Chapter 21: The Pokémon from the Other Side


Otherwise enjoy!

"Stoutland, Giga Impact." Ash ordered.

The Big-Hearted Pokémon soon surrounded himself in a devastating aura, before charging straight at a Mimikyu who got send flying to a wall. And surprising the duo, Mimikyu was still standing.

"Amazing! Even after a Giga Impact from Ash's Stoutland, Dawn's Mimikyu is still standing strong!?" The commentator for the tournament yelled loudly, hyping up everyone in the stadium.

On the big screen for Ash's side, there was a picture of a Golisopod who was grayed out indicating that Golisopod was only switched out, and not taken out. While a Stoutland's picture was still shining brightly on the screen.

Meanwhile for Dawn's side of the screen, there was a picture of a Mamoswine, Typhlosion and Togekiss, all which were blacked out. Which means that they were already taken out, unlike Ash's Golisopod.

"Mimikyu, use Wood Hammer quickly!" Dawn ordered.

Mimikyu's tail glowed in a purple aura before enlarging , as he charged at Stoutland who took the attack before sliding backward from the impact. Causing Ash to grin.

"Not bad, but it's in my favor. Hyper Beam!" Ash announced.

Stoutland opened his mouth before firing off a devastating Hyper Beam at Mimikyu, who could only react in shock before getting hit by the strong normal type attack. And as the dust clear, the Disguise Pokémon was revealed to be lying on the ground knocked out.

"Mimikyu is unable to battle, Stoutland wins!" Frey declared.

Dawn recalled her Mimikyu as Ash recalled his Stoutland, as each side took out another Poke Ball each while tossing them towards the field.

"Golisopod, I choose you!"

"Pachirisu, spotlight!"

Out came Golisopod in front of Ash, meanwhile Pachirisu appeared in front of Dawn. Though the EleSquirrel Pokémon was a bit intimidated by Golisopod's normal expression.

"Golisopod vs Pachirisu, begin!" Frey announced.

Ash smiled before looking at Golisopod.

"First Impression." He ordered.

"Gol!" The Hard Scale Pokemon roared before disappearing from sight, as he reappeared in front of Pachirisu.

With a strike from his armoured arm, Golisopod launched Pachirisu into the air as Dawn watch in shock. Only for Ash to call out an attack.

"Pin Missile!" Golispod bent down as he fired a barrage of pink needle-like missiles into the air at Pachirisu.

"Pachirisu, quick use Light Screen!" Dawn ordered with on due panic in her voice, which caused Ash to tilt his head.

The EleSquirrel Pokémon laid down a protective rainbow barrier, but it was proofed to be futile as Golispod's Pin Missile attack went right through the Psychic type shield, hitting Pachirisu directly on the spot blasting her to the ground.

"Dawn! Light Screen isn't going to protect you against Golisopod's Pin Missile!" He yelled across the field.

"It would seems that Champion Ash is giving his opponent advices despite the battle still going on! What an honorable man!" The commentator yelled.

The Sinnoh Coordinator soon recomposed herself before waving her hand in the air.

"Use Electroweb, now!" Dawn ordered loudly.

Pachirisu leaped into the air before casting a blue electrical net from her tail at Golisopod who guarded himself with his hands, as he tore the net apart. Shocking both Dawn and Pachirisu.

"In that case, use Attract!"

The Electric type squirrel winked before sending a volley of pink hearts towards Golisopod, but what was most surprising was that when the hearts hit. The Hard Scale Pokémon's expression didn't change as he simply turn around to face Ash before facing back the front, raising an eyebrow in confusion.

"Why didn't Attract work?!" Dawn yelled in shock and confusion, as Ash scratched his head.

"Golisopod is oblivious, he doesn't know went to fall in love." He admitted sheepishly as the whole Alolan audience laughed away, knowing that their Champion was the same.

Dawn was sighing away until a voice shift her attention back to the field, as she had forgotten that she was having a match.

"Liquidation!" Ash ordered.

Golisopod created a big water blade on his right arm before lunging at Pachirisu who jumped left and right in panic, before launched into the air from a mighty swing of Golisopod's blade, knocking her out cold.

"Pachirisu is unable to battle, Golisopod wins!" Frey declared loudly.

"Ash once again, pulls off another amazing win without losing any of his Pokemon!" The commentator's voice boomed through the stadium.

Dawn recalled her Pachirisu before pulling out another Poke Ball, her final Poke Ball as she tossed it high into the skies.

"Empoleon, spotlight!" She called.

With a burst of light and multiple hearts coming out, the Emperor Pokémon took his spot on the field, with Ash keeping Golisopod in.

"Golisopod vs Empoleon, begin!" Frey announced.

"Empoleon, Drill Peck, go!"

The Emperor Pokémon leaped slightly into the air before turning into a spinning drill, as he charged at Golisopod who guarded himself with his hands. Despite his hardest effort, Empoleon managed to pierce through Golisopod's armoured-like defenses, crashing into his unguarded stomach as the Hard Scale Pokémon was sending backwards injured from his battle, which caused Ash to whistle in amusement.

"Who would have thought that your Empoleon had this much force, Dawn?" Ash commented, and right after his comment. Golisopod immediately withdrew back into his Poke Ball, which caused Ash to lose one Pokémon.

"Following the Tournament's rule, Golisopod has forfeited the match! Empoleon wins!" Frey declared.

Another one of Ash's Poke Ball burst open as Charizard took Golisopod's place on the battlefield against Dawn's Empoleon, as he roared with intense might.

"Charizard vs Empoleon, begin!" Frey announced.

"Charizard, use Flamethrower!"

"Empoleon, Hydro Pump!"

Both the Flame and Emperor Pokemon launched a torrent of hot flames and a high jet stream of water respectively, as the attacks collide with each other, Empoleon's attack seem to have gotten the upper hand as his Hydro Pump attack was pushing Charizard's Flamethrower backwards.

"Not bad, but you're going to need to try harder than that." Ash grinned.

Charizard's tail flame soon lit up brightly as his fire got bigger, as the Fire type attack consumed Empoleon's Hydro Pump before scorching the Water and Steel type engulfing him in flame, just as the flame dispersed.

"Empoleon!" Dawn yelled in concern.

From the smoke cloud, a bright blue light can be seen shining as Empoleon stood strong against his opponent's attack, this caused Dawn to smile with happiness and Ash to widen his eye of surprise.

"It seems that Empoleon has activated it's ability, Torrent in the midst of danger!" The commentator's voice boomed through the area.

"Alright, use Hydro Pump once more!" Dawn ordered.

With a much higher power, Empoleon launched a Hydro Pump attack that was three times the size at Charizard who used his hands to block the attack, as he got force backwards by the force of the super effective attack.

"It would seems that Charizard is being force back by Empoleon's Hydro Pump!" The commentator announced.

Despite the attack being ineffective because of the field, Charizard was blown backwards completely as he crashed down in front of Ash who blinked in shock. Because this was the first ever opponent to have knock his Charizard down, and from a Coordinator no less.

"Charizard, return." Ash recalled.

"Charizard has been forfeited from battle, Empoleon wins!" Frey declared, following the tournament rules.

"Remarkable, Dawn has somehow managed to make Ash lose his second Pokemon!" The crowd were booming with cheers and excitement as Ash took out his Poke Ball.

With a mighty toss into the air, Ash's Poke Ball burst open to reveal his Stoutland who howled loudly, as both the Big-Hearted and Emperor glared at each other.

"Stoutland vs Empoleon, begin!" Frey announced.

"Stoutland, Giga Impact, go." Ash ordered immediately.

Stoutlant gave a loudly howl before charging at Empoleon with body surrounded with immense energy, as he rammed Empoleon into a wall before leaping backwards as the Emperor Pokémon laid unconscious on the ground.

"Empoleon is unable to battle, Stoutland wins. Since Champion has four remaining Pokémon, the winner is Champion Ash!" Frey declared loudly.

As Ash recalled Stoutland, the crowd cheered loudly with Dawn doing the same with her Empoleon. Once both Pokémon were recalled, Ash walked over to Dawn to give her a handshake as they both left the stage.

As soon as Ash reach the Pokemon Center, he walked towards the counter as he hand over Golisopod and Charizard's Poke Ball to Nurse Joy.

"Please look after them, Nurse Joy. They had a long fight today." Ash requested, as Nurse Joy nodded her head before taking the Poke Balls off Ash's hand.

"Of course, I'll have them heal in at least three hours." Nurse Joy told the Kanto native who nodded in response.

Immediately afterwards, Ash head back to his house but before he even reach the front door, a voice from behind him stopped him from doing so.

"Ah! What a coincidence, I was about to find you at your house too!" A familiar voice called to him from behind.

Turning around to see who it was, Ash found Faba walking up to him with what seems to be a few documents in hand, which only made Ash more curious about the Aether Foundation scientist here.

"Faba? What are you doing here or rather what brings you here?" Ash questioned.

"May we talk inside? I think this might pike up your interest." Faba answered.

Ash nodded as he unlocked the door, allowing entry of both Faba and himself as they soon gathered in his secret room, which was ironically located in the center of the living room, and thankfully to him, Lillie wasn't home to see that.

"Your judgment of making strange entrance and exit never ceases to amaze me, Ash." Faba mused out as Ash chuckled.

"What can I say? I like this kind of things, and besides this secret floor isn't the only one." He responded back.

As soon as the platform hit the ground, Ash and Faba stepped out to see a room where a few Aether Foundation member were walking around, with document files inserted into bookshelves, as well as a round table in the center of the room with sofa on either side of the table.

"So, what have you found this time?" Ash questioned as he took a file off of the bookshelf.

"This is from the latest research we've found, from the Ultra Beast you send to us four years ago." Faba answered while handing Ash a file of documents.

Ash soon opened the file to see a few pages of paper, depicting the different kind of research results found, as he slowly flipped the through the many different pages while hearing Faba's report.

"From what we know, other than UB: Gluttony. We assume that many different Ultra Beast have their own designated home within the Ultra Wormhole." He started before flipping a few more pages.

"We also tested a few theories of our own, and we found that there are other Pokémon's aside from the ones living here and many other Regions within the Ultra Wormhole." He told the Alola Champion, who suddenly stopped flipping pages before looking up at Faba.

"Wait, so you're telling me that there may Pokemon living on the other side of the Ultra Wormhole?" Faba nodded at his statement before handing him a few pictures.

Ash took a photo in hand to see a group of Spheal living at the edge of a river in an unknown jungle, the other picture reveals a Komala sleeping on a tree within the same unknown jungle, and the last shows a group of Buzzwole though wasn't very clear within the same unknown jungle as the other two pictures.

"Since that place looked like a jungle, we decided to call it the Ultra Jungle. And from further research within the Ultra Jungle, we found out that instead of evolving into their Alolan Forms, the Pokemon evolves into their normal form you find anywhere outside of Alola." Faba concluded, his research fascinated Ash a lot.

"I see, and about the Professor Mohn's disappearance?" He asked.

Faba shook his head in negative, which caused Ash to sigh loudly. Pikachu entered through a hidden vent before sitting on his partner's lap, before looking at the papers laid all over the table.

"What are you researching this time, Ash?" Pikachu asked, while rustling through the pile of papers.

"Ultra Wormholes and Ultra Beasts." Ash answered.

Ash soon took a piece of paper off the table before looking at Faba.

"So, you've found nothing about Professor Mohn's disappearance yet?" Faba nodded at his statement before sitting down on the sofa.

"There haven't been enough clues or details of how Professor Mohn disappeared." He responded, as Ash nod his head.

"I'll try to find more details about Professor Mohn's disappearance, so I'll be taking my leave off today."

As Faba left the room, Ash stood up from where he sat. Pikachu immediately occupied his shoulder, which was also known as his favourite spot as he gazed at Ash through the eye.

"You're doing the research behind Lillie's back again, aren't you?" He asked, making Ash nod his head in positive.

"I want Lillie to have a complete family and besides, I would also want to see my father-in-law when he returns." Ash answered, causing Pikachu to chuckle.

But before he could even leave the room, an Aether Foundation employee stopped him with a word voice with emergency.

"Sir! We've just detected a large amount of Ultra Aura just in between Melemele Island and Akala Island, and according to the statistics here, there must be at least five Ultra Beasts!" He yelled, immediately catching Ash's attention as he ran off.

Ash immediately arrive at the scene, only to see a large explosion sparking with electricity coming from a small scale island that was not far from both Melemele and Akala Island. Taking action immediately, Ash tossed a Poke Ball into the air calling out his Noivern for assistance.

"Noivern, bring me to that island but don't engage in any battles!" He ordered.

Swooping into the air and turning a huge circle, Noivern grabbed hold of Ash's shoulders before gliding his way towards the battlefield. Where they found a mysterious Pokémon injured from it's battle against the five Ultra Beasts.

"Noivern, Boomburst, go!"

Noivern immediately dropped Ash who landed on the ground safely, before firing a blasting the Ultra Beasts with a powerful sound wave forcing each of them backwards in caution. With the Ultra Beast out of the way, Ash ran towards the injured Pokémon only to be swiped away.

"Get lost, human. I don't need your help!" The Pokémon growled loudly before standing up, and what shocked Ash the most was that it knew Telepathy.

The unknown Pokémon's hand started crackling with blue electricity as it bashed the ground, sending electrical current all over the area. Shocking everything down from the air, including Ash's Noivern before jumping away to a distance.

"Noivern, are you alright?!" Ash yelled in concern as he rushed towards the Sound Wave Pokémon, who grunted a little before getting up.

"I'm fine, but this is the first time I've felt something like this in a long time." He replied.

"That was rather unexpected, and I didn't even get to take a single picture of it too. Sorry for making you take unnecessary damage." Ash apologized as Noivern snickered, before being recalled back into his Poke Ball.

Ash stood up looking at the air, surprised that there were still some Pokemon they didn't even know about. He quickly tossed a few Beast Balls at the fallen Ultra Beast, to prevent them from causing anymore trouble.

He quickly called out his Samurott, before surfing his way back home. And on the way home, he decided to dial a certain number on his phone.

"Hello? This is Gary speaking." Gary's voice sounded upon picking up the call.

"Gary, this is Ash. I have something I want to ask you." Ash told him, and from the sound Gary was making, the young Professor was expecting something.

"Do you know of any feline Pokémon that has a yellow and black fur with thunderbolt shape whiskers, with a long yellow fur-like tail coming out from it's shoulder and can discharge blue electricity like a Pachirisu?" He asked.

Immediately after his question, sound of buttons being pushed can be heard rapidly alongside sounds of paper being rustled through books until Gary's voice came back to life.

"Unfortunately, Ash, there isn't a single Pokémon in the world that fits the description that you've gave me just now. Could it be that you met with a Pokémon that wasn't actually in the list?"

"I've just met a Pokémon that fits those description, it actually took down my Noivern in an instant despite being injured badly in a five against one fight. Are you sure that there isn't any Pokémon of that kind?" Ash questioned again, trying to be sure of the details only to receive a negative response from Gary as he smiled.

"Thanks for checking, I'll try to get back to you when I find something more about that Pokémon. If I even get to meet it again, that is." Ash thanked before hanging up the call, as Samurott increased his pace.

When they were back on land, Ash was met up by Gladion and Lillie who got alerted by their own end and when to check as Ash hopped off of Samurott, who too climbed out of the water and onto dry land.

"Ash, what happened out there? We just got words that there were five Ultra Beast, and by the time we got here, the signal was already gone." Lillie asked as Ash handed her five Beast Balls.

"There were two Nihilego's, one Xurkitree and two Pheromosa's. I went there to check, but by the time I reach there. There was this mysterious Pokémon that shot all of them down with one strike, including my Noivern." Ash explained, as they tilt their head.

"I guess there are still Pokémon that we don't know about, guess it's back to the study board." Ash sighed, before walking back with Lillie.

Gladion who received the Beast Balls from Lillie, flew back to Aether Paradise to explain what Ash said to them.

Meanwhile in a secluded spot at Akala Island, the same mysterious Pokémon growled loudly causing the local Pokémon's to run away as it collapsed under a tree. But as soon as a Ursaring appeared, looking rather furious.

The unknown Pokémon charged up another high voltage of blue electricity, it smashed the ground blasting Ursaring away, as the nearby Pokémon ran off to parts unknown, not wanting to stay any longer as the Pokémon fell unconscious.

I'm back after a long break, and that break to me is called school work. Also, this story is neither going to die nor is it going anywhere until I say otherwise.

A/N: I deeply apologize for the long delayed update for this story, I'll try my best to keep all of my stories up to date!
