Hey guys this is my new story Rise of New Olympus.
It is a Percy Jackson (book) and Avengers (movie) Crossover. It's a different take than the other stories.
I hope you like it. Please review, I would like to know what you guys think about this story.
I also have a Percy Jackson and Harry Potter Crossover titled Demigods in Order of the Phoenix check it out if you want.
Update- A sentence was repeated so I removed it.
Gods appearing in this story are Hercules, Ares and Hestia. If you want to see another God, there is a Poll on my profile, check it out.
Third Person POV-
Natasha touched the cube with the scepter's blade and it stopped. She looked up, as the portal was closing Tony fell through.
'Son of a gun!' She heard captain over the communicator.
Tony was falling fast. 'He's not moving.' Thor said. Suddenly she saw a green blur catch Tony in mid air. It was Hulk, he caught Tony.
'Is he breathing?' Captain asked. Natasha held her breath.
'RAWWWR!' Hulk roared.
'What the hell?' It was Tony. Natasha sighed with relief. 'What just happened? Please tell me nobody kissed me.'
'We won!' Captain said.
'All right, yay! Hurray. Good job guys. Let's just not come in tomorrow. Let's just take a day. Have you ever tried Shawarma? There's a Shawarma joint about two blocks from here. I don't know what it is, but I want to try it.' Tony was rambling like his usual self.
But that wasn't the end. Tesseract started humming. 'Guys! Something's wrong. The Tesseract didn't stop.' She told everyone over communicator.
'What? What do you mean didn't stop?' Tony asked. 'I thought you said you could close the portal.'
'And I did, I closed the portal. But I don't know why it is doing this. Wait… Something's coming.' Natasha said as she saw a green ray of light coming from the east.
Ray of blue light emerged from the Tesseract and shot towards the sky. The green ray joined the blue ray above the Stark Tower. Tony came flying and landed beside Natasha. 'What did you do?' He asked.
'Nothing! I don't know how it started. The machine has stopped but the cube hasn't.' Natasha said raising her hands. 'It started humming on its own.'
Thor landed holding captain. Hulk landed beside him, Clint was on his shoulder. 'What happened Stark? Why is the Tesseract still active?' Thor demanded.
'Jarvis you're getting this?'
'Yes sir. I believe the Tesseract is trying to open a new portal. And it looks like the green light is somehow helping the cube to open it.' Tony's A.I. said in their comms.
Just as Jarvis finished a sonic boom was heard and a new blue portal appeared above the Stark Tower. Everyone got ready to fight another murderous horde of aliens. They were super exhausted but ready for another battle. But what happened next was unexpected.
Something fell from the portal, something humanoid. 'It's a person!' Clint said. Tony tried to fly but his thrusters broke and he fell. Next Thor and Hulk both jumped and bumped each other, missing the falling person.
*Splash* he fell in the pool and made a huge splash. He sank like a stone. When he hit the bottom, tiles cracked beneath him.
All the Avengers were surrounding the pool. They already cuffed Loki when he was unconscious.
Thor jumped into the pool and brought him out. Everybody was gaping at the unconscious person lying there. Because that person looked like a 17 year old kid. And that was not the strangest thing about him, they were surprised because the kid was completely dry and unharmed despite falling from a hundred feet into the water.
My luck has a way to F my life every time it gets peaceful. I was minding my own business when I got a summon from Hades, God of Underworld. I looked for Nico (his son) to take me there, but he was nowhere in the camp. I called Mrs. O'Leary (my Hellhound pet), but she didn't respond either. I was shocked because that never happened, she always comes when I call her. So I had to take a train to Hollywood (why? Because that's where the entrance to Underworld is). So I entered the Underworld and was walking towards Hades' Palace when suddenly something hit me real hard on my head. The blow was hard enough to knock me into the air. The last thing I saw before I lost my consciousness was a fading edge of the Underworld. I was falling into the Tartarus. Again!
My eyes were closed but I heard some voices. 'I still can't believe that this kid fell from a hundred feet and is still uninjured.' A female voice said.
'I feel the power of the gods radiating from the boy. I would like to learn more about the kid, but first I must take the Tesseract and Loki back to Asgard. I will ask my father about this.' A strong male voice said. And I lost my consciousness again.
I woke up holding my head, it felt heavy. Suddenly I remembered that I was falling into the Tartarus. My eyes widened and I looked around. I wasn't in the Tartarus ( how do I know this? Because I already took a trip there, I know how it looks like), but I was in a dimly lit room with bunch of beds. It must be some kind of infirmary, but it didn't look like Apollo's cabin because the walls looked metallic. I was the only one in that room, other beds were empty.
I felt sea around me. I got up and removed the green bed sheets off of me. My clothes were removed, I was wearing a green robe that normally patients wear in hospitals. I got off the bed and walked over to window, I pulled up the curtain and saw an underwater view. I could've found out where I was using my senses, but my head was still humming.
'You're awake I see.' A female voice behind me said. That startled me. 'I was worried, you were unconscious for a whole week.' A woman with short black hair in dark blue uniform was standing in the door. She looked familiar. 'Do you remember your name?' She asked me.
'Percy, Percy Jackson.' I said. 'Where am I? And where are my clothes? Who're you? How did I get here?' I asked her as she entered and sat on the chair beside my bed.
'Hello Percy, my name is Maria Hill and I'm an S.H.I.E.L.D. agent. You are currently on the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier.'
'Wait. What?! Shield Helicarrier? I'm confused.' I said Then I remembered that I was falling in the Tartarus. My eyes widened and I checked the pockets of my robe for my pen, but it had no pockets. 'Where is my pen? Where are my clothes? Give them back.' I got into fighting stance.
'Calm down Percy. We mean you no harm. We had to remove your clothes to inspect you if you had any injuries.' She looked alarmed.
'Why would I have injuries?'
'You fell from a hundred feet in the sky into a swimming pool.'
'Falling from the sky? That sounds about right. But I wasn't anywhere aboveground. I was in underworld when…' I touched the back of my head where I was hit. 'When someone hit me in the head and knocked me into the Tartarus. So this is not Tartarus?'
'Tartarus? No it's not, what is this Tartarus and where is it? You mentioned not being above ground, were you underground?'
'Sort of. Can I get my things back, I need some fresh air.' I asked her.
'Yes of course, but first answer some of my questions. Where are you from? I mean where do you live?'
'I live in New York.'
'New York? Do you have any relatives?'
'Umm… That is a little complicated, but yeah I have relatives. Can I get my clothes now please. This thing is a little uncomfortable.'
'Ah, yes of course. They are right there on the table behind those curtains.' I walked to where she pointed. My clothes were folded neatly in a tray. On my clothes was my new shield watch that Tyson gave me and my bead necklace. I put on my orange Camp Half-Blood T-shirt and the blue denim jacket. I checked the pockets of my jacket for my pen, fortunately it was there. I stepped out from behind the curtain and sat on the bed facing the woman.
'What is camp Half-Blood?' She pointed at the letters on my T-shirt.
'It's a camp that I go to, nothing special. That reminds me, do you know how I got here?' I asked her.
'Very well, let me show you.' She pulled out a stick of some sort and shook it once. A screen popped up from that stick. Woah! I thought. A video started to play on the screen. Camera was looking at a cube in a some kind of machine emitting blue light. 'What did you do?' A man's voice said in the video. Camera turned and I saw freaking Scarlett Johansson with panicked expressions. My eyes widened with surprise. 'Nothing! I don't know how it started. The machine has stopped but the cube hasn't. It started humming on its own.' She raised her hands. 'What happened Stark why is the Tesseract still active?' Someone asked from behind the camera. 'Jarvis you're getting this?' The camera guy asked.' After a moment of silence a sonic boom was heard. The camera looked up at a portal in the sky.
Third Person POV-
Tony, Banner, Natasha, Steve (captain) were with Nick Fury on the deck of the Helicarrier. They were looking at the kid who fell from the sky on a screen. Agent Hill was asking him questions. Everybody thought he was an alien like Thor, but he turned out to be a New Yorker. His name was Percy Jackson. He had messy black hair and bright sea green eyes. Nick Fury and Jarvis both searched for the kid on internet, but found nothing. This kid was a mystery to them.
Thor entered, 'Heimdall said he had never seen the boy and he can see every soul in the nine realms. My father said that the boy radiates the ancient power of the sea. He told me not to interfere in his matters.'
'Ancient power? What do you mean by that?' Captain asked.
'Power of the Gods. He may be a God or maybe related to them.'
Suddenly whole carrier shook. Emergency sirens blared off all around them. Intruder alert appeared on the screen.
'It's from the deck sir.' An agent said.
'Stark, Captain, Thor!' Nick Fury said.
'On it.' Tony said. He had brought his suitcase. He pressed a button and an Iron Man armour emerged from it. Tony put it on and followed Steve and Thor.
As they arrived on the deck they saw a brown haired man as big as Hulk. He was surrounded by agents. He was standing in a chariot pulled by winged lions. He was wearing the Greek styled clothes. Golden braces were on his arms and a golden circlet on his head. He was looked amused.
'Hercules?' Thor asked the man.
'Thor! My old friend it's good to see you!' He bellowed and jumped off of his chariot. He walked over to Thor and pulled him in a bone crushing hug. Thor looked so small in front of him.
I hope you enjoyed it. Sorry if there are mistakes, my first language is not English. Please Review.