A week later
The house is finished with the help of the whole league and Bruce took care of the lease and paperwork for the land.
Barry and Kara entered their house that is surrounded by a white picket fence.
"Well, Kara...We're home." Barry commented.
"Yeah, we are." Kara said before kissing Barry.
"I've been looking in the newspaper for a nine to five job that you could do during the day, if you want to that is." Barry told his wife.
"Of course, but who's going to take care of Karen and Alex?" Kara asked him
"I will. I'll be the stay-at-home Dad, Kara." Barry commented while laughing.
"I guess we could work with that." Kara said to her husband.
Their peace was ruined by a man in a tuxedo, appearing out of nowhere.
"Who are you?" Barry asked.
"You really don't remember me anymore? Really?" Music Meister asked them, "I trapped you both in a musical and you forgot about me?" He sighed.
"Oh! I forgot about that because after everything me and Kara have been through, that seems like a thousand years ago." Barry commented with a grin.
"I know and now that you're together and the musical is ending, let's have an ending number." Music Meister said while taking off his Tux.
"I always wanted to sing that Whole New World song, but I could never find my female duet partner." Barry commented.
"Wait Barry, before we sing, I'm gonna ask Music Meister one thing." Kara said then turning to Music Meister.
"What do you mean by 'musical is ending'?" Kara asked him.
"After you sing the musical number, you won't have superpowers anymore, you don't need them if you're retiring from crime fighting." Music Meister explained.
"We're gonna be regular humans?" Barry asked.
"Yes," Music Meister began, "The world doesn't need The Flash and Supergirl anymore." he explained, "They have the Justice League, now."
"I really thought that we were still in the musical for a second, there." Kara commented while chuckling.
"Yeah, 'bout that..." Music Meister trailed off.
"WE'RE STILL IN THE MUSICAL?!" They exclaimed in unison.
"No, but Iris and Mon-El are." Music Meister told the happy couple.
"I really thought that after all that we've been through, this was just a part of the musical and the two of us are still at STAR Labs." Kara commented.
"Iris and Mon-El still believe they have relationships with the two of you intact, though, so that's the problem." Music Meister said to them.
"Where are they now?" Barry asked him.
"They're still in the dreamscape, the versions of them you were interacting with before were Life-Model Decoys." Music Meister explained.
"Don't get me wrong but doesn't Mon-El already have a wife?" Barry said, stating it like a matter of fact.
"He doesn't know that yet, you'll have to bring him back to the Future in the Waverider." Music Meister said.
"So, the Mon-El that we sent to the future is like a decoy?" Kara asked him.
"Have you ever seen Terminator? It's like that except it doesn't kill anyone." Music Meister explained.
"Oh, I get it now." Kara said while nodding her head.
"Anyways, you sing, you lose your powers, and if you don't sing, your powers will not be harmed, what's your decision?" Music Meister asked them.
'What do you think Kara?' Barry thought to her.
'Do you think this is better for the kids?' Kara thought back.
'What if we ask him to take away the superpowers from the children as well?' Barry thought to Kara.
"Can you take away the children's powers too?" Barry asked the magical meister.
"Of course, anything for my favorite couple." Music Meister agreed to them.
"I can show you the world. Shining, shimmering, splendid. Tell me, Princess now when did you last let your heart decide? I can open your eyes. Take you wonder by wonder. Over sideways and under on a magic carpet ride. A Whole New World, a new fantastic point of view. No one to tell us 'no' or where to go, or say we're only dreaming." Barry sang to Kara while looking into her eyes.
As Barry sang, he grabbed Kara's hands into his own and gently swayed with the music in their heads. Memories going through the mind of everything they had been through together these past few years.
"A Whole New World. A dazzling place I never knew. But when I'm way up here, it's crystal clear that now I'm in a whole new world with you." Kara sang along, pulling Barry into a hug as they lightly danced together.
"Now I'm in A Whole New World with you." Barry sang before kissing her on the cheek, "Unbelievable sights indescribable feeling. Soaring, tumbling, freewheeling. Through an endless diamond sky," Kara sang before kissing Barry on the cheek as well.
Memories of when Barry first appeared on her Earth once again, this time apparently permanent. Having to talk to the president to allow him to stay with her and not get locked up and possibly experimented on.
"A Whole New World. Don't you dare close your eyes. A hundred thousand things to see. Hold your breath it gets better-I'm like a shooting star, I've come so far. I can't go back to where I used to be." Barry picked up where she left off.
Being with Kara, spending time with her in those early days were never easy. Some nights they would spend them with each other, bringing comfort when needed. There were fun times as well. When Barry decided to prank her by revealing he knew Supergirl's identity when disguised as another person. She never really forgave him for that.
"A Whole New World. Every turn a surprise. With new horizons to pursue. Every moment, red letter, I'll chase them anywhere, there's time to spare. Let me share this whole new world with you." Kara couldn't keep the smile off her face as she danced and sang a song with the man she loves. A perfect moment for them after everything they had been through.
Barry's abduction was the beginning of the two. It brought out their feelings for each other that neither really knew existed. Countless months without the other after they had grown so close. It brought them indescribable pain. But the feeling of joy after they found each other again, there was nothing else like it.
It took some time for them to overcome this dark time in their lives, but they pulled through it together and came out stronger than before.
"A Whole New World. (A Whole New World). That's where we'll be. That's where we'll be. A thrilling chase, a wondrous place. For you and me." They sang together and they finished the song together. The rest of their memories going through them all at once.
Going to the future to help Mon-El, even though now they knew he was a fake. Proposing, getting married, having their children. Even the worst parts, where Kara's life was threatened by Nazis, reality getting rewritten because of Deegan. Every part of their story led them to this moment. A moment filled with love for each other and their family. A life that is worth living for and full of everything one could desire.
"Wow," The Music Meister began, "That was beautiful." he complimented.
"Thank you," Kara said.
"Are you going to keep your promise?" Barry asked. "You are going to take away our powers and that of our children so we can live a normal life?"
"Is that what you two want?" The Music Meister asked, "Because there's no going back after this." he commented.
"We're sure. Having powers is a thrill, an adventure, and we'll always treasure those times." Kara said.
"But we're ready for life without them. We're finished with that part. We're ready to have a life where the world isn't looking to us for an answer and letting others take the burden." Barry continued. "It's time for the new generation to take over and let the old fade away."
The Music Meister snapped his fingers with a smile and poof, their powers were gone for good!
"Enjoy your lives. Because I have a feeling it is going to be a long one with so much happiness and love. And like I said, love is the solution." Music Meister smiled at them.
"Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a book signing to get to about 3 years ago. Toodles." He waved at them as he disappeared as if he never was there in the first place.
Barry decided to test and see if The Music Meister kept his word by trying to use his superspeed...But he couldn't. He could only run at normal speeds now.
"Wow, you're slow for a normal person." Kara said with a chuckle.
"This also means that you can squeeze me as hard as you want and you won't kill me by doing it." Barry countered with a grin.
"Why wait?" Kara said, as she pulled him into a hug and used all her strength into it. "It feels so good to do this and not have to worry about the other person."
"And you never have to again. We're normal now Kara. There's nothing for us to worry about ever again. We can raise our kids, maybe have another along the way if we want." Barry said.
"I'm not going through labor again, Barry." Kara said while shaking her head, "It's too painful." she commented.
"Alright, we won't have another one. We already have the Twins to take care of, and we have the adult versions to keep us company, so really I guess we have 4 kids in total." Barry told her.
"Well, we can have sex again, as long as we use protection." Kara said with a grin.
"You're on the pill right now, right?" Barry asked her with a large smile that showed his teeth.
"Impatient are we?" Kara teased him a little, walking back into their house with a little shake in her hips.
"I love you Kara." Barry proclaimed to her.
"I love you too Barry." Kara replied. "Now get in the house, the sun's going down."
"You know, we never had shower sex, Kara." Barry told her with a naughty grin.
"Well you're not going to get any if you don't get in the house." Kara yelled at him, already on the front porch.
"Kara, you are going to be the death of me." Barry said.
"Well, hopefully that won't be for a long time." Kara said.
Barry walked over to Kara and began to tickle her. They were going to have a grand life ahead of them.