(Hey, guys! So sorry for the lack of a new Chapter. I've been real busy lately with, well, a lot of things, but you came here for the story! Not a Pity-Party for poor me..! XD I'm just going to get right into it!)

Serana kept glancing over at John as they walked for what seemed like ages. Ever since she heard what he said. He says luck? She was pretty lucky too, if she was to follow his philosophy. She remembered hers was forced upon her. She had no room to judge... John was surprisingly quiet, though. Not necessarily a terrible thing, but it was strange. Especially for him. Did he want to say anything? No. the real question was. Did she..?

"Hey, John?" She thought about what she wanted to say, kind-of wanting to mention her wounds. Since she could find almost-nothing else to talk about. John was off in his own little world. He had the ability to immerse himself into any world he wanted, yet he could never truly visit it. Since, well, it was only his imagination. "John? Hello? Are you okay?"

Serana waved her hand in front of his face, snapping him back into reality... "Huh? Oh, I. I was just thinking, is all." He said simply, clearing his throat. "What's up?" He smiled lightly, trying to cover up what he was thinking. Serana tilted her helmet, gently touching the side of his face. "Are you alright? You seem a bit..." She trailed off, not wanting to finish the sentence.

At least he was more normal than anyone else here. Wait, what is considered 'Normal' Anymore? Mother, was she normal? No. She couldn't be, creating monsters. She promised she'd stop calling herself one, but it was much easier saying than actually following it through.

John's smile disappeared, hesitantly moving her hand aside. Now she was worrying about him? At least someone did, but she was the last one he wanted to worry. What's wrong with him? Now he was worrying about her worrying. This was beginning to hurt his brain...

"I'm fine, just tired. And sick of this entire place." He partially joked. Serana took it literally of course, nodding slowly. "I, think we all are..." She carefully inspected his features to see if he was being truthful. His eyes were still as blue as she could remember.

His complexion seemed a bit pale, but that was probably normal. His hair was still the same color. He did look a bit tired. But it was hard to tell. He stifled a laugh, nodding in agreement. "Tell me about it. Ugh, this whole 'Underwater' Thing just. Isn't my style, Y'Know?"

He flashed her a small grin. Serana gave him a dumbfounded look, even though he couldn't see it. Not his style? What does that mean? "It's all I know, so. I don't really know what you mean." John looked over at her, this time turning his full-attention to her.

"Serana, I may not know what's ahead. But I can promise you this." He put a hand on her shoulder. Wow..! No wonder bullets bounced right off her! Not the time, John. Not the time. "You will get through it, and you will make it out of here." Serana shook her head slowly, smiling under her helmet.

"Not without you. I owe you my life." He was her Protector as much as she was his. Not theirs, not Mothers. Hers. "We will both get through this." John sighed a bit, giving her a firm nod. "I'll try. But please, don't make my efforts of saving you wasted." He joked. But there was some truth... If he wasted his time on someone who was just going to die anyways, he would've slapped himself silly. Serena laughed, much to John's surprise. Her laughter was very. Unique, he'd give it that. "I'll try not to." She looked down at the floor. "...But Mother'll try to kill me."

John shook his head, squeezing her shoulder lightly. Her armor made it so she couldn't even feel it, much to his disappointment. "You don't know that. Besides, she's a Sociopath hellbent on watching what a man dedicated his entire life to crumble in on itself." He sighed heavily.

"I may despise that woman with ever fiber of my being. But she is only one person. Not the Demi-God she thinks she is." Serana glanced at his hand on her shoulder, putting her hand on his. "Thank you..." She would smile, but he wouldn't see it. John looked at her hand quickly.

He wasn't quite sure what he was feeling, in all honesty... "Just, glad I could help." He partially joked. Serana smiled under her helmet, unable to help herself. John seemed nervous now. Was it something she said? "She has no control over me, anymore. If that's worth something."

Maybe he was nervous about that. John nodded a bit. "And your Sisters?" Serana slowly took her hand away from his. "...I do not know their fate." John raised an eyebrow. She was telling the truth, obviously. But he wondered if there were others like her.

Ones that broke free or however you say it. "Sorry, I just..." He trailed off. Serana nodded understandingly. "I know, John. It's alright." She would smile, but. Helmet, again, prevented him from seeing it. He shrugged. "If you say so, I guess."

He didn't really know if there was a proper way to respond to that comment. That didn't lead to him getting stabbed, that is...

(Aaaand I'll stop it right there! Happy Valentine's Day..! My gift to all of you! (^-^))