I own the plot nothing else

Bella's face scrunched in confusion for a moment before understanding dawned on her and she looked down before tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. Meeting his gaze shyly, she mouthed.

I had to.

They were both silent before she placed a hand on her heart and patted it twice before mouthing.

She's my sister. I couldn't leave her there. I would have done it even if she had been a perfect stranger.

Jasper was very quiet when he said.

"I love her like a sister."

Bella nodded indicating that she knew that before looking back down at the vest. When she wouldn't meet Jasper's eyes again he began driving to the hospital. As he had before, he made sure they weren't being followed, and noticing Bella falling asleep fought the grin that he found wanting to overtake his features. Taking a deep breath, he shook the thought away. He was serious, calculated. He rarely smiled, but this woman...she made him want to smile and that was dangerous thinking. He'd found himself irritated with her last night, but almost proud that she'd bested him. Not many people were able to throw him off or alter his plans, but she had and he'd had to admit she did a damn fine job of stitching him up. He had barely felt them tug at all. Biting the inside of his cheeks he silently shook his head against his thoughts telling himself that it was just Peter's teasing that had him rattled and thinking the way he was. He also ignored the part of his mind that told him that wasn't true.

When he pulled into the hospital parking lot, he turned his head over to Bella, only to see her sleeping peacefully and had her hair fanning around her face giving her an ethereal look. Poking her in the arm, Jasper attempted to wake her only to call her name when it didn't work. After a few moments he shook her gently while raising his voice and she opened her eyes. Instantly, her eyes filled with tears and she began rubbing her eyes attempting to wake up. Ignoring the tugging in his stomach and forcing his hand back down to his side, he spoke quietly.

"I need to take you inside Bella."

Frowning at him Bella shook her head and attempted to lean back into the chair, but seeing Jasper's expression huffed silently and nodded. Stepping out and gathering Bella, they began the trek into the hospital and quickly made their way to where Bella would be receiving her treatment after they had waited for a bit. Seeing a blonde nurse approach, Jasper eyed her warily until he saw Bella's eyes light up as she waved. Leading her to a giant chair, Bella sat down before the nurse explained to Jasper what she was doing and asking Bella to remove her jacket.

Bella's face instantly clouded over and Jasper saw her eyes flick over at him. Pretending he had a text message, he pulled out his phone and locked eyes on the screen. Normally, he wouldn't have bothered to do something like this, but he knew they were on a timeline and if it made Bella more comfortable so be it. Hearing a rustle of fabric, he used his peripheral vision and glanced down at her arms and resorted to gripping his cheek with his teeth again to keep a straight face. Burns covered Bella's arms and wound their way up to her elbow and it was clear that Bella hid them as often as she could. Avoiding, her eyes when she glanced up at him again, he stood silently until the nurse pointed at the chair next to Bella's and told him that he should sit down. Turning and seeing Bella's arm safely hooked to the machine, he watched her close her eyes and nestle into the chair. Giving him a small smile the nurse walked away after placing a blanket over Bella which she instantly clutched and spread over her arms.

The room was silent for a long moment until a man with scars covering the left side of his face approached slowly humming. Jasper instantly stood up, but the man held both hands in a defensive position before humming louder and pointing to Bella who had opened her eyes and stretched out her hand, seeming to completely forget her burns. Stepping back and sitting back down, but pulling his chair closer to Bella, he let the man approach and watched as Bella instantly gave him an awkward one armed hug.

Neither spoke just enjoying each other's company until he began to hum again and Bella began bobbing her head with a big grin. After a few moments the nurse came back with her hands full and Jasper watched closely as she began hooking new things into the machine. The man scrunched his face making his scars pop out, but Bella just grinned and shook her head. Putting her hands on her hips the nurse smiled before saying.

"Are you charming my husband again Bella?"

Bella shook her head before looking around for a moment. Seeing what she was after Jasper pulled a small notebook from his pocket and handed her a pen. Giving him a grateful smile, she wrote.

Never Meg. I just like Erik's humming.

Before holding it up for her to see. The pair laughed before Erik noticed Bella covering her arms under the blanket again and he frowned.

"You tell me I'm brave for letting the world see me Bella. Don't be afraid to show you."

Looking away Bella clutched the blanket tighter and Meg said quietly.

"Erik it took years for you to get here."

He nodded slowly before speaking again and directing it at Bella.

"Bella has never shied away from my face or my deformity. She shouldn't be made to feel horrible about her burns. If more people were like her and loved and cared for people as they are, the world would be better."

Bella's cheeks turned pink at his words before she looked to Meg seeming to ask for permission for something. When Meg nodded Bella leaned forward wincing as the IV pulled and kissed Erik's cheek over the worst of his scars before leaning back and writing.

Your handsome the way you are. There's not a damn thing wrong with you

When they raised their eyes to meet hers she nodded her head sharply before offering a small smile. The couple in front of her looked as if they wanted to tear up and Jasper felt himself wrestling with his own emotions and getting irritated with himself. Bella had slumped deeper into her chair and was clearly having trouble staying awake, which prompted Meg to speak softly.

"The medicine is kicking in."

Rising Erik insisted Bella sleep though it was clear she was willing to fight it for the sake of visiting. After a silent argument in which Bella lost, she gave in and almost instantly fell asleep. Politely declining a blanket from Meg though it was bordering on freezing in the room, Jasper turned his attention back to Bella hearing her breathing deepen. Her arm was bent at an unnatural angle and before he realized what he was doing he had already straightened it back to where it was supposed to be. Jerking his hands back as though they were on fire, he was relieved when his cell rang and quickly answered.

"We have a situation."

Jasper sighed.

"What's wrong Peter?"

Peter sighed angrily into the phone before saying.

"Thanks to Bella, Charlotte has decided to stay and put herself in danger. I knew you calling her was a bad idea!"

Not waiting for Jasper to reply he hung up and Jasper took his phone and placed it in front of his eyes to be sure that really happened. In all his years of friendship with Peter, nothing like this had ever happened between them and he knew he needed to get to the bottom of it. Calling Peter back and getting his voicemail, he swore and instantly felt guilty when he saw Bella's eyes flutter open and look over at him worriedly. Ignoring her gaze he began to text Charlotte only to stop realizing that would make the situation worse. Thinking for a long moment he realized the only way to get to the bottom of this was to ask Bella. That presented him with a problem however, since it was clear she didn't trust him enough yet.

Feeling a tug on his arm, he pulled himself from his thoughts knowing it was Bella and turned. He noticed right away that when she gained his attention, she hadn't let go of his arm and he raised his eyebrows at her before she slammed her eyes shut in embarrassment and yanked her hand away. Fighting the urge to laugh Jasper asked.

"What did you need?"

A look of uncertainty crossed her face before a look of determination replaced it and she mouthed.

You want me to trust you right?

Jasper nodded and for a brief moment wondered if he'd been thinking aloud even though he knew he hadn't.

"It would make guarding you easier."

Rolling her eyes at him made him let out a slow deep breath before he paid attention to her mouth again.

I need a favor from you when we are done here. I need you to follow me somewhere. You said that you needed all the facts before going to my father and I believe you. This is me offering to trust that you'll keep your word.

Jasper shook his head.

"Compromising your safety is not trust. We've been lucky that we lost the tail last night. Driving around for no reason is asking to get found."

Narrowing her eyes in anger, she mouthed.

We won't be leaving the hospital. I need to show you something. If you want me to trust you, how about you trust me?

Shaking his head again Jasper spoke quietly.

"I don't trust anyone, but myself."

Seeing her eyes close in defeat and his curiosity beating at his mind, he thought for a moment before saying.

"I will let you take me if we do it my way. No questions, no backtalk."

Bella's eyes shot open before she she smiled and mouthed.

Kinda hard to backtalk when you can't talk

It was Jasper's turn to roll his eyes and he responded.

"You speak plenty Bella, just not with your voice."

Her smile faded and the impact of what he said hit them both. She understood that he had had a deeper meaning and she nodded before opening her mouth.

No one hears me though

Clamping his jaw, Jasper said nothing opting to nod instead even though they both knew that wasn't true and he chose to glance over at the machine which was signaling that her treatment was almost over. Turning back to her, he asked in French.

"Where do we need to go?"

She frowned at the sudden change and he asked again before adding.

"There are more patients being brought in and you don't know who you can and can't trust. Your friend's can be used against you at any time."

She gazed at the doorway before returning to him.

We need to go to the eighth floor. Room 430.

Jasper said nothing leaning back into his seat and thinking. He had meant what he had said to Edward the night before, help or no help, he would learn everything he needed to. However, if Bella was willing to help speed up the process, he wasn't stupid. Neither one said anything until Meg and Erik came back and Meg slowly unhooked Bella and helped her to her feet. Giving her a small hug and Erik giving her one as well Jasper led Bella out of the door only to stop when Bella yanked on his arm only to look apologetic when she realized it was his injured one. Pulling him closer to her to let a nurse pass, she mouthed.

We can't let anyone see us.

Saying nothing Jasper ignored Meg glancing curiously at them before wheeling Bella around toward the garage and taking a slower way to the eighth floor. When they got to their destination, he realized they had a stroke of luck. The nurses station was nowhere near the room and that would buy them time for whatever Bella was so insistent he see. They had only one close encounter and Jasper had quickly spun Bella around and leaned down, looking to any passerby as if they had stolen a moment to be together. He had heard the male behind him chuckle and mention how it was nice to be so young. When the footsteps had faded, he had looked down to see Bella's eyes had widened. Stepping back, he had said nothing before continuing to lead her down the hallway and silently slipped them into room 430 before he felt shock flood his system.

The room had a lone bed and the man in the bed was a face that he had come to know very well within the past couple of days. While he knew the man in question was safe and sound, his first instinct was to whip out his phone and call him to be sure. Looking at Bella and seeing her wiping a tear from her eye, he walked closer to the bed and stared silently into his face. The man in the bed looked exactly like Charlie's bodyguard Devin.