The following is a fan-based story. The Angels of Death game, manga, and anime with the exceptions of OCs is all owned by J.C Staff, Monthly Comic Gene, Makato Sanada, and Hoshikuzu KRNKRN. Please support the official release.
The following takes place during the Angels of Death storyline, so some scenes may or may not be altered. If you are not a fan, than I advise you not to read ahead.
For those of you that are sensitive, this story may contain very strong languages, suggestive themes and disturbing moments. Can't say that all three of these things are in there, but just to give you guys a heads up in case it does have em.
(Opening Theme: Shiki Opening 1-Kiss Performed By BUCK-TICK)
Sometimes you can find the light… In the most unexpected places.
"-Freak! Ugly!"
"You don't belong here."
"Red eye freak!"
"It's because of you they're dead!"
"You're a cursed child!"
"-Nothing but a tool-"
"It was her! She did it!"
"Someone call the police!"
"Get this freak out of here!"
"I didn't do this! Please! It wasn't me!"
"Kristen Waterson… You're under arrest for-"
"Let me go! Please! Help me-!"
Young Kristen let out a groan as her vision was a bit of a blur at first. She found herself strangely enough on a soft bed, and a window with a view of the night sky. This left her confused though as this place had been unfamiliar to her; She sat up from the bed as she found herself staring at a full view mirror, revealing her short black hair and red crimson eyes; She had an outfit of a black t-shirt and short long sleeved gray hoodie with the sleeves slightly ripped up. She looked around the room, raising an eyebrow as she did while she got herself up off the bed, noticing that there had been a table as well.
"... Where the fuck am I?"
She looked to the window and noticed how the moon looked. In all honesty it didn't look real to her as she tapped on what she assumed was glass.
"It's fake…? Is this some sort of prank?"
She soon looked to the table and saw what looked to be an assortment of two weapons and a gun holster; A combat knife that looked to be military issued, and a standard pistol with extra bullets, a bag and a knife holster that could wrap around her leg. She took hold of the two weapons and looked closely at them.
"Okay, that's not unsettling at all… But I might as well take them."
She put on the gun holster and put the gun in it's compartment making sure it was her size, and placed the combat knife with the sheath that was provided on the table. She than wrapped the knife holster around her right leg, before putting the knife in its put the extra bullets in the bag before she threw it over her shoulder. Fixing herself up before she walked out of the room through the only door that had been provided in the room.
She looked down the dark hallway and a bunch of cameras placed on the ceiling, practically everywhere actually. She still couldn't help but wonder exactly what she had been doing there in the first place as she thought to herself. Though it hadn't been long before she recalled, at least a little bit.
"That's right… I was at the police station… But… I wasn't supposed to be there."
As she went further down the hall she noticed another open door. She didn't think much of it, until she heard a groan. She quickly made her way towards the sound and looked inside. There she saw inside she saw a child, a girl with long golden hair with blue eyes; she had on a shirt with black and white stripes and a black choker; she also had on a pair of black boots and a small messenger bag.
"... Where are am I?" The girl said.
It hadn't been long before she notice Kristen at the door; she jumped at the sight at the sight of her, while Kristen didn't seem phased. "Who… Who are you?" The girl with golden hair asked fearfully.
"I should ask you that." Kristen said as she stepped into the room, "Though it's safe to say that you're not the one that put me in this place, even if it was a prank." The girl looked to her fearfully, but her expression softened slightly.
"You didn't take me here did you?" The girl asked with a suspicious look on her face.
"If I did, I probably would've acted like a generic super Villain." Kristen couldn't help but joke, "But I might be just as confused as you are."
"Oh." The girl said sadly.
She soon approached her, keeping herself at a respectable distance as not to frighten her, "... If you don't mind me asking… Do you remember how you got here? Because I can't seem to recall myself."
The girl with golden hair shook her head, "... I'm sorry, but… I just remember being in the hospital for concealing… and that's it." She looked down at her feet, "My mom and dad are probably wondering where I am right now…"
"Right, of course." Kristen said, rubbing her head a little before she mumbled to herself, "Guess we're stuck on the same boat." The two of them stayed silent as they were still unsure of each other, or at least the the child before her was unsure of the older girl before them.
Kristen sensed this before she turned back to them, "Look…" She started to say, "... I know your parents probably taught you not to talk to strangers let alone trust them but, you and I can't remember how we got here or, why we're even here… And there's no one else here but us, so what do you say we help each other out?"
The girl placed her finger underneath her chin as she thought to herself; it hadn't been long before she replied, "I guess that's alright, as long as I get back to my parents."
Kristen smiled at this before she asked, "What's your name?"
"I'm Rachel Gardner." The girl with golden hair replied, "How about you?"
"Name's Kristen." She replied, "Kristen Waterson. Nice to meet you Rachel."
She soon held out her hand to her, "Now… Let's get out of here."
Rachel nodded with a little smile of her own, before she took her hand; They went out of the room with Rachel noticing the camera's everywhere in every direction watching them. Kristen and Rachel walked down the one path, eventually reaching an elevator at the end of the hall, that had been blocked by a gate. "I guess that's our way out." Kristen said letting go of Rachel.
She reached for the door before trying to pull it, though it didn't seem to budge. "Fuck…" She mumbled, before turning to Rachel, "The gates locked."
Rachel soon noticed something on the gate, "There's a card reader." She said, "There might be a key somewhere."
"Not bad thinking there kiddo." She said with a smile. Though it hadn't been long before she noticed something on the wall. Just nearby, next to a door just across from them, there had been a writing that looked to be hard to read. The two of them went away from the gate and towards whatever had been written on the wall. Kristen brushed away some of the dust that had been on it, so that they could see it clearly.
"Who put this here?" Kristen wondered aloud.
Rachel looked at the writing and began to read it aloud, "Who art thou? To know thou must find out thyself. Is it thine true self? Or thine desired self?... An angel or a sacrifice? Know thyself, and the gate shall open." Rachel couldn't help but looked to it curiously, "What do you think it means?"
"Don't know." Kristen replied, "But I don't really like the sound of it." She picked up her head before looking to the door, "Since this is the only other room, let's see if there's a key in there."
Rachel nodded to her in agreement.
Kristen went to open the door, that had been surprisingly unlocked and Rachel followed her inside. When they stepped into the room, they saw it had been filled with mirrors but most of them didn't bare any of their reflections; There had also been a single desk with a laptop, and what looked there looked to be a card in a machine of some kind. "That might open the gate." Rachel said, before she approached the machine. She tried to take the card from the machine but it appeared to be stuck. "I can't get it out." She said.
"Maybe there's something in here we can use to get it out." Kristen said, "Let's take a look around."
"Okay." Rachel said before she went to the end of the room, looking under the table provided while Kristen started to look on the opposite side of the room. Though no matter how hard they looked they just couldn't seem to find anything to help out to get the card.
"No reflection huh?" Kristen said, when she approached on of the mirrors, waving her hand a little. "What the hell kind of a place is this?" She couldn't help but think to herself, "Who in there right mind designed this anyway?"
"Kristen!" She heard Rachel call out. She turned to her and saw her standing in front of the mirror in the middle, "There's one here that has a reflection!"
Kristen went by her side as she saw that she had been right, as she saw herself and Rachel within the mirror. "It's just us." Rachel said.
"If this mirror is standing out from the rest, than maybe it might have something to help us get the card out." Kristen said, before she looked to the gun she picked up earlier, "If I break it we'll get somewhere…"
Rachel's eyes widened at this, "But you can't do that!" She said, "You'll get seven years of bad luck if you break a mirror!"
"I would gladly welcome bad luck compared to wherever we are right now. Besides it's the only thing we have to go on!" Kristen reasoned as she took the gun from the holster before she pointed it towards the mirror turning the safety off.
"I guess that's true, but even so-!"
"You're gonna want to stand back and shut your ears, cause this is gonna get loud."
Just before Kristen could pull the trigger they jumped when they saw the computer turn on in the reflection; they turned towards the computer, as they were confused as to why it turned on by itself.
"Or we can check that out…" Kristen said awkwardly, before she put the gun back in it's holster after she turned the safety back on.
They both looked and saw that there had been nothing on the screen. It hadn't been long before a computerized voice. "THE INFO SCREEN IS NOW OPEN." It said, "PLEASE ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS. NAME?"
Kristen and Rachel looked to one another as they were both confused by this, but they both felt compelled to answer.
"Umm… Kristen Waterson?" Kristen said though she felt more confused by whatever had been happening right now.
"Rachel Gardner?" Rachel added as confused as she was.
The computer typed in their names by itself before the computerized voice came again.
"AGE?" It said.
"Nineteen?" Kristen answered.
"Thirteen." Rachel soon replied.
The computer typed it in, before it continued, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?"
"That's what I wanna know damn it!" Kristen thought to herself as she was getting annoyed, "What's the point in doing this anyway!? Is this person or whoever they are trying to play with us!?"
Though she soon heard Rachel answer, "I was in the hospital, but when I came too, I was here."
Kristen her answer appear on the screen; she let out a sigh, "I guess I don't have much of a choice…" She soon answered the question, "... I think I was in the police station, or something or other… But when I woke up, I was here…"
Rachel looked at her with a questioning look, at Kristen's answer, before her attention had been drawn back to the computer.
"WHY?" It said.
The two of them stayed silent as they didn't understand how to answer it. "WHY?" It repeated, "WHY THE HOSPITAL AND THE STATION?"
Both of them looked to one another as they both had a worried and fearful look on their faces, as if they were unsure how the other would react to each other. Rachel had been the first to answer, as she put a hand to her chest; she was a bit hesitant though.
"I…" She began, "... I saw someone die… It happened right in front of me… So… I was brought there for counseling."
Kristen's eyes widened slightly at this as she was just shocked by this. She could only imagine how traumatizing it must've been for her to witness a murder though she had been surprised to see that she wasn't really phased; must be strong willed is what she thought. "AND YOU?" The computerized voice said making Kristen snapped out of thought, "WHY THE POLICE STATION?"
Kristen looked over to Rachel, before she let out a sigh, "I was framed… For a crime I didn't commit… I was supposed to go to the courthouse to plead my case but… I'm not sure what happened after that…"
This time Rachel was the one who looked shocked, as her expression softened a little; She placed her hand over hers noticing that she had been shaking and Kristen couldn't help but smile at this.
"WHAT WILL YOU DO NOW?" The computerized voice asked.
Kristen took Rachel's hand, clenching it slightly before she replied, "We want to get out of this place. I want to tell the judge that they're convicting the wrong person."
"I want to go home to my mom and dad." Rachel said, "That's all I want now."
The computer let out a beep sound followed by a click, making the two of them jump, "-ENTRY COMPLETE. DISTURBING PLAY START KEY CARD."
"Play start? The hell does that even mean?" Kristen said before they noticed the machine release the keycard in the card dispenser. "Well, at least we got the key to the gate." Rachel said picking up the keycard.
"Finally." Kristen said, "Let's go, before things start to get really freaky."
Once more they approached the gate, and the card did indeed get the gate open. They approached the elevator had been open, as if it was waiting for them. They noticed beside the elevator it only had one button, pointing up.
"We're… In the basement…?" Kristen said, "I don't remember coming here."
"Me neither." Rachel said, "... Where do you think it'll take us?"
"Let's find out, shall we?" She said before gently taking her hand. Thus they both stepped into the elevator. The moment they did the elevator doors closed shut. They soon heard the speakers that had been provided in the elevator come online. They soon heard an announcement come on, "The guests on the bottom floor, have been selected as sacrifices. All residents on each floor, please make your preparations."
Both of their eyes widened at this announcement as they both had shocked looks on their faces; They both jumped slightly when they felt the elevator start to move up.
"Sacrifices?" Kristen said only confused, "Alright, now they're really just playing with us!"
"That announcement just now…" Rachel said, "... You don't think it was talking about us do you?"
"I really hope not." She replied, fixing up her jacket a little, "I'm just hoping that this will take us outside so that we can-"
They stumbled again when the elevator came to a stop, taking them by surprise. "Beyond here lies the play area." The announcement soon said, "The gate will now open."
"Play area?" Kristen and Rachel said both of them surprised. The doors opened revealing what looked to be some kind of a city. Though something looked off, as they saw there had been no sky above, as every corner looked dark and covered in shadows. They looked up and saw above their heads there was nothing but a line of pipes and a few lights that were dimly lit.
"Seriously!?" Kristen exclaimed, quickly coming to a conclusion, "We're still inside the building!?"
"I guess the elevator took us only one floor up." Rachel said looking to the counter provided in the elevator, "We're on B7 but now we're on B6."
"You're kidding!?" Kristen couldn't help but say in an annoyed tone of voice, "Who the fu-" She stopped herself as she looked at Rachel, before she picked up her sentence, "-Fudge designed this elevator!? I can't even— Who does that?! Why design an elevator if you're only going to take it up one floor!?"
"Calm down." Rachel said patting her arm, "Maybe we can still get outside."
"How's that?" Kristen asked.
"There could be a set of stairs, on this floor, or maybe another elevator." She replied, "If we look hard enough maybe we'll find it."
Kristen didn't know exactly what to say or retort as she couldn't help but feel that she made a good point. Though she couldn't help but find this place unsettling to the core as her hands shook slightly when she looked to the area once more. "You make a good point kiddo." Kristen said, "It doesn't seem like we've got much of choice anyway. Just be sure to stay close to me, and run when I tell you to, got it?"
"Got it." The young girl said as she nodded.
She placed her hand on the gun before they made their way out of the elevator, and onto the floor. They went down through the alleyway turning every corner, keeping an eye for anything that could help them. Kristen kept a hold on the gun in case they had encountered something dangerous, which seemed to be likely given their situation.
It seemed like hours as they turned towards one corner after another, as it seemed like they were going in circles.
"This place seems like a maze." Rachel said.
"Yeah…" Kristen added, "... It's definitely a place I've never been too before." They soon stopped when they saw something peculiar out of the corner of their eye; A newspaper clipping on the wall, that looked a little torn up. "That looks a little recent." Kristen said as she saw the date on the newspaper.
"It might shed some light on this place." Rachel added.
Kristen removed her hand from the gun, as and took the newspaper off of the wall. "A Reckless Murderer?" Kristen read aloud, "On XXX late last night, the body of a male was found on the street of XXX in the state of XXX. The body has gaping wounds seemingly inflicted with a sharp blade. Authorities are treating as a murder. Since last month, a string of similar murders have taken place in the state. No association or similarities have been drawn with the victim, so nearby residents are asked to exercise caution."
"An article about a murder?" Rachel said, "… I think I've heard about it on the TV somewhere…"
"Me too… Only problem is it doesn't really tell us much doesn't it?" Kristen said.
They both jumped when they heard something break in the distance; they both stopped in their tracks. Kristens put her hand back in the gun and tightened her grip, as Rachel put her hands together, as they looked around a bit frantically.
"What do you think that was?" Rachel asked as she was frightened.
Kristen noticed this as she used her free hand to take her hand as to comfort her. "We should hurry and find the exit." She told her, before they went further down the path as Rachel held onto her hand tightly. "None of this is right." Kristen thought to herself, "Sacrifices, residents of the floor, a kid in this building and not knowing what the fuck happened before hand. This shit is too weird. Why would anyone bring me into this place let alone a little kid? The hell is the supposed to be a Saw movie?"
When they turned another corner, they saw the path they were going to go down was a dead end, and the only other two ways was what looked to be an entrance to a room as well as the windows, but had been blocked by planks of wood and another open pathway towards the dead end. They saw at the end of the hallway they saw what looked to be blood on the walls, and something else that caused flies to buzz around. Her eyes widened when she saw what it had been.
"That smell-" Rachel said putting her hand over her nose, "-That's not what I think it is, is it?"
"Rachel, close your eyes." Kristen told her.
Rachel looked to her a bit confused, "Why?"
"Just do it, okay?"
Rachel put her hands over her eyes, and Kristen lead her away from the scene, towards the other open path. She couldn't help but cringe at the sight of the body, as she saw the body was cut in half revealing the insides that were already rotten and maggots had been crawling all over it; She tried her best not to throw up at the sight.
"I don't know what the fuck this place is… But I don't like it every second I'm here. I have to hurry and get us out of—Whatever this is."
When she saw that she and her were away from the body, she tapped on Rachel's shoulder signally her to open her eyes. "Thank you." Rachel said.
"Just didn't want you getting sick on me." Kristen said, just as they turned the corner. There they found another dead end; or at least they thought they did. They saw what looked to be the door.
"Oh thank God!" Kristen said, "An exit out of this place!" They both ran towards the door, and saw the sign next to the door that had read, "Emergency Exit; Elevator Passage."
"We're saved!" Rachel said, "Thank goodness."
Kristen went to get the door open but stopped when she saw, while there was a knob, but no keyhole. "WHAT!?" Kristen shouted as she started to kick the door, "ARE YOU KIDDING ME WITH THIS CRAP!? YOU MOTHER FUCKING PIECE OF-"
Rachel quickly went to shush her as she tried to pull her away from the door, "Kristen stop! Someone might hear you!"
"Sorry, but I'm in the middle of a rage session right now!" She said before she went back to hitting the door with Rachel trying her best to calm her down, "WHEN I FIND WHO DESIGNED THIS KIND OF A SHITTY HELL HOLE IMMA GONNA GIVE THEM A NEW ONE, AND BEAT THEM UP SO BAD THAT THEY'RE NOT GONNA BE BORN INTO THE NEXT LIFE! YOU HEAR ME YOU ASSHOLE!?"
"H-Ello-? Is-one—H-Ello?"
The two of them stopped when they heard something peculiar as Kristen stopped kicking the metal door, and Rachel stopped trying to shush her. They heard what appeared to be static, echoing through the halls a little. They followed the sound going away from the door; they had gotten closer to the sounds with the static getting a bit louder as they both kept silent. They saw an open gap with a patch of dirt and saw something partly buried.
"It's coming from here." Rachel said in a hushed tone of voice.
"I'm too big to fit." Kristen said looking at the opening, "Think you can?"
"I'll try." She replied, before she crawled through the open gap. Kristen watched as she unburied whatever had been in the dirt. It hadn't been long before Rachel went back towards her, with Kristen helping her come back through.
She saw that Rachel had been holding a small yellow walkie-talkie, as she handed it to her. She pressed the button that had been on it's side, causing the light that had been provided to turn from red to green and making the static stop.
"Hello?" Kristen said to whoever had been on the other side of the walkie talkie.
Soon enough a voice came through; this belonging to another girl, "You need to stay quiet, or he'll find you."
Kristen and Rachel turned to one another as they were both shocked that someone else had been in this place like they were. They stayed as silent as possible as they decided to try to find who had the other walkie talkie.
"You don't have to be afraid." Kristen said to the girl as they walked forward, "... I'm not a monster."
"... That's good." The girl said, "... Are you the sacrifice the lady talk about?"
"... Are you one too?"
"... Yes."
That confirms it, is what she thought to herself. At the very least she can be considered a friendly that her and Rachel could trust… Probably.
"What's your name?" Kristen asked.
"... I'm Faith." The girl replied.
"Hi there Faith. My name's Kristen." She said.
"Are you alone?"
"No. I'm with a girl named Rachel. Are you by any chance hiding somewhere?"
The girl stayed silent for a few moments before she replied hesitantly, "... My brother told me to hide. I had no choice. I had to hide so that he wouldn't find me."
Kristen looked confused by this as did Rachel before she asked, "Hide from who?"
"... The resident of this floor." The girl replied.
Kristen let go of the button before turning to Rachel as she pondered a thought, "I don't know about you kiddo, but Faith seems to know about what's going on more than we do."
"Can you ask her to meet us?" Rachel asked.
"You read my mind kiddo." Kristen said before she pressed the button again, "Hey Faith? Can you meet us? We can help each other to get out of this place."
"... People tried to get out, but…" Faith started to say, "... All of them ended up dying. I'm sure my brothers met the same fate too. I haven't seen him in a long time."
"It'll be different this time." Kristen said, "I can help you and Rachel get out, okay? You just have to trust me. I need to know that I can trust you though. So let's meet"
Faith stayed silent for a moment before asking, "... Do you promise to get me out?"
Kristen this time answered a bit hesitantly, "... I… I promise." Silence came in once more, filling the void, only the sound of the fans humming nearby was the only thing that would be heard. Faith's voice soon came back on, "Meet me where you found the blood, but stay quiet." The walkie talkie soon disconnected itself and Kristen handed the walkie talkie back to Rachel. "You hang onto this kiddo." She said as she did this, "Finders and keepers you know. Let's go meet this Faith."
"Wait, hold on!" Rachel said stopping Kristen as she nearly tripped on herself.
"Now what!?" She whispered in a somewhat annoyed voice.
"I hear a bird." She said before she went to follow the sound, leaving Kristen confused.
She saw Rachel through a small gap within a wall, as she climbed up on a wooden crate provided before she got something out; it was indeed a little white bird, though it's wing looked to be bloody.
"It's hurt." Rachel said looking to the bird with a sympathetic look, "I don't think it can fly."
Kristen kneeled over slightly looking at the bird. "You're right." She said, "Poor thing, it must've caught it's wing in something."
Rachel couldn't help but stroke the little birds head, as to comfort it, when it tried to move its wing only to have felt the pain from the wound as it let out a cry. She looked up to Kristen giving her a hopeful expression as if asking her something. Though she didn't say anything, Kristen could tell what she had been asking her.
"You want to bring the little bird along do you?" She asked.
All Rachel did was nod her head in reply, and Kristen sighed, while rubbing her eyebrows. "I can't say no to that face." She thought to herself before saying to her, "Just make you sure you keep track of the little guy. I'll keep an eye for anything we can use to treat that wound. Now let's go." Once more Rachel nodded and followed Kristen; going back the way they came to where they first found the blood, which had been in front of the door that was boarded.
Kristen looked around the area, "This is where we're supposed to meet her. Rachel do you see anyone?"
"No." Rachel replied.
They jumped at the sound of footsteps, and Kristen draw the gun again, pointing in the direction of the sounds. Her body shook a little as she felt the fear rise in her chest. A person soon stepped out of the shadows, another young girl that looked to be fifteen or fourteen. She had dark brown hair with low pigtails and eyes that of green like an emerald; She had on a pair of cracked glasses and looked to be wearing a uniform, consisting of a white collared shirt a long black skirt and brown shoes; her outfit looked stained. She had on a brown school bag, a silver watch was seen on her wrist, though it looked to be broken. She saw as she held her hands in the air, she had a walkie talkie that looked to be stained with a bit of blood.
"... Are you Faith…?" Kristen asked.
The girl nodded, "Are you two the sacrifices?"
"... I guess." Rachel replied.
Seeing as how she had been the person they were meeting, Kristen put the gun in the holster and in turn, Faith put her hands on her side.
"Glad to see that someone found the other walkie talkie my brother hid from him." Faith said, "Let me guess… You two woke up in a room, and you don't remember how you got there?"
"You're on the money with that one kid." Kristen said.
"Did it happen to you too?" Rachel asked.
Faith nodded her head in reply, fixing up her glasses a little, "... I woke up here with my brother. I remember he came to pick me up from school and we were on our way home. We decided to take a shortcut, but after that it's all fuzzy."
"... Does that mean you don't know what's happening?" Rachel asked once again.
"Not necessarily, but I do have an idea." She replied.
"Than feel free to enlighten us here Faith." Kristen said, "Cause you're one of the—or well, the ONLY other person that has a sound mind as to what the hell is going on!"
"Calm down… Kristen right?" Faith said, "I'll tell you what I know, but you have to keep your promise as to get us out of here."
Kristen froze up a little again at the word promise; she didn't know why but she felt a little uneasy. She gulped a little before she said, "I know I got it."
"The only thing I've managed to figure out is that, this building has more than one floor." Faith started to explain, "I'm not sure how many there are exactly, but each one contains an elevator that can take us one floor up. When brother was still with me, we tried to get that passage to the elevator open, but… We couldn't find the controls."
Kristen and Rachel's eyes widened slightly as they looked to where the elevator had been. "So I was right from before than." Rachel said.
Kristen couldn't help but let a groan, "Look, we figured that part out already. Can you tell us anything useful?"
Faith looked to them surprised, "You mean… You two didn't figure out that announcement?"
The two of them looked confused at this, which made Faith's jaw drop slightly, "You haven't had you?"
"What do you mean?" Kristen asked.
Faith soon replied, "You two are chosen as the new sacrifices, like my brother and I have been, and probably others before us. I was lucky enough to survive him but-"
"Who are you talking about!?"
"I already told you, the resident on this floor."
"You said that earlier but that doesn't clear up anything! You're being completely-"
"I mean there's a killer on this floor!"
Thus there was silence once more as their eyes widened for who knew how many times as they let the new found information sink in. "A…" Rachel said fearfully, "... Killer? Are you serious?"
Faith had a fearful look as well as she replied, "... Yes… The resident here, and probably on the other floors, have killers."
"So… You're saying…" Kristen started to stammer her body trembling, "... You're telling us that… They're most likely crazy psychopathic murders… That want to kill us…?"
Faith nodded again, "That's what the announcement meant by sacrifices… We're meant to be the lives the killers take next. If this person on the floor doesn't kill us here, than the resident on the next floor might."
Rachel looked down to her feet as she processed, while Kristen steadied herself since she had been on the verge of fainting. Killers? There were actual killers in this very building with them! Who knew how many of them their could be! This is something like out of a horror movie the more Kristen thought about it! She had her doubts though they had been overcome by her anxiety and fear. They only had one choice now.
"I was right to think this…" Kristen began to say, "... This place is all kinds of messed up… We HAVE gotta get out of here."
"It's probably not gonna matter." Faith said hopelessly, "Like I said, other people tried to get out, but they're probably all dead by now."
"You'd rather just wait around and wait for some crazy person to come kill you than?!" The young woman yelled.
"We got to try something!" Rachel said, "If we can just find the controls to the elevator than we'll have a chance!"
"But I just said—" Faith said before getting cut off by a peculiar sound.
Is what they heard making them freeze up. The bird that was in Rachel's hands jumped off fluttering on a little as it went in front of the door that had been boarded up.
"Wait!" Rachel said going after it, "Don't be scared little one."
She kneeled down towards it as the bird began to chirp a little, while pointing towards the boarded up door, which Faith had been confused by, but Kristen on the other hand couldn't help but find it odd.
"It's alright." Rachel said, holding her hand out to the bird, "Come over here, I'll keep you safe."
The light flickered slightly above, drawing Faith's attention towards it, while Kristen kept her eyes on the bird. The bird kept turning back to Rachel while it moved it's head to the door. That's when she saw it as the flicker stop between the wooden boards… Something had reflected off what looked to be metal.
Rachel gave a smile to the bird as to give it comfort, "Let's get out of here together… Okay?"
"RACHEL, MOVE AWAY FROM THERE!" Kristen yelled suddenly.
Rachel looked to Kristen confused, just as Kristen herself saw whoever had been holding the metal object move to break it. "LOOK OUT!" She yelled as she moved quick.
She took hold of Rachel, and jumped away from the entryway, just as the wooden boards were sliced in halves by something sharp. Blood seemed to have appeared and stain the floor and part of Rachel's face as her eyes widened in horror, and causing Faith to let out a scream just as Kristen and her landed on the floor.
There that stood before them was a man, wielding a scythe, as he let out a bawl of laughter as the three of them were soon paralyzed with fear.
(Ending Theme: Angels of Death Ending-Pray Performed By Haruka Chisuga)