AN: Eyas ei! This is supposed to be a collection of drabbles, but I can't help myself to write a little longer when it comes to my OTP! I hope you enjoy reading it! Feel free to leave a review for opinions, which I may find useful to develop my literary writing skills. c:

Disclaimer: Never will I own Pokémon; though I own this story and its image.

After welcoming the day by tying the knot in Petalburg and celebrating it in Rustboro, the newlyweds of Hoenn started their first night by watching the night sky in Mossdeep, where they had decided to settle down.

Steven had his small house – more like the house of his rock collections, renovated a few months before their marriage as May insisted that they live near Ever Grande. Not only that she would save time travelling whenever her Champion roles arise, but she would also save most of her time where her husband found peace in living a humble life.

Sure, Petalburg and Rustboro were good considerations since those were their hometowns, respectively. However, it was in Mossdeep where they first formed their own home – with the Beldum he gave, the letter she received, and the feelings they harvested.

At their balcony, Steven was laying his back on the floor with his head resting on his wife's lap. He was watching her in amusement as she eagerly pointed constellations here and there at the sky.

"Oh, look! That's Vulpecula!" The brunette gasped with her blue eyes, shimmering in awe. "What do you think about it?"

The silver-haired grinned. "Probably where Vulpix derived its name."

"No wonder they sound similar – oh wow!" She threw her arms in the air. "This Andromeda is so up close!"

He reached her right hand and held it gently with his left. "Not so close to your pulchritude."

May grunted a bit. "You're corny like a love-struck Ludicolo." Though she did not reject his touch.

"And you're as lovely as a Milotic," he responded with a kiss on her knuckle.

And she returned it with a pinch on his nose. "Help me find Little Dipper."

His eyes widened. "Why do you want to find one?"

"Is there something wrong about finding one?" she questioned him, raising her eyebrows.

"Well," he paused briefly before he pointed at himself, "You have Big Dipper already."

May was at loss of words that she just squeezed her husband's face, making his lips resemble a Gulpin's. He would lift his arms and do the same to her when something caught his attention from the sky.

"Uey," he tried to call her name. She released his cheeks from her palms once she saw his index pointing directly at the Shoal Cave's location.

She faced the north of Mossdeep, head slightly raised, "What is –," her lips were partly open with the sight that greeted her eyes.

Steven rose from his position and rested his head on May's shoulder. "Isn't that aurora picturesque? Too bad, it outstood the stars you were gazing at."

She shook her head lightly. "I don't think it outstood them, Steven. It actually stained the sky with more decorations which the stars definitely rejoice to be with," her voice was softly flowing alongside the breeze. "Like a monochrome canvas brought into a colorful scheme, thanks to a stain."

He stared at how the breeze swayed her hair, which accompanied the serene expression she was wearing. "May," he murmured with a low tone. She hummed as recognition.

He lifted his head from her shoulder, consequently intertwining his fingers with hers. "Let us name our son Stayne."

The newly hailed Mrs. Stone let out a shocked comportment from his sudden suggestion. Blood instantly travelled from her bottommost vein all the way to her face. "W-wait, Steven. I know we're getting there…maybe sooner or later, but, umm…why that?"

Sniggering at her flushed reaction, he shortly composed himself. "I don't know, May. It became apparent consequently you described the aurora, as a stain – a colorful one. And, it will not be spelled as what you ideate it would be, despite sounding the same."

"T-that doesn't have any deep meaning…," she defended, her voice turned muffled.

"Anything you say is meaningful for me," he assured together with his kind eyes.

She was definitely on her boiling point by the time she looked away from him. "Seriously, do I have to deal with this corny side of you every day…"

A chortle escaped from his side. "So, what do you say, Mrs. Stone?"

"I…I don't mind. But what if –," her flushed face was replaced by a concerned countenance. "What if our first is a girl?"

That had Steven thinking. Only for a while. "May, what hues do you spot on the aurora?"

"Hmm…let's see," she was tapping her free fingers on her chin as she scrutinized the aurora in the sky. "Rainbow colors but not in order. Yellow is below blue, green and red are on the right, orange and indigo are on the left, and violet is in between them."

"I believe they are jonquil, zaffre, shamrock, amaranth, tangerine, periwinkle, and mauve," he reckoned as he followed the colors she was terming.

May's eyes gaped at his accurate labels, nudging her arm on his side. "Since when did colors become your expertise, Mr. Stone?"

He glanced at her with honest bearing, "Rocks, dear. Very symbolic in colors if I may add."

"Symbolic, huh…," a quiet repetition she made prior to beholding the scenery at the night sky.

There was a fleeting silence that engulfed the couple who in return, did not question the hushness. It was a dazzling tranquility which fabricated their moment endearing. She was secured within his arms, her head serving as his chin's reposing point.

They were both their own saving graces.

Up until May broke the stillness of the night when she shifted her body to face her husband. "Let's name our daughter Mauve!" enthusiasm was evident on her pitch. She was shaking his arms, convincing him with her fiery eyes.

Steven was taken aback by her abrupt movement. "Mauve?"

She nodded earnestly, "Yeah! I remember that it is credited as 'the color that changed the world'."

"Since when did you wallow yourself in history?" he tittered, circling his thumb on her cheek as a side note that he was not expecting what she had uttered.

She blew her cheeks, pouting at him as if she needed to elucidate her grounds, "You mentioned it and I found it symbolic."

"Aren't the lines exiting my mouth corny?" He snickered, rubbing his jawline.

"I said, you," she emphasized by forming a Gulpin-like lips again of the man she was facing, "Are corny, not your words."

Since he was also facing his lovely wife, he countered the Gulpin move she had been utilizing to him, "En you aw siw wabwy –"

"Argh! Sweben, hamswer wi rayt yow," she struggled to protest.

The way they managed to speak earned a vibrant laughter from the two of them. The noise of their laughs shattered across the balcony in the same way the aurora and the stars disseminated transversely across the welkin.

May returned to his arms, looking towards the atmosphere once more. "So, do you approve it?"

"Ultimately," he pulled her closer to him. His eyes were locked on the same sky his other half was eyeing while he was inhaling the scent of her hair. It smelled sweet like her Delcatty's favorite Pokéblock.

"Steven, Stayne, May, Mauve," he heard her mumbled. The lineup of names was music to his ears.

"Perfect," was the only modifier which he could remark. The perfect description for what he was experiencing right at that moment - totally what awaits him as well in the near future.

"May," he called in an undertone. His fingers were running through her untied hair.

"Yeah?" her gaze was not tearing away from the objects of her attention.

"I think we cannot find Little Dipper tonight," he flatly stated. Eyes were stealing glances from her and lips were unconsciously stationary.

She tilted her head sideward to glance at him. "Umm, yeah. Not now…?"

He leaned closer to her ears, whispering an invitation, "But I think we can make one tonight."

And her tender giggle could not deny the fact that she would not decline such an enticement.