Rifling through the papers littered across the table, leaning back in my chair and enjoying the relaxed atmosphere of the library. There really wasn't a better place to study across the entirety of the city, and Edie Jones was NOT one to lie when it came to such serious matters.

"It compliments your eyes, my sweetest peach."

I look up, hearing two voices sifting from down the hall, heading towards me, raising my eyebrows, I grin, wondering about the individual, and how he managed to come up with such...creative nicknames.

"My eyes are brown, this atrocity is...purple." Another voice replies, I internally snort at the distaste.

I watch as two middle-aged men come round the corner, the shorter one wielding a garish, fluffy purple jumper excitedly in the face of a sighing, taller man, evidently, he was the sweetest peach. They sit a few tables away from me, and the taller man opens a laptop, the younger one setting a heap of old books onto the table with a thump. I snort as he brings out a similarly garish jumper, this one bright red, with a dancing image of Princess Leia on the front, doused in fairy lights. He glances my way, and I shoot my head down, blushing. People watching isn't my strongest forte.

I fiddle with a pencil, unable to focus on another second of my chem homework, content to listen in on the antics of the couple.

"Your...other eyes, my cornucopia of joy!" The man exclaims, and I frown, confused. Other eyes? Is it a sex thing? It can't be a sex thing...

The other man snorts as the librarian glares at his partner, who gives her an apologetic smile, sitting straighter in his seat.

"Stiles, I fail to see how I can wear that when I'm...in that situation." He replies carefully, shaking his head and smirking.

Oh god, it's a sex thing, isn't it?

The other man, Stiles? He huffs, slumping in his seat with the purple jumper bunched in his arms. I languidly flip through my chem book, pretending to do the studying I really should be doing.

"Touché, but Peter, imagine Penny's face when we show up to a formal event in jumpers!" He says excitedly, gesturing wildly along with his words. "She'll kill us." He adds cheerfully, satisfied smile on his face. Why does he sound so happy about that? People are so confusing.

The sweetest peach, or Peter, chuckles, obviously debating the thought. "True," He says slowly, "But is it worth it?" He ponders, and Stiles nodded enthusiastically.

"Payback for when she died my hair red! The joke was on here, though, it looked pretty good." The man said smugly, and I snicker, imagining him with a fiery red updo. In my opinion, it sounds terrific.

"But you could turn it back to brown at any time!" Peter said exasperatedly, and I once again question their sanity. Turn it back? I repeat...people are so confusing.

"And we can take the jumpers off after she's suffered!" Stiles replies swiftly, leaning into Peters side, imploring eyes going big. "Pleeeaseeeeeeeeeee-"

"Fine." Peter gripes, a grin on his face. "Don't say I didn't warn you though."

Stiles does a victorious fist pump, dropping the purple jumper in the process, and I let out an incredulous laugh as I see the figure on the front of the jumper, Han Solo, equally as festive as the figure of Leia on the other jumper. He looks over at me, a smile on his face, and I cover my mouth, still laughing quietly.

He shrugs and laughs, ignoring the murderous librarian's glare, turning back to his partner. "See! I'm not the only one who likes them!" He says triumphantly, nudging Peter, who snorts, shaking his head.

I settle back into my seat, equal parts mortified and amused by being spotted listening in on their conversation. As I leaf through my book, I spot the librarian winding her way through the tables in pursuit of the couple. I watch her ask them to leave and internally frown. The two were adorable, and sadly my only form of entertainment on this great day of procrastination. I smile and duck my head as Stiles, still, a strange name, waves happily at me, picking up the pile of books and the purple jumper, and takes his leave, swiftly followed by Peter.

This was by far, the most eventful day at the library in a while.