Disclaimer: I should start by notifying everyone that I do NOT, in fact, own Overlord, much to the shock of you all.

"Teleportation"- Speech of the main character

"Teleportation"- Speech of everyone elsewhere

'Teleportation' - Thoughts

"Teleportation"- Spells


Arriving at the throne, I was still grinning like a lunatic.

'A PLAYER!' That was the only thought that continued to run through my mind. I had my suspicions that there could be others like me in this New World, but to find one so soon...Lady luck is indeed on my side.

"Ardat, I want you to summon our best information agents. I have a mission for them, perhaps the most important mission they will ever complete." I said as I sat comfortably upon my throne.

"At once Sire."

As Ardat left to begin the task I had given her. I started to ponder my next move. 'Obviously, I need to know more about this Momon. Finding his base will be one of my top priorities, as well as confirming if the woman with him is an NPC or another player. I'm personally leaning towards NPC if how subservient she was towards him was anything to go by,'

Pulled from my musings by the throne room's doors opening, allowing entry to 11 individuals including Ardat. One by one they approached before slowly going to one knee and bowing their heads in a sign of submission,

"Your Majesty, I have gathered those that you wish to speak to."

"Very good. I have a mission for you all that I consider of extreme importance." I paused for a moment to allow them toget their excitement under control. "During my latest visit to E-Rantel, I came across a being that I believe is from the world we all originate from."

Their heads shot, their face's showing only shock and disbelief. Ardat was the first to recover. "Sire, do you mean that disrespectful human trash, who dared to touch your person?"

"Yes, those 2 are the ones that I speak of. I suspect that the woman was a creation of one of the higher beings like all of you." motion for the kneeling figures to stand I continued " Your mission is to find out all there is to be known about them, their full names, base of operations, achievements. Everything. Leave no stone unturned."

A chorus of 'At once, Great One' echoed off the obsidian walls. I shooed them away with a wave of my hand, leaving only Ardat and myself within the throne room. Turning towards Ardat, I could see an almost sad look on her face."Ardat, what troubles you?"

"Sire, I only wish that I was more powerful so that you could entrust me with such important tasks."

I must admit I was surprised by her way of thinking. She is the only NPC I put any effort into crafting with any detail. The others are just templates I made hastily. Because of that, I have come to enjoy her presence.

"Ardat, I do not keep you by my side because you are weak. But because you are my most prized creation. You, who hold the most power in Hell other than myself." I said with a proud smile as I gestured for her to approach me. Slowly she stepped into arm's length. I reached over and placed a hand atop her head as using it; I began gently patting her like a father would a child.

A smile mixed with contentment and longing made it's way onto her face as pulled my hand away. "When the world falls to their knees in terror before me, you will be beside me the entire time."

"Yes, Si-Father," she said with a questioning look. I merely gave an encouraging nod towards her before falling into contemplation.

'Where did that come from? I always thought I was fine without any friends or family to call my own, however when Ardat called me Father I couldn't help but feel happiness I hadn't felt since I was a small naive child.' Steeling my resolve, I come to a decision.

"We will not be returning to E-Rental until we have more information on this Momon, so, for now, I want you to rest...Daughter."

The radiant smile she graced me with confirmed what I already knew. I finally have something to truly call my own."


A week had passed since I had sent out my agents to find anything they could about the other Player. The information they acquired Momon told me next to nothing about my target, he only recently joined the Adventurers Guild, so their fills had nothing of his capabilities.

It was only when an agent had overheard that a powerful mage had saved the Village of Carne from an assault by the Sunlight Scripture (an elite military unit hailing from the Slane Theocracy, or so I am told) defeating them with magic that was unheard of. The agent ventured to the village to attempt to learn the mages name, and learn he did.

Ainz Ooal Gown.

A name I knew well.

They were one of the top-tiered guilds within Yggdrasil. They began as Nine's Own Goal but slowly transitioned into Ainz Ooal Gown, building a place where heteromorphic players could band together to face the stigma of being seen as grotesque monsters.

No doubt all of the players knew of the inhabitants of The Great Tomb of Nazarick and their leader Momonga as they not only survived the most significant military offensive in the server's history but also had in their possession 11 World Items, the most any other guild had within the whole of Yggdrasil. (I didn't count as I was never in a guild)

Realising who Momon was put the biggest smile on my face to date.


An Overlord classed Elder Lich. A class that gave the player access to Ultimate Magics capable of bringing death to their enemies in an instant.

Now knowing who my prey was, I opened my inventory to grab one of my Wolrd Item specifically designed to counter such magic.

A pendant called The Bane of Unlife. It grants the wearer immunity to all Overlord based Ultimate Magic from all 3 different types of Overlords, The Overlord Wiseman, The Overlord Cronos Master and The Overlord General. (even tho the General Class comes with next to no direct death spells)

Securing the pendant around my neck. I cast "Gate" and looked over at Ardat "Come, Daughter, it is time for us to return to the human city. Oh, and before I forget, remember to call me Lord Lucifer when we are surrounded by humans." I heard a small mutter of "Yes Father" before we entered the portal.


Entering the almost entirely empty Guild, I found the receptionist in a panic. Seeing Ardat and me, she suddenly appeared before us almost as if she had teleported, "Mr Morningstar! I have an urgent mission! An unknown force is attacking E-Pespel, and I need someone to scout or otherwise disrupt whoever is doing it. All the higher ranking adventurers are already out on missions. You two are the only ones above copper that here, will you please take the mission?" She pleaded

"Yes, we will indeed take this mission. However, I do have a question, if we are able can we defeat the attackers?"

"If you by some chance you can defeat them, then by all mean do so. If you are able to, you will have earned yourselves a Gold rank advancement."

I gave a simple nod, before taking off in the direction of the front gates of the city. Weaving through the crowds of people we arrived in record time. Steeping towards the outskirts of the walls we cast "Summon Infernal Horse." 2 massive black horses with flame covered manes and tails came to being.

"Mount up Ardat, let us show these fools what it means to stand against Demons on the battlefield!"

I heard a reply of "Yes Father!" as we galloped towards the doom of our enemies.


We arrived just outside the armies range in less than an hour, with the combination of our mounts and an application of wind magic to lessen the wind resistance. The sight we saw had us sporting matching grins. A horde of hundreds of Goblins and Ogres were attempting to breach the city walls.

"Daughter, we are going to charge directly into their backs. Do not stop your attack until every last one of our foes is butchered." I ordered with authority.

Pushing my mount forward at a furious pace I let loose my "Aura of Despair" signalling the army of our approach. Unsheathing my sword, as I pointed it at my enemies while bellowing "IMPLOSION." A black sphere launched from my sword at an incredible speed, as it made contact with an Ogre the sphere expanded before collapsing in on itself decimating the landscape.

Over a third of the opposing were caught in the blast. Dodging bits of flying debris, I began swinging my sword from left to right atop my horse, cutting someone down with every swing. As I made my way through the swarm of now dead bodies, I spotted a Goblin dressed in dark robes at the front of the host, casting spells attempting to bombard Ardat as she swung her scythe leaving dismembered bodies in her wake.

Leaping off my horse in its direction, I slashed my sword while growling out "Suffering of the Damned." As soon as the spell touched the mage, he screeched at the top of his lungs in excruciating pain. Leaving the worm to suffer. I activated "Time Accelerator" before redoubling my efforts to lay waste to those that stand before me.

One by one. Piece by piece. I severed and guttered my opponents until… only one remained, the still twitching goblin mage unmoved from where I had left him. Stomping my foot, the beasts head shattered as my boot made impact.

A crank turning alerted me to the opening of the battered main gate. Cautiously a man dressed in steel armour made his way towards us.

"You have my eternal gratitude for saving the city," he said as he gave a deep bow. Straightening his back, he continued" May I have the pleasure of knowing our saviour's names?"

"I am Lucifer Morningstar, and this is Ardat Baal'Krux. We were sent by the Adventurers Guild in E-Rantel to provide aid."

"I shall inform the lord of the city, of the haste the guilds sent assistance. Once again I thank you for saving us in our hour of need."

Whistling for my horse, I climbed into the saddle before turning to the solider to reply. "It was our pleasure, we will be returning to E-Rental to inform them of our success."

Snapping the reins, we sped off to claim our reward for going above and beyond the original mission parameters.


When we turned in our mission the face of the receptionist was priceless. It took a full minute for her to recover from her shock. When she came back to her senses, she handed over our considerable pay as well as our new shiny Gold plates.

As we were exiting, I caught sight of someone I had been looking forward to seeing again.

Motion for Ardat to stop "Wait here. I wish to speak with 'Momon.' alone" Before I should begin to protest, I added, "You can keep an eye me if you wish, but I will see him alone, and that is final."

I stood in the middle of the path towards the guild. Waiting.

Gradually he approached, leaving his own companion behind. We stood still, assessing one another before I broke the ice.

"Momonga Class Overlord. The leader of the guild Ainz Ooal Gown." He flinched back in surprise.

"How do you know my identity?" He asked in a Demanding tone.

I merely grinned, giving nothing away. "Do you know my name yet Momonga?" He seemed to mull something over before answering "No, I do not know anyone called Lucifer apart from the fallen angel of myth."

I nodded "How about I give you one of my titles instead?" I persisted on without allowing him to answer. "How about… The Pay Too Win King?"

Momonga went stiff as a board. "Y-y-you are the P2Win King?" he asked as he took a step back.

I chuckled "Indeed that is one of my many titles. Did you know you are the only Player I have found?" I stated rhetorically "As a Player I want you to know, that one day in the future I expect a battle of the likes this world has ever seen."

Walking back to Ardat, I turned my head slightly to look into the eye slits of Momonga's helmet.

"Try not to Disappoint me when that day comes."


A/N: Alright another chapter down, bringing us close to 10,000 words. I'm hoping to continue the upload rate as I have recently injured my back and ill be off work for a short while.

Something I wanted to inform anyone that is reading Hidden Harbinger ill be putting it on the back burner for a while. This story will be my primary focus. However, I'm thinking of doing a Fate/Stay Night Gamer fic so, please let me know if you have any thoughts on the matter.

Alakrux Signing Off