Welcome back.

Disclaimer: I do not own TMM Only that I wish I did, cause it would of gone a whole lot better. Sorry I/A shippers.

Pudding PoV

Me and my new friends Ichigo and Lettuce came upon two elves, Elves really do exist that means fairies do to.

"I know what we can do know, let go find some fairies" I explain bouncing up and down in excitement.

"Oh my goodness, you are so right!" Ichigo said darting around and that when we came upon a bedroom. It was so... Plain nothing exciting here whatsoever.

"New plan let make this bedroom into a rainbow galore!" I said confidently. Good job I had these pens and pencil with me, shame we don't have any paint.

A few mins later...

"I'm so tired, let go nap somewhere cause that bed is uncomfortable" Lettuce said sleepily, rubbing her eyes.

"Yeah *yawns*" Ichigo and I said falling asleep on the floor.

Pai PoV

I went back to the lab to check on the mews recently turned children 'this is gonna be easy finishing them off' I thought.

"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO MY LAB!!" I yelled so loud that Kishu woke up but that not all that I noticed, Kishu was now a child. "*yawn* where mummy?" Kishu said tiredly looking around. "Your Mum gone" I said blankly staring at the Kishu.

"M-Mummy gone" Kishu said getting tears eyed, who know has started crying. Crap...

Then the most horrific thing came into lab "What happened to you?" I asked looking at Toruto who is looking like a... I don't have the word to describe it. "Well the mews happened to me and why is Kishu a child is crying?" Toruto said annoyed "mummy gone!!" Kishu wept as tears fell down his face.

"What is the matter with you?" He said at me annoyed as he went over to calm Kishu down.

I went off looking for those pesky mews until I reached my bedroom. I walked in to find my whole bedroom covered in different colours and pictures of things on my wall! This caused certain events to happen, firstly I yelled like mad waking three mews on the floor, then I was jumped on by all three of them pulling my ears and then they decided to cry as they wanted to go to their mums and that where it happened I collapsed.

Well I know it short but please keep in mind I am doing a story called Tranformers: star-crossed but I will finish this one most DEFINATLY.