-End of the Black Trailer. Blake left Adam on the other train...but she took something else along with her.-
Before she met the other members of team RWBY)
Blake panted as she slowly sat up and headed to the bathroom holding her swollen belly, she was ready to give birth and it was causing so much pain!
Her cat ears flatten against her head as something popped and a clear puddle was on the floor and she couldn't stand the pain any more, she has to guve birth or the baby might die! She took small breaths as she made it into the tub and spread her legs a little as contractions came and pushed with all of her might.
She screamed loud as she gripped the metal bar on the side and squeezed it hard, she took more deep breaths as another contraction hit and she pushed again as the smaller form was coming out slowly.
Another contraction came and she gave all of her might to push the baby out, she screamed as another one joined in with hers. She sat up slowly and saw small hands waving around in the air as Blake picked up the newborn and cradled her in her arms.
The baby had floppy vlack cat ears with red tips matching the hair, Blake cut the cord off of the baby and cleaned her up and dressed it in a warm and soft blanket and began breast-feeding the tiny baby as it opened its eyes and saw little golden eyes like hers.
Blake burped the baby as the baby yawned and snuggled close to her mother's chest and fell asleep.
Blake let out tears and cried for happiness, she became a mother and she will love her daughter no matter what. "My sweet little Luna Belladonna, you know how much I wanted to see you here in my arms and in this world with me. I love you my little girl and I will always be your mother until I die." Blake placed her forehead with her baby's as her thoughts went back to Adam, what will he do once he knows about Luna? Will he kill her? Treat her like a daughter?? Or will he just forget about her??
Blake hoped that he forgot about her and she didnt tell him about the baby because he would want an abortion and she would never do that.
'I musn't let Adam near Luna, he might take her away from me!' She thought as a knock was at her door, she slowly got up with the newborn as she peeked through the peep-hole and saw someone.
It wasn't Adam or anyone else from the White Fang, it was Professor Ozpin from Beacon. Blake knew it was him because she reads up about certain people from books.
She opened the door slowly and saw another woman with him, blonde hair in a bun, green emerald eyes, short purple cape and a riding crop in her hand and glasses.
"Hello? What brings you here Mr. Ozpin?" Blake asked carefully as she let the two in her apartment and had to set her baby down in her bed with pillows and blankets to keep her safe as she cleaned up the birthing mess from earlier.
"So I see that you gave birth Ms. Belladonna?" Ozpin asked the cat faunus as he saw the baby on the bed sleeping peacefully. Blake twitched her ears and saw how her baby was sleeping.
"Yep, she's clean and healthy for sure. Sorry for the mess." Blake quickly apologized as she tossed the towel in the bin and walked over to her baby.
"You'll need a birth certificate for the baby. I'm sure that someone won't know she exists without it." Ozpin stated as Glynda, the person with him, handed Blake the paper.
Blake signed it and gave it back to Glynda as she smiled and nodded. "I know how much you love your daughter and I know that you wanna keep her safe from her father. We can help you, we can enroll you to Beacon and become a huntress to protect your baby from harm." Ozpin offered her as she thought it over and said 'yes' to him as the two walked out of her apartment.
"Thank you Professor." Blake whispered and got into bed and slept with her baby.
Wow! Chapter One already and I had thought of this and wondered what would happen if this was the reason why Blake came to Beacon.
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