So yes, I am starting a new fic. As sad as I am to say it, the BFB Dilemma is coming to a close in the near future, so I want to start something fresh. I have never done a supernatural fic before, so this will all be new to me. I hope you guys like it as much as I am starting to! So on with the very short prologue!



Rule #1: Do not speak Angelican in front of mortals

Humans cannot understand this language, but due to the irregularity of tones, it can cause suspicion. Mortals are naturally drawn to the sound, and it may cause differences in behavior. If used in an unlawful way, it can act as compulsion.

Rule #2: Do not use compulsion

Compulsion is not to be used under most circumstances. This breaks the Free Will Act, as it removes a mortal's rights of conscious decision making. It is highly illegal, and a criminal will be punished accordingly. Punishments will vary according to the amount of people affected, the intensity of the compulsion, and the time under which the compulsion lasts.

The only instance this rule can be broken is if your charge is in immediate and lethal danger, but it cannot be detected by bystanders.

Rule #3: Do not let humans see the use of any form of magic under any circumstances

Humans are naturally drawn to magic, just as they are to Angelican. Magic affects humans on a subconscious level, and this may vary unpredictably from person to person. Cases have ranged from: irrational decision making, a perceived increase in strength, reckless behavior, etc. In certain instances, it has been the cause of death and/or lifelong disability.

Rule #4: Do not show any angelic traits in front of mortals that are irregular to their kind

When humans are met with something they deem challenging and/or different, they often react in fear. This fear can result in violence and the exposure of the Angelic race, which is an offence punishable by banishment or death. These traits include: wings, glowing eyes, telekinesis, abnormal strength, etc.

Rule #5: Your charge comes first

In any life or death situations, all other loyalties must be put aside. You are a guardian angel, and must act as so. Remember, your life is linked to your charge's, so treat both accordingly.

More to come very soon!

With all my love
