After six months away from Imperial space, Jyn returns to Coruscant aboard the star destroyer Scimitar. Upon landing, she heads for the Emperor's office alone.

Upon entering the Emperor's office, Jyn sees Emperor Palpatine, seated behind his desk. She takes off her mask, then kneels on one knee.

"Rise, my daughter." Palpatine says. Jyn stands up. Palpatine stands up, and walks around the desk, stopping in front of Jyn. He says "I am pleased with the success of your mission. You have eliminated the last of the Jedi, and a traitor to the Empire. You have also dealt with the Chiss for their foolishness."

"The Chiss will no longer be a concern, father. I have left Admiral Rax and his fleet in Chiss space as an occupation force. The star destroyer Scimitar returned me here, and waits in orbit for further orders." Jyn says.

"Good. I will send the Scimitar away. I have another task for you." Palpatine says.

"Yes, father?" Jyn asks.

"We have not yet determined the identity of the rebel pilot who destroyed the Death Star, so, I would like for you to infiltrate the rebellion, and find this pilot. Get close to him, find out how he destroyed our battle station, then, eliminate him. It's time for rebel hero Jyn Erso to return to the land of the living." Palpatine says.

"Of course, father. An excellent plan. I have a suggestion." Jyn says.

"Yes, child?" Palpatine asks.

"In order to make the rebellion more accepting of my return, I should appear to have been imprisoned and tortured. I will convince them that I was captured at Scarif, and the fools will believe it." Jyn answers.

"Yes, I agree. A good suggestion. I will have you placed on Wobani, at the labor camp. Records will be altered to show that you have been there since being captured at Scarif. The rebels will receive this information, then, they will extract you from the labor camp, as gratitude for your efforts at Scarif. They will accept Jyn Erso into their ranks once more. We will learn the identity of the pilot, and all of the rebels other secrets as well, including the location of their new base." Palpatine says.

"Then, we will destroy the rebellion at last." Jyn says.

"Yes, my child. The alliance will fall. I have foreseen it." Palpatine says.

"How is the war with the rebellion going, father?" Jyn asks.

"Not well. Several worlds have openly pledged loyalty to the rebel cause, and have taken up arms against us. I have recently placed Lord Vader in charge of all military forces, and given him command of one of the new super star destroyers." Palpatine answers.

"What of the other Death Stars?" Jyn asks.

"The other two Death Stars are nearly four years from becoming operational." Palpatine answers.

"What about project Black Saber?" Jyn asks.

"Nearly two years from completion, unfortunately. For now, we will have to rely on Lord Vader's ability to deal with the rebels. Have patience, my child. Your mission may take some time to complete. You will need to be sufficiently injured in order to appear to have been tortured. Then, we will need to engineer your escape from prison. After that, you will have to earn the trust of the rebels, and get close to the pilot." Palpatine answers.

"I will do whatever needs to be done, as always." Jyn says.

"I know you will. That is why I trust only you with this mission." Palpatine says.

"It would be best if I left HK-47 behind. It would seem suspicious if I were to suddenly have an assassin droid in my service, and I do not believe the rebellion would accept such a droid." Jyn says.

"I agree. Your droid will remain here, and will perform missions for me. I will ensure that it contacts you as often as possible, but it will only provide direct assistance if one of us orders it." Palpatine says.

"Yes, father. Now, if I may take my leave of you, I should get prepared for the mission." Jyn says.

"Of course, child. You may go." Palpatine says.

Jyn bows to the Emperor, then puts her mask back on. She raises her hood, and exits the office.

One month later, General Hera Syndulla lands her ship, the Ghost, on the surface of the planet Wobani. Before exiting the ship, she addresses the small team of rebels on board.

"Alright, everyone. We know the intel. Jyn Erso is apparently alive in the labor camp, and has been here since Scarif. So, we find her, and get out." Hera says.

"The Imperial presence on this planet is minimal. It seems the Empire removed some of the troops a few days ago. We shouldn't have too much trouble." Commander Rex, Hera's second-in-command says.

"All the same, Rex, I don't want any unnecessary risks. Nothing fancy. Just find Jyn Erso, and get out." Hera says.

"Copy, general." Rex says.

"This could be a trap, Hera. The bastards have pulled stunts like this before." Captain Zeb Orrelios says.

"That's what I thought too when I first got the intel, Zeb. However, Mon Mothma wants to know for certain, and believes Jyn Erso's worth the risk. So, we're here, and we're doing this." Hera says.

"Ok. I've got your back as always." Zeb says.

"Alright, everyone, let's move out. Chopper, stay here, and watch the Ghost." Hera says, turning to her ancient astromech droid.

/Dammit./ Chopper says.

"I know you like to see some action, Chopper, but I need you to stay here in case we run into trouble. Can you do that for me?" Hera asks.

/Alright. I'll stay. I'll just kill any Imp motherfracker that boards the ship./ Chopper answers.

"Chopper! What have I told you about the language?" Hera asks.

/Sorry, mother./ Chopper says.

"This won't take long, buddy. I'll be back before you know it." Hera says.

/I'll be here./ Chopper says.

"Glad to hear it. Ghost team, move out!" Hera says, leading her team outside of the ship while Chopper stays behind.

The rebel team reaches the labor camp, and encounters only two guards on patrol along the perimeter. Rex quickly takes out both stormtroopers.

"Only two guards? Either there's no prisoners here, or the Empire is just getting careless!" Zeb says.

"Of course they're careless! A bunch of untrained shinies in junk armor!" Rex says.

"Alright, guys! We need to know if Erso's actually here, so let's get moving." Hera says.

The rebel team walks farther into the labor camp, eventually coming to a large building surrounded by several stormtroopers. Hera signals her team to stop.

"Alright, I want two teams. Rex, you take Kallus and Wolffe. The rest of you, with me. We'll take out the guards from two sides, and meet up at the entrance to the building. Let's move." Hera says.

The rebels split into two teams, and attack the stormtroopers, catching them by surprise. The Imperials are dealt with in seconds, and the two teams meet at the entrance.

"Alright, everyone, it's been easy so far, but it's not over yet. We don't know what's inside, so we go in quietly." Hera says.

"Standard Imperial protocol for a place like this is one guard for every four cells, and automated turrets in the ceiling. We should focus on taking out the turrets once we get inside." Captain Kallus says.

"You're right, Kallus. Rex, you take point. We'll follow you in." Hera says.

"Copy, general." Rex says. He enters the building first, followed by the other rebels.