Looking down at the man on the operating table, Law felt himself sweat. The young man had been shot in the stomach and right shoulder. They weren't fatal wounds but it was difficult to take out bullets from a person's body.

"Doctor Trafalgar, are you okay?" a nurse asked. He looked at her and nodded. He was fine but his patient was struggling.

Taking out the fourth bullet from the stomach, Law started to look for any harmed organs. He found the stomach, liver, kidneys, pancreas, and all other organs to be in tact. "None of the organs were harmed. He can be sewn up." Law was given a needle and thread.

Wanting some coffee, Law started to head for the break room. "Trafalgar." He knew that voice and groaned to himself. He turned to meet the officer's gaze.

"Yes, Smoker-ya?" He just wanted his coffee. "I need something to pick me up so make it quick." He got smoke blown in his direction.

"What is the condition of the patient? When can I talk to him?" Law turned away and went to the break room. He knew that Smoker was following him. He poured himself a cup of coffee and took a sip.

"He is in stable condition. He will be asleep for another few hours but should be awake before dark." He took another sip. "He was shot four times in the stomach and once in the right shoulder." Law thought for a moment. "The bullets seem to be from a .45 caliber pistol."

"Thanks for the information. His brothers should be coming any time now." Smoker turned to leave. "I would get there before they do. They might hurt him." Sighing, Law finished his cup and left the room. His destination was room 342.

Walking into the room, Law heard the even breathing of the patient. He was glad that he had come out alive and not have died in the process. He sat down in a chair on the other side of the room. He was tired but he had to wait for his brothers to get there.

A knock on the door made him look to his friend, Shachi. "Hey, Captain. The brothers are here." Law nodded and stood up. "Want me to send them in?" Law nodded and the other left.

After a moment, Law was almost knocked down by a kid coming into the room. "Where is he?! Sabo! Are you okay?!" Law had to hold the kid at bay in the doorway. He struggled against him. "Move! I want to see my brother!"

"Before you come into this room, you have to calm down. I will not have you harming my patient while he is healing." The kid immediately calmed down. He looked up at Law. Another kid joined him at the door.

"Luffy, I told you to wait up." He looked at Law. "Are you the doctor that helped my brother?" Law nodded. He was glad that this brother was a lot more calm. "Thanks."

"You are welcome." He moved out of the way so they could enter. The younger one was right next to the bed in seconds. "My name is Doctor Trafalgar Law. May I ask you your names?"

The older one nodded. "I'm Ace. The other is Luffy." Gesturing to the one on the bed, Ace told him his name. "The one you helped is our brother, Sabo." Ace looked worried. "What happened?"

Sitting back down, Law explained what had landed their brother in the hospital. "We had a call about shots being fired and a wounded man. He was rushed in bleeding from his shoulder and stomach. I was able to remove the bullets from his body and sew him up. His eye looks like it had been scratched so I bandaged that up, too."

Ace nodded. "Smoker had told us that Sabo was found at the corner of the street. He was bleeding while a man was running away. Told us that he was here and to be here as quick as we could." Law had to admit that he would have done the same thing.

"He will be okay but he has to stay in the hospital until further notice." Law rubbed a hand over his face. "You may come to visit whenever you want but please keep the noises to a minimum and no roughhousing around him." Ace agreed and Law left the room. He hoped that they would listen to him.

Later, he found himself in the room with his patient, again. The brothers were gone and it was time for him to go home. He was sitting in the chair from before. Sabo hadn't woken up that day. Smoker was upset but he understood that Law couldn't forcefully wake him up.

Staring at him, Law studied Sabo. He had wavy blond hair, sun-kissed skin, and a strong build. Law knew that he would recover fully even if it took longer than expected. He was exhausted from the day. Resting his head on the arm of the chair, Law slowly lost consciousness. He was glad to have some peace and quiet.

I hope you like this story. It was an idea I have had for a while. It is a Sabo x Law story. Please let me know what you think of it right now. If any of you have a good idea for a name, please let me know what you think the name should be. Have a pleasant day. Tatty-bye!