This has been a long time coming and I have been promising this for a while...sorry for taking so long...
The first part of this is from a prompt I did way back, but I did change a small part and at the end its different before heading to the rest of the story. It's not complete and if I don't start posting I fear I will never get back to this.
I actually have a creature fic I'm working on that is way different from this and is a lot longer already, but that will be posted once I have completed it which at the rate I'm going won't be too long heh.
I hope ya'll like it! Enjoy!
Elsa was staring out her window into the night sky overlooking the forest at the back of her house. She never liked the forest, it was dark and scary. Foreboding, she thought. Even as a little kid she never liked going near it.
The hairs at her neck stood on end as a howl rang out from the woods. A shiver ran through her as it sounded again. Her mind was racing with what some of kids have been talking about at school recently. Things about werewolves.
She didn't believe them, but that didn't mean the thought didn't scare her. She sighed and was about to turn away to head to bed when something caught her eye. She leaned out of her window and tried to look at her neighbors. She frowned.
What was Anna Summers doing?
She watched the clumsy redhead struggle over the backyard fence. Elsa cringed as she saw the girls' foot get stuck and her arms flail as she dropped onto the grass below. Anna shook her head and jumped up, running full speed into the forest. Just then another howl rang out.
That girl is going to get herself killed!
Elsa pulled on her hoody and shoes, before sneaking out herself. If she didn't stop that naïve girl she could get killed! Elsa climbed over the fence with much more grace than the younger girl, before setting off in a light jog.
The cold night air lapped at her face as she searched the woods with a heavily beating heart. She was scared out of her mind.
"Anna?" She called out and tried to listen.
"Anna! It's me, Elsa! Please go back home it's not safe out here!" She called again. There was rustling all around her, making her turn in circles till she was dizzy and no longer knew which way was home. She cursed at herself. Why was she caring about her like this? She's only talked with the girl a few times and that's only because her best friend was Anna's brother. In truth she actually had a small crush on the adorable redhead, but opted to abide by the best friend code of not falling for your best friend's family.
She was going to kick Kristoff's butt for not looking after his sister.
A growl to her side made her gasp and stumble. She saw glowing eyes in the dark between the trees. Her heart was racing in her throat as she stumbled more. Her feet snagged and she landed on her backside. As the glowing eyes neared her and the growling intensified she back up against a tree.
This was it, she was going to die and for what? A girl she had a slight crush on?
The wolf came into view of the full moon light; it was reddish brown and large. She tilted her head to the side and clenched her eyes shut as it sniffed at her face, drool dripping onto her. It snarled and Elsa could feel its hot breath on her face as it opened its mouth.
But nothing happened.
She heard a loud bark like growl and the wolf was suddenly away from her. The heat it had radiated now gone and leaving her cold once more. Elsa opened her eyes and watched a smaller wolf, much redder than the larger one, growl and snarl at the larger one. The smaller one jumped away from a swipe of the big ones paw before lunging forward and snapping its jaws around the big ones arm. It yelped and pulled back. The banter continued with only the larger one getting hurt each time.
Elsa watched as it seemed that the smaller would win only for the big one to manage swiping its large paw at its face sending the small one to the ground yipping. Before the large one could do much more however a sandy brown wolf jumped from the shadows. This one was bulkier. The sandy brown wolf ended up chasing the red-brown wolf away. She could hear them running and barking at one another.
The smallest of the three stood shakily shaking its head. Elsa still couldn't move. Her legs felt like jelly. She watched the wolf tilt its head and slowly walk closer. It looked more like a nervous puppy than. Its ears were flat and its tail was tucked between its legs. Elsa gasped at the eyes, a brilliant teal blue. It sniffed at Elsa before laying down on its back, exposing…her belly to her.
Elsa blinked. She read that wolves or rather dogs, displayed submission by exposing their bellies to others. This must be the wolf's way of saying she was harmless. Elsa shakily reached out and run her fingers through the soft fur.
The wolf barked happily as she jumped up and started licking at Elsa's face. Elsa couldn't help but laugh and rub the wolf's ears. Elsa's laughter died down as the wolf stopped licking and just panted looking to her.
"You remind me of someone…Anna! I have to find Anna! She came here before me," Elsa panicked and stood up making the she wolf whimper and bounce around her moving legs. Elsa blinked and looked back down to the wolf as she felt her paw at her leg.
"I'm sorry, but I have to find her. I don't know what I'll do if something bad happens to her," Elsa said, she didn't want to think of the girl getting hurt. The wolf pounced her, making Elsa stumble and drop onto the surprisingly soft grassy ground. She felt the wolf shift above her.
Elsa gasped. On top of her now was no longer a wolf but a very naked Anna. The girl was blushing deeply.
"Um, that wasn't supposed to happen," she said slowly. They heard leaves rustle and the sandy brown wolf appeared. It gave Anna one look before seemingly bursting out in laughter. Anna got more flustered as she jumped up and started yelling at the wolf.
"This isn't funny Kristoff! What the hell happened? Why am I human? I said stop laughing!" She got more and more flustered till the wolf stopped laughing.
"You're no help!" She huffed before turning back to a still blushing Elsa.
"Well, I guess the cats out of the bag?" She chuckled nervously.
"I guess I have to keep both your secrets now huh?" Elsa tried to lighten the mood. She had so many questions, but she knew they would answer them in due time. She expected a nod from them or at least some form of a yes to her question, but they looked to one another nervously.
"Well," Anna started and Elsa felt like there was more to this than what TV led her to believe.
"So…werewolves huh?" Elsa giggled nervously. Both Kristoff and Anna rubbed the back of their necks as they chuckled nervously. One of the rare occasions one could see they truly were related.
"The term werewolf is a bit different from what we really are," Kristoff started as he stared at his water bottle.
"We're more lycanthrope than werewolf," Anna said as she scrunched up her face.
"What's the difference?" Elsa dead panned.
"Well we don't need a full moon and we don't become part wolf. We can change at will and we become full wolves," Kristoff explained.
"Also we were born like this and not cursed," Anna stated as she braided her hair before momentarily stopping as she looked in thought. "Though I guess we're more shifters really," she added and Kristoff shrugged.
"Terminology has been lost over the years," he said and Elsa could only nod slowly. Elsa and Anna couldn't exactly look the other in the eye much. After seeing the girl naked things were awkward.
"Anything else I should know?" Elsa asked and looked around at the other students in the cafeteria.
"The color of our fur is determined by the color of our hair," Anna smiled and Elsa giggled softly.
"I sort of noticed that," she said.
"Whatever you saw and heard of us on TV and movies? Forget those. Those are just scared humans making assumptions from things other scared humans wrote. Some stuff is true and a few things are just werewolves that had gone rouge and got caught. I mean scriptures had to come from somewhere right?" Kristoff said and Elsa hummed. It was understandable.
The bell rang and they headed off to their classes. Elsa was still trying to wrap her mind around things. She was a skeptic when it came to mythological things. She wanted proof before believing something. That night she found out about werewolves she learned that it was Anna's first shift now that she was officially 16. The wolf that had cornered her was a different werewolf from a different family pack. The reason Anna had turned back so suddenly was due to her not having control yet, hence why Kristoff found it so hilarious.
Elsa sighed as she sat in her desk and started sketching while the teacher spoke. She drew Anna and Kristoff in their wolf forms. A small smile on her lips as she sketched Anna's beautiful eyes. Halfway through them she groaned and slammed her head onto the desk.
God she was too gay for this. Anna was her best friend's sister!
The students closest to her just gave her a strange look before continuing back with what they were doing. Elsa ended up falling asleep. She'd been up all night with this whole damned werewolf thing.
Elsa felt someone shake her and she bolted up right.
"I prefer redheads," she mumbled before groaning and looking to the person that dared to wake her.
"Ew, it's Kristoff," she mumbled and the man rolled his eyes.
"Yea well, you're not my type either," he said and gripped her hoody as he picked her up.
"I'm up, I'm up," she whined and pulled her jacket out of his grip. Elsa shoved her things back into her bag and slung it over her shoulder. As they exited the class she rubbed her eyes.
"Ugh what do we have now?" She grumbled and he steered her to their next class.
"Art, yay!" Elsa cheered and took her seat happily.
"We're doing art history today," Kristoff reminded her and Elsa pulled her face.
"Art, boo," she grumbled and rested her chin on the desk and once again promptly fell asleep. This time it wasn't a pleasant one. She was running away from something and ended up tripping. When she turned to see what was chasing her she saw those glowing eyes from the night before. She could feel herself shake and once the glowing eyes revealed itself she saw Anna. Not the Anna she came to fall for no. This Anna was part wolf and part human, but her eyes revealed all animal. She was almost foaming from the mouth as she snarled and pounced to her.
Elsa shot up in her seat. In front of her Anna was standing, looking at her. All Elsa saw were her eyes and nearly screamed.
"Whoa, Elsa calm down," Kristoff said as he kept the girl from tipping her chair.
"Must have been a hell of a nightmare," Anna said as she stood and pouted.
"What…what time is it?" Elsa asked as she tried to calm her racing heart.
"School just let out," Kristoff spoke as he slung his bag over his shoulder. The class was empty and Elsa groaned. She stood too and they left the grounds together.
"Ugh I need to get some sleep. This is all your fault," Elsa glared at the redhead.
"My fault? No one told you to come after me!" Anna exclaimed and Kristoff shook his head. He watched the two bicker even up to getting in his truck and stopping at their houses.
"You two sound like an old married couple," he said and they both blushed.
"Shut it Kristopher!" They both shouted. He rolled his eyes and they walked into the Summers' home.
"Good afternoon Mr. Summers!" Elsa greeted the man and he chuckled.
"Elsa dear it really is fine if you just call me Kai, we do this every day," he smiled to her.
"Yea, but that's kind of our thing!" She smiled up to him and he pats her shoulder.
"So I heard you found out about our little family secret," he said.
"It was an accident really," she said and he held his hands up.
"It's fine Elsa, just don't tell anyone that's all," he smiled and she blinked.
"You feel like part of the family," they all turned to look at the woman of the house hold enter from the kitchen.
"Hi Mrs. Summers!" Elsa greeted and the woman giggled.
"Still not using first names, so proper, unlike our seemingly uncultured pups," Gerda said and the siblings gape at their mother. Elsa just chuckled.
She stayed over till it was time for dinner before heading over to her house. Once inside she could smell the food her mother was making. It smelt divine, but she was super tired.
Elsa's eyes snapped open as she heard a howl from the woods behind her house. Her heart raced and she scurried out of bed, tripping in the tangles of her sheets before pulling herself up to her window. It took a few minutes for her eyes to adjust, but once they did she saw a large dog standing in the grass between the woods and line of fences. It was close enough for Elsa to make out the wagging of a tail.
She smiled and pulled on some shoes and a jacket before sneaking out. Once over the fence she found the wolf circling her and panting happily. Elsa rubbed her ears and smiled brightly.
"Hey Anna, is Kristoff in the woods already?" Elsa asked and looked up to the tree line. Anna jumped a few times barking excitedly before trotting over to the trees. Elsa frowned and followed. Anna led her to a small clearing where a blanket was laying with a picnic basket and a low light lantern in the middle. The wolf nudged Elsa to sit on it before nudging the basket open. Elsa moved the sniffing wolf away before pulling out some sandwiches and apple juice.
"Thanks Anna, this is very thoughtful," Elsa smiled and the girl barked once before running into the woods. The blonde just sat and ate the delicious triangle while listening to the sounds of the night. The woods weren't so scary anymore now that she knew there wasn't anything too dangerous in it and if something were to attack her Anna and Kristoff would be there to protect her.
It wasn't long before Anna came back. She was back in her human form and wearing cloths this time.
"Few that was a nice work out," she smiled and sat down on the blanket.
"Where's Kristoff?" Elsa asked as she sipped at the juice box. Anna let out a nervous chuckle as she rubbed the back of her neck.
"See the thing is…he's not here. It's just me, I hope that's fine with you," Anna said as she smiled sheepishly.
"That's fine Anna really you're my friend too," Elsa said softly and bit her lip, "listen about last night? Seeing you kind of naked? It was dark I didn't see much," she added.
"It's fine Elsa, nudity has never been that much of an embarrassment for a werewolf," Anna smiled and Elsa nodded.
"So, is there a reason you wanted me all for yourself?" Elsa asked as she tried to keep her heart rate down. Anna bit her lip and stroked a stray strand of hair in behind her ear.
"The thing is Elsa, now that my um, senses are heightened with the wolf being awakened, I can hear things and smell things so much better and see things better too!" Anna gulped, "and…and I just…" she didn't know how to say this.
"Take your time Anna," Elsa whispered and the redhead took a deep breath.
"I love your scent!" She blurted and covered her mouth. Elsa blinked and felt her cheeks redden.
"What do you m-mean by that?" She stammered.
"I mean that your natural scent is really pleasant and I really like it and…and I just want it around me," she was blushing supper bad and was thankful of the dark night covering most of it. She heard Elsa gulp and she could hear the fast flutter of her heart. Her scent was also growing stronger.
"I-I could lend you one of my jackets," Elsa said as she rubbed the back of her neck, "and once my scent leaves you can, um, give it back and I'll give you a different one," she added as she looked down to her hands. Anna perked up and leaned forward. Her hands now either side of the blonde's hips and her face so close their noses were almost touching. Elsa thought for a minute that if the younger girl had a tail right now it would be wagging.
"You mean that?" Anna asked happily and Elsa nodded. She briefly saw the girls eyes flicker down to her lips before pulling away.
"That's really cool of you Elsa," Anna smiled and Elsa smiled back.
"It's getting late; I'll give it to you tomorrow yea?" Elsa asked as she stood and Anna nodded standing as well. She gathered the basket and lantern along with the blanket and walked back to the fences with the human. They said their goodnights and went home.
Well then! That should do for this chapter!
Let me know what ya'll think in the reviews (or pm if you're shy).
A friendly reminder that English is NOT my first language.
I would really love to hear from ya'll!