Welcome to Pradesh Week 2018. I know I currently have 2 stories in progress at the moment that many of you are reading and wanting updates on but how could I not celebrate the woman who created the characters that turned me from only a reader to a writer as well? It was her story Lacrima Draconian that had me falling in love with Cristoff and thinking he'd be perfect for Lucy and thus Do They Really Exist was born.
Now that I've justified starting a new story, *blinks innocently* I'll have you all know this story I actually started back at the beginning of the year but put it on the back burner because I had way too many things going on. After much deliberation when looking at the different prompts:
Day 1 Shatter
Day 2 Lick
Day 3 Summit
Day 4 Concede
Day 5 Particular
Day 6 Huge
Day 7 Doxy
Bonus Brinstone
Day 1 starts August 5th.
Finally, inspiration hit and I only had to tweak a little of what I'd already written to make the prompts fit then I built off of that. This story is about Lucy's Complicated Life and how she met each of the Pradesh siblings. The timeline jumps around like in Pulp Fiction but at least I will provide the year and month plus its relation to the "present" to help you all follow along. This was how the story came to me so no apologies are coming your way from this corner about the time jumps.
Also, I've changed cannon a bit so this is a divergent universe. I've tried to include references to each significant change of event to drive what is different. For example, similar to Des, the seven year gap? Try 6 months... I might post the final timeline of this story at the end if you are interested in all that.
I think that's all I had to say…Oh wait! There will be a prologue too because there was some setup wanted out there before giving you Shatter. Happy Reading!
Love, Blas