Stuck for the Holidays

(A Smallville Fanfic)

"I need a hero…..I'm holding out for a hero til the morning light. He's gotta be strong and he's gotta be fast. And he's gotta be ready to fight…."

No, don't feel like listening to that. It's Christmas Eve for goodness sakes! Lois Lane pressed the Search button again on her radio in her Honda. Why couldn't she find the station that she wanted as she edged closer to the town of Smallville? Satellite signal wasn't that bad yet out in the boonies in Kansas.

"And you're listening to 92.5 Kick Country…..snow blizzard warnings are out for all of Kansas state tonight…"

Tell me something I don't know, thought Lois bitterly as she pressed the Search button again.

It would later be called one of the most violent winter blizzards in Kansas state history. In all, nine documented small towns would be snowed in and unable to get out. Destroying nearly five power lines and knocking down several tree branches. A few car accidents due to slippery roads would occur too, killing at least three. Lives would change forever when Mother Nature dumped 7 feet worth of snow on the poor Kansas state.

It had begun in an instant. One minute it was partly cloudy with just a sliver of sunshine. Not unusually so for December, but in the next, gale force winds, and blinding white snow exploded from the darkened sky. The system had blown in from Canada and was crossing the upper and middle part of the United States at nearly forty miles an hour. All at once, radio stations crackled with emergency warnings. People took cover inside. But some people were trapped on the highway. And one of those people was Lois Lane. Although, come to think of it….she had sort of gotten herself into this jam in the first place. If only her sister Lucy would've kept her mouth shut about her dangerous investigations that she was going on at her new job at the Daily Planet, and about some hack from Smallville named Clark Kent who somehow became her desk partner, that was now saving her butt every once in a while when the Blur wasn't. All at once her father, General Sam Lane, started firing rapid questions at her about the boy because he knew he was close to this so-called hero called "The Blur"…at least that's what sources had told him. And her father hated "The Blur" with a passion because he wasn't a hero that really showed himself to the public like the police and military. A vigilante is what he called him mostly. He also berated her for seeming to having a knack for getting into so much trouble and had she no self-respect for her body? How could she be so reckless?

Not wanting to spend the rest of her Holiday vacation (about a week) in a stand-off with her Father and Lucy, Lois had decided to leave the military base in a haste.

Now she was firmly in the midst and there was little she could do. Snow fell so hard in places and roads were so slippery that traffic slowed to five miles an hour. Lois held the steering wheel tight. At times it was impossible to see the road through the windshield. But stopping usually meant disaster because of the other vehicles on the road behind her. Lois leaned over the steering wheel looking for the dotted lines on the road. She found a few here and there.

Snow blew across her windshield obscuring nearly everything. Again, she pressed her radio button, hoping to hear a cheerful Christmas tune to get her through this blizzard. She wanted to stop at a hotel and sleep but she knew she didn't have enough money along. Maybe she could sleep at the Talon where her cousin Chloe Sullivan currently resided in the upper apartment above the coffee shop? Unless she wasn't home and was at her boyfriend Oliver Queen's place in Metropolis instead? Lois had the sinking feeling she probably should've called.

Chloe's new budding relationship with Oliver Queen also readied heavily on Lois Lane's mind. Chloe had not that long ago become a widow thanks to Doomsday killing her newly-wed husband Jimmy Olson. Thanks to the Blur though, Doomsday was no more. But Jimmy had sadly paid the ultimate sacrifice during the midst of the battle. Chloe had later found solace in Oliver Queen, whom was Lois Lane's ex of long ago. Lois knew she shouldn't be jealous of whom Oliver had chosen for his rebound girl after her. She should be ecstatic for the most part since she loved her dear cousin. And she was….it was just….something seemed a little off considering their relationship had started so fast. Oh, get a grip….like you haven't started a relationship fast! Her brain scolded her. Just look at Arthur Curry . Aqua Man who rescued you years ago from drowning in Crater Lake! You fell for him pretty fast….and Oliver Queen soon right after that quick split. Which was why she was being so hesitant now…since she had learned from those lessons…..even though she found herself starting to have warm fuzzies towards Clark Kent.

People were swerving all over the road as blind as she was. Lois was stressed from the storm, and wanted to take a sip from her Pepsi to calm her nerves. Her Pepsi sat between the emergency brake and the driver's seat. Quickly, she snuck a sip and hoped the extra caffeine would keep her focused on the road. A few minutes later, she was debating about reaching into her small coach purse for her Cell Phone so she could dial Chloe's number to make sure she was in fact at home above the Talon. Nah….she quickly changed her mind. That could lead to an accident if I don't focus. She didn't need another reckless move of hers chastised in the future by her father and sister. Lois was tired from all the bickering.

The asphalt was shiny and very black underneath the snow, having turned to black ice. A curve was coming and it was sharp. Lois realized a second too late that was she was going too fast and tried to slow down to make it. Futilely, she pumped the brakes. Lois screamed as she turned the wheel hard, the front tires sliding. Soon the wheels left the asphalt and with a WHUMP slammed onto snow. The car rocketed forward and slammed into a tree. Because her seatbelt was worn across her lap and not her shoulder, because it was an older version of Honda, Lois's head slammed into the steering wheel. Her world went dark.

A couple of hours later Lois's world came back slowly. On her tongue was the salty bitter taste of blood.

Snow blew in from an open crack on her window. It made her bones feel like ice. The wind was getting colder as she managed to stumble out of her car. A large cut was on her forehead from the dash board and steering wheel. Tentatively, Lois felt it with her frozen fingers. She wondered if she would need stitches. She hated going to hospitals. Her mother had died at the hospital when she was eight from cancer. A black and blue bruise was forming on her jaw though and her body was starting to ache. She really didn't want to reach into her small coach purse for her Cell phone and dial 9-11, even though she knew she probably should and have an x-ray done. Lois hated hospitals with a fiery passion.

Smoke filtered up from her engine. Her poor Honda car was wrecked. She needed to find help. Maybe she could convince the people of Triple A to help her out without calling for an ambulance for her.

Breathing in the deep cold air, Lois fished into her small coach purse for her cell phone to call Triple A. Her head throbbed with pain. If she didn't get help soon, she knew she could wind up with hypothermia or pneumonia depending on the cold weather. As her head throbbed, she hoped she didn't have a concussion.

Her phone read to her Call Lost and No Signal. Damn it.

It was then she noticed a snowy dirt path leading off to her right. In the distance she could barely make out a yellow house and red barn. Alongside of its beginning was red mailbox marked Kent's. No way….was the stunned thought that crossed Lois's mind. Now there was a stroke of luck! Maybe…..Desperately, she hoped that both Clark Kent was home from Metropolis and his mom Martha Kent was home from the Senate to spend the Holidays together. Hopefully, there she would find help.