Return Home

(A/N: Did not edit this, not a lot of time today, so apologies for any mistakes made.)

Team Rocket's journey carried on in silence. They had little to say to each other. Little they dared to say. It was awkward to say the least, and James dreaded facing Hun. Hun had planned to talk last night, James knew, but he'd feigned sleep to avoid it. Hun hadn't bothered to wake him or try to call him out, but there wouldn't be any hiding from his okina kyodai for much longer. The more time that passed with Hun doing nothing, the tenser James became until finally he couldn't take it anymore. He gritted his teeth and he made the first move. Pursing his lips, he moved ahead of Jessie and Meowth and came up alongside Hun tentatively. Hun glanced over and slowed the pace.

"I'm ready now. To talk," James said.

"Hmm… Perhaps there's not as much to be said as I had first thought," Hun answered. "Every question I considered asking I've answered for myself."

"Distortedly or honestly?" James asked.

Hun was quiet. "What is the worst part of a story in your eyes, James? The introduction, the climax, or the conclusion?" the agent soon asked.

James tensed up, understanding the euphemism immediately. For a moment he was quiet. "The climax," he finally answered quietly. "I never experienced a story beyond a few pages before I put it down."

Hun's jaw twitched, eyes darkening ever so slightly. "Have you had thoughts of suicide recently?"

"No," James answered. "I promise I haven't. Perhaps every so often they make an appearance, but never with serious intent."

"Do you suffer depression still?" Hun asked.

James was quiet. "Yes," he finally admitted. "But it's not nearly as severe as it once was."

"Should you find those thoughts creeping up on you, or feel yourself becoming very depressed, you know where you can come, correct?" Hun asked.

James was quiet. "I know you want me to say to you, but… but there's so much you have to deal with already. You carry enough without me adding my burden to your load," he soon said.

"It's easier to share burdens," Hun answered.

"Except you haven't shared any of yours," James said. "I refuse to add onto what you already have unless you're willing to let me take some of yours in exchange."

Hun sighed. "I've dealt with my load, James," the agent said.

"Then why couldn't you talk about it?" James questioned.

"Because I will add no more to yours," Hun answered.

James started, then looked down sadly. "I want to be there for you. Like you've always been for me. Why won't you let me?"

"You have been there for me, otouto. More than you know. Do you know you are the sole reason I am alive today?" Hun answered gently. James looked up, a bit startled. "That day I found you freezing in the snow was the day I planned to end my life."

"What?" James asked, looking terrified and sick at the thought. Hun's jaw twitched, and the agent turned away, speeding up to catch up with Attila. "Hun, wait!" James said.

"I won't add anything more to your shoulders than you already bear! And you will come to me, James, when depression or dark thoughts consume you," Hun called back curtly.

James looked after the other in hurt, eyes quivering a bit. He clenched his teeth, eyes narrowing. "You won't even give me a chance to try and bear it! I can take it better than you think I can, Hun! I can!" Hun ignored him. James's mouth quivered, and he bowed his head low, closing his eyes tightly.

"James, what's going on? What was that about?" Jessie asked, coming to his side with Meowth.

"It doesn't matter," James said.

"James…" Jessie began.

"It's none of your business Jessie!" James said before breaking away from them to try and get some alone time.

Jessie tried to go after him, concerned, but Meowth quickly caught her skirt. "Jess, I t'ink we'd better let dis one go dis time," he seriously said.

"But…" Jessie began. She looked over at her partner and winced. Sighing, she bowed her head. "Alright Meowth, we'll do it your way," she murmured reluctantly. The moment they all were back at the outpost, those who needed medical attention were swept away, and those who didn't need it went their separate ways and collapsed into bed. James arrived last, Hun waiting worriedly for him until he returned. Neither spoke to one another as James arrived. Just shared a long look before James pushed passed and went to bed. Hun, head bowed, soon followed with a sigh through the nose.


"This is the full report then?" Pierce asked Hun.

"It is," Hun confirmed.

"It defeated all of you?" Pierce incredulously said.

"Perhaps you would like to take your team and see if you'll do better?" Hun answered, refusing to be cowed. "I much look forward to reading your report upon your return."

Pierce glared at Hun. Hun glared evenly back. "Geez, the sexual tension can be cut with a knife," Domino remarked. Both Pierce and Hun sweat-dropped and shot her unimpressed looks.

"There's tension, but I can assure you it's no more sexual than your tension with Hun is," Pierce bit. Which was not at all, let it be well-known.

"I had Butch review the injury reports filed. He was the medic on scene as Jessie was unavailable. Her location is stated in the report. To the best of Butch's knowledge, and mine and Jessie's from what she read and saw, the details are accurate and thorough," Hun continued, focusing on Pierce again. "The steps we took in our operation have been outlined and detailed. You've received the audio and video recordings we gathered?"

"We have," Pierce confirmed. "Giovanni will be pleased. We've also received the data you were able to collect. It will be most useful to the Science and Research Division. Professor Sebastian is pleased with your efforts. The executives are displeased you were unable to obtain the legendary itself."

"Understandable. Should it be required, I will face them personally," Hun said.

"Giovanni has taken your side and called them off. He trusts that what you collected won't be disappointing," Pierce said. "Excellent work, Alpha Team." Hun bowed to Pierce. Pierce bowed back.

"Well, great meeting between officers," Domino sarcastically said, sitting to the side with Attila and Tyson.

"Would you like to expand on what's been discussed?" Pierce questioned. Domino scowled but said nothing. There was nothing to be said.

"Hun's been sufficiently thorough," Tyson said.

"Alright then," Pierce said.

"Any further orders or need for us?" Attila asked.

"For now, no. Though should Mew show up again, the odds are very good you'll be called upon once more. Should any legendary besides Mew show up, expect a call as well," Pierce said. "Mew has become less of a priority of the boss's these days, as you're all aware. It is, however, still an important target, right up there with its fellow legendries."

"Should we expect a dressing down from Ariana?" Domino asked, grimacing at the thought.

"Attila and Hun maybe. They've caught a legendary before, so odds are she'll be on their backs for not being able to catch this one as well," Pierce answered.

"Rayqueza was a fluke, nothing more," Hun said.

"Then next time you run across Mew or any other legendary, I suggest you do your best to fluke your way into a capture again," Pierce stated. He saluted. They saluted back and went to join the others.


The others, waiting, looked nervously up. "What did he say?" Jessie asked.

"Are we in trouble?" James uneasily questioned.

"No. They're satisfied with what data we did collect," Hun answered.

"Den no one's gettin' de axe?" Meowth hopefully asked.

"Not as far as we can tell," Attila replied.

"So, then we succeeded?" Jessie said hopefully, standing up. "Are we going after it again?"

"You're eager," Tyson said.

"I want answers from that wretched little beast," Jessie replied. "Answers about… about my mother…"

"Chasing those answers nearly got us all killed," Domino said, glaring at her.

"Humph. Then don't follow me," Jessie said.

"Jessie, we can't go after Mew alone," James protested.

"I agree with Jimbo. We do dat and we're liable ta end up like your mom," Meowth said.

"With or without you two I'll get my answers one day," Jessie said.

"Don't let that day be today. Please," James pled, taking her hands in his and giving her a beseeching look.

Jessie hesitated then sighed, bowing her head. "Fine," she reluctantly relented.

"So, what's our next move?" Butch asked.

"We're free to do what we will. There are no further orders. However, be on standby," Hun answered. "For now, we have time to recover ourselves and prepare for the next job." The others nodded in understanding.

Days Later

Back at headquarters, Hun faced Giovanni. "You took a risk, Hun, in endorsing those nincompoops. Luckily for you it paid off," the boss said.

"Yes sir," Hun replied.

"Have you given any thought to the other mission we talked about? The malamar?" Giovanni asked. Hun was quiet. "Think harder," Giovanni soon said, frowning a bit. Hun nodded in agreement. "Now go. And send in James, should you see him."

"For what reason?" Hun asked.

"Is it your business?" Giovanni replied.

"More than you know," Hun answered, not wavering.

The two stared each other down. Soon a smirk crossed Giovanni's lips. "Not this time, Hun. However, I will assure you it's not with malicious intent I request his presence. In fact, it will be quite beneficial to him and Jessie."

Hun shifted, not impressed with the response, but soon relented. "Yes sir," the officer agreed, saluting.

"Dismissed," Giovanni said. Hun bowed and left to find James.


It wasn't long before James made his appearance, nervously peering in the door. "Um, boss?" he timidly and uneasily asked.

"Enter James. I suppose Hun is mother-henning outside my door?" Giovanni asked. James flushed and didn't respond. "I'll assume that means you don't know but do in fact suspect as much."

"Yes sir," James said.

"Hun is quite fond of you," Giovanni remarked.

"Yes sir," James answered.

"Your mentor took a big risk in endorsing you, Jessie, and Meowth like that," Giovanni said. "You might not have liked to see what would have happened had Hun's trust been ill-placed."

"You're bluffing!" James exclaimed, sounding a bit scared at that. He immediately bit his tongue, cursing himself for speaking out of place. "I-I mean…" he began.

"Breathe. It's nice to see you can grow a backbone," Giovanni bit.

James sweat-dropped. "Yes sir," he mumbled in embarrassment.

"You and your teammates did well," Giovanni said. "However, the report of the incident disturbs me. Jessie went after Mew alone and was injured in the battle, as I recall?"

"Um, s-something like that?" James answered a bit uncertainly.

"I was unhappy to learn how close she was to suffering her mother's fate," Giovanni said. James was quiet. Silently Giovanni summed him up. "I'm going to return something to you, James. To the both of you. The only reason I am doing this is so the next time you come up against a powerful psychic type, you will have a proper means of defense against it and be better able to defend yourselves and each other." Giovanni pulled out a box with four pokeballs inside, sliding them over

James gasped, eyes widening. "Sir, are these…?" he hopefully asked.

"Yes. The pokémon you collected in Unova. They will be more useful in your hands, I feel, than here. Take them. And take particularly good care of Jessie as well. The loss of her mother was a great blow to this organization. I don't want history repeating again, do you understand? You will do everything in your power to protect her," Giovanni said.

"Without fail, sir! Always," James vehemently replied, fists clenching in determination.

"And James, if you fail, it will be on your head entirely no matter what price your protector is willing to pay," Giovanni warned. James stiffened and swallowed nervously. "Now take these and go," the boss ordered.

"Yes sir!" James replied, saluting. Quickly he took the four pokeballs and bowed to the man, bolting without waiting to be dismissed. Giovanni frowned in annoyance but let it go.


James shut the door behind him and breathed a sigh of relief. He spotted Hun eyeing him dubiously and frowned. "You heard him. Entirely on my head, not yours," he stated firmly. Hun raised an eyebrow, mildly surprised at the vehemence in James's statement. "That especially means no making yourself a bargaining chip."

"Very well. I won't, however, refuse to help you should the worst happen," Hun said.

"If something happens to Jessie because of me, I'd rather you let what's coming to me come," James replied, looking grieved at even the idea of failing Jessie and losing her.

"Hmm," Hun hummed in response.

"Have further orders come in from anywhere?" James asked.

"No. For now it's back to the day in and day out," Hun answered.

"Oh," James said, sounding a bit disappointed.

"You and Jessie can go back to establishing Rocket throughout the regions," Hun said.

"And crossing the twerp and whatever group of friends he happens to have along with him, then being blasted off," James said.

"You, Jessie, and Meowth must quite like their punishment if you keep going back," Hun said.

"Did you just tease me?" James asked, sounding surprised. Hun didn't answer, playing oblivious. James frowned. "Laugh it up," he grumbled.

"I don't laugh," Hun answered.

James frowned at his surrogate big sibling, unimpressed. "Then whatever's the equivalent of it to you," he bit.

"You're learning," Hun said. "Be safe out there in the field, little brother. Good luck."

"You too," James said. Hun saluted. James saluted back. With that Hun left. James sighed and went to find Jessie. He smiled once more. He couldn't wait to see his Unova pokémon again, and he knew Jessie would be thrilled as well. The gang was all getting back together again. He couldn't wait to take them out into the field. The day in and day out maybe wasn't so bad after all.