Almost one hundred years ago, a special child was born. Why special you ask? It started glowing, couple of days after it was born. And then, another one was born, that had a very strong skin, harder than steel actually! And another, that had the ability to fly! Then, it became more common for children to have Quirks, as they were named. Nom, Ninety-something years later, almost 80% of the populace has Quirks and what once was absolutely normal, became a sad rarity. People with Quirks immediately split into two roles. The good guys and the bad guys. Heroes and villains. Numerous school were founded in order to educate the gifted ones about morality and ethics, so that they can - one day - become heroes.

But there was one child, that was born Quirkless. He was not taken serious by anyone and everyone laughed at him, whenever he spoke of his dream to become a hero as popular as All Might. But when meeting his idol, he acquired his power and-! Okay, I'll stop you right here. I'm getting tired of your bullshit! There is no way that this was possible and the only reason, why you are being fed with it, is because that way it's more interesting to watch, read or whatever. I mean, who would want to read about a person with no superpowers become the greatest hero of all?

"I would"

Ha! I won! You said no one would want to read it!

Come on, you said it!

"No i didn't!", ekhem "No he didn't"

Ugh, whatever, do what you want, I'm going to Chima

So, let me tell you the real story! :D So, maybe not everything was bull, but the part about All Might? They are lies. Why? Because I was never born! Ekhem, I mean, he was never born. Yeah, All Might was never born, who even is All Might? He-he *nervous laughing intensifies*

So, there was a child named Izuku Midoriya. And yes, he was Quirkless. But no, he didn't have his big moment when he run in to save someone a was given a power by his idol. The Midoriya family owns a very big company in the United States, focused on making people's lives better. Izuku's father is a famous genetical engineer, while his mother is just as known surgeon. They met at work and fell in love, with the drive to make people's lives better as their driving force. And their beliefs were passed onto their only son, Izuku. He was born with no immediate sign of being gifted, but Quirks could manifest themselves even after 6 years. And so they waited. Year after year, until the day of his sixth birthday. He had no signs of having a Quirk at all. No enhanced senses, no super strength, no special abilities, nothing. To put it plainly, the boy was sad. But, he was also very stubborn. And he was not going to give up his dream of helping people.

"Mom, dad, I still want to help everyone!", he said after they came back home on his sixth birthday.

"Izuku, honey, I'm afraid that you don't have any superpowers like the rest of your friends", came the soothing tone of his mother, that was hugging him right now.

"Well, I can't be a Pro Hero, but are they the only ones that help people?", was his surprisingly mature answer. Both of his parents looked at him, eager to hear his reasoning. "What about the police? The firefighters? Don't they help people to?", Izuku continued with his thoughts. "And there are also people helping the Pro Heroes, like the support companies!"

His parents were looking at their son, with proud in their eyes. Despite being Quirkless, he still refuses to let go of his dreams, because there's still hope, that he can help people. "Izuku, my son, I'm proud of you", stated his father and embraced Izuku and his mother.

After this day, young Midoriya concentrated on his goal. But, because of the other kids assaulting him for his Quirklessness, he was started to be home-schooled. Outside of his classes he started to tinker at the age of 10. At first it was simply curiosity of a growing child. Watching RC cars drive with a single push of a stick on a controler. How planes were flying and cars were driving. But it transformed from being just a fun thing to do in his free time to a full time hobby. At the age of 12, Midoriya was quite good at tinkering. RC cars had no secrets from him. He was growing up to be a very smart person. Although not very social. He only spoke with a few of their maids and butlers, so everyone was curious how would he act around a total stranger. Or in a group of strangers. When he was not tinkering in his improvised workshop in his private garage, he would go to their pool in the back of their residence or to the gym and work out. At the age of 15, it hit him. And boy did it hit him hard.

"I can become a hero!", since he was young young Midoriya had a thing for superheroes. The real ones, that were all over the news and the ones, that you could watch in theaters on the big screen. His favourites were Superman, Green Lantern and Spider-Man. But, after he was discovered to be Quirkless, his tastes did a 180. He was now drawn toward more… normal heroes. Not ones from outer space, ancient orders or created by mistakes. Ironman and Batman became his new favourite heroes. He didn't give it much thought at first. "Well, I'm just tired of them", he told himself as he started to lose interest in his old idols. But, he knew it was just an excuse. He not only didn't let go of his dream to help people. But he also didn't let go of his dream, to be a hero. And that's the exact thing, that he said to his parents, on his 17th birthday…

"Mom, dad… I think I... ", he stuttered.

"Huh, what is it Izuku?", asked his mother.

"I, I think, that I still, want… I can become a hero", he said and looked at his parents looking for their reaction.

"But, you don't have a Quirk-", was going to be his father's response, but it was cut off.

"I know, but… Look at Batman! Or Ironman. They had no powers either!", Izuku argued.

"Well, yes, but they were… very… intelligent…", said his father, as something hit him. "And had people, that were cheering for them, helping them…"

"What are you saying John?", Inko asked.

"He planned this", John answered smiling and seeing his son's reaction, knew that he was right. "He never stopped dreaming about being a hero Inko!", he was looking at his wife, searching for a clue about her thoughts. "He trained hard and you know it. It wasn't a hobby, it was a way!"

"I, I… I don't know what to say... ", whispered dumbfounded woman.

"Just repeat after me, hun", he said smiling and turned to Izuku. "I'm with you son", tears were threatening to spill from his eyes, as he shifted his gaze from his dad to his mom.

"Mom?", he whispered, waiting desperately for her answer.

"Go get them tiger", she said jokingly and hugged her son with tears spilling from eyes of both of them.

"You were supposed to repeat after me", was his dad silent comment as he kneeled and hugged his family.

"Deja Vu", was a thought that they all shared.

To enter the most prestigious hero school in Japan, you need to be at least 18 years of and be one of a kind, or get in through recommendations. There are theoretical and practical exams that determine if you are good enough to attend the UA. So young Midoriya has a year to ready his mind and his body for the exams! And he needs to make the best use of this time.

And just as he should, young Midoriya, started training hard in order to pass the entering exam. But, even with all the help he could get, he was not even near the level of strength he needed. And that's the moment, when his father stepped in.

"Izuku, I-I need to speak with you", said John walking into their private gym. Young Midoriya was standing near a punching bag and the sweat covering his body was a proof of his hard training. "How you feeling?", he asked approaching his son.

"Not good enough. A month dad, that's all I have", young Midoriya looked his father straight into the eyes. "I'm not going to do this. I don't have enough time…"

"That's, my son, why I'm here…", spoke the older man.

"Oh, yes. Dad, why are you here and not in Europe?", asked Izuku.

"We… We found a way to make you stronger", he simply stated.

"What?! How?!", was young Midoriya's delayed, but very excited question.

"As you know, I'm a genetic engineer, but on rare occasions I help my good friend, who is a bioengineer", started John. "He was working on an artificial arm, that would help people, who lost theirs in accidents and etc. He didn't make the prototype yet, but he created something that can enhance people's body. He created augments", he gulped. "And they need testing"

"So… This is the UA…. It really is a huge complex…", young Midoriya thought to himself as he was standing at the entrance, that lead onto the schools grounds. He was dressed in a very mysterious way. Underneath his black trenchcoat, he was wearing grey trousers, white T-shirt and a unzipped green hoodie. Also he had twin 9mm's on him. Like, real guns. But hey, there was a guy that resembled a crow, that was carrying a katana on his back for all to see! And it was cool with everyone. If anyone asks him about the guns later, than he can say, he didn't want to loose the element of surprise until the very last moment. His body was feeling odd. Only week earlier had he came back from America, where he underwent augmentation. "It sure will take a lot of time to get used to", he thought and looked back at the front gate, when a very decent memory hit him.

"You don't have to go to the entrance exam", he remembered his father's words. "We have a recommendation for you" . He also remembered his answer.

"I have to. For my own sake", he whispered inaudibly and started walking.

Following the signs, he reached a big square, where all the attendants gathered. After a couple of minutes, new faces stopped appearing and young Midoriya heard a voice of a Pro Hero - Present Mic.

"Yooo!", at the sound of his voice, everyone went quiet and focused on the Pro Hero on stage. "So you gathered here to take part in the entering exams! Maaan, this got me all tuned up! Imma tell you know, what and how! On the big screen behind me" - he gestured with a thumb of his free hand - "will appear a list of people, that have been assigned to the specific testing ground. Let's get this started!", he shouted and the first set of names arrived.

Young Midoriya was searching for his, but he failed to locate it. "I guess it's just not my turn"

The square was becoming emptier and emptier as more people followed instructions on screen. Izuku was waiting for his name to appear, until only a handful of others stayed.

"And last, but in no way the worst!", shouted Present Mic. "Y'all follow me!"

Remaining contestants were a little surprised, but quickly followed the Pro Hero. He lead them to a training ground, that was used to simulate the scenarios of fights taking place in populated area. Or so young Midoriya thought, scanning the battlefield; seeing every little detail.

"So! The rules are simple! Behind these doors, are hundreds of battlebots. Each of them is worth a different amount of points. To acquire them, you need to either destroy them or turn them off, via a switch on their bodies. Top scores will enter the UA and the rest will be left with nothing!", explained Present Mic.

"It doesn't matter how many points I get, I have a seat in the UA already… But I want to prove my mom and dad, that believing in me was a good decision", thought Izuku to himself. "But most importantly, I need to prove it to myself. That I am truly worthy of becoming a hero!", and that's, where the exam began.

And... that's it for now. So I'm going to ramble a little :D
1. You see any mistakes in grammar etc. - you tell me ;D Imma straighten it up
2. You like it - you stay and Texas Smash that follow button xD
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And now, a little summary. As I probably said before, some of the characters will be... out of character. Like, smarter young Midoriya (but still goofy) and more ninja-like Tokoyami, more deadly fight, more romance and more character development (yes I'm looking at you Bakugo). Young Midoriya will befriend Yaoyorozu, but it's not a pairing... yet. Also, the relationships from the anime will be altered. Like the famous trio of Izuku, Tenya and Ochaco, will become a duo, with a longer past and Bakugo will have a friend from his school too!

Okey, that my part done, you can now decide, what do you want with the story. (Ignore, fav, read) ;D