Chapter 12. This is the last chapter! Huge, huge thanks to RandomDragon 2.0, RPM Shadow and Masters of Fire and Amber for your lovely reviews, you've really helped spur me on and filled me with confidence with this. Mwah x

She spotted them both stood over on the other side of the road straight away, the tall and muscular stature of Cole obvious next to the lithe, slightly shorter but more athletic build of Kai. Although not wearing his signature red Kai was unmistakable, even when simply dressed in a fitted grey shirt which had untucked itself from his dark slacks. But there was something very different in the way he was holding himself, posture not as upright, not as poised… she flinched as she saw Cole pick his friend up and then unceremoniously carried the struggling ninja across the road over his shoulder.


They were coming here.

She turned and went to push through the swinging doors into the kitchen, and then stopped, hand on the door. This was stupid, and they needed to sort it out. Skylor forced herself to calm, taking in a deep, slightly shaky breath. And turned around.

"What the heck Cole? I cannot believe you just did that to me!" Kai hissed at his brother as Cole dropped him back on his feet.

"Well it was kinda obvious that you were not going to walk yourself over here. I mean, seriously? Come on Kai, you're made of stronger stuff than this."

Kai's face dropped. Uh oh. Cole started to worry he had played this all wrong, but then he saw the subtle flare of the nostrils and the hardening of the eyes, amber flecks starting to flash. Cole smiled with relief. Ah ha, there he was, the pyromaniac and hot head they all loved. He was still in there.

"I swear to the FSM, if you carry me over the road again I will barbeque you." Kai folded his arms indignantly, scowling at his brother. "Just because you've got all this superior strength does not give you the right to…"

"Are you two going to stand out here arguing all day, clogging up my doorway, or are you going to come in and sit down?"

Kai stopped in his tracks and turned to meet her eyes as she held the front door to the flagship Master Chen's open. Her face was stoic, unreadable, and her tone business like. Kai swallowed and mentally told himself to shut his embarrassingly wide-open mouth.

"Well, he is." Cole pushed the fire ninja forward, into the open door. "I am not. See you later, Fireboy."

"Wait, what?!" Kai turned to Cole quickly, eyes panicked, but Cole was already striding away.

"I'm off to see my dad. I'll see you back at the monastery later." Looking over his shoulder and giving his bewildered brother a wink, Cole turned down the avenue and disappearing from sight.

Skylor placed a menu in Kai's hands and gestured to a booth towards the back of the restaurant. The one that he had always elected to sit at all the times he had come to see her, over all these years. He sighed and walked over, scooting into the seat, rubbing his free hand nervously through his hair. Skylor gave him a weak smile and then turned away, walking into the kitchen.

Oh please don't tell me she's just going to ignore me still? The thought spun around his head, and he put his head in his hand. This had been a huge mistake, and he was not going to sit here and be humiliated again.

He moved to get up but was stopped in his tracks as two drinks were placed on the table and she slid gracefully into the seat opposite him.

"I guessed cherry cola would be ok?" She murmured, sliding his drink closer to him but unwilling to meet his gaze.

"Fine, thank you."

This tension was almost unbearable, and it was all Kai could do to stop himself from just sliding back out of the booth and leaving.

"I'm sorry."

He looked up sharply, taking in her downcast face. Shakily, he reached over to her chin and lifted her face up, inhaling softly as he saw the tears on her cheeks. He gently wiped at them.

"You don't have anything to be sorry for. I misjudged, and I'm sorry for that." His voice was quiet and sincere, and it was his turn to look down.

"You didn't misjudge anything. And it's ridiculous really, as I, I really enjoyed spending time with you. Getting to know you better, and, and…" She stopped, lifting her gaze to finally look him in the eyes. Those deep, brown eyes with those elemental flecks of amber, swirling like flecks of gold. Oh, she had missed him.

"…and, I've messed it all up. I should have text you back, answered your calls... But I just couldn't. Because I misled you. I thought I was better than that." She got up, making to leave, but Kai's hand on hers stopped her.

"You have never misled me. You are the most independent and courageous person…"

"You don't want me and all my emotional baggage."

"Oh I absolutely do! And that was my mistake, forgetting about your past. And how it shapes you." She inhaled, narrowing her eyes and watching him wearily through those long eyelashes. He stumbled on hastily.

"What I mean is, I get that you have had to be strong for yourself, by yourself, for too long. You have never needed anybody, because there has never been anyone there for you to need. But, if you'll allow it, you can rely on me. I'm not saying you'll need me, but I'll always be there to, like…to help you and support you. You know, stuff like that. Oh, I'm not very good at this." He looked down and his shoulders drooped. Why couldn't he just get the words out properly, he was bumbling as much as Jay…

"I love you to."

He didn't dare look up. He must have misheard that, so he shook his head and gazed out of the window.

"Kai. I love you to."

Nope, he had not misheard that. He met her gaze, unblinking and steady, searching.

"I panicked. And I am so sorry. I've handled this all completely wrong…"

He cut her off with a sudden kiss, the hustle and clattering of the busy restaurant melting away. She smiled, not breaking away but leaning in, taking in that faint charred cedar smell and the softness of his lips against hers. Eventually they broke apart and she leant her forehead against his, closing her eyes and breathing deeply. Finally looking up at him, she gave him a quick peck before handing him the menu again.

"So are you going to pick something to eat?"

Kai leant back, smirking and peeking over the menu at her.

"Well I only came to perv at the owner. I heard she's hot…" earning him a quick whack on the arm from the red headed beauty. His beauty. His girl.

And that's it! I really hope you guys have enjoyed reading this as much as I have writing it! It felt right to end this here, but I do have loads of ideas for a sequel and other little stories whirling around in my head. So thank you, and good bye for now!