Adrien was beyond frustrated as he dialed the number of his assistant. He had now been in Paris for four days-Four Days!-with no sign of the company M.C. It was time that the idiot he had hired provided some information otherwise it was very possible he would find himself out of a job.
"Mr. Agreste, what can I do for you today?"
"Information, now. What is M.C. and where can I find it?"
"I've already given-"
"I don't want to hear excuses! You have been extremely elusive and reluctantly with any information regarding this company. I'm almost starting to think that it doesn't exist. Now, tell me something useful or so help me you will be out on the street faster than you can blink."
All of Adrien's patience was gone as he growled into his phone and stomped down the street. He ignored all the people who were shooting him disgusted looks since he didn't care. The model couldn't give a crap to what the people of Paris thought. He had already been forced to come back and now he was staying for far longer than he had anticipated or wanted. All for some high-maintenance, snobbish designer who was popular but apparently had no information online besides an email address.
"I already told you-"
"And I just told you that your job is on the line."
Adrien had stopped walking in order to pull the device away from his ear while he yelled in anger. As he brought it back into place so as to catch either his next excuse or the information he asked for, he threw a frustrated and exasperated gaze across the street. For a moment his eyes saw nothing in particular as his assistant began with his response-something about already haven given all the information. When his vision finally focused and his heart stopped. Right across the street was a store front of some kind, Adrien had no clue what they were selling as he was unable to look away from the white, cursive lettering declaring the name.
Miraculous Creations. Part of Adrien was sure that it was some sick joke of the universe. The ex-superhero hadn't missed the Ladybug and Chat Noir memorabilia, the two super popular despite it being seven years since they last made an appearance. But this… it was unexpected and just seemed to mock him.
"Mr. Agreste? Mr. Agreste? Are you still there?"
His assistant's voice helped him to pull back from the thoughts and memories he had been fighting. The last thing he wanted was to be sucked further into the past and into Paris than he already was. He needed to to think objectively. Find the stupid company and designer, sign the deal, and yet back home to America where his own company was still thriving and Paris would eventually fade away to be nothing but a bad dream once more.
Turning to continue on Adrien's brain forced him to stop as it finally made the connections as his eyes passed unseeingly over one of the window displays. Miraculous Creations. MC. Oh just kill me now, he thought.
"Nevermind," he growled into the phone. "I just found it no thanks to you."
Adrien then hung up the call, effectively cutting any, reminders, warnings, or excuses the assistant would have given. Checking both ways for oncoming traffic, he quickly crossed the street. Glancing over both window displays once more, he straightened his suit coat jacket and grabbed the door handle.
Time to get this over with.
A bell above the door sounded as he stepped inside the quiet shop. Adrien was actually surprised to find it empty for being the most popular clothing company in Paris. While the clothes on display were just for show mostly, surely there would be at least one or two people browsing through the options.
"I'll be with you in just a moment," a voice called from, Adrien assumed, a back room. The sound of a sewing machine also reached his ears. "Feel free to look around."
"No thank you." His voice was only slightly polite, his frustration still coursing through his veins. He did give everything a cursory glance though and saw that they appeared well made. He would have to take a closer look of course, but so far his assistant seemed correct. "I really don't have time for dilly-dallying."
The sewing machine went quiet and a chair rolled across the floor.
"I'm sorry about that. How can I help you?"
Adrien turned to see a very familiar face. "Marinette?"
She looked better than when he had seen her on Sunday. Her hair was in a messy bun, a few strands escaping free to frame her face, some of which she tucked behind an ear. Instead of an oversized sweatshirt and jeans she was wearing a black dress with pink trumpet sleeves and a black chain belt with pink hearts on it separating the torso from the knee length circle skirt.
"I wasn't expecting to see you again."
"Yeah, well, neither was I." All of Adrien's politeness flew out the window. He could save all the schmoozing and business cordality for her boss. "I'm here to see MDC."
Marinette's face took on a questioning and almost calculating look. "You're with A. A. Amazing?" She almost seemed hesitant to ask.
"Owner and founder, in the flesh. Now if you could just point me to your boss. We have some papers to sign to complete a merger and then I'll be out of your hair."
Marinette pursed her lips, eyebrows furrowing and hands going to her hips. "I believe we told your company no. We will not work with you."
"I don't know what you've heard but I assure you it's no big deal. There's just a few things that need to be smoothed over and then it's a done deal. Trust me, your little establishment here-" He sent a contempt look around the customer free space. "-would do well to have a company like mine to back it."
"You're answer was no. Miraculous Creations is a people company, not a money company. We're not going to sell."
A snort escaped Adrien. "Your words mean nothing to me, Mari." He spat her nickname as if she was a naive child who didn't realize she was being lied to and that she really didn't know anything. "You're just a tailor, doing someone else's busy work. You'll see. Your boss will tell me a different story after he speaks with me. Now I can't waste anymore time. Where's MDC?"
"Well on behalf of MDC who is currently unavailable, and will always be unavailable to you, I say goodbye. Have a good day Adrien and I hope you enjoy your flight back to wherever it is you decided to disappear to."
Before Adrien knew what was happening he was being pushed out the door, Marinette being a lot stronger than her small frame belied. He turned back to protest and chew her out only to have the door slammed in his face and securely locked.
"I'll be back," he called to Marinette's retreating back. "I'll have my chance to speak with MDC and then your little shop will be all mine."
With an angry huff and a denial of defeat Adrien stalked away down the street.