NOTE: Sorry for the long over due update! Enjoy as always, review:) Have a great week everyone 3

"Listen, Derek. We both know prom is a huge deal. So, it is like a necessity to go, right? Like, we would be dumb not to go? Together…? And I know we have had our past, but we can get over that for just one night, couldn't we? I know you originally wanted to go with Sally and she turned you down, whatever... but I am here, and I am available. I know I am not her- well I am obviously not her- I mean, not that I want to be her... never mind that! Just think, it might be fun?" Casey hopelessly looked into those big brown eyes for an answer.

"Better, but still too desperate." Emily said. Casey's body drained from hope. They had been rehearsing what to say all afternoon with little to no luck. Casey put a bag of ice up to her forehead to try and ease the ever-growing headache that seemed to pound like the second hand of a clock. Emily, who sat at Casey's computer desk, crossed off something from the sheet of paper they had been writing on. Emily turned back to see Casey dramatically fall onto her bed.

"It doesn't matter anymore." Casey began. "If I go with Derek, it is because he is- Derek. He would look like the prince charming who stepped in to save his-" Casey hadn't realized she hadn't been using the "S" word when it came to Derek anymore. But she just couldn't get that word to roll off her tongue.

"True." Emily said as she was gazing off into the distance. Casey quickly shot her a look.

"Thanks, Em." She placed the ice pack right over her entire face, blocking all the light from her room. The cold compress was beginning to help.

"No, sorry. That isn't what I meant. I just can't stop thinking of..."

"Sam." Casey sung with a short smile. She was happy her best friend would get to go with Sam. Emily freaked out for the longest time because she knew Casey and Sam had a history. But that was history. And as much as ex boyfriends are off limits to friends, this just wasn't the same situation. Sam and Casey lacked two things: passion and romance. They were just the type that were better off friends.

"What if me, You, Sam and Derek went together? We can go together, but split up later to give you and Sam some time alone?" Casey sat up slightly, ignoring the pounding drum at the back of her head.

"I would love that! But now, to ask Derek." They both looked up as if the answers would be in the air. Casey bit her lip as she thought of a new approach.

Just then, a short knock was at the door. Before Casey could answer, the door barged open. Derek let himself in, plopping down hard next to Casey. Her ice pack fell off her head. And her head stroke with more pain.

"Der-ek!" Casey shrieked after cold residue from the ice pack left a small water mark on her pink comforter. He rolled his eyes.

"A little mess on your bed won't hurt." he smirked. Casey shot a glaring look at Derek.

"I mean, Sorry Space-y." Derek mocked. Casey began rubbing the bed copiously as if there would be a stain from water. "If you didn't notice, we have ourselves a little problem." Casey sat up straight and rubbed her head. Her long brown hair hung with stress, the ends were just as frazzled as she was.

"Yeah, I am aware of our situation." She quickly glanced over at Emily who was just as curious as to where this conversation was going. Emily gave no desire to give them privacy. If anything, the only thing she was missing was some popcorn.

"None of this would even be happening if Noel were still my date." She snuck a quick glance at Derek who was more focused on the stupid, small radio in his hands. He was listening to some sort of hockey game. It must be intermission because Derek never talked to anyone during a game.

"Yeah, 'if only' can go so far Case. It is time to face reality. Reality is I need a date, you need a date, so do you want to go with me?" He asked very abruptly. All she heard was 'date' after that, her ears began ringing as she felt her body go into shock. Her stomach fell so hard she had to clutch it. Butterflies were everywhere. WHY? Her vision became a bit starry as she felt the heat of her body begin to rise. He was sitting so close; he must be able to feel it too. She wasn't expecting him to be so blunt, but then again, when wasn't he? It suddenly became hard to breathe.

"Earth to Casey?" Derek leaned against his elbows, one hand waving in front of her face. She quickly snapped out of it. He was looking up at her from the odd stance they were sitting in.

"I g-g-guess if you are the last option. But I think we should go with Sam and Emily too. I do not want to be seen as your 'Charity project.' That's the last thing I need from these people." Casey spoke fast as she nervously held Derek's eyes.

Derek was quiet as Casey's words floated midst air. With each passing second, he made Casey feel more and more exposed. His brown, mossy eyes looked carefully within hers. She didn't know why, but she felt a small sense of comfort and security. But there was something there she just couldn't quite read. They were both completely oblivious to the fact that a very awkward Emily sat in the room.

"Is that the rain?" Emily laughed fretfully. "I think my window is open. I better go!" Emily watched as she awkwardly tried leaving the room. It was as if Derek had just realized Emily was there. He jumped up and broke the stare. If he was embarrassed, it didn't show. Confidence held high with that guy.

He began running his fingers through his layered brown hair. When his arm lifted, Casey got a glimpse of his abdomen. She saw a V-shaped muscular area that reminded her of that night. His body hair worked its way down to an area unknown to her. The way his muscles popped had her… lusting? Her eyes of glass could shatter in seconds. If only he knew what he was doing to her.

His radio interrupted and from downstairs, Edwin yelled, "Games back on!"

"Yeah, um... See you guys at prom then, right? Or before? Probably since we are all neighbors." He laughed out of coyness and lifted his fingers as if he had 'finger guns'. "Pow-pow!" he shot. Everyone was confused- but Casey didn't notice too much. She had been a cluster of a mess. Derek disappeared quickly, leaving Casey with her best friend.

Emily's big brown eyes widened as she ran to Casey.

"What the hell was that?" Emily grabbed Casey's hands. Casey raised her eyebrow as if she didn't know. "I mean, that was not Derek. Tell me I am right? Did I see something that wasn't there? My God Casey- Talk woman!"

"Em!" Casey quickly snapped. "Chill. That was just Derek being nice. Trust me, I'd be the last person he would ever see that way. And vice-versa. He is Derek. The same Derek who has tormented me these last two years of high school. The same Derek who made my life a living hell. Trust me when I say, nothing could or would ever happen between us. I mean, that is just weird, right?"

"Girl, say what you want, but that wasn't Derek. And from where I was observing, that wasn't Casey either."