DISCLAIMER: I do not own Twilight and all of its characters.

Edward POV

The weather was perfect for playing baseball and when I say perfect weather, I'm not talking about warm and sunny. Perfect weather is when you can see dark clouds forming in the sky, thunder rumbling from a distance and the occasional lightning that gives the field an eerie atmosphere.

Far away from the humans, this was my family's favorite spot for playing ball. Here, we can be ourselves, and strip away our human facade, that we so carefully kept.

As much as we liked blending in, it always felt good to be away from them and give in to our nature… our vampire nature. Of course, our nature wasn't actually the norm of our kind. Normal vampires hunt humans and drink their blood but for our family, we hunt animals and drink their blood. We call ourselves vegetarians.

There was a time when I could not understand why we had to go against what we truly are. I had questioned Carlisle, my creator and my father, by all accounts and purposes, and even though I had always known the answer to that question, I never truly put it to heart. Huh, how ironic. I don't have a heart.

"I strongly believe that we still have our souls intact and if by not killing humans would mean having a soul that is not engulfed in darkness... even just one tiny speck of light left son... then I will do everything in my power to keep it that way"

Carlisle would say. His words did not bring me assurance. I didn't believe vampires had souls but I knew his intents were pure and out of respect, I had learned to accept this way of life.

Seven vampires had bonded together because of our way of living. Carlisle with his mate Esme, we consider them our parents. Rosalie and Emmett, Jasper and Alice, they were my brothers and sisters. Our desire to not kill humans gave us the ability to live together as a family and made our bond stronger.

Edward, pay attention will you?

Alice snapped me out of my little reverie and it was like the volume was turned up in my head and all of their voices can be heard all at once.

As if being inhumanly beautiful, strong and fast was not enough, I got thrown a little bit of extra: Mind reading. When Carlisle realized that I was answering his thoughts rather than his words after I was changed, he knew that I was special.

It was frustrating at first. It felt like a bunch of people shouting in your ear all at once but I learned to tune them out eventually, but it was harder for my family.

To others, it didn't bother me because they weren't aware that someone was listening but my family knew, and they knew that their thoughts were no longer safe when they're with me.

I try to give them as much privacy as I can by trying not to pay attention but it's hard to do that when they're intentionally throwing their thoughts at you.

Alice raised her eyebrow at me. She was another vampire who had special abilities. If I can read minds, she can predict the future. Her visions always changes, being dependent to how it was being made but once it has been decided, her visions solidify and that future is set.

In her vision, she was holding the bat while I was on the 3rd plate but she's showing me how I had hesitated for a split second and almost didn't make it to home plate… almost. We would win of course but Alice was being Alice.

I gave a slight nod indicating that I was focused on the game and analyzed the others in their mind.

Esme was standing a few feet outside the line, acting as our referee. She was happily adoring the family and worried that we might start brawling on the field even though she knew that we could never be hurt. It was a 3 on 3 game which was not really typical for baseball. Me, Alice and Carlisle were on one team and Emmett, Rosalie and Jasper were on the other. Jasper, who was skilled in battle tactics, was calculating any possible moves when his mate hits the ball. Rosalie was cheering her mate Emmett and was thinking of ways to reward him if they win this game, in bed.

Uugghhh. I tuned out her ever so vulgar thoughts.

Emmett was on the other hand trying not to decide how to throw the ball. We knew how Alice's predictions work. How she can foresee requires a decision to be made but at the last instant, Emmett flexed his muscles and tried to gain momentum as he decided to throw the ball in an angle just like throwing a boomerang. Alice saw it coming and as the ball hit the steel bat, it created a large booming sound that amplified the sound of thunder that hit a tree somewhere nearby.

I was already halfway towards the home plate when our vampire ears heard a vacuum-like sound from a distance, followed by a huge blast in the sky.

It stopped us in our tracks and we gazed up to where the blast came from. Just beyond what our vampire eyes can see ahead of us, the sky was enveloped in a cloud of smoke. The blast was so strong that, vampire senses or not, the tremors were felt from where we were standing.

"Wow! That was something!" Emmett was saying. He was tensed with excitement.

"Alice?" Carlisle queried to see if she can foresee anything that might cause harm to our family.

Her gaze turned blank for a few seconds "I can only see us moving towards the scene but I can't see anything else... yet."

I already knew that. I saw us running towards the blast instead of away from it, which could have been the logical thing do. If anything else, we didn't want to be involved in anything that may expose the family for what we really were and going anywhere near some worldly catastrophe does not really help our cause.

Then I saw it, the reason why we went to that direction. Just as the smoke cleared from the sky, a lone object was falling fast and was enveloped in flames. Anyone could have mistook it for a meteor but it wasn't a meteor. It wasn't even a thing. With our enhanced sight, we can see it clearly. It was a human.