Thank you so much to everybody who has read and/or reviewed my new Darvey story. It is very much appreciated! Your encouragement is everything to me. Thank you !

So here is Chapter 3 ! Please read, enjoy and review! :) Mary x

Chapter 2 - Surprise Guest

Rachel had caught Mike glancing down at his phone during dinner. She could see that his mind was preoccupied. After years together she could almost read his mind. Sure, he had been polite and chatted away with Donna about their new life in Seattle but something was up with him. Rachel felt for Donna who was also having to put on a show. Rachel didn't know if Donna wanted to share her news yet with Mike, so for now, Rachel let Donna take the lead with the conversation. She was quieter than usual, still processing Donna's news and wishing she could support her more. She prayed for Donna's sake that Harvey had matured enough to be there for Donna.

Mike enjoyed chatting with Donna like the good old times at the office. Although he knew something was up with his friend.. His conversation with a certain person earlier today had further fuelled his suspicions. What in God's name had happened between them. He could only guess.

Just as they began clearing away the dinner plates the doorbell rang out. Moment of truth! Mike figured.

Rachel swung around suddenly upon hearing the bell, dish still in hand, luckily not letting it fall; she gave Mike a perplexed look, who could it be at this hour, she thought.

Donna carried on helping clear away the dishes, happy that she was relaxing into the weekend.

Mike glanced across at Rachel with a look, almost a knowing look, "Don't worry I'll get it". For some strange reason Mike didn't look surprised she thought. What was he up to?

Mike strode over to the hall door. He took a deep breath, before opening it, he was going to need it he figured. Rachel was going to kill him. He felt caught in the middle of his friend's situation. He had wanted to see them happy together for so long. He owed them everything, they had taken a chance on him.


Mike opened the door of his new home, his former boss, friend and mentor Harvey Specter stood before him, travel bag in hand. Dressed casually in dark chinos and a charcoal sweater. Mike always had to look twice at casual Harvey, for all the years they had known each other, he could probably count on one hand the number of times he had seen casual Harvey. He took in his friend's appearance, he looked like he hadn't slept in at least a week. Plus from their earlier conversation Mike knew that Harvey was desperate to talk with Donna. What had taken place between them was anyone's guess.

"Mike, it's great to see you!" Mike stepped forward, greeting his friend with a hug and a simple clap on the back.

"You too Harvey, you too." Boy did Mike miss having Harvey close by.

"Is she ….?" Harvey got to the point of his visit immediately.

"Of course yeah …..she's inside with Rachel …." Mike gestured towards the kitchen area and then ushered his friend through the hallway towards the kitchen at the rear of the main living area.

"Nice home Mike." Harvey was pleasantly surprised that his young protege had come so far in life. This place was a far cry from Mike's first apartment he thought.

"Thanks Harvey. It's about time you visited us."

"Maybe it's girlscouts selling cookies?, Rachel didn't know what to say. You know they tricked Mike into buying 12 boxes one evening?"

Donna just had to laugh aloud "sounds like something our Mike would do!" she handed Rachel the last dish for the dishwasher and began wiping her hands with a paper towel. She loved spending time like this, even in New York, it was nearly always time together at work. This was even better. Time together without the pressures of the firm.


Just then the ladies became aware of Mike entering back into the room, somebody was behind him. Presumably whoever had buzzed the doorbell.

"We have a visitor ladies." Mike tried to sound upbeat. Harvey had asked him earlier to keep his impending arrival a surprise. All he had said was he needed to see Donna urgently.

Rachel's eyes widened and Donna felt weak suddenly. Coming to stand alongside Mike was Harvey. Dressed casually with a travel bag in hand. Her heart leapt. She was both terrified and ecstatic to see him. How she'd missed him.

"Harvey ..." Rachel exclaimed nervously glancing at Donna.

"Harvey … what ... what are you doing here?" Donna asked …. Unable to conceal her surprise. She took in the man she loved. Concern grew, he looked slightly dishevelled and exhausted.

Harvey Specter took in Donna's appearance too. The woman before him had been invading his dreams at night like never before. But now he grew concerned for her too. She looked unwell and tired. He had not seen her in weeks.

He wanted to go straight to her and wrap his arms around her. But like old times he stood feet firmly planted to the ground. They were Donna and Harvey, whatever that meant now, he still had to find out. Maybe public displays of affection didn't apply to them. What were they now to each other? He'd found the last few weeks unbearable without her. He needed clarity, he was going out of his mind.

Rachel spoke suddenly " MIKE I need you to help me with something right now … let's leave these two to catch up shall we?" as she ushered Mike as quickly as she could out of the room.

"Sure thing Rachel." Mike knew he was in trouble; Rachel saw through what had just happened. She knew he knew Harvey was going to arrive.


After Rachel and Mike had given them space, Donna decided to get straight to the point. Harvey arriving like this had never crossed her mind. Maybe it was the blurred lines of their relationship, she figured, which made everything uncertain and unpredictable between them. Friends, colleagues, lovers, always had seemed blurred into one with them. They were unique, undefined.

"Harvey … you would have seen me on Monday anyway, surely this could have waited?, you didn't have to come all the way out here!."Donna argued slightly at the sudden change of plan.

"Didn't I? " Harvey couldn't understand why she didn't want to see him.

He looked visibly hurt then. Wondering if he was the only one happy they were finally in the same room after weeks spent apart.

"You mean you don't want me here?"He was subdued, defeated almost.

"That's not what I said!" Donna retorted.

Harvey tried to remain calm. Using techniques given to him by his new therapist.

" I was …. I was worried about you." Harvey admitted, gesturing towards Donna. He wasn't good at talking about feelings, but now realized after weeks apart he had nothing to lose.

"I texted …. I told you I was coming here …. that I would see you on Monday." Donna reasoned in her defence, albeit a weak one.

"Monday ..?" he said almost sarcastically.

"I tried to call you, several times!" he was exasperated.

"Donna, what's going on here?, between" He threw his arms up gesturing between them.

Donna instinctively adjusted her deliberately oversized knit sweater, she didn't want Harvey finding out in this way. She had been prepping herself for Monday, she was hoping to be ready to face the music, face him then, not now, not tonight.

"I don't know what you're talking about." She lied. She just wasn't ready.

Donna could see the Harvey before her was the same Harvey who had come to her house during Mike's trial. He was vulnerable, shaken, just like that night. It broke her heart to see him like this again.

"These past few weeks, you've barely responded to my calls, I even planned to go see you again and you told me it wasn't a good time!, yet you find time for a trip to Seattle?" Now Donna could see the aggressive Harvey Specter emerging. The don't bullshit me Harvey Specter.

"I needed time." Although Donna secretly doubted any amount of time would make her ready to tell him what she needed to tell him.

"You've had time … plenty of goddamn time!"He didn't want to sound rude but Harvey had missed her, he had been lost without her. He had been understanding as her father was ill, but he couldn't figure why, especially after the night they had shared, she would want such distance between them. Surely she should want him close by for comfort and support, at the very least talk about what had happened between them. Unless maybe their feelings weren't mutual. He refused to allow this mind to go there. Thinking of techniques from therapy sessions again. Breathe Harvey, breathe

"You mean … time away from me." He asked nervously.

"This is about that night isn't it?" Harvey didn't know how to broach the subject that had most certainly caused the distance between them.

Donna couldn't deny that that night was at the root of her need for space from him. She looked away, anywhere but at him. Since that night she felt almost shy around him. It had been awkward when he visited the hospital. Ridiculous as it sounded. Anytime she let herself daydream about their intense love making that night she felt herself blush. He even invaded her dreams at night. She vividly remembered every touch, every kiss. How should they be around each other now?

"I thought … I thought we were finally on the same page …. ready for more .." Jesus Donna ..I can't stop thinking about you, about that night." he admitted.

So it had affected Harvey just as much ...she thought relieved.

Donna's heart leapt and sank at the same time. Would he feel the same when he knew everything.

Tears formed in her eyes. She wiped them away. Harvey Specter wanted more … more with her. She wanted him like she had wanted no other man.

"I think about it too, all the time." She finally admitted.

"But you think you want that? you think you're ready for everything that goes along with that kind of committment?!" She challenged him.

Harvey nodded his head. "I do ... I want that with you ...only you ... goddamnit Donna I've wasted too much time already. "

"But it's not that simple … not anymore." Donna argued weakly.

Harvey was suddenly terrified, the woman he loved most in the world could be rejecting him.

"What? .. what are you saying Donna?" he was almost afraid to ask. Time to fight for her.

"I meant everything I said Donna, every word that night . I want you. I want us!"

Donna was so proud of the man before her. The father of her unborn children. She knew talking about feelings was extremely difficult for him. But at the same time she was terrified. He wanted more, but he had no idea yet, what he would now be signing up for!

Even if he couldn't be there for her, a father for their children, she was so happy he was the person she had made her children with. Her best friend. The man she had loved secretly and denied loving for 13 years. Maybe this was fate like Rachel had spoken of.

"I know Harvey... I know you meant it … but I'm still scared. "

"Scared? Scared of what, of me?" Harvey asked perplexed.

"That night ... it's changed everything between us!" Donna admitted shyly.

Harvey was worried Donna was regretting their night together.

"So what now?, you want to forget it ever happened, like 13 years ago?" he quizzed.

There was silence, Donna looked away. There was no way in hell she could ever forget that night. Just like she had never forgotten their first night 13 years previously.

"Are you wishing it never happened?" He quizzed, getting desperate, voice breaking.

"No .. of course not ... it's just ... why ARE you?" Donna quizzed back, suddenly her turn to be worried.

"All I know is that I can't think about it ... I mean talk about it ... not now ... not yet."

"Then when ...?" Harvey was getting exasperated ... he was still getting mixed messages.

"Why can't you talk to me about it?" "Surely I'M THE PERSON YOU NEED TO TALK WITH ABOUT THIS." Harvey was so confused and hurt after weeks of being fobbed off. After years of denial to himself, to Donna, he had finally admitted his true feelings. He loved her. He always had. He had said it and they had made love. He honestly had never connected with a woman before on that level. Donna was his everything. He was tired of trying to deny it.

Donna couldn't take it anymore, tears now fell freely down her face, mascara running "I just CAN'T Harvey because … because I'M PREGNANT Harvey! I got pregnant that night. And now... I ... I just didn't know how to tell you." She blurted it all out in frustration. Donna was tired of arguing. Tired of trying to be strong and tired of not telling the truth, which was out there now finally. There was no going back now.

Harvey Specter's face dropped and paled, he took a sharp intake of breath, surely not. He'd always been careful. Damn ... except that night...damn.. they both got caught up in the heat of the moment. He assumed she was on something; although if he was brutally honest it hadn't crossed his mind to ask, she was different .There must be a mistake. This, never in a million years had this crossed his mind as being the reason for the distance between them. It just couldn't be true ...

He found himself sitting down suddenly. That saying 'weak at the knees'.It was actually happening to him now. Remembering his deep breathing exercises from Dr. Lipschitz. Breathe Harvey, breathe ...

Donna sat down beside him on the sofa, she gently touched his arm.

"Say something?" Donna pleaded. Harvey looked shell shocked and was taking deep breaths. She had worried about his reaction and now here she was worried about him, the man she loved. Was he having a panic attack?

It seemed like an eternity to Donna, before he finally spoke. He looked at Donna in shock, but mostly his eyes dark with concern. He took her hands in his.

"Are you sure?, are you OK?" he asked his voice breaking slightly. "I'm sorry, that night I didn't think ..."

Donna nodded yes in response. Heartened by his concern for her wellbeing.

"Yes ... I'm gonna be fine. It's not your fault Harvey. There were two of us remember? Plus, I'm forty years old, it's now or never I guess for me."

"How.. how long have you known ...?" The shock still audible in his voice. It's all he could think to ask right now.. how long had she dealt with this alone.

"I only realized last month." She admitted truthfully.

"Last month?" Harvey put his head in his hands. Unable to fathom Donna had to cope alone with this news. He was quiet again. This news has bowled him over. He had given up on the idea he would have a family some day. And now ... now ... it was happening with Donna. The irony.

"I'm so sorry ... I just couldn't find the words to tell you before now. I was all prepared to tell you on Monday."

He then looked up and across at Donna. She was tearful again. " I'm here now, I'm here now, shush, it's gonna be alright, I promise."

Cradling Donna in his arms, Harvey felt ashamed that she had to deal with this on her own. What now? He didn't allow his thoughts to go there. He just wanted to be there for the woman he loved. Any thoughts on fatherhood were secondary to ensuring Donna was OK. She was his primary concern.

"Feeling better?" Harvey asked quietly. Putting aside his own shock to ensure Donna felt safe and cared for.

"I am now, now that you're here with me." She admitted truthfully.

"I know this is a lot to take in, believe me it's taken me weeks to get my head around it. I know something that has really helped."

Harvey looked at Donna with piqued interest.

"Harvey, I need to show you something." Donna grabbed her purse from the side table. Harvey watched as she took out an envelope. She proceeded to take what looked like a picture from the envelope. Here this is for you." She smiled brightly.

Harvey grasped the grainy image in his hands. He gasped in realisation suddenly; he'd seen these on TV shows. "Is this? ... is this, what I think it is?" He asked incredulously.

Donna smiled and nodded. "My first full scan last week." She wished he'd been there with her. Harvey tried to make out the image in awe, suddenly it was all so real.

She placed her hand on his arm and he looked up at her with a look of pure wonder and love.

"There's something else you need to know."

Harvey looked at Donna with concern. Hoping everything was alright with her health. He would never forgive himself if something happened to her.

"It's twins Harvey. We're having twins." Donna figured Harvey deserved the full truth.

"What? you're serious?" Harvey looked at Donna in awe. This was all so surreal. He could never have predicted this happening.

"We don't do things by halves do we." Donna smirked and then smiled brightly; her mind and Harvey's proximity suddenly drawing her back to that night.

"No I guess we don't." It was shocking but he was relieved she seemed OK.

They put their heads together and both leaned in to look at the scan of their babies, both in awe.

"I know that this is a lot for you to take in? It's OK if you want to freak out, God knows I did at first." Donna reasoned.

"Hey, hey ... look at me" Harvey brought his hand to Donna's chin lifting it up so that their eyes met. "Stop worrying... I love you Donna Paulsen, I'm here now, I'm not going anywhere, everything's gonna be fine, I promise." Harvey wanted to reassure Donna. Sure, it would take time for him to adjust to the idea, but the most important thing was being there for Donna.

Donna beamed at Harvey and went back in for another embrace. He placed a kiss on her head and caressed her hair. She felt better than she had in weeks. Finally she let herself dream that everything was going to be OK.


Rachel had dragged Mike upstairs to give Donna and Harvey time to talk. God knows they would need it.

"You arranged this, didn't you?" Rachel starred at her husband demanding an answer

"Look, I may have known that he was going to call, but Rachel more importantly, what in the world is going on between those two?"

Rachel didn't feel it was her place to tell Donna's secret to Mike, but she figured he asked her a direct question, he was going to find out anyway.

"Donna's pregnant!"

"What ... you're serious?" Mike was stunned at this unexpected revelation.

"But how?, I mean who? is she even dating somebody?"

"Who do you think?" She crossed her arms and pursed her lips.

Rachel looked at her husband with a come on are you serious you don't know the answer to those questions look.

"Noooo ... no way ... how? when? how did we not know this?"

"It happened ... the night of our wedding!" Rachel stated.

"Mmmh makes sense I guess , they were getting hot and heavy on the dancefloor, but never thought Harvey would get his shit together for another decade at least." Mike couldn't believe his friend and mentor had finally made a move on the only woman he had ever truly loved.

"Well he did ... maybe under the influence of our fine wedding wine ... but they most definitely got it on."

"And she hasn't told him yet?"

No she was using this weekend to get her head around it ... she was gonna face him and reveal all on Monday when she was back at work."

"And now I've ruined it!" Mike felt guilty already.

Rachel suddenly felt sorry for her husband, "Hey you had no way of knowing , those two have been dancing around each other for so long, plus she's gonna have to tell him soon anyways."

Mike looked up interested for more news.

"It's twins, Donna is pregnant with twins!" Rachel waited for a reaction she knew would come.

"You have got to be kidding me?" Rachel hoped this wasn't a reaction she would get if she was in Donna's situation. Men she thought!

"Do I look like I am ?"

"OK Harvey's possibly going to need CPR!" Mike attempted humor although he knew it would be a huge shock for Harvey. For any man he figured.

"You don't say!" Rachel teased.

"How long should we leave them down there?"

"I for one do not want to go into that battle ground!" Mike quipped

"Me neither." Rachel admitted. "Me neither."

"Lets hope they can get their shit together finally. Especially before they become a family of four!" Mike wanted them to be happy, god knows they deserved it.

Downstairs they could hear raised voices already, this was going to be an interesting weekend they figured.


Thanks everyone that's a wrap on Chapter 2 – Working on Chapter 3 now. How will the rest of the weekend go for Darvey ? We'll see their interactions with Mike & Rachel too.

Please read and review. All suggestions welcome.

Once again let me know if there are any scenes you would like me to write in future chapters.

Thanks, Mary x