I like my little fluff-trios this year, it seems. In fact, I seem to have made a trio of them. Ah well, I find my fluff very pleasant.

Still don't own stuff that isn't mine.


Beth was 27 when she met Mick. She said she'd give it a decade, then she was ready to be turned. When she got pregnant with his child, she had tried to discuss it with him, only for him to avoid the subject. Not one to be thwarted, she had instead reached out to his best friend, Joseph, to get a promise. He had obliged.

She did not know she'd end up there, that night just after dawn when they kissed in the protection from the blinds, taking up their "moment" where it had ended outdoors, but if someone had asked her right there and then, she might have guessed.

She would have known, had she not already decided, when she saw her girls grow up so quickly. She could never grow grey and leave him behind, knowing their children would grow old in turn, leaving him all alone (with Joseph, alright).

Their oldest daughter figured it out just before her eleventh birthday, and prompty decided that she'd become a vampire too, when she was a grownup. Joseph, of all people, and her had a talk, and she'd exited their kitchen stating she wanted her dad to turn her when she was 27. They left it there.

It was the oldest twin who found out last, and it was lucky, as by that time, she was the only mortal in the family. It was the worst moment of Beth's life, sitting in the raging sunlight with her youngest child bleeding out under her hands, having been hit by a speeding driver who hadn't stopped. Her husband had made it just in time, so close that had he stopped to ask or question, he would not have succeeded.

In the end, Mick had reacted on instinct, and they told their middle child about vampires when their seventeen year old youngest, her twin, was recovering from a transformation that was maybe early, but in the end successful.

In the end, a hundred years after the fact, Beth never needed to regret that she had met her vampire, or that she had made the choise to stay with him - in any sense.

Sitting in their parent's large, LA house, a stones-throw from Joseph's bachelor crib and the sea, being technically old ladies did not in any way stop their permanently 27-year-old oldest or her forever 31-year-old little sister from teasing the youngest twin - frozen at seventeen - that she was truly the "little" sister.

Joseph, who had once said that never procreating might be one of his few, forbidden regrets, would always comfort her in that situation, ever the uncle, ever their protector. Even when the girls got homes and lives of their own, as children do when they grow up - even if only to a certain age, with vampire parents - they knew they could always come back there, to their family, and they'd be safe. Forever.