Re-Uploaded because app only uploaded half of the chapter.
After a huge breakfast, who knew kid Ruby can eat more than Yang and Nora combined, Team RWBY and JNPR cleaned up and started heading towards their first subject of the day, Grimm Studies.
They entered the room and made their way to their seats and prepared their materials while Port was drawing a Grimm on the black board.
Ruby sat between Weiss and Blake with Yang sitting beside her. Just like the tables in the mess hall, the desk is too high.
"Uh guys, I cant see over the table." Ruby said getting her teams attention.
They looked at each other thinking until Yang stacked two books and handed them to her sister. "Here you can use these." She said.
"How is reading supposed to help me see over the table?" Her sister asked, her hands barely able to hold the books.
"You sit on them." Yang said plainly causing Weiss to gasp and a mild glare from Blake.
"That is not a proper way to use books! They should be held properly and read, not be sat on." Weiss said and surprisingly Blake agreed with her.
"It's not like we are going to need it during Professor Port's subject." Yang said before leaning in. "He'll probably start telling stories of his "youth"." Yang whispered.
WB realized that that is mostly likely going to happen and agreed for Ruby to use them.
After a few minutes, Port finished his drawing of a Deathstalker and turned around to greet the class.
"Good morning future huntsman an-." He started but stopped when he spotted Ruby.
The whole class looked around awkwardly.
"I see you have returned..." Port said ominously. This caused further confusion among the class.
Suddenly Port grabbed his weapon from the wall and gripped his shirt. "Now it is time to get my revenge!" As he said this he ripped his shirt from his body, exposing his hairy chest.
Weiss, Jaune and some of the other students shrieked in horror. Blake, Ren and others remained quiet mostly in shock. Nora and Yang where openly laughing out loud while Pyrrha, Ruby and the others covered their eyes.
"Now that you no longer have the element of suprise, you have no choice but to put your dukes up and fight me mano e mano." He said, weapon in hand and slowly walked towards the students.
Ruby who was peeking between her fingers noticed that their professor is looking at her. "Me?" She asked.
"Yes you! For years I have trained so that your tricks and traps can no longer fool me. Now prepare to fight." He said pointing at Ruby.
'Oh...Raven...' Ruby and Yang realized who Port was talking about.
"I think yo-"
The loud boom caused the class to stop dead silent.
Ruby looked behind her and saw a hole in a wall. She looked back in front and saw smoke exiting their professor's gun.
"No use using words!" Port said as an menacing aura covered him. He reloaded his weapon and raised it above his head. "Now prepare to face defeat by the hands of the great huntsman Port!"
The door to the classroom suddenly opened. In walked Glynda and behind her was Team CRDL looking like their souls are leaving their body.
Glynda looked at the scene. The classroom was dead silent, Port with his weapon above his head, without his shirt on.
The whole class heard a snap and it came from their Headmistress. Everyone started sweating while Team CRDL got into a fetal position and started rocking back and forth.
"What in the hell are you doing?" Glynda asked Port menacingly.
Port with wide eyes below his bushy brows swiftly hid his weapon behind his back and stood straight. Unfortunately for him, you can still see the weapon and Glynda is not stupid.
"Professor Glynda nice of you to drop by, I was-" He said nervously. Sweat ran down his face as he remembered that Glynda forbid him from taking off his shirt in class.
Port was covered in a purple aura and was sent flying out of one of the windows and into the forest surrounding Beacon.
Glynda let out a deep sigh then walked behind the professors desk.
"Due to some unfortunate circumstances, Professor Port is unable to teach class today." Glynda said causing some student to cheer.
They were silenced with Glynda's glare. "Fortunately, I will be taking over." She said causing some students to groan.
"Now, today we will be learning about-" she started and turned around to look at the black board. "The Deathstalker. Open your textbooks and turn to page 43." She said.
Ruby looked at the books she was using and saw it was her and Yang's Grimm studies book. "Aw men..."
"It's okay Ruby. How about you share with Weiss?" Yang said and Weiss agreed.
As the class began, Ruby was constantly leaning on Weiss' arm causing the heiress to blush at the contact.
Weiss heard a giggle causing her to look at her teammate and saw her attempting to grab the book.
"Pretty picture in book." Ruby said in awe causing the rest of her team to look at her in alert.
"Uh oh." Blake said watching Ruby stand from her seat.
Weiss thinking fast, grabbed Ruby and put her on her lap and handed her the book.
Ruby giggled as she look at the drawings of the book. The rest of the team let out a sigh of relief.
The class went on until Weiss felt Ruby wiggling on her lap causing her face to color like her partner's cape.
"Ruby." She said causing the girl to look up at with an adorable expression.
'Oh my god!' Weiss mentally squealed.
"Can you please not move too much?" Weiss asked hoping her partner would stop wiggling on her lap.
She waited for a few second for an answer.
"Okay WeiWei." Ruby answered and stopped wiggling but leaned further back until her head was resting on Weiwei's breast.
Weiss almost passed out from cuteness when her partner gave her an adorable nickname. She didn't notice her partner leaning on her chest. She then wrapped her arms around Ruby and gently put her chin on top of her partner's head.
She was no longer paying attention in class and was daydreaming about Ruby calling her by her new nickname.
In the forest around Beacon.
Port landed face first on the ground. After a few seconds he suddenly stood up and spit out dirt in her mouth. "Damn you, you have bested me again but I will be victorious next time." Port said shaking his fist in the air.
Hello everyone, I hope you are doing well. I just want to say stay at home and please wash your hands. Keep safe guys.
About the story, I've been thinking of removing the storyline and just make it random scenes. Please let me know which you prefer.
During this whole lock-down and social distancing, I have been writing a bunch of stories but cant upload it cause to me, they are terrible.
Please leave a review. I love reading them and it gives me even more motivation to write.