A blue haired girl with long hair was laying down on her bed with a sketchbook in hand. The night came over the city she lived in and with the rain pattering on her window secluded herself from the rest of the world. Her phone playing her favorite tunes for inspiration to fill up the sketchbook. The girl was dreaming about being a fashion designer. The pages filled with all types of outfits she loved and idea's she might incorporate in her outfits in the future it was a night like so many before and she wouldn't change it for the world.
Taking a glimpse outside at the rain she couldn't help but think about one of her friends and how he's doing right now. Unplugging one of her earphones she listened to the patter on the window. As much as Dawn loved the rain as an excuse not to go outside she felt sorry for one of her classmates who always went out at night in the weekends. And it wasn't to deliver pizza's to people.
Her classmate named Ash Ketchum has an unusual hobby compared to others his age. While boys like him normally did sports, videogames or watch movies on a Friday night, he did something more like a main character in all types of media.
Hearing a heavier tap on her window she looked outside and was expecting the rain to fall harder than before. But hearing a certain rhythm to it she knew there was a visitor for her. Putting her sketchbook down on the bed she went to her window and opened it. A figure dressed in dark blue with a same colored mask covering the face crawled into her room through the open window. Dawn sighed.
Removing his mask his jet black hair made itself into shape. The scars on his cheeks and deep brown eyes told her all about the identity about the figure.
"Hey Dawn." He always did this. Whenever there is a slow night and nothing else going on, a small visit to her room was always on his schedule.
"Are you here for another pit stop or something more?" Closing her window as she said this.
"Can't I visit a friend?" Being hurt that she's thinking he was being here for nothing more but emptying her fridge.
"You just want to wait till a big part of the storm passes by."
Dawn found it hard to believe that a noisy guy like Ash is as silent as a ninja when fighting crime. The boy she knew from elementary grade turned out to have superpowers of his own. The ability some old books call aura. Dawn always considered it a bit like magic at first, with illusions and all that. But after knowing Ash for so long she knew he will never lie to her.
"Can I get you anything? Some cocoa or hot milk?"
"I'm good. Just need to warm up a bit." Rubbing his arms over each other to heat up.
"Out of all the days to rain this hard."
Cursing his luck that it rained on the nights he's patrolling the city. As much as he wanted to patrol every night he can't because his grades would suffer. So Ash had to promise his mother that as long his grades at school were passable she would allow him to do his things at night in the weekends. During the rest of the week he had to study. A deal he accepted, better than nothing. He finds it a miracle in itself that she allowed him to do this.
"So what can you do with aura? I know you have it but you never said anything else about it." Dawn never asked him before what exactly his powers were. Now with a bit of time on their side and Ash having an easy night she might as well fulfill her curiosity.
"I can pretty much do anything with it. If I put an image in my mind and focus hard enough I can make about anything." Opening his palm up a small blue light shone from it. Dawn's pearl eyes being fully focused on the light she saw it take shape. A very small object with four sharp points started spinning inside his hand.
"A throwing star?"
"Comes natural to me. Might be from watching all those martial arts movies I did as a kid."
He never knew why he was better at making objects like weapons compared to the usual aura spheres old books talked about.
"Same as these." The star in his palm stopped spinning and he focused on another favorite of his. The star started to change into a long shape now.
"A knife?" Dawn could see him holding the energy on the supposed handle.
"The correct term is kunai."
Pointing out his little obsession with martial arts movies and foreign cultures. Ash never made it a secret that he wanted to go to those lands where they came from and learn from actual masters himself. Being self taught from watching movies can only get you so far. His heightened senses due to his aura gave him an edge in battle. Ash knew without it he would've been toast a long time ago.
"Can you make something for me? Out of aura?" Since he was here and he showed off his little trick Dawn's curiosity peaked.
"I can try."
"A penguin!" Her voice filled with excitement.
"Why a penguin?"
"Penguins are adorable! The way they wobble on their feet is just so cute!"
Ash knew she had a small, okay, rather big fascination with the arctic birds. Remembering their school trips Dawn always loved seeing the birds in the local zoo. Ash has never seen as much appeal in them as her. Each their own tastes he guessed.
"They're birds that can't fly. That's just weird." She looked at him with an annoyed look.
"I'm sitting with a classmate in my room who's a superhero/ninja at night and can fire lasers from his hands. Who are you calling weird?" The irony being lost on him. Looking at the stack of paper on her bed labeled 'Dawn's designs' he had a guess where Dawn's fascination came from.
"Admit it. You love them just because their pelt looks like a tuxedo. And we all know how much you love well dressed boys." He said with a sly grin on his face.
"I do not! I just want people to look presentable. You're lucky the school has a dress code or else I would give you a makeover during lunch break! Lord, knows you need one."
Dawn loved her friend very much but having visited his room and having seen the contents of his closet before, the boy's sense of fashion can only described by one word.
What she would give for a chance to pillage and clean his closet for just one day. If only she can get his permission for once which he furiously kept denying. Ash on the other hand knows how Dawn feels about his state of dress. And he did it on purpose just to mess with her and knowing how much it annoyed Dawn.
"Speaking of school are you coming to the basketball game tomorrow?"
Dawn asking him being one of the main cheerleaders for the team. The girl considered to be one of the most wanted girls at school with a popularity and beauty to suit. Yet she never dated anyone before much to the surprise of everyone in school. Although a large group of them has a hunch why.
"You bet! You know I love watching sports." Ash answered back, a fact that she questioned.
"You love the food they sell at the stands. You fell asleep the last quarter of a game after one of your nightly patrols."
"I fought a giant robot, robbers and some people who think car theft is just borrowing a car without ever returning it. It was a busy night." Somehow doubting his story about the giant robot whenever he brought it up, but he wasn't here to talk about the criminal activity in the city. He was here to talk about something personal.
"There's something I want to ask you." The blue haired girl told him to go ahead and that he can ask anything. They were always open to each other and if one has issues the other was ready to help fix them.
"You know that prom is coming up in a few months time and my mom is already pestering me about it. And thinking about it, it makes sense. Will you go with me to prom?" Her pearl blue eyes widened and her jaw dropped. Incredibly stunned that he blurted out something like that without difficulty. But fighting criminals on a weekly basis is nothing compared to prom requests Dawn guessed.
"A normal guy asks a girl with a letter in her locker or just personally at school in an elaborate way."
Her locker was starting to slowly get full of requests of people wanting to be her date. She found it a waste of paper and didn't find a guy yet who she would feel comfortable with for a whole night. It wasn't a priority for her just now.
"We just established I'm not normal. I'm the guy that shoots lasers. Pew pew." With his thumb pointing up as a sight and his finger as the barrel he childishly made noises that resembled the old sound effects in Sci-Fi movies.
Still a bit shook over his prom request this wasn't exactly an easy choice for her.
"Why now? And so early?"
"Better get it done and over with before people go crazy about it. Remember last year?"
Knowing exactly how hectic things can get by observing the graduates last year. People lost their minds it seemed and Ash even snuck into the school at night last year to find something that caused the hysteria. Coming empty handed he wanted to prevent himself from being a victim of it as well. Getting Ash his point across Dawn can see where he's coming from. Still it's a pretty big decision to make.
"I'll think about it. On one condition. You show me a penguin of aura."
"Might as well." Giving in to her request he opened both his hands and focused on the image of the penguin as best he could. A small statue started to erect from his hands and from memory it seemed like her favorite animal. Never having done one before he felt quite proud over his first attempt.
"That's a lousy looking penguin." Dropping his head in disappointment the small bird in his palms vanished. Having lost his focus the hero raised his head and looked at her.
"Penguins aren't my weapons of choice. What kind of superhero throws penguins at bad guys?" Excusing why it wasn't as good as she wanted it to be.
"It makes sense since you can't fly, just like them. You can't fly. Right?" Not knowing all of his powers so far she had to ask. Ash confirmed that he couldn't. Just because he has superpowers doesn't mean he can break physics. Gravity still is much a thing.
"If you ever become a super villain, I'll hurl a penguin at your head." Joking that his new weapon of choice will be her undoing one day.
"Maybe I am a super villain already and throw in some itching powder the next time in your mask when you aren't looking." Sticking her tongue out to mess with him.
"Announcing your evil plan is super villain 101. I knew there was something up with you." Giggling as sinister as she could, Dawn's attempt was pretty poor.
The sound of the rain tapping on the window was starting to get drown out. Replaced by sirens Ash looked out the window. Knowing what it meant he quickly put his mask back on and said his goodbye.
"Well got to go. Duty calls." He didn't get an answer yet from her about his prom suggestion but there were more important things right now.
"Stay safe Ash." Even knowing where he would be going she still hated it.
"I will. No need to worry." Using her own catchphrase against her. It always came out of her when people asked her to do something and seemed to be struggling with it. Reassuring that all is okay.
Jumping out back into the stormy night Dawn walked back to her window. Seeing the dark blue figure leap from rooftop to rooftop till he disappeared from view she had a lot to think about. Closing and locking her window she laid with her back on the bed staring at the ceiling.
"That's when I worry the most." He never had any major injuries so far and she hoped with all her heart it will stay this way for a long time.
Ash and Dawn were always best friends. Sure when they met as children they always stood up against each other but that was more the boys vs girls rivalry kids do when they are young. Growing up and working on a few school projects together they found it click and conversations between them became the norm. Working together was easily child's play for them and whenever there was a new school project and the teacher allowed people to choose their partners the raven haired boy and the bluenette were always on top of the list to pair up.
Like her, Ash is pretty high up the bachelor list the school paper recently published. He was a bit of an enigma at school though. He didn't have many friends but the ones he has, he's unquestionable loyal too. If you were Ash his friend and you asked the shirt from his back he would give it to you. He still made an effort to help out people who were getting bullied and stuff but being a true friend was considered a privilege.
Still going to prom with him? Her best friend?
Her friends at school always teased her that she's pretty much dating him already. Getting tired off it she always said they were just really good friends but they never stopped doing it. And if they found out about his prom question it will only get worse. The teasing she will get might've been unbearable.
"A superhero taking me to a prom?"
Not that she can tell her friends about it but it was a funny thought. The only fear she has is that during prom night something happens in the city and he stood her up. Did he just used her to get out if something…
"No. He would never do that!" Not even finishing the thought. The idea of him not making her night enjoyable was inconceivable. He always made the time for her so why won't he now? But a small little bug still niggled her thoughts about it.
"Maybe if I sleep over it for a night. After the game tomorrow perhaps away from everyone."
Whatever the case, she turned off her lights and crawled underneath the covers. Dawn needed a lot of energy for tomorrow and she wasn't going to be the one to let the team down.
The noise of the sirens started to get louder. And from his memory Ash can recognize he's moving towards the museum. Arriving on a roof across the historical building he can see that the police already secured the area, closing off the streets for civilians and traffic. A different alarm mixed in with the police siren came from the museum.
Jumping across the street over the roadblock the authorities set up, he made sure to dodge the searchlights scanning the building. Now safely on the roof, Ash started his search for the access points, the intruder might used. It didn't take long before an obvious spot presented himself.
Seeing a hole cut in the glass, he could see a grappling hook on the edge of the window with some rope attached to it.
"Guess he won't be needing this anymore."
Quickly reeling the rope in on the roof, Ash was certain that the thief inside had no way out but to go through a door. Unfortunately for the crook, on the ground on all exits a small force of cops will be waiting for him. Now with his escape route blocked off, Ash jumped through the hole in the window inside.
Using a complicated series of agile jumps on the light beams attached to the ceiling he made his way down to the ground floor of the museum. Landing perfectly on his feet, he stealthily made his way over to the source of the building's alarm making sure nobody saw him.
With a strong pace he made his way through to the museum. Checking every corner before rounding it, making sure the police didn't see him before the criminal. He didn't had to worry about anyone hearing him since the alarm was still wailing loudly hiding his footsteps.
The noise getting almost unbearable for his ears, he checked another corner. Seeing a person dressed in dark black in the middle of the room, it must've have been the originator of the alarm.
"Easy." Crouching down, step by step he made his way to the thief. The intruder still unaware of his presence only kept his focus on the display case. What was inside Ash didn't care. A simple chokehold should be enough to take him out.
Opening his arms he wanted to apply the hold and get it over with.
Right before Ash was going to apply it the burglar turned around and roundhouse kicked him into another display case. The glass shattering when his body flew into it, he was surrounded by shards on the ground. Groaning in pain he took a breather.
"What the!?" He's only been hit this hard before and he was pretty sure that the person he's thinking about wasn't the burglar. Standing up he dusted himself off. The blackly dressed figure stood there mocking him by waving his hand to come at him.
"Okay then!" Leaping at the crook with a speed not for a regular human, Ash punched him straight on the jaw. The black dressed figure now being flung back as payback for the earlier kick that send Ash flying. His body smashing into a wall, Ash felt a lot better. He didn't know who the figure in black is but hitting him felt good. He might've over done it a bit but at least the guy should be out cold.
The figure in black scraped himself of the wall. Standing in his own two feet the figure in blue couldn't believe it. Nobody ever got up from a hit like that from him before. The black figure leaping at the boy.
Taking a defensive stance the figure in blue blocked the left punch with his right arm. Ash now using his left swung for the crook. The black figure blocked it with his own right hand. Both letting go of their hands, they started throwing a series of fast punches and kicks. Each one exchanging blows that were blocked and countered Ash managed to grab one the punches the villain threw.
Using his technique and a combination of aura Ash judo threw the figure onto the ground. Now with the black figure prone, the boy wanted to put his foot down on his chest to knock the wind out of him. Raising it he started his descent to plant it.
The black figure rolled out of the way and Ash stomped on the ground. The thief quickly turned on his back and kicked Ash in the back of his knee. His knee being unable to hold Ash his weight he went down on one knee. The crook continued his turn and kicked him on the back making Ash fall down on his stomach.
"MOVE MEN! GET INSIDE AND FIND OUT WHAT'S GOING ON!" The unmistaken voice of the female officer rose above the siren. Ash lost his focus on the criminal and saw him running away from him. Using his aura he pushed himself of the ground to his feet in one fluid motion.
"Think fast!" Making a kunai out of aura he quickly threw it to the thief. It didn't hit him but cut open a part of his right arm. The kunai lodging itself in the wall of the museum, Ash got what he wanted. He might not be able to catch the thief but at least the police will have a blood sample to analyze for later on.
Chasing after him to not lose track he rounded a corner after the thief. But when he rounded the corner there was no sight of the figure in black.
"How did he!" No escape doors and no hiding spots. Hearing a crash above him he looked up.
"He jumped through the window! How!" The ceiling window was at least 15 feet high. No way he could've jumped that high onto the roof without any powers like he possessed. The young hero jumped up too and landed on the roof of the museum. Looking around for any trace for the thief he couldn't find any.
"He got away." Kicking himself mentally for letting him escape. He should've gotten him, no excuses. A guy who can keep up with his aura abilities was bad news. And the hero had an idea this wasn't going to be their only encounter. Leaping away from the museum before the police can suspect him. The last thing he needed is to be framed for the break-in.
The rest of the night was quite silent. No burglars or car thieves going about their business so the hero went back to his home and get a few hours of sleep in before the start of the school's basketball game. He did promise Dawn he will be there and he hated to let her down.
Climbing into his room, he took his outfit off and threw it onto the ground. The only other person living in the house knew of his nightly escapes in the weekends so there was no fear of his identity to be discovered once the blinds on his window closed.
"Ah!" Feeling his chest throbbing he clenched his shirt he just changed into. The same exact spot he got roundhouse kicked earlier in the night.
"That's strange. Normally the pain should've dulled by now." Now his right arm which he blocked a punch with started to hurt.
"I've never have been punched that hard before. Feels like I've been hit by a baseball bat." Wondering exactly why and how the clad figure was able to smack him around like that. Normally the smacking was a bit more one-sided. Tonight he had a real fight on his hands.
"I didn't even check what he stole."
He was really having a horrible night. Maybe because of the unexpected struggle taking place, he forgot it. Certainly the news might mention it after the destruction he and the crook did at the exhibit so he will find out about it eventually.
"I need to sleep." Feeling to tired to think about his patrol any longer, he let his eyes go shut and let exhaustion take him he fell into a deep slumber. The sun came up and people started their day while the city hero's night just ended.
The rest of the city people not knowing a new threat was just beginning.
So I just decided to start this AU of mine.
I know I promised the Mega Problems sequel first but I just can't do it. I'm burned out with Pearl Poke stories and at least this makes a nice little distraction and the Pearl juices keep flowing.
Unlike my other stories I'll try and make each chapter at least 4000 words. I want to make longer chapters and maybe my stories will be shorter in a way. So I won't update this as often as my other stories but I'll try and do at least one chapter a month.
We'll see how this goes, until then.
See you around.