Sorry this took so long. College started (junior year), study abroad applications were happening, things! Here's the rest of the fic, AKA the part that actually happened in my dream. Though it's altered a bit because my conscious mind can come up with good ideas too!
"Thank you all for coming this way for the festivities!" Stoick announced from his seat in the arena. For the final presentation, I ask that you all make your way to the docks. We will direct you to the West Island for the final presentation." A few confused murmurs went through the crown, but everyone proceeded as instructed.
Small ships crossed the calm waters, "Highly unusual," one of the spectators said. "Suppose their island is shrinking?" another joked. The Berk boat took a sharp turn to the left, gliding under a stone archway that seemed to be carved out by Odin himself. A pillar of black rock stood on either side of the natural gate. The boats collected in the lagoon just past the opening. Surrounding them all were sheer cliff faces with moss sprouting from the top. Several boulders stood above the water's surface, splitting the lagoon in two. Some were smooth, worn down with time. Others were jagged, random, almost fresh.
The boats split to each side. Several people eyed the rock path suspiciously. "Where are we supposed to get off?" someone finally asked aloud.
"There's stairs," Hiccup said, eyeing the clearly man-made path. He hadn't been to this island much, but he knew those were new. The stairs disappeared inward towards the top of the cliff. No one knew what was hidden inside.
"We won't be using those stairs," Stoic said. He handed a piece of paper to his son then jumped off his vessel. He marched down the stone path to the very end, keeping his gaze locked forward and getting attention from the other tribes.
Hiccup read the note his dad gave him before dashing up the stairs, a delighted smile on his face.
Unbeknownst to the spectators the dragons of Berk were carefully hidden outside the stone stadium. They clung to the edges of the island's cliffs that faced the ocean, waiting for the signal.
A grand speech was given, but no one remembered the exact words. No one fully recalled this either.
"We are vikings!" Stoic's final words echoed in the open arena and the blaring cry of a thousand dragons silenced the crowd. Concerned looked darted around the enclosed space, searching for the source of the sound. The dragons flew up from their perches, wings synchronizing as they surrounded the spectators. They swirled along the edge of the circular stadium. Several 'fell' into the center, close enough to touch for those brave enough to do so.
"We all know of the legends," Stoic continued, "The brave warriors of Berk fighting off the demonic beasts tooth, nail, and claw. For a time this was our way of living. But we have passed that. We no longer fight with dragons. We live with them. We grow with them. And we train with them, no matter how unlikely."
A deafening shrill echoed from within the cliffs. A blue light emitted out the sides (where the stairs disappeared to) for only a moment before a loud crack was heard. Hiccup saddled into his seat on Toothless. The night fury let out another blast, cracking the man-made cave wall further. "One more oughtta do it, Bud." Another ear-piercing screech preceded a shot powerful enough to break through the cliff wall from the inside. A massive rock flew across the lagoon, straight towards Stoic. He made no sign that he'd move.
Toothless jumped from his cave at the top of the cliff and thrust his wings backward.
"A Night Fury!" one of the more skeptical clan leaders shouted. "Move it Stoic!" another cried.
A final, bright blue blast shot from Toothless's mouth, hitting the impending stone. It had burst to pebbles by the time it was even close to the great chief. The citizens of Berk cheered like never before. "An amazing display," the tribe elders agreed.
While they didn't win the entire tournament, it was safe to say Berk was no longer the laughing stock of the islands.