Naruto's Wedding Ring Tails

Chapter 3

Hime was a bit stunned as she listened to Naruto's tale of ninjas and chakra, a war against a goddess, and how he was sent here. If she herself didn't come from a world of magic and previously been in a world full of advanced technology, which considered a world like her home to be fantasy, she doubted she would have believed him.

"I do have to say I always felt you were different but I couldn't figure out in what way. Though with you being a ninja I guess that explains why I never found out" Gramps said as Naruto nodded.

"Chakra isn't really something that can be sensed by others unless you have it. I figure you just felt the use of it more than anything when I had to create clones or something" he told the old sage before he turned his eyes back towards Hime, frowning as he gently reached out for her hands.

"I promise I was going to tell you sooner but since coming here things have been a bit hectic. Are you upset?" he asked, looking up at her before feeling instantly relieved as she smiled back and shook her head.

"I'm not upset or anything Naruto…if anything I'm relieved as that means I didn't pull you into something that was potentially too much for you. I thought I might have put you in danger but, you are stronger than I ever thought" she said with a smile, glad that he wasn't in serious danger and could actually fight.

"I'm sorry I made you worry but I promise I fighting isn't anything new to me. I never go back on my word so I'm going to take part in whatever this Ring King business is and help you Hime" he added, squeezing her hands with a smile that made Gramps chuckle at.

"Well I'll leave you two be as an old man knows when to make his exit" Gramps said with a knowing smirk as he looked their way. "I though want to see some of your abilities tomorrow as if you can pair them more with the Ring of Light it'll be for the better. I have to send for someone as they might be able to help you understand magic so I must be off. Enjoy yourselves you two~" Gramps teased as he left quickly before Hime could yell at him in embarrassment.

"Don't let him get to you Hime, he just likes teasing us. I'm pretty sure that is an old person thing" Naruto said with a chuckle as he gently pulled Hime towards him, getting her to sit on the edge of the bed next to him.

"I'm glad you told me and I understand why you couldn't until now as I'll agree, things were very hectic and we've barely had two minutes to ourselves" Hime said as she looked over at him with a soft smile. "You've never been the kind to lie to me and even when you've kept things hidden it was never due to bad reasons so, thank you for telling me" she added, making him smile as he took one of her hands in his and kissed the back of it.

"Well we are married, can't really be keeping secrets as that wouldn't be a good start to things now would it" Naruto told her, smirking at her as she blushed and nodded. "Which is why I have something else to tell you but try not to freak out okay?" he added as he held out his fist towards her, getting a confused look instantly before he chuckled and used his other hand to make her bump fists with him.

Hime grew more confused as her vision turned dark and she felt her consciousness slip around her.


As she reopened her eyes she quickly found herself standing on a large lake in the middle of a massive forest that had trees the size of her kingdom with Naruto by her side. "This is my mind or mindscape to be more precise" Naruto told her, seemingly understanding her question before it even formed in her head.

"Remember when I told you about the goddess and whatnot? Well, I had help fighting her in the form of the Bijuu, nine beings who are fractions of a primordial god who happen to all be my friends" Naruto continued as Hime's eyes widened in shock as she saw nine massive creatures step out, or fly out in one case, of the forest around them.

"Kind of throwing her into the deep end with us, aren't you?" Kurama said with a raised brow as Naruto frowned a bit, giving her hand a soft squeeze as she continued to look around at all of them.

"Well explaining it all would have been equally as confusing so I figured her meeting you all would be best. You are okay though, right Hime?" Naruto asked, waving his hand in front of her face before she nodded.

"Y-Yeah I'm fine, I'm just realizing the man I love is much more complex than I ever imagined" Hime said before one beast, a four tailed monkey of sorts laughed.

"Naruto isn't complex, he's a knuckleheaded boy who doesn't have much booksmarts but is smart in battle. He is a ninja that will always protect those he cares about and never go back on his word. That and he's madly in love with you girlie so you got nothing to worry about" it said, still laughing a bit as Hime couldn't help but chuckle as that was pretty much Naruto in a nutshell.

"How about you introduce us so she isn't so confused who we are" a bull octopus man said as Hime agreed with him since some of these animals were confusing to figure out what they were.

"Right, their names were a little difficult to me but they should be easy to remember after a bit since you aren't learning them in the middle of a war" Naruto told her, chuckling a bit as one by one he introduced each Bijuu with their name, the number of tails, and what kind of creature they were.

Hime liked meeting them as it was almost like meeting Naruto's family from how he interacted with them as well as how some of them seemed to get him flustered with their teasing. It really showed her another side of his that only made him better in her eyes.

"As much as it was nice to meet you I think it's time for you both to leave as its getting late. You two need rest and to ready yourselves for tomorrow since things are going to be busy with magic training and all" Kurama said as he noticed Hime starting to look a bit tired.

"Kurama is right as with everything that is now happening with the rings and Abyssal Creatures you'll need to be ready and train" Kokuo said, smiling down at them before Hime found her vision growing darker again while Matatabi giggled nearby.

"Try not to fool around too much before going to bed~" the two tailed cat teased at the last second before they both faded away out of the mindscape.

-Real World-

Naruto grumbled a bit at Matatabi's comment as he should have expected she'd make some comment like that to Hime out of nowhere. "Don't mind her, she just loves teasing people" Naruto told her as Hime nodded, a blush on her face.

"I-I know but they do expect us to share a bed" Hime muttered, avoiding his eyes as he blushed a bit at it and coughed into his fist a bit.

Sure they had been pushing them to act like a married couple with the whole 'bathing together' but he didn't expect them to push this hard. "Well…you don't have to worry cause I'm not going to try anything" he assured her, trying to ease whatever worries she might have as he smiled softly at her while she leaned against him.

"I'm not worried, I know you'd never do anything I wasn't okay with and….we are married so we do need to get used to sharing a bed" Hime said, her blush darkening in color as he nodded.

To save both from embarrassment and to keep things from getting too nerve-racking they decided to sleep in their clothes, which happened to be their school uniforms that they had been unable to ditch.

Sleeping beside a girl was very new and intense to Naruto and the fact it was Hime, the girl he loved, only made things way more intense. He had chosen to lay on top of the blanket so Hime could sleep under it and feel a bit more comfortable since he felt them both being under the blankets might be a bit too much for her.

He stared up at the ceiling in hopes it might help ease his nerves before he felt Hime turn over to face him, her hand reaching out to tug at his shirt. "Y-You know, I-I wouldn't mind you under the blankets with me. I feel bad I'm the only one under them, I don't want you getting cold" Hime said, staring down nervously before she looked up to meet his eyes while he found her shyness to be rather adorable.

"Okay, I was just trying to make you feel comfortable" he told her as he gently pet her head and got under the blanket beside her. He could only smile as she scooted closer to him, wrapping her arms around him and allowing him to do the same.

"I know you are used to fight but I'm still sorry for dragging you into things again….especially after you were able to get some rest after everything you went through in your old world you should be able to have some peace" Hime said, her head buried in his chest before he felt his shirt getting wet from what he could only figure was her tears.

"Please don't cry Hime, there is no need to" he told her, softly kissing the top of her head before he pulled her in closer to him. "I honestly do not mind as conflict has never been something I've shied away from, its something I can handle and if being brought into the fray of this all means I can be with you then I welcome it. So please, don't cry" he added with a smile as she looked up at him before he leaned down to kiss her softly, a kiss she returned and that quickly made her frown and tears stop.

He wasn't quite sure when they dozed off but being in each other's arms like that seemed to really do the trick as next thing he knew he was being woken up by the sun blinding him through the curtains of their room.

"Good morning Princess and Ring King! Sage Alabaster asked me to wake you two up to tell you he'd be waiting in the main courtyard and he also said today would be a busy day so there is time for your fun later~" the maid said with a giggle as she saw how the two of them were cuddled up against one another.

"We haven't done anything yet!" Hime squeaked out with a dark blush as she burst up from under the blanket while Naruto could only chuckle as the maid left.

"There is that 'yet' word again. Should I be worried about my purity around you Hime" Naruto teased her while he sat up, putting his hand on his chest with mock worry in his eyes which only increased her blush even more as she smacked him on the chest.

"Shut up! I-I was just letting them know we weren't rushing into it or anything and I-" she started to ramble before she was silenced by a soft kiss from Naruto, him smiling from ear to ear as he pulled away.

"Relax Hime, I was teasing you" Naruto told her with a chuckle, finding her pout to be cute while he pet her head to calm her down a bit. "Though we should get going, Gramps did seem eager to get started with this magic training thing he mentioned last night and I can't say I'm not interested as well since magic could go well with chakra" he added since with all the Bijuu's elements it could be interesting to see what magic could add to them.

As they arrived at the courtyard Naruto noticed Gramps waiting for them with a smile on his face. "So did you two enjoy your first night together as a married couple?" Gramps asked, chuckling as he looked from one to another.

"Yeah nothing happened as the last thing I'm going to do is go faster in our relationship then Hime wants to" Naruto said with a flat look, getting Gramps to chuckle at. "So what do you have planned for magic training?" he asked before Gramps shook his head.

"I'm not going to be teaching you, I've called for the perfect teacher for you both. I'm told she'll be here soon" Gramps said before Naruto quickly turned around moments before a loud 'woosh' of air sounded out above them and Naruto watched as a girl descended from the sky with a smile on her face.

"Hmm…so you're him? Not too shabby considering you sensed me coming moments before I materialized" she said as she landed down onto the ground.

The girl was younger than Hime by a few years, her blonde hair done in two pigtails with blue eyes both of which were very similar shades as Hime's. She was clearly a mage from staff in her hand as she wore a strapless and sleeveless pink dress that went down to her mid-thigh with a neckline that showed off a lot cleavage of her D cup chest, a pair of black boots that went up a bit past her knees, and a violet cloak that was worn off her shoulders.

All in all the girl reminded him an awful lot of Hime.

"I am Morion Ravri Nokanautica, are you ready sister? And my new brother!" Morion said as she introduced herself, shocking the two of them as Hime had told him about her sister and how she hadn't seen her ever since she had to leave her world so to suddenly meet her like this was rather startling.

"Wait, are you really Hime's little sister?" Naruto asked as Morion nodded with a smile as she put her hands behind her back and turned towards Hime. As she did he noticed her smile gaining something he couldn't quite but his finger on but he knew it wasn't a negative feeling. If anything it felt and looked more mischievous than anything.

"Honestly, I'm a little taken aback. Your ring duty forced you to flee to that other world…I've always imagined how you must have suffered for it. I was actually sorry for you! Then you came back with a boyfriend" Morion said, smirking as she looked at Hime before turning towards him and looking him up and down once.

"After Krystal left this world Morion left Nokanautica and studied magic as an apprentice sage" Gramps said as he stroked his beard. "I have a lot on my plate so I asked Morion to take charge of both of your magic training" he added before Morion nodded.

"So here I am at the personal request of my master!" Morion said, getting Naruto to turn his head towards Gramps with a raised eyebrow.

"Master? That means you must have came back to this world a few times over the years to train her right?" Naruto asked as Gramps smiled, liking how Naruto caught onto things.

"Indeed, I came back every few years to check up on things. I'd check in on Morion too, no more than that" he told him, getting Naruto to nod.

"Also what is this sage stuff cause I feel your sage title is very much different than mine" Naruto said, getting Morion to smile at his reveal while Gramps widened his eyes in shock at it.

"Wait, you're a sage as well Naruto?" Gramps asked while Naruto nodded and gave a 'sorta' gesture with his hand.

"I'll show you how I'm a sage later as first I think it's best to let the two sisters have their reunion, right?" Naruto suggested before he look over at Morion and Hime only to see and feel a rather awkward atmosphere around them.

"How old do you think I was ten years ago? I didn't even remember what she looked like so not exactly a strong emotional connection here" Morion said as Naruto felt a pang of sadness come from Hime as she nodded.

"Right…that's fair" Hime said, her voice a bit shaky before Naruto rubbed her back softly. He felt a bit bad as this whole ring situation had torn a family apart this bad to where two sisters were basically strangers to another. He just hoped now that they were reunited a connection could form again between them.

"I'll do my best to teach you, don't worry about that but given our time I believe it is best we start now, right?" Morion said, walking off before she looked back as if to ask 'Well? Are you coming?'

"She is right, time is flying and we need to start right away as there is something Krystal needs to obtain" Gramps said before they all started to follow Morion as she led them through the castle before they arrived at a room with a skylight.

First thing Naruto noticed was a staff sticking up in the middle of a large four pointed star that was on the ground, the same symbol that was on his ring. At a closer look he noticed the staff also had the symbol on it and even from the doorway he could feel power radiating off it.

"The Nokanautica Staff of Light. With this no doubt your magic training will proceed swiftly Krystal" Gramps said as they stayed back as Hime walked towards the staff. "This was the staff your mother used Krystal, it's been sealed here ever since their passing and waiting for the right time. Before we continue you need this as only you, with the royal family's power and the ring of light, can release it" he went on as Hime took tentative steps towards it.

They watched as she reached out towards it, grabbing it with both hands before she tried to pull it out only for it not to budge. "It's…not…working" Hime grunted out as she let out strained groans as she kept trying to pull it out to no avail.

"You really have no power at all. It isn't a complicated seal" Morion said as she was crouching down, smirking as she watched Hime struggle.

"W-Well we avoided magic to prevent her from standing out over there but perhaps we did a bit too well" Gramps said as Naruto sighed.

"Yeah there is a difference between stealth training and none at all. I trained with my chakra without you all noticing so you could've figured something out" Naruto said as he watched while sitting on the ground, cross-legged in hopes to try and tap into sage mode in a bit to show them how it was for him.

"I can't pull it out for you as it requires the ring of light" Morion told Hime as she continued to struggle before she almost slipped and fell backwards only for a clone of his to catch her.

"Well how about we start her magic training at the basics of 'what is magic' as where better to start?" Naruto asked, opening an eye with a smirk as the shocked looks from Morion and Hime were pretty funny to see. "What? Never seen a man make a copy of himself?" he added as the clone dispelled.

"I saw a bit of that skill of yours last night, I'd love to learn how it works" Gramps said, stroking his beard as Morion chuckled a bit.

"A boyfriend who can multiply, you sure got a good one sis as that'll be fun for sure" Morion teased, making Hime grow a dark blush as she started imagining something before she quickly shook her head to get the thoughts out of her head.

"You teach me and Hime about magic and I'll tell you about chakra" Naruto told them with a smile before Gramps nodded with a smile.

"Then let the lesson begin" he said with a smile as the basics were always the best place to start.

Naruto found the classroom setting to be interesting as he sat on a stool next to Hime as Gramps wrote 'Foundations of Magic: a lecture by the Great Sage Alabaster' in chalk on the board in front of them.

"Magic involves controlling the infinite particles of energy by bending the principles of the world to your will!" Gramps said with enthusiasm before Morion walked in front of him with a smile.

"That makes no sense right? Leave this to me okay" Morion said as she walked over in front of the board and set down a cup of water. "To put it simply magic is the power to move things as you will. What makes it different is that you don't have to touch anything and you can even alter its shape" Morion went on to explain, the water in the cup beside her raising and flowing around above the cup before falling back into it.

"Everything is made from four basic types of magic particle. Water is mostly water particles, dirt is mainly earth, fire is fire although fire particles can also be found in trees and paper, and wind is a bit harder to explain" she continued, doing her best to explain things as simply as she could.

"But using magic means controlling those particles. You reach out with your magic power and push the particles around" she finished as she made a pushing gesture with her arms before looking to Naruto. "So, is that different from your power or not?" she asked, getting them to look at Naruto who shook his head.

"Very different from chakra as chakra is an energy inside me that flows in an invisible circulatory system. There are also five basic elements of fire, wind, water, earth, and lightning with Yin and Yang being separate elements in a way. Everybody is born with an affinity which shows which element is natural to us like how mine is wind. You can though train to use all the basic elements and if you have a bloodline trait you can combine elements to make new ones as I have a few of those as well" Naruto said as he tried his best to explain while he really wished he had books on it but it was a bit impossible given his lack of knowledge on the topic.

"And your sage title? How does it differ from ours?" Gramps asked, making Naruto smirk as this was a topic he was better at.

"I became a sage by mastering nature energy, by taking it into myself and balancing it with my own. While this has been going on I made a clone draw in nature energy and when I dispel it I can show you my Sage Mode" Naruto told them before quickly dispelling his clone to enter sage mode.

Their surprised looks as his pupils changed was interesting, finding their surprise at what he could do to be rather fun to see. He wondered if he'd get reactions like this when he showed off other things he could do like in regards to the Bijuu's elements and eventual transformations if things went well with his connection to them.

"So by becoming one with Nature energy and understanding it you obtained that title. Similar in a bit to ours as we gained ours by fully mastering the control of magic particles" Gramps said, stroking his beard as Hime stared close at his face.

"What kind of pupils are those? Goats?" Hime asked, making him chuckle as he pet her head to get her to move back a bit.

"Toads as I learned it from them since in my world you could sign a contract and be able to summon sentient talking animals to fight alongside you, some of them being bigger than this castle" he told them, making sure to include their size as he noticed Morion's unsure look when he mentioned toads and them fighting alongside him.

"Interesting but sis, I'm guess you really can't see magic power can you?" Morion said, moving the topic back to her sister as she had noticed just how confused she had looked through the entire explanation of magic. "It is one thing to hear about it, given it is difficult to explain in words, but it's much more important to feel it" she went on, crouching down a bit behind Hime with a mischievous smile on her face before Hime shuddered and arced back a bit and fell down on her butt with a dark blush on her face.

"Hime? Are you okay?" Naruto asked as she hugged her chest a bit before looking back at Morion, still darkly blushing.

"What…was that?" Hime stuttered out as she softly trembled a bit from the experience.

"Both of us have an extremely high aptitude for this so I just gave you a little poke inside. Magic power is like a sage's extra pair of hands. You could feel me touching something somewhere right?" Morion asked, chuckling at her sister's timid response. "Basically all you need to do is reach out with that, grab the staff, and pull it free. Just visualize it and remember how it felt and it should be easy for you to at least do this" she went on to explain with a shrug of her shoulders.

Naruto frowned as he felt Hime's grow afraid before he crouched down and put his hands on her shoulders while he eased out of Sage mode. "Relax Hime, not everything works instantly. First work on getting a feel for magic and try and find a way to feel it consistently" he told her, getting her to smile and nod before she quickly blushed.

"W-Well…I-I kind of feel that when we kiss" she muttered as Morion chuckled at her a bit.

"Well that's somewhat to be expected as the power of the ring is the power of your bonds. The bonds of love heighten magic, sounds romantic doesn't it? But what it really means is that you are acting as a conduit for magic power. The magic stored in your body is passed over to Naruto. Willpower and feelings are two sides of the same thing. So if your feelings are heightened your strength of your will grows as well. The power of bonds isn't that far from the truth" she explained as Naruto did his best to tune out the chuckling of some of the Bijuu given the whole 'bonds' aspect of it all.

"So basically you want us to kiss to try and replicate that feeling?" Naruto asked with a raised brow before Morion smiled innocently and nodded like it shouldn't be any big thing for any of them.

He wasn't so sure about it before Hime grabbed his arms and looked him in the eyes with a look on her face that showed despite being nervous she was ready and serious. He held in a bit of a sigh, feeling his cheeks heat up a bit as he could feel Morion's eyes on them before he leaned forward to kiss her.

"Exactly, focus your mind on your lips" Naruto heard Morion say as he focused on Hime, the kiss growing deeper as he felt her open her mouth as if to invite him to deepen it even further. He took her invitation as he gently slid his tongue into her mouth, their tongues rubbing and wrapping against one another as Hime wrapped her arms around his neck.

"The power of the ring…is moving through you and-And!?" Morion continued on before Hime broke the kiss, a dark red blush on her face as she interrupted her.

"Okay I think that is enough for today honestly" Naruto told them, chuckling as while it was nice to kiss Hime like that he felt this was getting a bit much for him and Hime as well as not going anywhere.

"I agree, we can always continue with this tomorrow" Gramps said while Morion merely shrugged her shoulders. "I recommend you relax a bit Krystal as we do have a day or two before we need to leave. Please don't feel rushed as if we cannot get it we can always return later" he said before he left with Morion.

Naruto merely sighed as he leaned back with his arms propping him up behind him and started to chuckle a bit. "Kissing is the way to feel magic eh? What an odd way to learn how to use magic" he told Hime, smiling as he saw a smile form on her face and her giggle a bit at it.

"Look don't worry if you don't get it initially as it takes everyone time for stuff like this. You are starting out at barely square one after being in a different world until now. I'd like throwing Morion into Japan and asking her to drive a car" he told Hime, grabbing her hand and giving it a soft squeeze to show her it was okay.

"Thanks Naruto that really means a lot" Hime said as her slight frown turned to a warm smile while she squeezed his hand back. "I'm still going to try for a bit as I don't want to give up, are you going to stay with me?" she asked before he nodded.

"Of course, I want to be here when you grab it and who knows if I'll be needed" he teased a bit, making Hime blush again before she stood back up, him doing the same before he followed her back to the room where the staff was.

He mainly stayed near the doorway, sitting on the ground as he got himself use to going into Sage Mode again. While this world had so much more nature energy than the last world he was in it also had something else attached to it, which he figured to be magic.

It wasn't dangerous to him as the nature energy felt the same but at the same time he could feel it making his ring grow warmer. If anything it might be storing that magic in the ring which would help relieve the fatigue using his ring tried to put on him.

Hime even as lunch and dinner had passed, both of which had been brought to them by maids, was still trying. She had tried meditating like he was to trying to do something that reminded him of this one movie called Star Wars to even kissing him a bit and trying immediately afterwards as if she would stop the second she felt the slightest tingle only for it to not be enough.

In the end though nothing worked and he had to help walk a very tired Hime back to their room.

"Don't worry about it Hime, you'll figure it out soon. Trust me, all it takes is that one moment where everything clicks into place. Remember what I said about square one okay?" he told her trying to keep her from getting to down about her lack of progress since it was still 'day one'.

From the moment they had entered school Hime had always been top of the class with a natural skill at learning things. He could only imagine her frustration since he had always been the 'throw yourself at it until it sticks' kind before he got the shadow clones and became a 'spam clones to learn it quick' type.

"Maybe…I'm going to take a bath to relax a bit" she told him as he nodded and kissed her forehead before he let her go off towards the baths.

"Poor girl, sweet but her time in that other world made her behind the pack when it comes to magic skills. She really does need that one push to where she can at least pull the staff out" Kokuo said while Naruto could only sigh and nod in agreement as he made it back to the room.

"If she gets that staff out she'll get better as being able to do that will be the equivalent of awakening your chakra for the first time. After that the ball will roll for her" Gyuki said, seeing her at the level of a new genin and if she got that staff out at least then she'd be in a better situation of growing in skill.

'I know guys but I can't awaken her magic for her, hell the only magic I have is the ring and I still don't know how it works' he told them before he made it back to his room and pulled up his scroll from off the ground.

"Don't forget about your training Naruto as now that you are in a better world to use your skills and the ring working to fix some things I expect you to train" Kurama growled out, making Naruto roll his eyes.

'Don't worry, I am on the same wavelength as I have something in mind to learn that could be interesting to work on' Naruto thought with a bit of a smirk as he opened the scroll and slid through it until he reached the section that held the stuff he had on him from before the 4th Ninja War.

'Flying Thunder God' the section read as he smiled at it. Three words and yet these three words had helped his dad make a name for himself.

He had gotten this scroll after Nagato's attack on Konoha and after Tsunade had woken back up. All it took was him telling her he knew who his dad was and that got her to give him access to what his dad had left behind as his 'birthright'.

At the time, due to the rebuilding of Konoha and the Five Kage Summit, he didn't have the chance to even look at the notes back then and being in a child's body before in the last world also didn't feel like the right chance. Now though, felt like the absolute perfect time as with this whole ring business it could help him immensely.

Reading through the notes his head was spinning but he got at least a basic understanding of how it worked in terms of it being more like a summoning technique where the user enters a dimensional void before warping instantly to the marker.

Just being able to decipher that much was making his head hurt and required a lot of help from the Bijuu since he was the first to admit he wasn't the smartest guy. This stuff made science look like crayon doodles in comparison.

The process of even remotely doing the Hiraishin was confusing and made his head hurt even more. Before he could really look into it more Hime walked in, wearing a long somewhat frilly red robe that showed off a good deal of cleavage.

"Did the bath help?" Naruto asked as he rolled up the Hiraishin school and sealed it away in his wrist seal before going to join her on the couch that she had plopped herself down on.

"Ah bit…the whole problem is that I can feel it. There's a…tingle, almost a shiver but…it's really frustrating. Not being able to do what I should be able to" Hime said, her tone more down than he would have liked to hear coming from her.

"Just being able to feel it is progress Hime, that is the start of everything and shows how you are getting there" Naruto told her as he rubbed her back softly with a soft smile that made her frown turn into a soft smile as well.

"I'd like…to try a little longer. You know…training" Hime said as a blush quickly creeped onto her cheeks before she turned to him. "I think I'll be able to focus better if it's just us as Morion being there broke our concentration. You don't mind, do you?" she asked as she moved onto the couch, sitting on her legs as she put her hands on his while leaning forward and looking into his eyes.

He couldn't help but gulp a bit at her forwardness but definitely didn't mind it at all as he also got a good view of her cleavage. "Of course I don't mind" he told her, chuckling softly at how cute and sexy she was being before he leaned forward to kiss her.

Hime was quick to put her hand on his chest as he wrapped one around her on her back while the other was around her waist with his hand just above her butt. It also didn't take long before he found himself on top of Hime as they kissed, her being pushed back onto her back, their tongues fighting for dominance and Hime gripping his shirt tightly.

"More…I want more~" Hime purred out as she looked up at him in a happy daze before he was happy to continue and give her what she wanted.

He lost track of how long they had been making out for and he even didn't notice how Hime's robe had come open as he was too focused on her as she panted with a pleased and airy smile on her face.

"I think I…got it" she panted out as she stared up at him and held his hands tightly. "I can feel it everywhere you're touching me~ This…is the flow of magic" she purred out as only now he had noticed how her robe was basically only covering her nipples and barely at that.

But before he could look down Hime's eyes lit up and she smiled excitedly.

"My magic! I can do this!" Hime yelled as she bolted off the couch, dragging him along as they ran through the castle. "Come on Naruto! Hold my hand! I can do this!" she yelled excitedly as Naruto could almost see her eyes sparkling in joy and excitement as they burst into the room that contained the staff.

Naruto found himself smiling just as brightly as Hime as she pulled the staff from the ground, quickly catching her as she leapt into his arms while still holding the staff. "I knew you could do it Hime! You did so great" Naruto told her as he kissed the top of her head while she nuzzled against his chest.

"I couldn't have done it without you Naruto…thank you so much" she whispered out leaning up to kiss him again only unlike their previous intense make out session, this kiss was much softer and loving as if to show him how much he really meant to her.

"I love you" she whispered before he had to catch her as she passed out, the exhaustion of the day seemingly catching up with her while he couldn't help but chuckle at it.

"I love you too Hime, sleep well as you definitely earned it" he told her with a kiss to the top of her head before carrying her back to their room.

The next morning though Hime was beyond quick to pull him along to alert Gramps and Morion of her success but he didn't mind getting woken and pulled out of bed since he was proud of her as well.

"You freed the staff! I knew you could do it Krystal" Gramps said with a proud smile as Morion yawned beside him, not that much awake due to being woken up so early.

"Huh? You really did it?" she said with a yawn before looking her over a bit. "What happened since last night then?" she asked, getting Hime to blush and look away a bit.

"W-What? N-Nothing" she said before she blushed darker as Gramps smirked and hummed a bit before she vigorously shook her head. "Not that!" she yelled as Naruto chuckled beside her.

"All that matters is she got the staff and can feel magic. You mentioned we only had a few days before we left so this is good right? We can start whatever journey or whatever you have in mind" Naruto said before Morion stared at Gramps with a blank look.

"You seriously haven't told them, have you?" she said getting Gramps to gain a somewhat nervous look on his face as he avoided looking her way.

"Told us what? All I know is that the ring of light is supposed to help with ridding the world of these Abyssal Creatures" he told Morion who sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose.

"That isn't even that start of things!" Morion yelled at Gramps before she rolled her eyes at him and walked forward towards Naruto. "Those Abyssal Creatures are just the foot soldiers as they serve the Abyssal King who you are supposed to destroy with the ring of light and four other rings. As Ring King you are supposed to gather the other rings, marrying four other princesses from four other kingdoms to obtain your true power. Fun right?" Morion explained, smirking as she elbowed him a bit as Naruto smiled, a clear attempt not to get angry at Gramps for not telling him more.

"Great…this didn't just get more complicated at all" he said with a sigh, trying to block out a few of the Bijuu's laughter as he could only imagine what this journey would bring.

He seriously did have a problem with attracting trouble like this.

-Chapter End-

Pairing: Naruto x Hime/Krystal, Nephrites, Granat, Saphir, Amber, Peridot, and Morion

Before I get to the story notes I've recently started something that I had been debating to do for a long time.

You see I'm disabled, I have Cerebral Palsy Spastic Diplegia, mine being the bowing and tightness of the lower extremities aka my legs (and only my legs). My legs are always in pain, I have to wear AFO braces to walk as well as use the help of a cane.

I have no job, I get a bit of money as disability money from the gov and that goes straight to rent for the 3 bedroom house I live in (with my mom, brother, and nephew who all moved in with me). My brother works and my mom is also disabled so to try and help a bit more I've decided to set up a Pat reon

I've resisted doing this as I've felt doing it would make me come off as an entitled jackass but let me get this straight. My Pat reon is essentially a tip jar if you want to support me, do not feel like you have to and nothing will EVER be behind a paywall.

I'm not going to do a "Hey if we reach X goal I'll release/make this story that will only be available to you all!". It is 100% a "Hey, help me be a bit more financially stable as I have no means of income"

If you want to check out my rewards and tiers (only going up to $20 right now) my page is here


Just paste that after the usual pat reon url (as FF eats links)

I hope you all understand.

Now onto the story notes.

Woo! I worked on this from like the 24th til now. I wanted to get this done before the 27th but given I haven't got to bed yet and its only 2am I'd say I did pretty good lol.

The reason I wanted it done before the 27th is because the 27th is my birthday! I officially am now 23 lol

I'm going to try and be a whole lot more active starting next month due to the whole Pat reon situation I have started so look forward to that ^^

All in all I hope you liked the chapter, I skipped ahead and used chapters 31-ish of the manga way ahead of time to introduce Morion and give Hime the staff as I felt it'd be perfect to do ahead of time.

Morion and Naruto will grow closer over the time, like she does with Satou a bit in the manga. Right now they just met so if anything she just sees him as her sister's boyfriend.

Hime and his relationship is moving along nicely I feel as him supporting her and whatnot means a lot to her and she does love him. Plus with his skills as a shinobi she doesn't feel nearly as guilty for pulling him into all of this

Naruto is also going to start learning the Hiraishin as I feel that would be a perfect skill to give him. It'll take some time but he really will abuse the shadow clones for it lol.

Next chapter will have the journey and arrival at the Elf Kingdom as well as meeting Nephrites and Peridot so look forward to that~

Until Next Time

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