Manhattan, New York Stark Tower 14:53 pm

The light. that's the first thing Natasha saw when she got off of that stupid quinjet the light the stupid light that had to ruin her perfect day everything is going great no missions has gone South her boyfriend (Steve) was going to take her on a date that's stupid light ruined it. it was funny though before that light came Steve Tony Peter Thor Clint and even Bruce we're all arguing about profanity. it was great Natasha was having a blast listening to them it was honestly truly funny she even joined in a couple of times. anyways as I was saying is Natasha and the boys got off the quinjet they noticed something was off Natasha was the first to see the light she screamed just to get their attention not because she was scared mind you but of course when the boys asked why she screamed she answered with a what the hell is that? the boys looked over noticed the light and started to freak out the light consumed them but of course Steve being the chivalrous man he started running to Natasha, honestly, he ran as fast as he possibly could have he just didn't get to her in time. and it's not like it was even his fault in the first place Natasha was the very first one to get off the quinjet he was the last she was walking about as fast as she possibly could have before she screamed and he freaked out.

Auradon Prep United states of Auradon 14:53 pm

Mal was having the time of her life just relaxing with her boyfriend Ben in his office trying to calm him down after one of his meetings and it was honestly kind of funny in some sort of way when the really really bright light showed up at the school everyone to go check it out and it seemed to envelop everyone not everyone but Mal Evie Jay Carlos Ben Audrey Doug Lonnie Jane Uma Harry Chad Beast Bell Maleficent Evil Queen Jafar Cruella Gil and dude.