Anywhere But Here


Hate to go so soon
This has to be the end
You won't see me again
The far side of the moon
- Far Side of The Moon, Tinashe

Pearl didn't want to remember her like this. Face lowered, covered by her messy hair as she crouched down in the soil. Her usual spark had diminished, she seemed lost again, as if she was just waiting for her mothers to discover what she was doing and pick her up and take her home to safety.

In her small hands was the knife, covered with her blood. Pink placed the weapon in the ground, smearing the liquid from her fingertip all over the blade. The night sky watched above, guarding their secret.

"This will change everything," Pearl said, somewhat hoping she would realize what she was about to do. "After this, we can never go back." But there was not a single trace of doubt in Pink's wide eyes when she looked up.

"Pretty convincing, right?" She placed the little diamond necklace – the one she got at her birth - next to the weapon, casually as if she was preparing a picnic and not staging a murder. "We need to burn these clothes and leave the remains to be found."

The ground had shifted beneath them, but Pink smiled despite it all. "From now on we're free. Doesn't it feel nice?"


Four Months Earlier

"Faster, Pearl! Let's take that corner!"

Her bright calls were heard across the street, disrupting the afternoon peace. Neighbors looked out of their windows as they buzzed by.

"Who needs a car for this?" She laughed as her hair flew into her face.

"Wait –" Pearl grimaced seconds before the segway crashed into a street lamp and sent them both flying to the ground. Pearl landed in a bush and sat up, rubbing her arm. "Are you okay?"

Pink blinked a few times. "That was amazing!" She jumped up, mindless of the bruise on her face and her scraped knees. She pulled Pearl back onto her feet. "Let's get this thing back on the road!"

"I don't think we should –"

"Come on, Pearl! Just one more time!"

Smitten by her mood, Pearl smiled. "This was actually fun."

"I knew you could do it!"

Just as the two of them pulled up to Pink's house, a voice cut through the air.

"What do you think you're doing, Pink?"

Rolling down the window of her shiny SUV, Yellow Diamandis looked sternly at them. Her secretary looked equally sour in the backseat, peering at them through the toned windows.

Yellow pulled into the driveway with flawless precision and speed, before she was out of the car in one steady movement. She walked over and examined Pink's bruises, before her narrowed eyes moved to the segway and only lingered momentarily on Pearl's flustered face.

She turned back to her daughter, frowning. "You could have been seriously hurt, using that thing! Be thankful you didn't get a concussion. Don't you have better things to do?" She marched into the house with her secretary following behind her.

"Sorry," Pink mumbled and met Pearl's gaze, then giggled quietly. Pearl smiled sheepishly back at her.

They followed Yellow into the enormous three-story villa, past the perfectly trimmed gardens and monuments symbolizing the great Diamandis family.

Blue met them in the kitchen. "Were you the one causing that ruckus before, Pink?" she asked and lifted her chin, checking for signs of injury. "Look at you, your face is bruised!"

"I'm fine!" Pink backed away.

Yellow sat down by the marble counter and poured herself a cup of black coffee. "Have you prepared everything for your graduation, Pink?"


Pink fluffed her hair up and smiled at her best friend. "I decided what I want for my graduation present. I want to travel with Pearl, and sing on stage!"

Yellow and Blue exchanged a look. "We've talked about this," Blue said softly. "Now is not a good time."

She walked over to her wife and kissed her cheek. "How was work, darling?"

Yellow sighed and sipped her coffee. "Someone named Peri quit today," she said with narrowed eyes. "Called me and demanded to get paid vacation, when she's only worked for five years! Not to mention she had strong opinions on the way we run things. Talking about resources and such nonsense." She glared at her drink for a moment. "I fired her at once. I should sue her for slander."

Blue massaged her tense shoulders, and Yellow put a hand on her forearm, stroking it.

"Mom, I said I've made up my mind! I'm going to travel!"

"Not now, Pink."

She sipped her orange juice with a bored expression. "Pearl, let's go on a road trip!"

Yellow looked up at her. "Let Pearl drive this time. I'm not replacing your car if you wreck this one too. And make sure to be back for dinner. Your grandmother is coming for a visit."

"What?" A sinking feeling settled in Pink. "She's coming today?"

Blue gave a small nod, turning away. Yellow made a gesture at her secretary Amarilla, a thin and blonde woman, who came in with a stack of documents in her arms. "I want those sorted before tonight."

"Yes, Ma'am."

Pink pulled Pearl with her to the garage. "I hate it when she ignores me," she muttered. "You can stay for dinner later, my moms won't mind."

Pearl stepped into the driver's seat of Pink's hot pink cab. "Where do you wanna go?"

"Anywhere you want!"

Blue watched through the kitchen window as they drove off. "They grow so fast," she sighed. "I remember when she reached to my knees and stumbled around, refusing to leave me for a moment." She smiled tenderly.

"I remember when I had to bribe her driving instructor to get her that license," Yellow muttered. "I'm not sure if Pearl is a good influence on her."

Blue looked at her favorite family photo of the three of them, fastened on the kitchen wall. "I think she is ready for this responsibility." She felt tearful at the thought, proud of what was to come.


The tall, older woman that stepped out of her limousine always gave Pink chills. She had bright white, pointy hair and an equally powdered pale face, matched with heavy jewelry and dark lipstick. When she looked at them underneath her heavy lashes, Pink felt the need to hide from her unrelenting gaze. She always wore high heels, like Yellow. Her handmaid Blanca followed after, never uttering a word, only smiling despite the scar across her face making her look odd.

"Hello, Starlight!" she called with a wide smile, spreading her arms. "Come give me a kiss!"

Pink swallowed but slowly walked forward after a look from Yellow. She stepped into the embrace of Whitney Diamandis and let her cheeks be pinched harshly.

"Yellow told me all about your grades."

Her mothers followed behind to greet the guest. Blue smiled faintly while Yellow stepped forward, acting like a barrier between her mother and her wife.

The dinner was awkward, to say the least. Blue's maid served the food while Whitney with her loud and cheerful voice seemed to dominate the very oxygen in the room. She talked about government politics and the family corporation while Yellow tried to keep up, and Blue tried to keep the conversation from turning into an argument.

Not only did Pink find politics utterly boring, she hated how her mother and grandmother spoke of others, 'those people', that didn't fit the strict mold Whitney and Yellow had deemed acceptable. She was soon silently fuming as Whitney spoke, while Pearl sat quietly and stiffly next to her and tried to look pleasant, to avoid drawing attention and possibly backlash from the older woman. Whitney had not said a single word to Pearl, and that was the thing that aggravated Pink the most.

"Well, Starlight," Whitney said after an hour's time, giving her grandchild a cold smile. Her diamond earrings shimmered in the light from the extravagant chandelier above. "Which university have you picked?"

"I haven't decided yet," Pink said calmly.

"Yes, she has," Yellow immediately interrupted. "Harvard, like me and Blue, of course. She has already been accepted."

"After graduation, Pearl and I are going to travel."

Yellow pinched the bridge of her nose tiredly. "We've already been through this, Pink!"

"I told you I want to be a singer." Pink glared at her. "I can go to college later."

"You do have a talent for singing," Blue comforted, "but you can sing in your free time."

"In what free time? You want me to study business or law!"

"Don't encourage her, Blue!" Yellow said. "Her education and work comes first."

Whitney put her wine glass down with one quiet movement, which effectively shut down the conversation.

"Now, now, Pink," she said in a falsely cheerful voice that even made Yellow stiffen. "There is no need to argue. I'm going to give you a wonderful opportunity!"

Pink looked expressionlessly at her.

"We're giving you an internship in the corporation," Whitney smiled. "You'll be working alongside Yellow."

"No, I –"

"It's decided, then," Whitney said. "Until your university courses begin this fall, you will be working full time, then weekends and evenings."

"You always said you wanted to be a CEO like Yellow when you grew up," Blue smiled encouragingly. "Now you have the perfect opportunity to gain experience! This is what you wanted, dear!"

"But –"

"Good, good," Whitney said and turned her attention back to her wine, while Blanca hurriedly moved over to refill her glass. "We're currently making a great expansion in other countries. All that unused land will be a great base for expanding our factories."

"Indeed," Yellow said authoritatively. "In fact we've never had these numbers -"

Pink stood up, her chair scraping loudly against the polished floor. "I don't want to."

"We had to reschedule several things to get you this arrangement," Yellow said sternly. "This is the best opportunity you will ever get. You will start Monday morning."

"I don't want to work for you! I have other plans! I'm old enough to decide what I want to do with my life!"

Whitney turned against her slowly, her smile as cheerful and stone-cold as ever.

"Go to your room, Pink."

Blue looked worriedly between her mother in-law and her daughter, who clenched her fists and glared at the floor. Pearl was frozen in her seat, pale as ever.

"I've read about it," Pink muttered. "They told us in school how the rain forests are being desolated for the profit of big companies like ours! And the horrible conditions of the people working in those factories! I don't want to support that!"

"Pink, that's enough," Blue said sternly, giving Whitney an anxious look.

Whitney stood up in her full length. Her smile disappeared, an expression so foreign it sent shivers down Pink's back. Her wine glass broke in her hands, spraying shattered pieces across the table linen.

"You lost your privileges for this summer, Pink. I do hope you didn't look forward to that show too much."

She tilted her head to her side and smiled wide.


"I hate her!" Pink slammed her door shut, with Pearl following behind her. She started packing a bag with frantic movements, opening drawers and dressers at random, unsure what to take.

"They never listen to me, they don't care about who I am, only what I'm supposed to be!" She gritted her teeth. "She can't lock me away forever."

Pearl sat down on her rose-colored bed, wishing she could say something to make it better. She had known Pink for many years and she had seen similar events before. Pearl could not remember her own family, having been in foster care all her life. Somehow Pink's family had become hers too, even if Yellow and Blue never were affectionate with her. However, they fully accepted her presence in their household and she knew they trusted her, being the only friend of their daughter.

"I'm going to that Mr. Universe show, and that old witch can't stop me!"

Then her energy faltered and she looked lost, dropping her head so her light, fluffy hair fell into her face. "Everyone in this country knows my family. Everyone will recognize me… Blue and Yellow will find out –"

Pearl stood up and took a hold of her hand. "No, they won't."

Pink looked up, her bright eyes filled with hope. "How's that?"

"Because… you change your appearance for a day!"

Her face lightened up like the sun. "Pearl, you're so smart!" She hugged her tightly before she gave a little squeal. "I'm finally gonna dye my hair pink! And I'm gonna wear a dress, and be barefoot all day!"

The next day, Pink turned in front of the mirror, examining her enormous wig and extensions – she had failed miserably with the hair dye. She had put on new clothes and removed all her usual makeup. Her skintight white dress flowed around her when she moved.

"Pink, are you –"

"Shhh – don't call me that!" she whispered and giggled like a child at the thought. "Isn't rose my color?"

Pearl thought for a moment. "Rose is perfect for you."


Being Rose was so different from being Pink Diamandis. Rose was confident, brave and strong. She turned eyes everywhere but for the first time in her life she was completely anonymous, and it was the sweetest freedom she had ever known.

She had told her mothers that she had gone to Pearl's home to spend the weekend. There was no one to tell her what to do, and no one to tell her no. With rosy cheeks from all the strangers she had hugged and danced with, even shared a few kisses – she embraced Pearl. "Thank you for talking me into this! I could never have done this on my own!"

On the stage, the young boy wonder Mr. Universe was playing his guitar. The audience had been much smaller than expected, but Pink had never been to a better show. She saw his dark hair flow in the air from the fans and pulled Pearl close. She had never seen her look so genuinely happy, either – Pearl's small pale face was shining with bright warmth.

This was what living felt like, doing all the things her mothers would never let her do – talking to strangers and being out late. In school, almost no one had dared to approach her, knowing she was the daughter of two of the most influential persons in the country. Those who did only wanted to be her friends for the benefit of it, and she ended up terribly alone until she found Pearl.

Now, people really talked to her, took her hands, and asked what her name was as they spun her around underneath the flashing lights.

She didn't hesitate when she answered, looking at all the new friends she made.

"I'm Rose Quartz. I'm new in town."


That experience helped her get through the following months with the internship, doing all the tedious paperwork Yellow told her to do. Who could have known that being the chairman of a worldwide corporation could be so dull?

Yellow worked late almost every day, and Blue, being a federal judge, had her hands full as well. Pink was left alone in her free time, feeling her patience diminish. One night, with only two weeks left until her university courses started, she heard Yellow on the phone with Whitney.

"Yes, I'll see to it. Yes." Yellow hung up as Pink dashed down the stairs, past all the family photos and the fancy awards in their glass cupboard.

Seeing her parents sit in the living room with their laptops, assisted by Yellow's secretary, she walked straight in.

"I don't want to do it anymore! Sign my resignation letter right now, mom!"

Yellow looked up, her voice cutting, the one she used with her subordinates. "You will finish this internship and then go to Harvard, as planned."

"But it's wrong! This entire corporation's purpose is wrong! Don't you think I watch the news? You're using people!" She looked between her parents' faces. "I'd rather do something that makes me happy!"

"This discussion is over," Yellow said, looking back at her screen.

"You are a member of the Diamandis family," Blue said softly. "Everyone's looking at you, waiting to see what you will achieve. You don't even have to do much – Whitney has prepared everything for you. In a few months, the media coverage will settle down. Just smile and wave."

She rose to her feet and stroked her daughter's face.

"Please, Mom," Pink tried, knowing she usually gave in to her wishes. "We could at least pay the employees more and move the factories from environmentally endangered areas! If I'm a member of this family I should have a say in this!"

"That's enough," Yellow snapped, rising her voice. "I will not hear another word of this nonsense."

As her mothers focused on their work again, Pink stomped back to her room. Angry tears mixed with a burning taste in her throat, searing her insides and making it hard to breathe.

She looked at the wide mirror in her room, seeing her tense and short figure reflected back, a cruel reminder of everything she should be. She was no longer the little girl she used to be, clinging to her mothers, unconcerned by the state of the world.

"Enough," she whispered, feeling her nails burrow into her fist before she drew it back and crushed the reflection of herself. Pain prickled her knuckles, a refreshing feeling that matched how she felt on the inside.

When Pearl came over later that night, and they were safe behind closed doors in her room, she told her what she had planned.

Pearl looked truly doubtful for the first time. "You know this is crazy, right?"

"You're eighteen and I'll be too in a week. We can do whatever we want!"

She was already putting on her wig and changing her clothes. "I'm going to become a singer and make music, Pearl! We can go to Empire City and have the time of our lives! And I'm going to fight to protect the environment!"

"Don't you think they will come looking for you?"

Pink – Rose – rolled her eyes. "They'll give up in a few years. They don't care who I am. I'm gonna change my name, so Whitney can't find me. You'll be free from your foster family and we can live together!"

She stopped for a moment, eyes sparkling. "Do you want to come with me?"

"Of course," Pearl said, smiling a little, then lowered her gaze. She felt uneasy, despite how much she wished for Pink's vision to come true. For years she had dreamed of running away, but she couldn't shake the feeling. "They'll be able to track you somehow. Your voice and face… Your parents have so many contacts and resources."

Pink looked down as a shadow swept past her face. "I thought about it… and there's only one way to do this. So they won't look too hard."

Coldness crept up Pearl's spine as all the previous excitement left her with a rush of air. Pink stuffed the money and necessities she needed into a small bag and then looked at the window – their only way out unnoticed. She had not brought a single personal item, not even a photograph.

"I have to disappear in a way that shows them I will never return. I never want to look back."


To be continued.

Author's Note: It's impossible for me to properly translate the entire canon Diamond/Pink/Rose drama to a human AU, with all its nuances, so I have taken artistic liberty and freely interpreted the issues in the way I see fit for a Human AU.

Reviews are loved and keeps me writing!