Family Pet and Apologies
One Week Later – Unit Quarters
Clay smiled at Stella as she went on about her past week. The normalcy of talking to her soothed him after a full week cooped up in the hospital. He hated every minute of being there, well, every minute he recalled which wasn't much until three days ago. He was glad to be released this afternoon, back in his own quarters, and wearing real clothes again.
Stella prattled on, she could tell something was up with Clay but he wouldn't elaborate, which she understood. What she didn't understand is why they were still wherever they went since Clay said the mission completed. Winding down her monolog, she asked, "When are you coming home?"
"Not sure. Depends," Clay answered.
"On what?"
On when the doctor agrees I'm fit to travel. Not wanting to worry her, he couldn't answer with that, so he said, "Several things."
"Oh, so you can't talk about it. I get it. Well, you stay safe out there." Stella phone began ringing. "I've been waiting for this call, hang on a sec."
The door opening, and Sonny coming in caused Clay to swiftly say, "I gotta go, Babe. I'll call you later when I can."
Stella nodded and mouthed 'Love ya,' before they both disconnected.
"Chicken shit!" Sonny chimed in as he set a tray on the table as Clay closed the laptop.
"Not chicken. Just don't want to worry her. Nothing she can do from over there." Clay eyed the food with disgust.
Sonny snorted. "Whipped."
"What the hell is that?" Clay asked pointing the indistinguishable items on the plate.
"Dinner. You're gonna eat every last bit of it too." Sonny crossed his arms and glared at the kid. He lost a lot of weight in the last week and now that he was out of the hospital he planned to push him to eat more.
Standing, Clay shuffled to his bunk … the lower one … Sonny insisted they switch while Clay recuperated, but also told him that it was only temporary because he didn't want to have to carry his sorry ass back to the infirmary if he fell while trying to climb up. "Not hungry," he lied, not about to consume something he couldn't identify. He had enough of puking for a long time.
"You'll eat it if I have to force feed you."
Clay arched a challenging brow. "You can try ... and fail."
The door opened again, admitting Davis. She still harbored guilt for the things she thought about Clay when she believed he arrived at the plane drunk. She smiled as she glanced at the mushy, brownish, greenish, crap Sonny brought. "Appears Quinn is still trying to poison you. Here, this will be much more to your liking."
The aroma of real steak wafted to Clay as she lifted the lid off a container she carried. Clay's stomach growled, betraying his hunger.
Sonny's mouth salivated. "Kid's not hungry. I'll take it though."
Pivoting before Sonny could grab her offering, Lisa shoved it at Clay. "You heard his gut just as well as I did. This is for Clay. You can eat, whatever the hell you brought him."
Clay took the container and sat on the edge of the bunk as Quinn grumbled something about no one should eat garbage. Clay grinned as he savored the first bite. "Thanks."
Lisa smiled watching Clay devour the cut-up steak smothered in butter, mushrooms, and onions with a side of mashed potatoes … real ones, not the dehydrated and reconstituted ones. She called in a few favors to make this happen, and from Clay's expression well worth it.
Their quarter's door opened again and Brock entered with Cerb. The dog limped over to Clay and hopped up on the bed. Soulful brown eyes didn't have to beg long before Clay offered a piece to his four-legged teammate.
"Hey, if you're giving some of it away … send it my way. Cerb has kibble." Sonny groused before he shoveled a spoonful of the mystery meal into his mouth.
Lisa laughed, she teased Sonny long enough. "Steak is coming for the rest of you too."
Quinn spat out the gross, whatever it was, and grinned. "You're the best, Davis."
The portal opened yet again, and sure enough, the rest of Bravo paraded in carrying steak for all of them, including enough for Cerberus, Lisa, Eric, and Mandy. The small area became crowded, but no one cared as they squeezed on bunks and sat on the floor, balancing plates.
Eric was the last to arrive and came bearing a case of beer and a six-pack of soda. As he set them down on the table, he said, "Compliments of the Canadian unit. Their medic said the root beer is for Spenser since he must avoid alcohol for now."
"Why did they send this?" Ray asked.
Jason grinned. "Seems you took out the man they were after. Wanted to thank us. Sent them a case of beer in return. Without Duncan, well, the kid might not be here."
Beers passed around and popped open. Jason handed Spense a cold root beer. They had yet to have a conversation about the misunderstanding on the plane, not that Jason was avoiding admitting he was wrong, but because for six of the past seven days, the kid had been in and out as the fever raged and he wanted to ensure Clay was fully cognizant when they had the discussion.
As more steak appeared on his plate, Clay grinned and dug in with gusto again. When sated, he gingerly leaned back on the wall and glanced around at his team. He listened as they joked around, enjoying the comradery. He had never run with a unit this tight-knit. It was like having five older brothers, two sisters, and a kindly uncle in Blackburn … oh and he couldn't forget the family pet … Sonny. He chuckled at his thought as he scratched behind Cerb's ear.
"What's got you laughing?" Trent asked.
Clay's smile grew as he said, "Nothing."
"Aw come on. It is something," Brock prodded.
Everyone's eyes landed on him and Clay ventured to speak his mind. "This is kinda like family, complete with a family pet."
"Cerb's a great pet isn't he?" Sonny said.
Clay snorted. "Um, actually I cast you in that role."
The entire team burst out laughing. And their chortling increased as Sonny responded, "I prefer team mascot," and growled, flexing his biceps.
Teasing banter flew back and forth for another hour before Clay's eyes began drooping, noticed by all, and the impromptu party broke up when Jason stood and motioned his head towards the door. Their rookie was on the mend but still required adequate rest.
After Mandy, Eric, and Lisa left, Trent handed Clay his meds and received no gruff from the kid as he downed them. Before letting Clay stretch out, he needed to take his temp and check the wound. Being a puncture, the doctor didn't stitch it closed, so it could drain and reduce the likelihood of further infection, which meant the dressings needed to be changed frequently.
"How's it looking?" Jason asked.
"Healing well," Trent taped a clean pad in place.
"When do you think he can travel?" Jason took a seat at the vacated table as Sonny climbed up to the top bunk.
"Better be soon. Kid is lying to Stella," Sonny said as he batted the pillow.
"Not lying," Clay mumbled around the thermometer and tugged his shirt down after Trent finished.
"What do you call not telling her you were injured?" Sonny challenged hanging his head down to peer at Spenser.
Trent pulled out the plastic thermometer when it beeped, and Clay said, "Need to know."
"Lying by omission," Brock chimed in as he settled Cerberus on the soft doggie bed Davis procured for him since his dog couldn't climb the stairs to the top bunk yet.
"Normal," Trent said.
"See not lying." Clay yawned misinterpreting Trent's meaning.
"No, I meant your temp is normal. You're lying, and Stella isn't gonna be pleased with you when she finds out." He turned to Jason. "Another three days of normal temps. Don't want him throwing a reaction or taking a turn for the worse on the flight."
Ray caught Clay's eye. "A bit of advice. Do yourself a favor and own up to something small to avoid a major blow up when you get back. You won't be able to hide the hole in your back and she will worry more in the future because she will always question if you are being truthful with her. And if Stella is anything like my wife, she already suspects something."
Clay nodded too tired to really think more on it tonight. He laid his head on his pillow and within moments was out.
Turning to Jason, Ray asked, "So when do you plan to talk to Clay about …" he trailed off not wanting to say 'your screw up,' knowing Jace understood.
"Tomorrow. He's clear-headed now."
Noting the dark circles under Jason's eyes, Ray said, "Go sleep in your bunk tonight. Trent's here if any issues arise."
"I got the kid covered," Sonny said.
Jason rose and nodded. He trusted his men to cover Clay … he hadn't trusted leaving the kid in the hospital alone, so he camped out there regardless of what the hospital staff said about visiting hours, and Blackburn backed him up one hundred percent.
Next Morning – Outside Quarters
Clay spoke with Stella earlier, taking Ray's advice he confessed to being injured. He left off being so sick he lost track of days. Ray was right, Stella had suspected something and reiterated she was aware his job was fraught with danger, and injuries were to be expected. Stella also made it clear she believed enduring relationships were built on trust and she could handle just about anything, except lying.
He glanced to his right. His unexpected guard dog never left him. Sonny followed him everywhere … hell even to the damned latrine. He broached a topic he had thought about for a couple of days. "You know this isn't your fault."
Pulled from his daydream of last night's steak, Sonny cocked an eye at the kid. "What?"
"I don't blame you. I'm the one who lost my footing. Would've ruptured when I fell anyway. Thanks for carrying me."
"Jace, carried you," Sonny deliberately deflected.
"I was a bit out of it but I know for a fact Jason wasn't the one to carry me to the rock outcropping." Clay pinned Sonny with a direct gaze.
"Yeah, well, couldn't leave your scrawny ass lying there. Though, I could've maybe let Cerb drag you up the hill by the scruff of your neck." A grin played on his face. Sonny thoroughly enjoyed their banter.
Clay chuckled and shook his head. "Well, thanks anyway."
Jason approached and with one glance at Sonny, the man rose and made an exit grumpily saying, "About damned time someone else comes to babysit the kid." Quinn's gruff demeanor didn't fool Jason one damned bit because Sonny spent every night at the hospital with the kid too and ignored his orders to go back to quarters to rest.
As Sonny strolled away, heading for the mess tent to find something edible for the kid, he let go of the guilt he held for landing on Clay … the kid didn't hold it against him. Happy we picked him, we'll never know what to expect, but I like having a little brother.
Taking a seat in the vacated chair, Jason studied Spenser a moment. Being direct would be the best way to handle this. "I owe you an apology. I should've allowed you to explain on the aircraft. It was a break of faith and a mistake I won't make again. I'm sorry my actions and lack of judgment put your life in jeopardy."
The apology wholly unanticipated, yet appreciated, Clay nodded. "Trust is a two-way street. I should've informed you I wasn't up to par before we left. I put the team and the mission at risk. Sorry."
They sat in silence for several minutes, their gazes locked, attempting to read one another, before Clay asked, "We good, Boss?"
"Yeah, we're good." Jason leaned back and kicked his feet up on the rocks of their fire pit. He closed his eyes enjoying the shade of the canopy Brock, Trent, Ray, and Sonny erected after Clay became stir-crazy inside and insisted on sitting outside this morning. At least, for now, I can relax, but I better readjust my thinking and prepare for the unexpected with this kid.
Clay mirrored Boss' position. His worry over coming clean finally off his shoulders, he smiled and relaxed. Damned glad Bravo selected me … having brothers is an unexpected benefit.
AN: Hope you enjoyed the story. Drop me a review and let me know.
So by popular request, I am starting an Alphabet Injuries (AI) collection for Clay which will be pure whump. As with my FlashPoint AI for Sam Braddock, each chapter will be a stand-alone story for one letter of the alphabet. Also, like FP, this can be interactive if you would like to send me suggestions for the letters. Hope to have the first installment AI-A up in a few days.