Disclaimer: I do not own
Kira x Lacus
"Reverend, I assure you we'll do all we can for the poor lad, but I do not believe keeping an enemy soldier at my house would be wise, especially during these tense times."
Leaning over the staircase railing, Lacus peered down at her father and his unexpected guests.
A strangled gasp escaped her throat as her eyes caught sight of the figure lying on a gurney. Racing down the stairs, she pushed past her father to get a better look at him.
Upon confirming what she had suspected was true, she was incapable of holding herself back.
Falling to her knees beside the still form she snatched up his hand between both of her own and cried. "Kira! Kira!"
Looking up at the Reverend, Lacus demanded. "What's happened to him?"
The Reverend turned towards her, his sightless eyes fixed on a point beyond her as he replied. "There was a fierce battle on the island. The boy was thrown from his machine and it appears with the last of his strength found his way to my door. I thought he would be cared for far better here, which is why I've brought him."
Her fingers hovering over his bandaged head, Lacus didn't even glance at her father as she declared. "I will take care of him."
A deep sigh left her father which Lacus took as agreement. Immediately getting to her feet, she called for the maids to help her prepare a place for him.
"I'll have a room set up for him in the gazebo. I'm sure he'll feel much better surrounded by nature instead of blank white walls."
During the following days, Lacus learned everything she could about tending to his wounds and making sure he was comfortable as he slept.
Untwining the bandages for the wound on his head, Lacus bit down on her lip as the softness of his hair tickled her fingers filling her with the urge to run them through it.
Shaking her head lightly at her own foolishness, Lacus continued with her task, wishing that she had the right to divulge in the urge.
The first time his deep purple eyes flutter open and land upon her, Lacus found herself speechless as she tightly clasped his hand in both of her own.
Tears streamed down her face as she finally croaked out. "Kira, Kira it's me, Lacus."
That time he merely closed his eyes and let out a soft moan. By the time he was finally well enough to stay awake for more than a few minutes at a time, Lacus had come to a simple but life changing revelation.
For the rest of her days she would do whatever she could to protect and support him. To love him.
No matter what.
Author's Notes: Thank you for reading!
Thank you to Setsunakou for editing!