught his attention. Below was a small silhouette with a veil of blue. "A new creature?" The merman reached down at the silhouette but the figure charged energy into its hands before releasing. The energies of both collided and light enveloped the area.
Najarin stumbled to where Katarin caught him. His face had panic written. "Najarin!" she called, worried to her friend. "Are you okay?" Najarin blindly grabbed Katarin by the horn to steady himself.
"I…" he struggled to talk. Katarin helped Najarin back onto his feet. "I must leave! To Kiru City!" Katarin wondered about the decision as Najarin started to exit his chamber.
"Kiru City, but why? What did Song of Futuresight show-"
"There's no time! I need to inform Maxxor! Perim is in grave peril!" Katarin couldn't just let Najarin dismiss her without an explanation.
"Wait for me!" She hoofed out the door. A danger loomed and Kiru City seemed to be in danger. In a cave somewhere else, five kids journeyed into walls where mirrors reflected walls across from each other. Three of them were blonds while two others appeared to be raven-haired twin boys. The blond teenage boy wore glasses and a teal jumpsuit while walking along a little blond girl in black tank-top and biker shorts with a white fleece like a skirt. He also had a wizard-like staff sticking out of his backpack. The little girl had a tuff of hair sticking out the side. The other blond girl had a darker tone than the first two. She wore a sleeveless t-shirt, red skirt and long black knee-socks. She also wore a red-pink fedora with a black stripe around the barrel. The two raven-haired boys wore blue short-sleeve jackets and denim pants. One had paler skin than the other. They also wore matching red baseball caps with a black front and a blue ball decals. On their shoulders were large yellow mice with lightning bolts for tails and brown streaks on their backs.
"Honestly, I'd rather have you than our Ash in this world," the older girl suggested. "But at least our Pikachu stays." The other boy's mouse squeaked confidently to the girl's word.
"Maybe," the darker boy sneered. "Though, it would make our lives easier if your Team Rocket kept ours here, if Clemont's right about the world's separating at sunset." The teen in the jumpsuit laughed to the comment.
"Trust me, Ash!" he scoffed. "I doubt I'm anything like Clemont in your world."
"True, you don't use inventions, let alone having them blow up in your face,"
Ash pointed out. His mouse looked around and ran to one particular giant mirror. It squeaked to alert the rest as they joined in.
"Is this it, Pikachu?" the little girl questioned. The pale Ash also recognized the mirror.
"It is, Bonnie!" he determined. "It's the one where I took Ash's Pikachu after mine ran out on me!" Pale Ash's Pikachu squeaked harshly to his discretion. "I know, and I'm sorry." Ash faced the mirror wondering what to do.
"Now, how do I make this work?" he pondered. After a minute, he turned to his duplicate. "You said that you wished for Pikachu after he ran away." Pale Ash nodded. That's when Clemont realized a method.
"Of course!" he snapped. "It's gotta be the strength of one's wish! Ash, try wishing for your friends. If our Ash wished for and got Pikachu, it's gotta work for you too!" Ash nodded as he faced and palmed the mirror. "Serena… Clemont… Bonnie… I wanna come back!" The wait for a reaction didn't last long as the mirror began to fluctuate. That's when the other side where Clemont, Bonnie and the other blond were, with more color than who Ash was with… and they became excited to see him,
"Ash!" they cheered.
"You're okay!" the blond young woman sighed in relief. "Thank goodness!" Bonnie and Clemont gawked to the sight of what looked to be themselves.
"This is beyond scientific belief!" he awed. "It's like looking into a mirror of myself!" Pale Ash wanted to hurry things up as the two doorways oversaw luminescent blue walls.
"We can explain everything but we don't have time!" he hurried. The doorways began to drift apart.
"The sun's setting, and we need to get Ash back to you!" explained Mirror Clemont.
"Our worlds have come together because of our hopes and dreams!" added Pale Ash.
"Come on, Serena!" the mirrored girl challenged. "Don't you want to travel with Ash?" Serena nodded.
"Clemont and Bonnie!" shouted Mirror Clemont. "Concentrate on your thoughts for Ash!"
"Dedenne, you too!" added Mirror Bonnie.
"You got it!" confirmed Clemont and Bonnie together. The doors began to come together.
"Serena!" yelled Ash. "Clemont! Bonnie!"
"Ash!" the other three yelled as they reached for hands. Just as they were within reach, the doors began to drift back.
"The sun's almost set!" warned Mirror Serena. Ash had no choice as he tucked Pikachu under his arm.
"Alright, time for desperate measures!" he grunted before making a leaping jump. Clemont saw the jump, but thought Ash wasn't going to make it due to the speed of the doorway.
"Clemontic gear on!" he summoned. "Activating Aipom Arm!" Ash believed he could reach as a mechanical arm emerged from Clemont's steel bag. Ash reached and Serena's arm extended without her falling over. They met but Ash's and Serena's fingers grazed each other. The mechanical arm shot out but stopped for some reason. "Not now!" Ash fell into the blue void and no one could reach him. Then the door suddenly started to close. Serena wasn't giving up and started to follow.
"ASH!" she shouted. Clemont's mechanical arm began to work again and caught Serena before reeling in and pull her back as the doorway shut. Not only could they not get Ash, but now they can't enter to find him. Serena reached the mirror again but all she saw was her reflection. "ASH!" She pounded on the mirror, cracking it with each fist smashing. The more she pounded the mirror, the more she began to lose hope. Her arm got heavy and she began to stop. Tears poured from her eyes as she fell onto her knees. "No… No! NO! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! AAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Her screams echoed through the cave. She began to cry, her bawls just as loud.
"Serena!" cried out Clemont and Bonnie. They reached Serena who was in grief and hysterics.
"I never…" she whimpered. "I never had a chance! Finally back together, I wanted... to confess to him! Now I can't! He's gone!" Clemont reached Bonnie who dove onto his chest and began to cry as well.
"Why did he go!?" she whined. Clemont's arms wrapped Bonnie to hug and comfort as a brown rotund hamster began to cry. It had a long and narrow black tail and had whiskers like antennae. It reached the mirror after watching it all and sniffed. It couldn't believe what they saw. Ash and Pikachu continued to fall for sometime.
"Okay, where's a bottom to this?" he wondered. "I swear, we've been falling for sometime." Pikachu squeaked to the wonder. "If there is a bottom, I hope it's water!" Then a light emerged from below. Turning, they found a light. "Hang on, Pikachu!" The two gripped each other as they hit and passed through the light. That's when they saw land below. The two saw a sea of trees, thinking the landing won't be soft. Ash believed the impact on the landing would kill him. "That's not good! At least you'll be okay!" Pikachu squeaked before Ash held him tight as the trees were fast approaching. They finally hit branches, breaking off from the falling human. Countless branches couldn't stop but did slow him down enough to where he hit the ground and was breathing. He couldn't move, not even his eyelids opened. He lied on a cascade of broken tree limbs. The impact and length of the fall also knocked Pikachu out cold. Apparently, they weren't alone.
"Did you hear that, Lomma?" a man asked. "It came from nearby." Emerging from in the trees was a blue panther standing like a human. He wore gold armlets and anklets to go with a harness on its chest. "Lomma, come quick!" Hearing the panther was a brown antelope with white hair and a green leotard. She also stood like a human.
"Looks like another player, Attacat," she scoffed. "I'm surprised he is alive."
"Humans can be pretty sturdy." That's when the antelope saw Pikachu. To her, something wasn't right.
"What's this?" She picked up Pikachu to which Attacat blinked.
"That's not a creature we've seen before. Can I have it, Lomma?"
"In your dreams. This can't be a Perim creature!" That's when Attacat felt something on Ash's head. Looking, he found blood.
"This isn't right! This player's bleeding!" Lomma gasped to the news.
"He's injured, that many branches…" That's when someone else entered. It was the green man from Najarin's dream. Instead of the gold armor, he wore a red tunic.
"What's going on?" he asked. Attacat and Lomma saw the green man.
"Maxxor, thank goodness!" sighed Lomma. "We found this boy and mouse here!" Maxxor came to Ash's unconscious body to observe for himself.
"I wanna say he's like the players we've seen."
"We thought so, too," Attacat acknowledged. "But this mouse is different!" Lomma showed Maxxor the mouse. Maxxor was taken aback.
"For a minute, I wanted to say he looks like Tom might have a brother." Maxxor nodded to what should be done. "Load the two into the cart. We have some healing mugic that will get these two back on their feet." Attacat and Lomma complied and stored them on a cart full of hay before Attacat and Maxxor started wheeling the two back with Lomma palming Ash's injured head. How will the two react to a new world?
(Before anyone freaks out, there's still some issues I gotta work with your choice in the poll that I need to kink out. Don't worry, it'll be ready by the end of the Little Mermaid.)