The next day, Ezra and Hera are in the medcenter of the rebel base. They are seated in a waiting area, when Sabine enters. Ezra and Hera both stand up. Hera embraces Sabine, then, Ezra does the same.

"So, what did the doctor say?" Ezra asks.

"They're letting me out, but I have to take it easy for a few days. Normally, I'd say the hell with that, but I feel like I just fought a room full of gundarks! My armor looks like it too!" Sabine says, glancing at the blood stains and scorch marks.

"I'm sure you have a new paint job in mind." Ezra says.

"You know me so well. What about my helmet?" Sabine asks.

"Ahsoka's still working on it. Should be fixed in a day or two." Ezra answers.

"Thanks, Ezra. Maybe I should go help her." Sabine says.

"Maybe you should wait a few days for that. You need to take it easy, like the doctor said." Hera says.

"You're right, Hera. At least I'm not confined to medical anymore. Any longer in this place, and I'd probably go crazy!" Sabine says.

"I don't think you have anything to worry about." Ezra says.

"You're right. I don't. Not as long as you're here with me." Sabine says.

"Always." Ezra says, as he takes Sabine's hand.

"Is that a promise, Ezra Bridger?" Sabine asks.

"Yeah. It is." Ezra answers. Sabine kisses Ezra on the lips.

"Glad to hear it. Now, tell me, what's going on? Did you beat Thana?" Sabine asks.

"Yeah, we did." Ezra answers.

"Ezra and Ahsoka kicked her ass. Zeb helped a little too." Hera says.

"Good. So, did you kill her?" Sabine asks.

"No. She's in a holding cell." Ezra answers.

"Do you really think you can change her, turn her away from the Emperor?" Sabine asks.

"It's too soon to say, but I certainly intend to try." Ezra answers.

"Are you sure about this, Ezra? It sounds a little...out there to me." Hera says.

"We are going to need her knowledge and her power if we are to deal with Vader and the Emperor. The only alternative is a long shot at best, and would take years." Ezra says.

"Darth Thana doesn't seem to be the type to cooperate with us." Hera says.

"Not yet." Ezra says.

"So, what's the plan?" Sabine asks.

"Ahsoka and I are going to handle Thana's interrogation. We've already gotten the okay from Mon Mothma." Ezra answers.

"Mon Mothma's back on base?" Hera asks.

"No. Leia contacted her, and all three of us spoke to her. Since we have Darth Thana on base, Mon Mothma's going to stay away for security reasons." Ezra says.

"What are they going to do with Thana?" Hera asks.

"The alliance council will meet on Admiral Ackbar's flagship in one week to discuss Thana. Until then, she'll stay in her cell, and only myself or Ahsoka will be authorized to visit her." Ezra answers.

"Only you or Ahsoka? No Alliance Intelligence?" Hera asks.

"The council is concerned about Thana brainwashing people, so they don't want her alone with anyone who isn't a trained force user." Ezra answers.

"Smart of them. Now, what about that Skywalker guy that she brainwashed?" Sabine asks.

"He's in a cell until he's free of Thana's control. Ahsoka and I should be able to help him." Ezra answers.

"Since you are here, and you are a Jedi, i figure that you'll probably want to train Luke." Hera says.

"Luke Skywalker is vitally important to the future of the galaxy. I'm no master, but I have to train him." Ezra says.

"You might as well be a Jedi Master at this point. You're the only trained Jedi left." Hera says.

"Bringing back the Jedi might not be the best thing going forward." Ezra says.

"What?" Hera asks.

"I've seen a...possible future where the Jedi return. There's peace for a while, but, ultimately, the Jedi fail again. So, I'll train Luke in the ways of the Jedi for now, but it might be time to start something new. I have no interest in repeating the failures of history." Ezra says.

"You look exactly the same as you did before, but the way you talk. You sound...older. Wiser." Hera says.

"I may have only been away for a short time, but in the afterlife, time works differently. It was actually centuries for me. I learned from many great masters of the force. What I learned, I intend to use to make the galaxy a better place. I will make some choices in the future that you may not understand, or agree with, but I will do what is best for the people. All of them." Ezra says. Hera hesitates for several seconds, unsure of what to say next.

"What...choices?" Hera asks.

"The goals of the Alliance may not be in the galaxy's best interest. Bringing back the Republic. Making things as they were. It won't work. Not long term. The galaxy needs something new." Sabine says.

"Sabine's right. Not the old Republic. Not the current Empire. Something else." Ezra says.

"Are you sure about this, Ezra? I don't think the Alliance will go for it. Most of them want the Republic back." Hera says.

"I don't know everything yet, but I know that this is the best course to take." Ezra says.

"I'm with you, one hundred percent." Sabine says.

"Thanks, Sabine. That means a lot." Ezra says.

"What about you, Hera?" Sabine asks.

"I don't know. I would like the Republic back, but if it fails again, what would be the point?" Hera asks.

"Exactly. There would be no point. All that effort, and all those lives lost, for nothing." Ezra says.

"You really think your plan will work?" Hera asks.

"There are...a great deal of things that could go wrong, but if things go the way I hope they do, then, we will have a better future. A galaxy at peace. Real, lasting peace. Not just for now. Not just for the next few years, but for decades. Centuries even." Ezra says.

"What part is Darth Thana supposed to play in this?" Hera asks.

"An important one, but only if she stops being Darth Thana." Ezra answers.

"That's the trick, isn't it?" Hera asks.

"Right now, she's insane. Drunk on her lust for power. If she doesn't change her ways, then she will one day be absolute ruler of the galaxy, and she will be the worst tyrant any civilization has ever seen." Ezra says.

"So, if she doesn't change, what then?" Hera asks.

"Darth Thana dies." Sabine answers.

"That's right. I won't allow that terrible future to happen under any circumstances. If Darth Thana doesn't turn, then I will kill her. I'm hoping it doesn't come to that. I'd rather free her from Palpatine's corruption of her mind." Ezra says.

"Corruption of her mind?" Hera asks.

"What she did to Luke, Palpatine did to her when she was four years old, after suppressing all of her memories. Of course, she's not aware of it." Ezra answers.

"So, she's just a pawn? To what end?" Hera asks.

"Palpatine won't live forever. He wants an heir, one that will rule the Empire just like he does. Vader isn't strong enough, and wouldn't last long as Emperor. So, enter Thana." Ezra answers.

"She's basically a slave with a...programmed personality. That's why Ezra wants to try to help her. Even after what she did to me, I still support his plan. If she were to actually be on our side, then…" Sabine says.

"We could win the war." Hera says.

"Exactly." Ezra says.

Dramatis Personae

Darth Thana AKA Jyn Erso (human female from Coruscant)

Commander Luke Skywalker (human male from Tatooine)

General Hera Syndulla (twi'lek female from Ryloth)

Jedi Knight Ezra Bridger (human male from Lothal)

Ahsoka Tano (togruta female from Shili)

Sabine Wren (human female from Mandalore)

Abeloth (female force entity from ?)

HK-47 (Jyn's assassin droid)

Commander Rex (human male from Kamino)

Captain Garazeb Orrelios (lasat male from Lasan)

Captain Alexsandr Kallus (human male from Coruscant)

Princess Leia Organa (human female from Alderaan)

Captain Wedge Antilles (human male from Corellia)

Lieutenant Tycho Celchu (human male from Alderaan)

Chopper (Hera's astromech droid)

Darth Sidious AKA Emperor Palpatine (human male from Naboo)

Any comments, suggestions, or constructive criticism is welcome.

Update-February 10 2019: This series is now on hiatus for a while. Part 3 is being written now, but it may be a few months before I post anything. Also, I have other stories in development that I would like to begin posting at some point.