8/5/20 AN: There are after stories for the two girls and a bonus chapter for the main girl. Please give them a read once you're done with those routes.

Art is by GhostbyDaylight

Additional routes are complete, which take place during chapter 10 and it diverges from the main story to give focus to the other two girls instead.

One more thing to note, the Monika route spans for 20 chapters as it ends on Anniversary, so if you are reading up to Fate or Epilogue, just note there are more chapters to go from.

AN: This is my second and last fic on DDLC. It is a fall from grace to a slow build-up story, meaning all progress made at first will be lost a certain point in the story; thus leading to a gradual build-up of trust, friendship, and romance.

Constructive Criticism is much appreciated. Any ideas on how to help me improve as a writer is welcome.

Like my previous fic, I will be using the concept of an attempted harem. After all, true love is one and absolute. This time, however, is more refined and clear-cut than before.

Additionally, there is a chance that I might do smut or sexual content once the build-up is done. This will happen when they are adults.

It was a sunny day in August, my family and I have moved in almost a week ago.

In just one week, I was forced to move on and leave my friends behind.

My only form of communication to them was by Skype or more reliably, telephone.

After all, it has only been about four years since Skype was released, and the internet around our area isn't all that reliable.

But ever since we moved here, I refused to go outside, even though I loved going outdoors.

It was a strange, new world outside. So, of course, I was going to be intimidated.

To bide the time, I played with my toys or watched cartoons on the TV.

My two favorite pastimes weren't enough to quell my boredom, however.

And so, all I did was wander the house and rolled around.

My mother understood what I was going through, and periodically tried to get me out of the house and meet new people.

So far, I was successful in thwarting her attempts by finding something to do.

This time, however, I had absolutely nothing to do, thus allowing my mother to attempt to get me out once more.

"Val~! It's time for you to meet new friends! No use in staying in the house all day!" My mom called.

I gave an annoyed groan.

I jumped up from my resting place and ran out.

"But, mama! I don't want to go outside! It's all so scary! I don't know anyone from back home!" I yelled, running to whenever my mom was.

I saw her on the sofa, reading her favorite book, "The Precursor of Markov."

She chuckled and closed her book.

At this point, I would have just found something to do and avoid her.

Mainly, a new toy story idea would pop up, or a show I like would come on.

But, that wasn't the case today.

My mom patted a place for me to sit, to which I did.

Once I did, she rubbed my hair, letting her hand glide through it.

"Let me tell you a story, little Vally. When I was your age, we moved a lot. And each time I moved, I used to go outside all the time and explore, only this time it was permanent. And that's when I met your dad. As seven-year-olds, we did silly things like go on magical adventures, skip rocks over the water, climb trees, or even go hiking! I am sure that you will find someone that will play with you!"

I shuddered from the fear of meeting someone new.

"But I don't want to play with new people! I want to play with my old friends! And I am not seven! I am turning eight next month!"

I saw my mom give a deadpan reaction.

And then, she sighed at my reluctance to leave.

"Honey, as sad as it sounds, the only way you can play with your friends is by Skype or telephone. I know it isn't the same thing as playing with them when they are right in front of you." She stated.

I frowned, feeling sullen over the truth.

My friends were there most of the time so that we can play and go on adventures.

The truth on the fates of my friends hurt.

"Mama... I miss them." I muttered, lying my head on her lap, looking onto the distant door.

I felt my mother's warm hand caress my hair, soothing me somewhat.

"I know. I know it hurts to leave friends behind, especially if you are close to them. But the best thing you can do, Vally, is to move on. You can't hold onto the past, forever. You need to take the future into your own hands, deary. It's time that you make new friends, and enjoy what life has to offer."

I tried to consider my mother's word, but the only thing holding me back was the fact that I couldn't let go of my friends.

"It'll take time, Vally. Eventually, you are going to move on, stronger than ever!" My mom cheerily stated.

I looked up to her, seeing her caring smile.

"Okay, Mama. I believe you, but I am going to start tomorrow!" I stated, face-planting into my mother's lap.

She gave another sigh to my acceptance.

We then heard the door unlock, causing me to bounce up and run to the door.

"Papa is here! Papa is here! I know he will play with me!" I chanted.

The door opened, to reveal my dad wearing a business suit and carrying a suitcase.

He wiped the sweat off his forehead.

"Wow... today was a long day!"

He visibly brightened when he noticed me and picked me up, holding me in my arms.

"Hey, sport! How are you settling in?"

I frowned at the mention of that.

"It's so weird in this place! I want to play outside! But, I am scared of making new friends! So I was hoping that you would play with me!"

My dad chuckled at my little tantrum.

"Eh... maybe later, son. Why don't you make new friends outside, as your mother said?"

In response to his answer, I pouted and crossed my arms.


My mom walked up to him and kissed him on the cheek.

"Hey, Deborah." My dad greeted, kissing her back on the cheek.

"Ah, Harold. I missed you! What would you like? Would you want some dinner? Want me to ready a bath? Or... do you want me?"

My dad smirked at my mom, to which I had no idea why.

He leaned and whispered:

"I'll take you on." He winked, causing my mom to giggle.

I cringed at his choice.

"Ew... Papa! Are you going to eat Mama?! That's disgusting! Why don't you eat some dinner and take a bath at the same time?!"

Both of my parents' faces turned a deep red.

My dad cleared his throat.

"Um... that's a good idea! Why don't you go outside, son? I'll meet you there, once I am done... eating. A-And was taking a bath! Haha..."

I didn't get why they were acting so funny but ultimately brightened up at the thought playing with dad.

"Fine! But you better hurry, dad! I'm going to the park to play with rocks and trees, all to make my newest adventure!"

I got off my dad's arms and ran towards the exit.

"Don't wander off too far!"

"Try your best to stay safe and not get hurt!"

I opened the door with newfound vigor, causing it to swing right open.

My energy to play couldn't be contained, and I ran outside.

I yelled into the sky.


I ran as fast I could to the park, hoping that I would break my record of running speed.

The air was fresh, the smell of pine trees, and orange skies made me more excited to play.

I can't wait to play with Papa!

We can play ball!

Push me on the swings!

Buy some ice-cream!

And maybe skip some rocks!

Once I made it to the park, I realized there was no one in the slides, monkey-bars, or water-showers.

Every kid around my age started to walk with their parents home.

I frowned at the prospect of making new friends, despite my initial fear.

I still wanted to play with them, however.

Even if I was scared.

I decided to wait for my dad to come over, so I planned on playing with the swings for the meantime.

As I walked over to the swings, I saw a girl.

She was wearing a white dress with a white hair-bow, in her coral, brown hair.

That girl was sitting on the swings, motionless and leaning against the supports of the swing to lay her head on.

Should I talk to her?

She's so lonely...

And I want to be friends with her.

I want to have fun with her as well.

She's a girl in need!

In need of a friend and having fun!

But what if she doesn't want to play with me?

What if she doesn't like me and walks away?

Mom and Dad said that I should always try, no matter what.

So, here goes nothing!

With a positive outlook on the situation, I walked toward the swing.

She was still dragging her feet across the ground, tracing the grass and dirt with it.

With a smile, I sat on the other swing to her left.

The girl immediately looked to her left and saw me.

She had a small frown to which was replaced with a smaller smile.

I mentally readied my self and greeted her first.

"H-Hello! My name is Valkyrie! What's yours?" I enthusiastically greeted.

Her smile started to brighten a little more.

"H-Hi... my name is M-Monika." The girl answered.

I continued my pleasantries.

"You look a bit down! Want me to help you with the swing?"

She looked reluctant, unsure if she wanted to play or not.

"Do you want to play with me?" She asked back.

I nodded.

"Yep! It must get pretty lonely sitting here all by yourself! So let's play!"

Her small smile started to brighten.

"Um... Okay!" Monika answered.

I jumped off my swing and grabbed onto the supports of her swing.

"Ready?" I asked, before commencing.

She looked back and nodded.

"I am ready..." Monika said, with a great sense of confidence.

It was a confidence that she knew of and could draw upon.

And so, I pulled back as hard as I could, walking backward too.

Once I gained sufficient distance, I let go.

The swing set started to creak slightly, indicating that she was now moving.

Monika took off, exerting her weight to move higher, and then leaning back to gain more speed.

I continued to push her so that she can go higher and higher.

Each push elevated her to new degrees.

The rush of the swing caused her to become happier and happier.

I enjoyed giving her the rush of speed and momentum, causing me to also happier.

It didn't take long for her to start giggling.

A giggle that also made me happier as well, and allowed me to enjoy the moment.

"Hehehe~! Higher! Higher!" She chanted.

I started giggling along with her, now entirely happy that I was successfully making her happy as well.

Once she didn't need my help, I jumped on my swing and started to gain speed as well.

Taking a few steps back, I brought my legs up and pushed up.

After a few seconds, I reached the same speed as Monika.

"This is fun with a friend on the swings!" She said.

I looked to my right, seeing her long, brown hair flowing across the wind.

I smiled at her.

"Yeah! Everything is fun with friends!" I agreed.

We enjoyed being the swing for a while, before getting bored of the rush.

I planted my feet down, to provide friction and to stop the speed.

Monika followed suit and jumped off gracefully.

"That was fun!" She said, enjoying our moment together.

I nodded to agree with her.

"Yup! That was fun! It was just like old times!"

She raised an eyebrow.

"Eh? Just like old times? Did you move here?"

I wringed my fingers together, nervously.

"Well... yeah. I moved here almost a week ago. And, I... I was scared to make friends. But, now I am not! Are you my friend, Monika?" I asked.

She jumped up.

"Yeah! We are friends!"

For the first time, ever since I arrived here...

I felt a sense of security and a stranger sense of camaraderie.

Monika then grabbed my hand.

"Come on! Let's play some more! Let's go on an adventure!"

I beamed at her, knowing that everything was going to be alright.


We ran into the woods but making sure that we were still close to the areas that we know of.

After getting a proper boundary set, we then played some imagination games, involving roleplay.

Roleplay such as me being a knight or prince of some sort, and Monika being a princess or a heroine in distress.

We used a large rock formation as our base of operations and carried sticks to fight off imaginary creatures.

But to make it seem more fun, the last fight involved fighting a dragon, or the most massive wooden formation we saw.

There, with our combined might, we broke the wooden dragon, we sat on the ground and laughed it off.

After we finished laughing, I looked to Monika.

She was smiling at me.

A smile that seemed almost perfect, but at the same time, so imperfect.

Monika caught onto my staring.

"What's wrong?" She asked, still smiling.

"Your smile..." I muttered.

That caused her to stop smiling and frowned again.

"Oh... I am sorry if it looks bad." She apologized, adopting a neutral-frown to cover it up.

I shook my head at her reaction.

"No, no! I like your smile! It looks good!" I assured.

My words had a strange impact on her.

Monika started to smile again but in a weird way.

"R-Really?" She asked.

I nodded.

"Yep! Your smile looks really, um... uh... hmm... what's the word? Oh yeah, cute! I like it!"

Monika for some reason had red cheeks but started to laugh weirdly.

"Thanks, Valkyrie. I appreciate it."

I waved my hand at her.

"Don't call me by my full first name, Monika. Call me, Val! But don't call me Vally! I hate being called that!"

She giggled at my outburst, giving me a toothy smile once she collected herself.

"If you have a nickname then I have one too! Call me, Mon!"

"Oh... Mon? Okay, Mon! I have a question for you! But... are you okay with me asking it?"

She shrugged.

"Yeah, I am okay! Ask it, Val!"

That pumped me up.

"If you want me to... um. Why were you sitting on the swings alone?"

Monika started to frown at that question.


She then looked away, with a somewhat hurt expression.

The way she frowned made me hurt as well.

I wanted to do anything I can to make her smile again.

"Well... whenever I talk to boys, they don't talk to me properly. Whenever I walk up to them, they mumble something and walk away. Or they ignore me. It kind of hurts when they don't talk to me. They... they never walk up to me and ask me how I am doing, or if I want to play with them." She explained. "Sometimes they bully me."

I couldn't help but widen my eyes from that.

Monika looked at me with warmer eyes.

Her frown was replaced by the smile I liked.

"Hey, Val. Did you know that you are the first boy to talk to me normally? You didn't walk away, or speak so quietly..."

I shook my head.

"No! I didn't know that! Um, do you know why they do that?"

Monika looked off into the distance again, the question hurting her still.

And each time she looked away, the pain I felt amplified.

"I don't know actually. It's also the same whenever I talk to some girls, but they think I am there to bully them. I want to play with them or maybe talk to them. They sometimes are downright mean to me and bully me too..."

I didn't get what she meant by "some girls."

Somehow, she knew what I was thinking.

"By some girls, I meant that some girls talk to me, but they look as if they are in a hurry. Those girls want to talk to me and then leave."

Monika mustered the courage to look at me again.

"That's why I sit alone, Val."

She crawled up to me.

"Can you be my friend, Val? Will you be there when I need you the most?" Monika asked, keeping an unsure frown.

I gave a toothy smile, warming her up inside.

"Yep! You're my first friend here, of course, I am going to be there for you! That's what friends do!"

She shined her smile back at me, causing me to be even happier.

"Thanks, Val!" She said, hugging me in joy.

It was somewhat strange for me to hug a girl.

I thought that hugging a girl would be the sensation as embracing a guy or my parents.

It was somehow warmer and more caring.

"You're welcome, Mon!" I managed to say, my words subtly becoming entangled by the feeling.

We looked up at the sky, and it was starting to become purple.

I pouted at the sight of the arrival of the night sky.

I looked down to her, to which I saw her still gazing.

There was a twinkle in her green eyes.

A twinkle that hoped for better days ahead.

I aimed to make that a reality, by being her friend.

"Mon, I think we should go home. Do you want me to walk you there?"

She shook her head.

"No... you don't have to. Where do you live? I think I live a bit far from you..."

I waved a hand at her dismissively.

"I live up the block! The park isn't that far from my home!"

She tapped her chin in thought, thinking about the location of where my home was.

"My home is in the same block too. Did you move in a week ago?" Monika inquired.

I nodded.

"Yep! I moved in a while ago, and I am still getting used to this place. It's too peaceful!" I replied, adding my input into the mix.

Monika giggled at my opinion of the neighborhood.

"I know! It's sometimes a bit too quiet! Why can't there be a parade, a march, or something?"

I shrugged.

"I don't know. That would be something that this place needs!"

I stood up and brought my hand up for her.

"Let's walk home together!"

Monika took my hand, to which I pulled her up.

She gave a little jump once she got off from the ground.

"Okay! Race you there!"

I gave her a competitive smirk.

"You bet!"

Both of us readied ourselves for the run of our lives.

I outstretched my leg to start on, and Monika followed suit.





We took off into a dead sprint towards our homes.

I was surprised that Monika managed to outrun me in certain points of the race, but fortunately, I had the stamina to outlast her.

In the end, I won the race by a mere second.

We made it to our homes, both of us breathing heavily.

Although, I was the one breathing even more heavily than her, as I rested my palms on my knees.

I looked up at her.

"Hey! Did you go easy on me?!"

She nodded reluctantly.

"Yeah... I had to. You were kind of slow! Hehehe~!"

I gave her a playful frown.

The sun has already set, as it was nearly night time.

"Maybe, I was! It's probably caused I was tired! Anyway, that's my house!" I pointed.

She gave an "ooh." at the sight of it.

"So I was right! You have to be the new neighbors that moved in! Now we can play any day!" Monika cheered.

"Yeah! We can come over to each of our houses, and play!" I cheered as well. "Um... are your parents going to let me?"

She nodded enthusiastically.

"Mhm! My parents are pretty cool! My dad is the head of a development studio! Are yours cool as well?"

I was shocked to know that Monika's dad worked in such a high position.

I nodded as well.

"They don't look the coolest, but to me, they are coolest parents ever! You gotta meet them!"


Monika yawned and stretched upwards.

"But can we do later? I am tired!" She said.

I also stretched with her, electing yawn from the pleasure it gave.

"Yeah, me too! Tell me whenever you're ready Mon!" I cheered.

We started to walk closer to our respective homes.

"Bye, Monika!" I waved.

She waved back.

"Bye, Val! Don't forget that you are my best friend!"

I lost count on being shocked.

Being called a best friend made my day.

I couldn't but smile at that.

"Okay! See you tomorrow, best friend!" I replied, going into my home.

I opened the door to see my parents in the dining room, eating and talking.

They were a bit red before I looked a bit embarrassed.

So, I innocently jumped in to show that I was here.

"Hi, Mom! Hi, Dad!" I greeted.

They jumped at the sight of me.

"Oh my gosh! You are dirty!" My mom said, walking up to me.

"Yeah! I played with my friend, today! She's my first girl-friend!"

My parents froze at what I said.

Both of their eyes widened to a significant degree.

I noticed their baffled expressions.

"What?" I asked.

My dad was the first to speak, clearing in his throat in the process.

"You have a girlfriend, sport?"

I assumed that they were surprised that I managed to find a friend.

"Yep!" I answered.

My answer caused them to tense up even more.

Luckily, I picked up on the clues they were giving me.

"Hey, wait a minute... I meant my first 'girl' friend! I don't see her like that! Yuck!" I elaborated.

They both gave sighs of relief.

"Oh... oh that's a relief. Are you two gonna play tomorrow again?" My mom asked.

I nodded vigorously.

"Yep! Monika is going coming to our house tomorrow with her parents! We are neighbors!"

My parents exchanged glances and leaned into each other.

"I forgot to introduce ourselves to our neighbors!" My dad whispered.

"Yeah, it's because you keep procrastinating, Harold! Good thing our son is doing that for you!"

"Aw... Deborah! Don't be like that! I'm sorry! It's just that work has been a bit hard, you know? I'm still getting used to everything!"

My mom pulled away from my dad and looked at me.

They weren't aware of the fact that I listened into their conversation.

"Let's leave tomorrow up to tomorrow, and you need a bath, mister!" My mom stated.

My dad got in the way of my mom.

"Hold on, Deborah. Let me make it up to you. I'll take care of this, relax for now, okay?"

She sighed.

"Fine, Harold. That's a good way to make it up to me. Just make sure our baby is squeaky clean!"

My dad grabbed my hand and walked me to the bathrooms.

"I will! Don't worry!"

After I took a bath, I ate, then slept.

While I was eating, my parents kept bugging me about what I did with Monika.

It was annoying on what exactly we did, but I didn't mind.

I had a lot of fun, so that's what matters.

Once I was done eating, I went to bed.

I laid down on my bed, in my pajamas, and heard my brother give a tantrum.

Everything is turning back to normal.

But instead of guy friends, I have a girl-friend.

And her name is Monika!

I can't wait to play with her and be her friend forever, and ever!

My parents kept talking about how it might go the next step, and "blossom into something more" but I had no idea what they were talking about.

I'm almost 8, so I don't care!

All I can think of is all the fun I am going to have with my friend!

My best friend!

With the thoughts of making a new friend and new adventures, I slept.

AN: I guess old habits don't die that easily, huh? Writing is something I find to be a hobby or a passion that I like. And so, I decided to write a bit on where I left off on, from my previous fic.

Though, I am not sure if I am going to continue this little one-shot. But I was planning on making this a short epilogue for my fic, do a bit slice-of-life here and there.

I'll see what happens shortly.