Disclaimer I OWN NOTHING CO made with Blaze 1992 Imperial Insertion is the opposite of CI with is where the OC that is killed is brought back because of a ROB and is in command of control of a combined force of Empire/CIS armies and fleets and where in the time/plot line He/she is in any one can do this story here are the rules 1st No non-con detailed scenes at all period. 2nd the MC of the fic has to be a good guy or a anti-hero no evil MC. 3rd the MC must always lead his/her own faction, no blindly joining a faction just cause they're the "good" guys can ally with them but must not be under their control. 4th Must have a severe hatred to slavers/racist's/murderers. You can do this or CI if you follow the rules Now on with the story
[thoughts]ROB Luna POV
Luna was a ROB with silver hair red skin and she was looking at the mass effect universe and shepherd stopping the reapers but at a great cost but what made her mad was how stupid the Tech was I mean the never tried to look for a different method no they were so lazy only advancing when they found a stash of tech never on their own and the reapers why in the did the galaxy not figure out that the relays are older than 50,000, NO I KNOW WHY YOU ALL A GOOD FOR NOTHING LAZE BATEREDS which is why is she was going to fuck with it but first she need to see just how she could kill no umm recruit ya recruit not kill haha. 2 hours later
" Hmm lets see no to small NEXT no to annoying NEXT NO TO GROSS NEXT no to stupid and mean NEXT no pervert's NEXT". This is going to take a while I thought with despair
"Ok found let's see Conner Star Wars fan and mass effect fan knows what the hell he is doing or will be doing now all I have to do is kill him". I said
Conner's POV
It was a fucked-up day for me and man was I piss my dick of a boss fired me my girlfriend dumped me for my dad and mom ran off so here I'm with what I have in my truck with just six dollars so ya not doing so good and I was driven to just somewhere I just want to get away from here hell I rather be dead.
I turned to my left and see an 18-wheeler coming right at me well I want to die so bring it on god I'm ready, it came faster and faster than just like that it's all over.
3rd POV
[ well I did kill him but dam was his life messed up before so well his body is going to need repairs and new but for now let's talk to his soul and]. Luna said as she went to where Conner's soul was she walked to the room where his soul is she went into the room and.
" Who the hell are you". Conner screamed
" calm down and let me explain". Luna tried to calm him down
" CALM DOWN NOW". Luna said and Conner did and looked at her
" Fine what do you want and I'd better like this". Conner said
" You like mass effect and Star wars correct". Luna asked Conner and he Nodded." Well here is the thing the ME universe is real and I don't like the reapers and how pathetic the tech is and Citadel council and other things so I have a job for you, I'm going to send you to the ME universe with star wars tech with empire and republic troops and fleets and you can do well whatever you want as long as you stop the reapers I will also make your people immune the reaper Indoctrination that includes you so what do you say". Luna said to Conner he sat there doing with widened eyes then closed his eyes and was thinking hard.
" Ok I'll do it I have nothing left at home might as well do something important with my life or new life plus sounds like fun but I need help and I would like some if that's not a problem". Conner said and Luna smiled happy and and out from behind her can Ventress, General Grievous, Jango Fett, Boba Fett, Vette,Ashara Zavros , Nadia Grell, Akaavi Spar, from the old republic who I romanced and to my shock Vaylin with Thexan and Arcann were their as well.
" What the hell are those three doing what you want me to die early". I asked her kinda peeved
" No, I had a talk with them and a waring here and there but remember they suffered to so please give them a chance Conner". She asked me and she was right they had a really messed up life.
" Ok, I get but if they try anything by bye". I Told her and Vette came right up to me and looked right at me and the other girls looked at me and I'm kinda scared.
"Damn I knew I was hot but didn't know I was so hot that guy's even in other verses stop and stare". Vette said (AN: I so took this from Blaze hope you don't mind bro)
" Our husband is strong". Akaavi said
" And sweet". Nadia said
" Also intelligent". Ashara followed I saw Vette grin and my OH SHIT waring went full blast
" Plus a big C-"
" VETTE". We all screamed at her.
" What he is ".
" Can we get back to the task at hand you know the genocidal mechanics! Ventress yelled
" Ooookkkk Connor get ready and by the way this is going to hurt like hell so sorry". Luna said and Conner screamed in ungodly amounts of pain and passed out.
" Well turning him into a force user that will rival any sith empire and jedi grandmaster plus knowledge and hope he does not freak out when he wakes up or the other thing I for got to tell him oh well". Luna said as she sent him to the ME verse.
Conner's POV
I woke up with the worst hangover ever then I remembered what happened and I put my hand on my face and it felt off like something was on it and my limbs felt stiff two I walked around the to see myself I came to a window and saw myself I was Darth Vader or just his suit and I know things now and I'm going to enjoy this so so so so much.
" Well let's get to the bridge". I said I sound like Vader to hell yes, I walked out to door from my room and to the elevator at the end of the hall and left to the bridge. I looked through my memories to find what I was sent with and I found it I have form the Galactic Republic:3,500 Venator-class Star Destroyers, 3,000 Acclamator II-class assault ship, 3,000 Nebula-class Star Destroyers, 2,000 Endurance-class fleet carriers,1850 Valiant-class Star Destroyers, 2,000 Rothana Battlecruisers, 1,800 Venator-class Star Destroyers Mk. II, 750 Strident-class Star Defenders, 3,800 Hammerhead II-class heavy cruisers and from the Empire: 4 Executor-class Star Dreadnoughts, 3 Eclipse-class dreadnoughts, 5 Sovereign-class Super Star Destroyers, 2,000 Imperial II-class Star Destroyers,1,500 Gladiator III-class Star Destroyers,1,000 Raider II-class corvettes, 1,050 Imperious-class Star Destroyers, 600 Syracuse-class Star Destroyers, 500 Warhammer-class heavy cruisers, 2,000 Victory II-class Frigates, 2,000 Praetor Mark II-class battlecruisers, 700 Bellator-class dreadnoughts, 1,000 Quasar Fire-class cruiser-carriers, 300 Arquitens-class command cruisers, 2,000 Ardent-class fast frigates and from the CIS 300 Lucrehulk-class battleships, 1,000 Recusant-class light destroyers, 3,000 Munificent-class star frigates, 1,900 Providence-class carriers/destroyers, 1,000 Sabaoth destroyers, 2,000 Sabaoth Frigates, 3 Subjugator-class heavy cruisers, 10 Core ships, 200 Hardcell-class interstellar transports.
[Hmm so with what I have the threat of violence alone should keep the council off my back and the fact I am the emperor should me more easy]. I thought as the elevator stopped and opened and walked out to the bridge the crew was doing what had to be done and Ventress, General Grievous, Jango, Boba, Vette,Ashara , Nadia, Akaavi, Vaylin with Thexan and Arcann as well.
" Anything to report at all". I asked them.
" Bring up the star map".Jango said and I could see the galaxy but something was way off it was twice as big and holy shit.
" That's not good". I said do to the fact the ME galaxy was a lot larger then the canon this could be problematic and the looks I got were ones of concern." The Galaxy is much larger than what I knew but I still know where the factions bases are and homeworlds but some of these systems are new to me". I told them." What about the planets in the system any habitable". I asked and Nadia pointed to the fourth planet and third in the system and it enlarged .
" The fourth planet is habitable as well as the third is too but It would be more of a mining colony while the fourth would be a garden world". Nadia told us.
" We need to build up our home before anything else we should have the bulk of our colonist on the garden world and send some to start mining after a few weeks".Ashara said and the garden world was three times bigger than Jupiter and the third world was the size of Jupiter.
" Hmm how many prefabricated housing units do we have on board our ships". I asked
" I was looking at that while you were taking your nap we have enough to colonize a whole continent". Ashara said and for the next hour we hammered out a ruff draft of what we are going to do. Step one was too have a safe zone on the planet then send the prefabricated housing then the colonists get sent down, Step two build up the world then send miners to mine the second planet and the third was to work on orbital defences after we had enough materials to do it.
" What should we call the planet's everything should have a name".Vette said and she was right what should we name them.
" New Coruscant and Pax". I said and the names would have to do.
" Ok, when do we get started". Vette asked
" Now".
Timeskip 7 hours later
It was along day like really long we all been worked to the bone I'm so tired it's not even funny. I was coming out of the shower and Vette was in my room or was.
" Hay Vette….. Vette where are you". I said out loud the a pair of blue hand went around my eyes. " Vette what are you doing". I asked her
" Just listen to me and do what I say". Vette said and I did what she said and I followed her to the bed and sat down and her hands were removed I looked at her and.
" What cat got your tongue". Vette said and my jaw may very well be on the floor the fact she was wearing just a black bra and black underwear.
" Wh… wha… Umm uh''. I said and she then sat in my lap and pressed her assets into my chest making my face red.
" Well husband we have a lot to catch up on". Vette said as she remove her bra and her breasts bounced and Conner just stared at her naked body. Conner then kissed her and she returned it. Conner's hands moved all over her body and crested her chest causing her to moan. Vette and Conner then removed both of their clothes. Conner was now on the edge of the bed and Vette was on her knees giving him a blow job.
" Vette if you k..kk..keep going that fast I'll cum". Conner told her she looked up at him and she started moving faster and Conner grabbed her head tails and pushed himself all the way down her throat and cumed.
" Holy shit Vette I had to it was just to good". Conner told her and she took a few breaths she got off the floor and slide out of her underwear and kissed Conner deep and loving.
" It's fine love anyway we don't know when we're need so let's just think about us". Vette said as she went on her back and spread her legs to give him access to her most sacred place Conner wasting no time lined himself up with her and slowly pushed in her she let out a moan Conner moved slow at first then faster making her DD move up and down she wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist and they gave each other pleasure for what seemed like hours.
"Vette I going close". Conner said
" PLEASE INSIDE ME GET ME PREGNANT". Vette screamed out and Conner self control snapped and started to thrust into fast and hard making her scream out in pleasure and soon they both climaxed.
"Conner I love you".Vette said holding on to him
" Love you to Vette". Conner told you and both went to sleep.
Time Skip 3 months later
It's has been three months and it has been long and hard for us thanks to prefabricated housing units we were able to settle half of our 57,850,000 colonists. It took days to get them out and on the New Coruscant. The native animals looked like a cross between a boar and bear vary dangerous but good source of meat. There are three continents one looks like a half ring with a Island in the middle. The second was kinda close to a flag waving in the wind. The last looked like brazil just bigger. A scout ship found a mass relay in our system hidden in a asteroid a guard fleet was put their to make sure that no one came though and if they did they'd meet a Executor-class Star Dreadnought with about a thousand more ships kinda like walking in to a minefield.
I had the memories of Vader but I started to train so my body and mind will work with each other and not against. I started by train in lightsaber forms and I spared with Ashara , Nadia, Vaylin, Thexan, Arcann as well even with Ventress, Grievous, Jango, Boba it normally ended with me in pain. I also trained my force abilities it took a lot out of me but I was progressing at a supernatural rate at least that's what the other's said. The other world was a rich in mineral wealth the largest deposit we found was being mined by a small colony of 5,000 mines plus their family's. Construction of orbital shipyards and defenses are of orbital shipyards and defenses are coming along at a good pace thanks to the droids. We had schematics to build ships,weapons armor you name it including terror droids and soldiers.
As for the droids all B1 battle droids we programmed them or a majority of them for construction. We also about 5,000 Emperor Shadow Guards,a 4,000 Inquisitorius, 4,000 saber guards, around 6,000 Imperial acolytes. Vette told me after month she was pregnant which resulted in me passing out the others swarmed her with questions.
The last month was just us making sure our borders were safe and sucre along with deciding who we should approach. I was highly agents Citadel Council for obvious reasons and the Systems Alliance was still gaining a foothold in their colony worlds and the Batarian Hegemony has yet to leave the council that gave us a while to grow even more in power. So we decided the Quarians were our best chose to approach first they were very good engineers and know all about the relay routes the Council took and everyone else. So we sent probes and looked on the net for weeks then we found them they were alone in the T systems, so I was going to head their with 5 Venator-class Star Destroyers Mk. IIs, 8 Acclamator II-class assault ships, 3 Gladiator III-class Star Destroyers,5 Hammerhead II-class heavy cruisers, 3 Nebula-class Star Destroyers and 1 Subjugator-class heavy cruiser walk softly and carry a big stick never been more true . I'm taking Grievous, Nadia, Ventress and Jango with me. I was on the bridge of The Malevolence readying to depart for the migrant fleet.
" Sir all ships are ready to depart the coordinates on the migrant fleet have been locked in we can move when you wish sir". A clone trooper said.
" Then give the order to jump". I told the trooper and and he relayed my order and the ship then went into hyperspace.
" Emperor Vader will be at the drop out point in two hours". The navigator told me.
" Good once were out and in com range contact the migrant fleet and keep shield's on and weapons on stand by". I gave the order to the bridge crew and left the bridge and went to the training room.
" I have a question even if we can get the Quarians on our side the Citadel Council will notice a fleet that big gone will raise some red flags and they will investigate where they went". Nadia asked me.
" The Citadel Council won't really look for them at the most they will do is send out a ship or two for a few weeks then call off it Quarians are highly undervalued Nadia they are extremely loyal to their fleet I intend to gain that loyalty and they all extremely good engineers ". I told Nadia who look at me like I was going to use them like tools." I'm not going to use them like that I intend to find them a homeworld in our space and see if our people can help them live without suits". I said holding my hands in front of me.
" Ok I was think you were thinking of them as tools and not people that's not the man I fell in love with".Nadia said with blush and no one could see my face thanks to the mask which I was geartful.
" I would not do that to anyone". I said a little offended at what she said.
" I know I was just making sure and we need to talk later". Nadia told me and I nodded and the elevator arrived at the training room
" Now that over with let's train a bit before we meet the Quarians". Grievous said pulling out his lightsabers and I pulled mine out as well.
Timeskip two hours later third person POV
Conner was back on the bridge the Malevolence and they were getting ready to come out of hyperspace were the Quarians were located at.
" Sir were coming out of hyperspace in 3 2 1". The pilot said and they were out of hyperspace and at their destination. We'll be coming into rang of the migrant fleet in five seconds my lord". A comms officer said then they had a view of the fleet and it was not a good one. The migrant fleet was under attack by the….
End Chapter 1
I'm such a asshole for this ok and what do you think of the rewrite or do you just want me to revamp the old one.