EDIT: December 2019. Re-wrote this first chapter. Was the only one with Kai's POV and Ray's POV and it sucked. Hope this one is better!


This is a little short story that came to me.

I'm picturing V-Force styles here..

This also features and mentions the comic Fullmetal Alchemist.

If you know it, wonderful!

If you don't...I'll try and make it so you're not lost...may be some spoilers for if you ever do read it though!

This is just kind of Holiday fluff, really! But I hope you enjoy it!

Part 1 – Hospitalized

The sound of the alarm felt like daggers in his head as his silvery eyes painfully cracked open.

Oh wow, did he feel like shit...

He tried to move his arm to shut off the god awful noise, but felt like an enormous, fat guy was sat on him.

His dry mouth fell open, unable to breathe through his nose due to it being so stuffed up.

With a swallow, razor blades and shards of glass went down his throat.

And just to top it off, his muscles twitched in small vibrations as shivers took him over.

He forced himself to sit upright, which was no easy feat, walls spinning as he did.

With his first mission accomplished, his chest rewarded him with a wheeze that made it sound like he'd been smoking heavily since he was in the womb, which evolved in to a wet, hacking cough.

Urgh...he just brought up a whole load of something disgusting.

He ran a cold hand down a hot face and let out a groan.

How was this possible?!

He couldn't possibly be sick.

He'd never been sick a day in his life!

He was immune!

He felt a familiar brewing of anger in his gut, knowing exactly who was responsible for this...


The others had all come down with the flu the other week, and he'd had the good sense to get the hell out of that plague ridden deathtrap.

They spent a good few days miserable and mucusy at home together and Tyson had finally called to tell him it was all clear to resume training.

He'd lied. Clearly.

Part of him thought he probably did it on purpose.

Oh God...another coughing fit...his chest was already aching.

"Kai? Are you all right?"

He tensed, trying to hold it in.

Shit. Ray woke up.

Why did he have to get sick while sharing a room with someone!? He didn't want anyone seeing him like this.

"I'm fine, Ray." his raspy voice tried to answer between coughs, hoping the scratchy, raw sound of is throat didn't give it away that he was lying out his ass.


Apparently Ray was more observant than he thought.

He saw his roommate throw back his covers, stern look on his face.

Oh, no, Ray, don't get up and start fussi-shit, too late.

The sternness in his expression soon became riddled with concern as he appeared at his bedside, tanned hand placing on his cooking forehead.

Kai flinched away immediately.

He felt how sweaty he'd been a moment ago. He didn't want Ray to touch that...

"I said I'm fine, Ray. Just a little cold. I'll live..."

With every ounce of energy and strength he had, he pulled himself out of bed, pushed past him and went to the bathroom as normally as possible.

Which wasn't easy... with the room spinning harder as soon as he stood up.

With the bathroom door closed behind him, he leaned himself against the bathroom sink to support himself, lifting his eyes up to the mirror.

...Jesus Christ...

He looked as shit as he felt...

How could he be sweating this much when he felt so cold?!

A shower should help...make him a little more human.

The question was...did he want a cool one to cool him down, or a hot one to heat him up?


Setting the temperature, he turned the water on and peeled his sweat soaked t-shirt off.

The bathroom slowly filled with steam...

And quickly he felt dizzy...

Meanwhile, Ray huffed as he watched him stagger away to the bathroom.

Stubborn jackass...

He and the other three caught the flu last week...Kai ran for the hills until they were no longer incubating the plague. Apparently they'd been a little too hasty to declare it safe.

Despite being annoyed by his stubbornness, Ray let out a smirk. Having had it himself last week, he knew it completely wiped you out...he wondered how he was going to go about trying to be normal in front of him and the others.

Should be fun to watch...which was mean to think, but that's what he got for being so pig-headed.

Ray's smirk wiped off his face as he heard a thud from the bathroom.


He instantly got up and ran to the bathroom door, knocking.

"Kai? You all right in there?"

No answer.

Ray frowned, worried.

"Kaaaai?" he tried louder, knocking louder, too.

Still nothing.

"...I'm coming in..." he announced before turning the handle.

Luckily, the lock had broken a few weeks ago. Tyson. But that was another story.

Grandpa Granger hadn't bothered to fix it yet.

He pushed the door open and a haze of steam hit him.

His eyes widened as he saw Kai laying on the floor.

He'd collapsed!?

He rushed to his side, shaking him gently.

"Kai?!" he yelled, panicked.

He felt his head and tutted, he was really burning up. Why didn't he just say he was feeling this bad?!

Ray got up and turned off the shower before going back to him.

He wasn't exactly sure what to do...should he move him...or not? Maybe he hit his head on the floor...?

"Kai? Can you hear me!?" he asked again desperately.

This time, Kai let out a groan.

Oh thank God...he wasn't dead...

Ray suddenly realised his captain wasn't wearing a shirt.

His eyes selfishly took him in for a second before he sat him up against the wall.

He tilted Kai's head up to try and make eye contact with him.

"...Kai, what happened?" he asked. It was obvious, but he wanted to hear it from him.

Kai's glazed eyes struggled to open as he mumbled incoherently at him.

Was that even English? Didn't sound like it...

Ray's worry grew. This must be a pretty bad fever...

He quickly went and got Kai a shirt, putting it on him like he was dressing a child before running for Grandpa Granger.

The second Grandpa clocked eyes on him, he insisted they went to the hospital right away. Ray picked him up bridal style and brought him down the stairs, past his wide-eyed teammates and out to the car.

He was seen right away, leaving Ray and Grandpa in the waiting area.

A little while later, a kind looking older doctor approached them.

"He's got the flu all right." he confirmed, "quite a high fever though, seems to be having some trouble breathing, too. We're also worried about the fainting...he looks like he might have hit his head pretty hard. We want to keep him in overnight for observation and run a few more tests."

Grandpa thanked him and immediately called Mr. Dickinson to let him know. He was Kai's legal guardian, and in charge of all this kind of thing.

The sweet, round old man arrived on the scene within the hour, looking rife with worry.

He frantically bombarded the doctor with questions, who reassured him he would be fine. They just wanted to keep an eye on him.

Ray fought a smile. Mr. Dickinson cared for all of them...but he knew he had a real soft spot for Kai.

Despite keeping a polite, professional demeanor, the doctor was clearly growing tired of the questioning and insisted they come back tomorrow...the patient needed to rest.

The moment Ray and Grandpa got home, it was their turn to be bombarded with questions from the worried, nosy teammates.

"Ha! The mighty, invincible Kai, knocked on his ass and hospitalized by the flu!" Tyson mocked.

Ray got mad.

"Don't say things like that, Tyson! It's our fault he got it in the first place, and it sounds like it's a bit more serious than we had...he said he was having breathing problems and his fever was super high...not to mention he may have hit his head from fainting..."

Tyson felt bad as he heard the details.

"Ahhh, don't worry Ray. He'll be fine. It's Kai..." he waved off.

But Ray did worry...

Kai was strong, not invincible.

The next day, they decided to wait until the afternoon before they went to visit Kai. Let him get some rest.

But that changed when the phone rang.

Grandpa came in to the living room where the boys were.

"That was Mr. D, little dogs..." he said, not sounding quite as chipper as usual, "apparently it was a little more serious than they thought. His fever broke but then came back with a vengeance this morning. Turns out he has pneumonia on top of the flu."

They gasped, it sounded terrible.

"Is he going to be all right?!" Tyson asked, getting dramatic.

"Yeh, he's in the right place. But they're going to have to keep him in for about a week."

Ray's jaw dropped.

Ah jeez...poor Kai...that didn't sound fun at all...

Saying that, it was probably the nurses he should be feeling sorry for. It was probably pretty safe to assume Kai wasn't the most cooperative of patients...

He felt terrible...this was their fault.

They were in such a rush to get back to training after being stuck inside all week, they had infected their friend, their very proud friend... and got him sent to the hospital...

"Can we go see him?!" Tyson asked Grandpa.

"I don't see why not. They didn't say we couldn't." Grandpa replied.

But Ray still wasn't so sure...

He didn't think Kai would want them all to go see him while he was laying in a hospital bed full of plague. That would suggest that he was but a mere human...couldn't be having that now, could they? The arrogant moron...

Especially not Tyson...

"Actually, guys...I don't think we should all go. You know what he's like." he blurted out as Tyson jumped up to leave for the hospital.

Tyson stopped and frowned.

"He's our friend! We can't just not go visit him!" he argued.

"...I think Ray has a point, Tyson..." Kenny defended quietly.

"Yeh..." Max chipped in, "I really doubt he'd like us all seeing him sick. He's one proud dude..."

Ray nodded and felt his lip curl in to the smallest of smirks.

Exaaaaactly...thank you, Max.

Tyson huffed and folded his arms.

They had a point...

"Fine...but I think one of us should go at least...I don't care how much of a tough guy he is, I don't like the idea of him being on his own...being sick sucks, and being in the hospital is worse."

Ray's little smile grew.


Despite those two always being at each other's throats, they actually adored one another. It was like a brotherly love-hate relationship.

Not that either of them would ever admit that...

"So...who's going?" Tyson asked, knowing damn well it wasn't him.

Max and Kenny instantly look at Ray, and Ray was already shifting towards the door.

Of course it was him... He was his favorite and he knew it.

Kai did care about the others, but he and Ray had always gotten on the best.

He was the only one who didn't annoy him.

Which was why he always get to room with him.

...Apparently he felt very smug about that...

To make up for it, he tried to make himself look like he wasn't overly happy about having to go alllll the way over there as he went to get his coat.

As he wrapped up in warm clothes, it hit him that he should probably bring something for him...

A week is a long time to be sat in bed with nothing to do.

He glanced around their room.

He didn't know where he kept his books or comics or anything...and he sure as hell wasn't about to go through his things...he had a good thing going with Kai, and he intended to keep it that way...

Maybe he could bring him some of his own?

When he thought about it, he'd only ever seen him reading heavy looking novels...but, as ashamed as I am to admit it...he only had comics.

He wondered what kind he liked...

He wracked his brains some more, and actually couldn't recall ever seeing him reading one.

Hell, he'd even seen Grandpa Granger with a manga.

He went to his collection of comic books that he'd accumulated since he'd been staying at Tyson's and scanned the titles.

He made an intelligent guess that Kai was more in to dark stuff...grotesque maybe? Horror?


His gold eyes stopped their scanning as they fell on a particular title.

That seemed like one he'd like...and was one of his own personal favorites.

He took out the first two volumes and put them in his bag, felling a peculiar onset of nerves as he did.

What if he didn't like this one?

He tutted at himself, telling himself not to be such a flapper.

The worst that could happen was he had either read them already and he brought them back, or he read them and hated it...really didn't matter.

Messing around trying to find the perfect manga in his collection for Sourpuss wasn't getting him to the hospital any quicker.

Thirty minutes later, Ray walked through the glass doors, getting hit by the clinical smell instantly as he did.

He took himself to the reception desk, where a plump, sweet, motherly looking nurse with curly hair smiled at him.

"Can I help you, sweetheart?" she asked in a soothing voice as she put her pen down.

Ray smiled back.

"I've come to visit my friend...can you tell me what room he's in? His name is Kai Hiwatari."

Her eyes lit up.

"Ohhhh! The sweet young man with pneumonia, poor dear." she tutted sympathetically, "Follow me, I'm sure he'll be happy to have a friend come see him."

Ray stifled a laugh. He doubted anyone had ever called Kai 'sweet' before.

He started following the jolly nurse.

"He hasn't been any trouble, has he?" Ray asked, unable to resist.

The nurse looked at him with a twinkle in her eye.

"He tried. But nobody gives me sass, dear."

Ray's eyes widened and his smirk grew.

Oh, how he wanted more details...he'd ask later.

They stopped outside the room.

The nurse knocked and opened the door.

"Kai, sweety...you have a visitor."

As she stood aside and let Ray go in, he nodded a thanks to her.

Walking in to the room, his eyes scanned the view in front of him.

His smirk fell.

Kai was in pajamas, his head lay weakly on his propped up pillow, hooked up to an IV, some tubes in his nose. His face without the usual blue paint, looking both pale and feverish. Not looking good at all.

Ray had never seen him so weak and vulnerable looking. He was glad they hadn't all come.

Kai's head rolled lazily to greet his visitor.

"Hey, Sourpuss...how you feeling?" Ray said softly as he smiled and pulled up his chair next to his bed.

Ohhhh...his poor captain...

"Never better..." Kai answered weakly, but sarcastically.

Ray chuckled.

"The others aren't here...are they?" Kai asked quietly.

Ray shook his head.

"Just me...figured you were suffering enough without Tyson yelling in your ear."

Kai let a small, weak smile crack.

"Thanks, Ray."

Ray made a little small talk before asking him about his condition.

He still had a fever. He still felt like crap. And he had things up his nose to help him breathe easier...not to mention his nurse drove him crazy.

"Oh yeh? How so?" Ray pried...

Something had happened. He felt it.

Kai's face grew more flushed.

"...She's just annoying." was all Kai said on the matter, and Ray knew better than to press.

"So...bored yet?" Ray asked, changing the subject.

Kai smirked weakly and nodded.

"I thought as much, so I brought you some comics...I know it's not much, but something to do anyway..." he began, pulling them out his bag and setting them down on Kai's bedside table.

"I uh...had to bring some of mine...I couldn't see where you kept yours. I have no idea what you like or if you've read these...I just guessed what you might be in to..." Ray rambled nervously as Kai's eyes glanced at them on the side table.

"I've never read a comic...so I have no idea either..." Kai replied, "but thanks." he added.

Ray's jaw dropped. He'd never met anyone their age...or any age really who hadn't read a comic book.

"Wait, wait...you've never read a comic book?" he asked, just to confirm.

Kai shook his head.

"That's what I said, wasn't it?"

"You're a teenage boy in Japan...who's never read a manga?"

Kai shrugged.

"Don't know what to tell you, Ra-..." he was cut off by a rattley wheeze before a coughing fit got him.

Ray waited sympathetically for it to stop...

Man, that sounded nasty.

Kai finally got his breath back and cleared his throat. Grateful Ray didn't make a fuss and ignored it.

"Don't know what to tell you...just always seemed a bit childish." he said, not meaning to come off as snobbish as he did.

Ray frowned, taking in what he said before a sly expression appeared on his face.

"Ohhh, I get it.." Ray smirked, one of his pointed teeth flashing, "Kai Hiwatari is far too mature and grown up to do anything enjoyable..." he said in a sarcastic voice.

Even in his weakened, pale state, Kai managed to muster up a glare.

"You're fifteen Kai, not fifty! Act like it." he smiled, "You won't be a kid forever you know. Anyway, plenty of adults read this stuff too...It's fun! If you even know what that should look it up sometime..."

Kai was staring at him in a way that told Ray he had no clue what he was going on about.

It just made Ray smile more.

Mr. Know-It-All was actually a complete and utter idiot when it came to certain things.

The door opened and the motherly nurse sauntered in to the room.

"Sorry boys, visiting time is over..." she announced, a guilty look on her face, as if she thought the news was going to break their hearts.

"All right...I'll go now." Ray smiled and nodded at her.

He turned back to Kai and tapped the comics.

"I'll leave these here...in case you change your mind. Feel better, all right? I'll come back tomorrow." he said sweetly as he placed a hand on his shoulder and squeezed it gently before he turned to leave.

Kai felt his face flush as he glanced down at the unexpected touch.

As Ray left the room, the nurse's brow furrowed and quickly went to his bedside, whipping out a thermometer.

He sunk down.

"You're looking pretty flushed, honey. We should check your temperature..." she said worriedly, afraid his fever had gotten worse.

Before he could protest, she'd shoved it in his mouth.

He frowned and lifted his hand, about to pull it out again, but met her warning stare...

He put his hand back in his lap.

After a minute, she took it out his mouth.

"Good boy..." she praised as she held it up and looked at it.

Kai couldn't help but glare at her.

"...Well, still a fever. But no higher. You get some rest now, darlin'. I'll come check on you later."

He resisted the urge to flip her off behind her back as she left.

He settled down back against his pillows.

Just his luck...he got stuck with Nurse Ratchett on top of being stuck in hospital.

And...back to being alone staring at these four walls.

A whole week in here? It seemed excessive to him. Couldn't they just give him a sack of drugs and let him be on his way?

He pat his thighs. Just because there was nothing else to do.

It had been nice to see Ray at least...and just Ray...no way did he want Tyson seeing him like this.

He sniffed and let out a 'hn', unable to help but feel a little pissed at what he said though..

He did not act like an old man. He just didn't act like a baby.

He was right, I was fifteen...basically an adult!

He knew what 'fun' was...they just had different ideas about what that entailed.

Ray could get lost in his stupid picture books.

He could get lost in a novel that actually required some thinking...




Oh man, he was bored...

His eyes cracked, glancing over at the two comics he left for him.

That was nice of him to think of that...Ray's always so thoughtful.

What was it, anyway?

He picked it up and looked at the cover.

Some blonde guy in a red cloak and...a metal arm?

Fullmetal Alchemist

Sounded stupid...

He turned it over and read the summary on the back

"Alchemy. The mystical power to alter the natural world, something between magic, art and science. When two brothers, Edward and Alphonse Elric, used this power to grant their deepest wish, one of them lost an arm and a leg...and the other became nothing but a soul locked in a body of living steel. Now Edward is a slave of the government, a slave of the military-alchemical complex, using his unique powers to obey orders...even to kill."

His brow rose.

...That...sounded kind of interesting...actually.

He guessed he could have a look...

Wasn't like he had anything better to do...

No one would know...

He looked around, despite being the only one in the room and knowing it before he opened the manga and looked over the first pages.

The artwork was nice.

The world was kind of cool. Old timey looking.

Lior...some kind of religious village.

He started reading the first chapter.

Oh...the Philosopher's Stone...He'd heard of that...

So tin man and blondy wanted it, huh?

He continued to read on, intrigued.

A while later, is eyes widened and his mouth fell open a little.

"Ohhhh shit!" he exclaimed in his mind at the big revelation.

They tried to bring back their dead mom!?

That's why they lost their bodies!

That's why they need the stone...oooooh!

His face dropped as his hooked eyes scanned the picture of the monstrous 'thing' the brothers had conjured instead of their mother like they'd hoped, followed by the pictures of limbs being taken away.

The door opened.

"Kai, honey! I have to take your temperature." came the motherly nurse.

"Yeh, yeh...hold on..." he let out mindlessly, engrossed in what he was looking at.

The nurse smiled, glad to see him looking a little perkier.

She checked his IV and some other things, letting him finish his page.

"...What you reading there?"

Kai suddenly realised he wasn't alone and slammed it shut, putting it back on the table.

"Nothing..." he said quietly, feeling his face flush again.

The nurse's smile grew. This kid was an odd one. But she liked him.

She liked him more when he didn't put up a fight to take his temperature again. Still a fever.

"Well...better than yesterday at least. These things take time...the next few days you probably won't feel very good, but then you'll start feeling better." she said, trying to comfort him in case he was worried.

He wasn't. He just wanted her to leave so he could get back to the next chapter.

The second she left, he grabbed it and opened it up again.

Luckily he remembered the page.

His eyes were glued to the pages, getting lost in the world he was looking at.

He reached the final chapter.

An actual sound of disappointment left his throat.

Ahhhhh what?! The stone was a fake!?

God damnit! What a tease!

Well...he guessed it wouldn't be much of a story if they got what they wanted in the very beginning...

He read the very last pages until he'd reached the end, closing it and taking a moment to go over it again in his mind and process it.

That was...really good...

He placed it back on the side table and lay back against his pillow, thinking about what he'd just read.

He patted his thighs...

Volume 2 was right next to him...

He resisted.

He sat for a while, eyes occasionally glancing over as the next volume tempted him.

He gave in. Desperate to know what was going to happen next.

Ooooohh, who was this guy?

Roy Mustang. Edward's military superior...

As he took him in, he felt himself instantly relate to the slightly cold, hard-ass authority figure.

He lifted a brow.

The brothers were being sent to meet a guy to learn about biological alchemy?

What was that?

He gasped as he read on.


He looked in horror at the panels showing the abomination the guy had made...

By combining his small daughter and dog together...

A chimera.

The door opened, the nurse peered in and smirked when saw him still glued to it.

Kai lifted his head and quickly put it away. Was it time for a temperature check already!?

She was actually bringing him dinner. Was it that time already?

"Make sure you eat it all and get some sleep..." she said before leaving him to it.

Kai shot a glare at the door after her, ignoring the tray of food as he pulled the book back out.

The next day, Ray got ready to visit Kai again, like he promised he would.

He wondered if he'd read the comics he left...he'd only taken two...that wouldn't take him long...

Just in case, he packed what volumes he had and took them with him.

As he got to the hospital, he met the motherly nurse.

"Ah! Morning!" she beamed.

"Good morning Ms...I'm sorry I don't know your name..." he said bashfully.

"Call me Sarah." she smiled.

"Well...good morning Sarah...how's the patient?"

"His fever is coming down. It'll be a few days, but he's on the mend."

He cocked a sly brow.

"Any trouble?"

She chuckled.

"None. He was too engrossed in those books you brought him. I don't think you could have torn it out his hands if you tried."

Ray's eyes widened before a smug grin crept across his face.

"Is that right...?"

He made his way to Kai's room, knocked and let himself in.

"Hey, Kai! You're looking a little better..." he observed instantly.

"Hn." he smirked back, "Thanks..."

Ray let himself in and sat himself down.

"So, you read those comics?"

Kai tensed.

"No." he said defensively.

Ray frowned and looked at the side table. They were exactly where he'd left them yesterday. As if they hadn't been touched...Did he do that on purpose? Was he really that proud?

"Oh..." he said as he reached in to his bag and pulled out five more volumes, "I brought the other ones I had just in case...but I guess you won't be wanting them..." he said, trying not to let on he was messing with him.

He fought the smile and laugh that threatened to erupt as he saw Kai squirm and stay quiet.

Ray felt bad for messing with him while he was sick...he wasn't really going to take them home again. That would be cruel. This comic was his favorite, too...he knew how compelling the story was. He wouldn't leave him hanging.

"You've still got a good few days left in here...so just in case you get really bored, I'll leave them here..."

He saw a glint of relief in Kai's eyes.

He stayed and chatted with him until Sarah came in telling him visiting hours were over.

He was surprised how nice it was to just sit and talk with Kai.

Occasionally they could have really good conversations...today was one of those times.

As soon as Ray left, Kai memorised exactly how the books were positioned so he could put them back later.

He had three more full days here...that gave him two a day for the next two days and one for the last day.

Picking up volume 3, he made himself comfortable.

He was hooked after the first two pages.

By the end of the fourth, Kai's brows furrowed deeply and heart sank as a great character was killed by the evil homonculus...who transformed himself to resemble the man's wife before killing him...Leaving behind a widow and young daughter.

At the funeral, the most heart wrenching scene Kai had ever seen hit him like a tonne of bricks.

All because his favourite character, Mustang, the colonel who was close with the now dead character, shed a tear.

Mustang wasn't an openly emotional man...

In fact, the more Kai read this, the more he related to him.

...Probably why he was his favorite.

Kai's eyes began to prickle.

"I'm fine..." Mustang said as he put his hat back on.

"Oh no...it's raining..."

Hawkeye frowned.

"It isn't rain-" she tried to correct, only to see the wet stream down his face.

"No..." he insisted, "It's raining..."

Kai felt himself well up hard.

He got him.

Sounded like something he'd do...

But oh God, what a punch to the heart!

He finished the two volumes for the day, and had to show real self restraint not to pick up fifth one.

He needed them to last him until he got out of there.

The next day, he looked at the clock.

...Ray was usually here by now.

Was he not coming today?

He didn't say he was...but thought he might.

Time went on.

Guess not...

He felt a sense of disappointment.

He was actually looking forward to spending time with him.

Ten minutes later, the door opened.

"Hey, Sourpuss!" the familiar voice greeted.

Kai smiled.

"You're looking much better! Sorry I'm a little late, got held up at home. Trying to wrangle Tyson and Max to train without you there is proving difficult..."

Kai snorted.

"Sounds about right...don't take their crap..."

Ray chuckled.

"I won't...but I'll be glad when you're back..."

Ray sat down and filled him in with what was going on at home and their training. Not that much to report...he'd only seen him yesterday.

Sarah came in.

Time up.

Ray glanced at the 'untouched' comic books and wondered how many he'd gotten through...

As had become routine, the second Ray left the room, Kai grabbed the next volume...

The day after was finally Kai's last full day in the hospital. He'd be discharged tomorrow. The IV was out and the tubes were out his nose. He could breathe again.

He was feeling much better. Still had a nasty cough, but they said it might take a while for that to go away.

Kai read the last volume he had that morning, unable to wait until the afternoon to find out what happened.

His eyes scanned the pages intensely as Edward fought the homunculus that took his brother.

The cavalry arrived to help fight the powerful, seemingly unbeatable enemy...

Kai turned the page...to find there were no more pages...

He'd been left with a huge cliffhanger.

"...Nooo! God damnit, come on!" he whined to himself, slamming it shut and tossing it back on the pile in a huff.

A few hours later, Ray arrived, sitting himself down by his bed as always.

He glanced at the comics.

"Didn't read them?"

"Nope...sorry...not my thing...but thanks for bringing them." Kai said flatly, trying to sound genuine.

"Yeh, no problem..." Ray said, playing along.

There was quiet.

Kai's fingers tapped his arm.

"So uh...just out of curiosity...how many volumes are there?"

Ray tried not to smirk at the pathetic attempt. He knew damn well he'd reached the cliffhanger.

"That's all of them..."

"What?!" Kai exclaimed before clearing his throat.

"I mean...usually there's like a million volumes of these things, right?"

"Yeh...but the next one isn't out until Monday."

Monday?! That was four days away!

Ray let the smile crack as he saw the impatience in him.

"Yeh...I'm excited, the last one ended on a big cliffhanger...should be a good one." Ray added.

Kai shifted in his bed, pretending not to care.

"Oh? Well...hope it's a good one for you, I guess..."

"Yeh..." Ray smirked, "Me too..."

End part one.

I know this is a silly story. Drabble, really. But it just came to me and I liked it!

Hope you'll come back for part two!

Sorry for any spoilers for Fullmetal Alchemist.

And fans out there...hope you like this haha!

Any comments or reviews always appreciated!