Another Realm VIII: Twilight

Oh Voya... I didn't realize how much I missed you, you furry little sadistic sociopath.

So yeah, I'm back writing ME, and rather than recapping, we're just going right into things. Twilight is going to be shorter than the other stories in both chapter count and chapter length, primarily because it's main purpose is to serve as a bridge between Hellhounds and Gotterdammerung. We'll have four operations in total: Peacekeeping, The Return, Long Echoes, and Sound of Silence.

The only points of view we will be getting will be Cieran and Voya, and they'll be alternating throughout the story. Additional world building and scene setting will take place in post-chapter sections as per the old days.

Thanks as usual to the Blocked Writer for serving as my beta and sticking around despite the long hiatus. Hopefully you'll all enjoy this story as much as the prior ones, and will stick around as we near the end of this long tale.

Operation I: Peacekeeping

Three months after the destruction of the Collector Base

Silent Witness

Voya'kean vas Xentha

"I think I'm starting to understand your 'honeymoon' concept." I mused, ignoring the ineffectual flailing as hands tried to grab my armor, desperately trying to push me away. "This is really quite enjoyable."

My new bondmate sighed across our helmet comms, his quiet voice pensive as he slowly prowled through the demolished office space. As always his armored coat was far less blood coated than my own, the dark navy and silver coloration thrown into sharp relief in the dull glow from the emergency lights. "I don't think I explained it very well."

I simply shrugged, adjusted the angle of my knife a bit, and continued slowly pressing into the Corsair's chest, entirely enjoying the new pitch it lent to his howling. "It's spending time together doing things we're both passionate about, isn't it? And isn't that exactly what we're doing?"

There was a gunshot as Cieran neatly executed a wounded hypocrite who'd been trying to cower behind a desk. "True, but it's usually just lots of sex and drinking."

"We did that before the High Elder's little game made everything official." I reminded him, cocking my head a little as the man under me let out a final rattling scream before going limp. Twisting the blade slightly just to ensure his heart was properly opened, I withdrew it as I rose, stretching my back with a pleased little groan. "Though I'll admit killing my whore of an aunt was far more fun than this was."

"For you maybe." Cieran said, his helmet shaking as he kicked a downed human to make sure they were dead. He must have heard or seen something, because he put a round through their throat before continuing, "Being ambushed by an assassin at dinner and then stuck in a two day running fight through the Old District wasn't really how I wanted to spend the start of my vacation."

I scoffed, stepping over the corpse before moving into the cubicles, returning my blades to their sheaths. My hand cannon, a smaller copy of Cieran's brutal design, was up and ready a moment later as I began checking them one at a time. "Liar. You knew exactly what we'd be doing as soon we picked Xentha."

"Well... maybe." He allowed with a sigh, pistol following his visor as he stalked down the row opposite me, "But I thought we'd get at least two, maybe even three weeks off."

My eyes rolled, then fixed on a quivering form hiding beneath a desk. A single gunshot resolved the problem, and I continued on, "It's not like I didn't make it up to you."

There was a cough from my helmet's speakers as our third member joined the conversation, "She's got a point Cie."

My new bondmate shook his head as we reached the end of the aisle, his lanky form pulling back slightly as he drove a boot into a closed door. No one screamed on the other side of the corner office, and he lowered his pistol as he backed away. "I suppose you did."

"Suppose?" I growled, narrowing my eyes at him. "You have any idea how sore I was after that second week?"

Cieran glanced over his shoulder as we started our return to the central stairwell. "You were the one who was determined to get over her intimacy issues via constant effort."

"He's got a point Voya." Shyeel drawled, as always more interested in poking us both and seeing what happened than in actually picking a side.

"Shut up." I hissed at her, "How many more floors do we have to go?"

"Just the one." Cie replied, lazily checking the next hallway inside the office building. "Shyeel, how's our exit?"

Our old friend let out an annoyed sound across the comms, "Still no sign of anyone trying to get out the back... and they've learned to stay away from the windows. I'm bored as fuck out here."

"We can tell, and I told you to come in with us." I countered.

"Settle down." Cieran ordered calmly, "Miranda, you still watching the other ways in and out?"

"Yes, we are." The genetically engineered woman replied, her Thessian finally starting to gain a bit of Ilium's crisper edge, "We're also growing concerned at how slowly you're both proceeding. Could you perhaps indulge less in your sadistic habits?"

I let out a little snort, "You're the one who begged us to help with this when we're supposed to be on vacation."

Miranda Lawson scoffed, "It took me less than thirty seconds to convince you, Chi."

"Kean." I corrected absently as Cieran and I reached the stairs. He checked them, ducked back as an assault rifle opened fire from above, then selected a grenade from his belt... and I narrowed my eyes to annoyed slits at the sight of his choice. "Cie, I'd rather the building not burn down around us."

His helmet shifted as he gave me a long look, then he seemed to sigh before changing his pick and tossing it in. There was dull thud from the standard fragmentation grenade as it went off, then he was gone in a blur of motion, heavy trench coat flaring around him as he charged forwards.

I sprinted in after him, but his stupidly long Human legs gave him an advantage on the stairs. He took them two at a time at a rush, executing a stunned and bleeding marine with a head-shot as he moved around a small landing, then kept going up and onto the next floor... where more gunfire promptly erupted as he exited the stairwell.

Cieran being Cieran, he promptly replied in kind with his pistol in one direction, and threw another grenade in the other while still moving forwards. I caught up just in time to see him charge into an open room across the hall, his shoulder ramming into a female marine, arm parrying her rifle aside before his pistol was pressed against her chest.

I made it out the stairwell just in time to see the grenade go off, several plain-clothes Corsairs already trying to fling themselves away. Their limited kinetic barriers kept two of the three alive, but they were still trying to recover from the effects when I reached them.

The male of the pair was quicker, drawing my attention as his shotgun came up. A stutter-step to the right, and a probable concussion from the explosion, saw his shot tear a hole in the drywall rather than coming anywhere near me. Unfortunately for him, my pistol fire was far more accurate, three bloody eruptions stitching their way across his chest as I put him down.

His female companion saw him die, staring at his corpse and the man beyond, and threw her weapon aside with shaking hands. "I s-surrender!"

I didn't bother responding to that drivel, putting a round through her left eye instead. "Entry area on floor ten, clear. Four dead."

"Confirmed." Lawson said in response, "Any sign of the primary target?"

Cieran replied for us, "No, no sign of the bitch. Count?"

"No more than a half-dozen remaining."

He clicked his mic once, then gallantly rolled a hand in my direction, letting me take the lead. I licked my lips inside my helmet, bowing my head slightly before setting off, following the helpful signs towards the CEO's office.

"Just remember that we need her alive." My bondmate reminded me as we walked, my visor flickering through vision modes as I checked for traps of any kind.

"You mean Lawson needs her alive." I replied, reaching back with my left hand. "Demo."

"Just remember, and try to restrain yourself." Cieran moved up behind me, casually aiming his pistol over my shoulder while his other hand helped me pull a charge off of my back.

"I know." I growled back, accepting the device and setting it with a few quick movements of my fingers. "Just because I don't have a greybox in my head doesn't mean you need to constantly state the obvious."

There was a soft of amusement, "What can I say, you're more attractive when you're annoyed."

"Bosh'tet..." I muttered, tossing the charge underhand before bringing my omni-tool up. Triggering my cloaking system as the same time as it affixed itself to the door, there was just enough time before it detonated for me to hug the left wall, while Cieran took cover in the secretary's recessed little space.

As usual our paranoia was entirely justified as gunfire roared through the smoke as the doors were flung inwards by the blast, and at least two grenades went skipping by to detonate far behind us while I moved forwards and Cie remained quietly still.

"Hold fire!" A woman shouted a few seconds after the grenades went off, the air clearing to reveal a firing line setup on the far side of the expansive office. What little furniture had been pointlessly arranged in a semi-circle, but far more important were the armored shutters over the windows, and the massive desk that remained upright in the center of the formation.

That one would probably have internal armor, if not actual kinetic barriers.. and would be where our target would be cowering.

"Kean!" The same woman shouted from her hiding place, her guards, a mix of men and women in business clothes and in actual armor, keeping their weapons aimed but not firing as I slowly moved into the room. "I know you're out there you son of a bitch!"

"Miss Bauer." Cieran replied, voice amplified by his helmet's speakers. "Thank you for stating the obvious."

Hypocritical ass.

"You'll die for this!" She snapped back, "Attacking Alliance property? Murdering Alliance citizens!? Earth will raze your pathetic little colony to the bedrock!"

"Maybe." He drawled, "But I doubt they will, especially since your little operation here is even less legal than this little brawl we have going on."

"Don't you dare try that legal technicality bullshit!"

I tuned out the rest of the ranting, and there was a lot of it to tune out as Cieran gleefully played his part in keeping everyone pissed off, leaving me with plenty of time to find my way over to the nearest shutter and inspect it. A glance at my timer showed two minutes before the cloak failed, and a similar check of my rear-camera showed no one even looking behind them.

Opening the small console was simple enough, and I clicked my mic twice once I was ready. There was two answering clicks in response, one from each of my companions, and then a gentle flick of my left long finger saw the armored shutters abruptly begin retracting.

"What the hell!?" The nearest marine squawked, whirling around and lunging desperately for the controls.

My pistol rammed into his throat just as he got there, dark red blood fountaining out both sides as I pulled the trigger. The splatters ruined the cloak, not that the system had much left in it, and I quickly grabbed onto the twitching corpse as his friends turned and opened fire. The body jerked as it was struck, making me hiss in annoyance before the window behind me exploded into shards.

The harpoon from Shyeel's Kishok all but decapitated the next closest Corsair, and then lightning played over the far side of the room as Cieran began deploying overload mines.

Tossing the body aside as the situation grew pleasingly chaotic, I cut left, snap-firing at the nearest target; a pale skinned male without armor whose barriers took two shots as he frantically returned fire, the rounds from his SMG playing over my shields. My third pull of the trigger ended the uneven duel, gutting him nicely long before he could get close to piercing my initial layer of protection.

Vaulting his convulsing form, I was aiming at the last person on this side of the room when Shyeel fired again, killing the Human female before I could.

"Thief." I hissed in irritation, a blur of motion seeing me throw myself to the left just as another woman put two rounds from a light pistol into my shields.

My eyes narrowed as I saw the hideously expensive business suit over lightly browned skin, lips peeled furiously back from teeth as our target kept shooting at me. Planting my left foot, I reversed course, charging her and dropping my pistol as I did.

Her own eyes widened as she saw light glisten along my daggers, feet backpedaling before she smacked into her own desk. The pistol barked five more times, the last penetrating my barriers only to harmlessly skip off the technical plating that snapped to life as my armor recognized my vulnerability.

Then... the bitch impressed me.

Throwing her weapon at my head, she yanked a stun baton from her stylish coat and neatly deflected my first slash, then kicked herself back and onto her desk. She hissed in pain as I caught her along the back when she twisted away, but kept her footing when she came down, little weapon up as I promptly pursued.

She continued to fall back as my daggers swung, my focus entirely on my prey, both of us ignoring Cieran and Shyeel finishing off the others.

Her baton cracked against my technical panels, a blade lightly lashing her left arm in response. More red flowed as I kept on the offensive, adding cuts to her shoulder, hip, and belly as she began to falter, trying to hit me over the head and neck, knowing it was her only chance. But she had only the one weapon, and all of her determination meant shit against the decades I'd spent honing my craft.

It ended after the third minute when I accepted another failing strike against my torso, and took her right hand as payment.

There was a breathless scream as she dropped, clutching at her stump as blood spurted out.

"Voya." Cieran stated reprovingly, grabbing her by the hair and flinging her none too gently onto her back. A knee pinned her good arm onto the ground, freeing his hands to pull out a small medical kit with a tourniquet and medigel... then he paused before a fist blurred down to deck her hard in the face.

She went limp, eyes rolling, her jaw unresistant when Cieran yanked it open. A second's inspection later had him pulling a false tooth out, tossing a capsule away.

"See?" I told him, voice a little breathless, my heart still thrumming with the enjoyment of the fight. She may not have been truly skilled enough to be worthy, but it had been a while since I'd seen someone so determined to fight out of their league. "She's alive... and I stunned her long enough so she couldn't suicide."


I licked my lips as I considered her prone form, watching as Cie got to work so she wouldn't bleed to death. Not skilled... but determined to fight, to try and take someone down with her, and then ready to end her own life... "I think I want her."

He paused his ministrations, reaching over to rip her shirt open slightly. A tug ripped a necklace free, and I caught it when he tossed it my way. My visor automatically translated the little Human symbols, and I mewled in a pleased fashion as I pocketed the trophy.

"Thank you, love."

Cieran chuckled softly, but when he spoke his words were directed to our new prisoner as she slowly recovered. "Lieutenant Commander Helga Bauer, AIS Corsair program. I assume you know who we are."

"...pirates." The woman rasped, flinching as he tightened the tourniquet. "...assassins. You... won't get away... with this."

He hummed, "When do the Corsairs plan to move against the SBC, and against Ul Tirravan? And how did you find Lawson's little base?"

"...fuck... you!"

"I don't really go for my own species." Cieran said, getting off of her as he checked his work. "Lawson, we've got the package, do you have the demo charges in place?"

"In place and set." Came the instant answer, "EVA assures me that the local net has been brought down and all security scrambled. You're clear to exit."

Interview of Councilor Jorge Gunddarsen by Emily Wong

Wong, E: As Humanity's new Councilor and representative on the Citadel, do you have a statement on the recent rash of terrorist attacks in the Traverse?

Councilor Gunddarsen: Of course. The rash of violent incidents involving Human business concerns in the Attican Traverse are of course deeply troubling, and the loss of life tragic, and I have sponsored a relief bill that was passed just this morning.

Wong, E: I'm sure the Alliance citizens will be greatly relieved to hear that sir. But what of the rumors that Terminus actors or pirate factions may be behind these?

Councilor Gunddarsen: I will admit it is possible, but we have yet to see any definitive proof as to who is responsible. It could just as easily, and my own advisers tell me it is in fact likely, that these acts are being undertaken by the Batarian and Turian majorities of that region who... do not view the Alliance kindly.

Wong, E: But Councilor, there are many reports that describe these attacks as clinical, precise, and thorough. Could the SBC, or Cerberus's remnants, be involved?

Councilor Gunddarsen: If what is left of that terrorist group was involved, I'm sure they would have been pointing fingers at aliens and demanding action by now... and I trust that Director ul Massa would not be so stupid as to provoke Council action so shortly after our treaty was signed.

Wong, E: Is there any motion within the Council to dispatch investigators, or as Parliament is demanding, a Spectre?

Councilor Gunddarsen: I assure you that we are investigating all possible options to learn the truth Miss Wong.

Author's Notes;

For those not aware, my personal situation remains less than ideal due to a combination of work stress, pending divorce, the latter causing me to need to sell my home forcing me to constantly come and go for showings, and a bunch of other factors that I won't bore you with.

I wasn't actually planning on even starting this story for another month or two, when things hopefully died down, but Aberron (of Living an Indoctrinated Dream) was able to give me a bit of inspiration to get started. I can't and won't promise that it will last or that chapters will come out for this or for my RWBY story at anything resembling a steady rate anytime soon.

I may go off on another Student of Vacuo/AR: Arrival/Semper Victoria style tear and churn out an entire story inside of a month or two, but it could be just as likely that you won't hear from me for another six or seven weeks, just thought that I would warn you all.

Hopefully what does come out will be high quality enough that you all can enjoy it, writing remains my main source of relaxation and escapism right now, so I'm not about to give up or stop.

Please read and review, criticism is welcome, flames not so much, as usual. Reviews are my lifeblood as a writer.. every-time my email goes off with a review it makes me want to write more, so please take the time to leave one. Guests can leave them as well, and it only takes a minute, so please. Even if it's as simple as "I enjoyed it, please continue."

Thanks, Kat