Cry Pretty
"Yeah it's all the same, when you're looking in the mirror. You can't hide it, you can't fight what the truth is."
Three weeks after PPF.
Ziva David was never one to get emotional, but recently she found herself crying over the smallest of things. At first she chalked it up to still being upset over Tony but the longer time went on, the more she realized that wasn't the only thing bothering her. Three days ago, she woke up feeling nauseous and spent an hour hovered over the toilet, thinking back to what she had eaten the night before and wondering how she had gotten food poisoning. When she woke up nauseous again yesterday though she knew something was wrong so first thing this morning she went to the drug store. She was heading to the checkout, arms laden with anti-nausea and flu medication when the display at the end of the aisle made her stop in her tracks. With shaky hands and a racing heart she reached down and picked up the box quickly, looking around to see if anyone was watching her. That was four hours ago. Now, she's pacing the floor of her bathroom, waiting and mumbling to herself.
"I am crazy. There is no way. This is not possible. I am being irrational. That is it, I am just irrational. But why ha-"
The buzz of the timer cut through her thoughts and she stopped at the sink. Hands braced on the counter, she released a nervous breath and looked down at the three tests. Tears streamed down her face as she looked up in the mirror. She can't hide the truth and the truth is that all three tests were positive.
"I am pregnant." This time her shaky hand came up to cover her mouth as she let out a sob and slid to the floor. She was pregnant and the father of her child was half way around the world.
Almost an hour later she pulled herself off the floor and looked at herself in the mirror. What little mascara she had adorned this morning has now left black streaks down her cheeks and her eyes were red and puffy. She splashes water on her face to try to calm down but to no avail. She needs to call someone but the one person she wants to call most in the world she promised to let go.
"That was before. The circumstances have changed now. Oh my I must stop talking to myself." She hangs her head and notices that her right hand is now resting on her still flat stomach. "I did not even notice." She laughs at herself and exits the bathroom, making her way to the kitchen to make tea before walking around the living room. "I believe I will talk to you then little one. I cannot believe this is real. One day I am all alone and the next day I suddenly have a baby growing inside me." Her hand rubs over her stomach contentedly. "I cannot believe that one night, although it was not one time, could produce such a blessing in disguise." She sits down on the sofa and kicks her feet up on one end. Pulling her shirt up, she runs her hand over her stomach, looking for any possible change. "I know it is too soon to feel you, but I want you to know that I already love you so much and I will do everything in my life to protect you. No baby will ever be as loved and cared for as you." Tears come to Ziva again, but this time harder and faster as she realizes that she will be raising this baby alone.
One week later
A ringing noise rouses him from sleep in the middle of the night and it takes two swipes at his alarm clock before he realizes his phone is ringing.
"M'lo." His sleepiness is reflected in his voice. He's shocked awake, however, when the voice on the other end is not Gibbs, but a sob instead. "Hello? Who is this?" A glance at the phone number does nothing to jog his memory of who this mystery caller might be but the next words clear up any confusion he may have had.
"To-Tony." He had to hold back tears of his own as he responded.
"Ziva?" Another sob come over the phone as she spoke through the phone.
"I, I am pregnant."
Well this was a total spur of the moment story. I got the idea when I was writing "What Hurts the Most" and decided to write this as a separate story. Hope you liked it! Please review (and I may be persuaded into writing more.)