Ohayo Readers! Here's another story that has been running through my mind for months.

I own nothing from Inuyasha.

Hope you enjoy!

Please read and review!

Almost blinding lights reflected off the wet streets as a motorcycle sped through the wet streets, it's rider in solid black leather and helmet. As cars passed them from the opposite lanes, their bright lights made the rider be able to see their reflection in the visor of their helmet, revealing eyes of molten gold narrowed in concentration. The black rider weaved in and out of traffic, going faster then what was safe in the heavy rain as lightning illuminated the black skies. Several cars honked at the rider as they passed them, straddling the white dotted line. Some even dared to roll down their window with the heavy rain to yell at the motorcyclist as they passed. A ringing in the motorcyclist's ear made them sigh before answering the call from the Bluetooth headset.

'Azya Kazuki, you are in so much trouble!' A feminine screeched into the motorcyclist's ear making them flinch.

"Okay...? And why does my ears deserve such violet screeching? You do realize that I'm driving right?" Azya responded, their voice revealing to female.

'When did you buy such a dangerous piece of transportation? And why would you be riding it in this rain?!'

"Ah, so you were one of the many drivers who doesn't know how to drive in extreme weather," Azya chuckled, hearing a male voice in the background yelling about the dangers of motorcycles and weather. "Anyway, since when have you actually cared? You guys didn't even care when I dropped of the radar. So what gives Antonio?"

'When I can recognize my daughter's unmistakable maroon braid zooming past on a motorcycle,' Azya heard her father snap, realizing she was now on speaker.

"You have some nerve calling me that when you disowned me. So... after five years, why now? Why pretend to care, considering I get a call from your lawyers to sign off the paperwork and a huge sum of money to not take you to court over the claim? Not that I ever need your damn money..."

'Watch your mouth young lady!' Her mother snapped, but she could hear the tears.

"Save the tears for someone who cares, Anita," Azya snapped.

'Felix demands that you appear at the winter party,' she heard her father sneer.

"And why do I care what your brother wants?"

'He claimed you as family,' her mother Anita spoke quietly and Azya spun her bike around and raced back through the honking cars until she found the familiar car and slid to a stop in front of them, stopping traffic in the lane. 'What the hell are you doing young lady?!'

"So you only called me because now I have more claim over your brother's will than you?!" Azya snapped pulling her helmet off and got off her motorcycle and walked over to the driver window as her father rolled it down when she threatened to break it in with her helmet.

Azya stared hard at the two people who raised her. Her mother, Anita, had perfectly curled blond hair pulled back by a jeweled pin, blue eyes, and wore a black business suit. Antonio, her father, had short black hair, hazel eyes, and also wore a black suit, meaning that both had just come out of some business party. Azya had waist length maroon hair braided to her waist while the top half of her hair was platinum blond to her shoulders in shallow a-line.

"Let's take this off the highway, Azya..."

"Why? So you can shut me up? Call your lawyer to give me another sum of money to stay quiet? You are bitter that I refused to become apart of your companies so that I could take over one day! You don't disown your only child because they refuse to follow your exact steps. You can't force people to be somebody they're not."

"Felix wants to leave you everything, no strings attached..." Anita sobbed.

"I don't want any of that!" Azya snapped as she slammed her helmet into the metal door frame, leaving a dent. She felt heavy rain drops roll down her scalp as her hair got soaked. "What is it about the damn Kazuki family and thinking it's all about the money?! I just wanted a family who cares and supported what I wanted. Not people who disown their own family!"


"You were supposed to be my parents! Not a business partner or my boss. Why can't you understand that? We could have been the poorest people in the world and I would have been happy if you just acted like parents who loved their child, not have expectations of the next holder of your damn companies!"

"Azya...!" Anita opened her door to get out and Azya shook her head and pulled her helmet back on. "Let us talk about this..."

"You had twenty years to 'talk' about it, Anita," Azya sneered, using her gloves fingers as quotation marks before getting back on her motorcycle. "Don't call me again. You chose this, you can't undo your choice and expect me to accept the terms."

"Azya!" Antonio got out as she revved her engine. She turned her head only slightly to laugh at the pitiful faces of her former parents before zooming back down the road.

'You choose a dangerous life, dear child.' Azya swerved a little on the wet streets as she heard a man in her ears loud and clear as if she was on the phone. 'Tell me, dearest Azya, if you could choose, would you have chosen a different life?'

"Who the hell is this?" Azya snapped, cursing as a car hydroplained and almost swerved into her.

'You may call me Toga or Inu No Taishō, but either way, you drive in anger and you will die,' the man spoke sadly.

"The hell...?"

'Azya, are you talking to yourself? You never hung up the phone...' she heard Anita through her headset, quieter than the strange man's voice.

"I'm fine," Azya muttered before moving to end the call when a pair of headlights swerved from the opposite traffic and headed right at her. "...Fuck..."

'Az... Azya...!' She heard her mother scream as the car reached her.

She veered to the left to try and get out of the way but there was not enough time to react with the wet roads. The car hit her right side, the momentum throwing her from the bike and she felt her body hit the hood of the car before everything went black and felt her head hit the windshield, hearing it shatter before all other senses faded.

Sirens were the first thing she heard as she started to come around. The sound of an erratic beeping was the next thing she could hear before feeling started to come back and felt the cold rain hitting her. She tried to breathe but it came out wheezy as searing pain shot through the right side of her chest. She opened her eyes, but there was nothing to see as if the entire world had gone pitch black. She was able to move her left arm without too much pain and lifted it up to the pain in her chest and felt something narrow impaled in her chest. She flexed the muscles in her body and felt her toes but her whole right side started to throb at the movement.

"You shouldn't be moving miss!" A voice nearby yelled and she felt a hand moved her left arm back to the ground. "You were in accident. Do you remember anything?"

"I should have stopped..." Azya whispered weakly as she felt hands carefully remove her helmet as something got out around her neck. "He said this would happen..."

"Miss...? Can you see me?"

"Azya!" She could hear both Anita and Antonio distantly over the sirens. "Azya...!"

"I don't see anything... why can't I see anything...?"

"Let us through! That's our daughter! Azya!" Antonio yelled.


"I hear them," she snapped before hissing in pain.

"There's a shard of glass puncturing your right lung. You shouldn't talk."

"Then stop asking stupid questions," she hissed as something went over her nose and mouth, pushing air into her.

"Azya, oh Azya..." she could hear Anita start sobbing closer than before. "Her eyes... how bad is this...?"

"Who are you?" Azya recognized the man who first talked to her speak.

"We're her parents," Antonio snapped. "What do you know?"

"Former parents," Azya forced out, lifting up the oxygen mask to be able to talk louder.

"Glass has punctured her right lung and her right side has multiple deep lacerations from the impact. She is unable to see, so there may be severe damage to her eyes. The visor shattered under the impact and there is quite a bit of glass around her eyes," the EMT spoke.

"She may have lost her sight?" Anita gasped.

"Good time to remind everybody, they have no rights to my condition. They disowned me. You can call the fuckin lawyer!" Azya growled as the erratic beeping sped up. "So both of you can fuck off!"

"Sir, her heart...!"

"Sedate her! Her heart is going too fast!"

"Is she going to die?!"

"If we can get her to the hospital in time."

"I refuse to go to a hospital," Azya growled. "I know there is too much damage."

"You will die Azya!" She heard Antonio snap.

"I'm already dying. I refuse to be caused more pain and end up dying in a hospital," Azya laughed as she brought her left hand up to the shard in her chest and ripped it out. "I choose you Inu No Taishō!"

"No...!" Several people screamed as she felt pressure to her chest.

'So you realized it,' the strange man, Toga's voice echoed in her head as the rest of the world seemed to fade.

'Any attempt to move me most likely would have caused more damage,' she thought weakly.

'I have the power to save you, but there is a price. I cannot return your sight, neither to a place you know. I can only promise safety from the dangers of my world in the form of a cold-hearted companion. Only my Mark would save you from his ruthlessness.'

'I chose you,' Azya sighed all sound and feeling from outside of her mind faded completely.

'I hope it is the right choice, dearest Azya,' Toga whispered as she felt a warmth over the center of her chest as if someone's hand was over her heart.