A/N: Sorry that I haven't been able to write in a while, my schedule has been hectic. But since I'm not allowed to leave the house anymore maybe I'll be able to write more often.

Wanda nods and turns to leave before she stops and sticks out a hand to Colby.

"Your sister is going to be alright. Why don't you come and get something to eat the get some rest."

"I don't want to leave her."

She's in good hands, I promise. You should be well rested so that when she is better you will be able to run around and play with her. She would want that, right?"

Colby nods and takes her hand. Wanda leads them out of the rooms and started to walk to the staff kitchen. When they got to the kitchen they found Laura dishing up some food for Lila and Nathaniel. Hearing people enter, Laura looks up and smiles when she sees Wanda enter.

"Hey, shouldn't you be at the dinner."

"It's not for another hour. Are you not attending with Clint?"

"No, I was planning to but I didn't sleep at all last night so I'm going to finish my work and turn in early."

"I'm sorry, I hope you sleep better tonight."

" Me too. Any way, what did you come here for?"

Wanda walks around the counter which reveals Colby to Laura. Laura raises an eyebrow at Wanda but crouches down and smiles at the boy.

" And who might you be?"

" My name is Colby."

"Hello Colby. What can I do for you?"

Colby opens then closes his mouth and then looks up at Wanda. Wanda smiles at his shyness.

"We come here to get him some food before he goes to rest."

Laura stands up and grabs a bowl and starts dishing up some food.

"Well lucky for you I just made a big pot of stew. Why don't you sit down with this at that table. Lila and Nathaniel will be happy to meet you."

Colby thanked her and took the bowl over to the table. Almost Immediately Lila started to to talk to him. Laura walked over to Wanda and frowned.

"Want to tell me what you did today? Where did this kid?"

Wanda sighs and leans against the counter.

"I was in town today with Steve today. I saw him going around and asking for work. The second I saw him I knew something was wrong. We followed him and I started talking to him. I found out he's an orphan. His mother dies from an illness a few weeks ago and his sister is deathly ill."

"He has a sister?"

"Yes, twin sister. We took her to Dr. Banner, he said she will be better in about a week."

"What about their father?"

"He apparently died protecting them years ago."

"That is just awful. They are so young, they should not have to deal with this."

" I know-"

Just then Michelle walks through the door and bows.

"Lady Wanda, the diner is in half in hour, I was sent to remind you to get ready."

"Thank you, Michelle. I'll be in my rooms in a minute."

Michelle leaves and Wanda turns to Laura.

"Would you mind making sure that he gets set up in a room? I really need to go."

"Of course. Have fun for me tonight."

"I will."

Wanda leaves the room and walks to her rooms. When she enters Michelle is already there setting clothing for her.

"Which dress do you wish to wear, My Lady?"

"You pick one, I really have no preference."

Michelle picks out a dark green dress and brings it over to Wanda. As she helps Wanda with her laces she clears her throat.

"May I say something?"

"Of course. You don't have to ask"

"What you did today was very kind."

"I was just trying to help."

"Not many people would do what you did. You are the kindest person I have every met. Everything you do radiates kindness. What you did for those kids. All the work you do for the queen. You gave me a job even though you clearly don't like having a servant."

"You are working to help your family. I won't deny you a job just because I'm not use to having someone waiting on me."

"That's just it. Everything you do is to help other people. You never talk down to anyone. All the workers in town today and all the servants in the palace, you talk to them as though they are your equal, and sometimes like they are better than you. Why do you do it?"

Wanda was taken aback by her question. She had never had her actions questioned like this.

"I talk to everyone like they're my equal because they are."

"But you have your power, and your title."

"Yes I have a title but that is all it is, a title, a name. Really everyone has a title, but really, they don't matter. I was an orphan, then I was a maid, then a lady in waiting, then a lady in waiting to the queen, then my current title. But that didn't change the fact that I was always a human being, just like you, just like the baker, just like the king. We are all human and I don't think that anyone should be treated different because of an added title."

Wanda turns and sees Michelle looking at her in awe. She sets a hand on her shoulder and smiles.

"You shouldn't let what other people title you as define your worth because they are no better than you. Do understand that?

"Yes, I think so."

Michelle finished helping Wanda then steps back.

"I think that it everything laced. Do you need anything else."

"No I don't think so. You should go eat then turn in for the night. I can undo myself at the end of the night."

Michelle bows and begins towards the door.

"Thank you. Have a good night, My lady."

She begins to leave when Wanda calls out.



"You can just call me Wanda."

Wanda walk down the hall to the private dinning room for the diner. She was relieved that this wasn't some kind of huge celebration diner. Instead this was a small diner with the royal family and their close friends who could bring a plus one. She was actually a little nervous, this was her first time going to one of these diners. She had been invited once before but she turned down the invitation to watch the Barton kids so that Laura could go when their nanny got sick. She had never eaten with the Royal family either. She usually ate in her study or in the kitchen with the Bartons. Once she had had lunch with Pepper and had a few late night picnics but those were less formal. Wanda shakes her head. She knew she was being stupid, she has known these people for years. Plus she was in a serious with their son. Not to mention that she won't be alone, she will be with other people she knows.

When she reaches the dinning room she was immediately met by Pepper.

"Oh Wanda dear that color looks stunning on you, it really brings out your eye color. We so rarely see you in anything other than some kind of red"

"Thank you. I let Michelle pick my dress. Honestly didn't even know that I had it. Mus have been in the group you just gifted me."

"Well she made the right choice, though you look stunning in any color."

Wanda laughs and sees Vision walking towards them. She smiles at him as he reaches her and places a kiss on her cheek.

"Hello, my love."

"Hey, how was your day?"

"It was okay, better now that you're here. You look breath taking."

"You always say that."

"Because you always take my breath away."

"Oh, Vizh."

Vision leans down and gives her a light peck on the lips. He holds her as they hear a whistle.

"Break it up love birds, you're in public."

They break apart and Vision glares at Tony as they walk to the table. Vision pulls out her chair for her and pushes her in before sitting down next to her. She begins to discuss with Natasha, who was sitting on her other side, about some of the books they had recently read. The conversation around the room quieted down as they were served their food. They ate in a comfortable silence with a few comments about how good the food was. Wanda almost laughed at herself for being nervous about this diner before. Everything was completely fine and easy going. They finished their food and their dishes were cleared from the table. They all stayed and talked while having a drink. They all laughed at a story Clint told them about how he fell in a creek today while teaching Cooper how to shot a bow. When they all calmed down Tony cleared his throat and looked at Wanda.

"So, Wanda. Banner was telling me about the little girl you brought in this after noon."

Now everyone was looking at her as they waited for her response.

"Yes, well, I couldn't very well sit back and let her die."

"And you didn't, you saved her life. And from the sounds of it you saved her brother indirectly."

"I was just helping two kids who needed help."

"How were you able to tell they were in trouble?"


The question took her aback.

"Did you know just by looking at them or did you hear things. Honestly I wouldn't have been able to tell if someone was in trouble unless they tell me."

Wanda thought about it for a moment.

"I think... I think I noticed that they were in trouble because when I looked at him I saw myself. My old self. Back when I was little and had no place to call home. He had the same look on his face that I did back then."

Wanda looks at several faces in the room before saying her next words.

"I got lucky. I had people who helped me when I most needed it. I couldn't call myself a decent person if I had just sat back and did nothing when someone clearly needed help. I feel almost sick just being here eating a nice and wearing expensive cloths while there are people in this nation that are dying because they can't afford the medicine they need. While there are children living on the streets begging for food and money because they have no family to help them and they'd rather homeless than go to the orphanage."

She took a breath and tried to stop shaking. She feels Vision grab her hand and starts to calm down.

"I'm sorry. This isn't the topic for a fun diner."

"No you're fine."

Pepper gives her a reassuring smile.

"You're right, we need to do more for the people. What were you saying about the orphanage?"

Before Wanda could answer Steve jumps in.

"When we asked about an orphanage the baker we were talking to said that the place was run down and extremely full."

"If it's that bad in the nations capital I'd hate to see what other cities are dealing with."

They all nodded and it was silent for a moment finally pepper spoke up.

"It's getting late. Wanda, tomorrow morning you and I will start a new project. For now, we need rest."

They all agree and stand and say their good byes. Vision insists on walking Wanda to her rooms. As they leave and others begin to trail out Pepper goes and stands by her husband. She notices that he had a grin on his face.

"What's that grin for?"

"Oh, nothing."


He lets out a chuckle before his grin gets bigger.

"You know, she's going to make a great queen someday."

When they reach Wanda's door Vision grabs her hands and smiles.

"You're incredible, you know that."

"Why do you say that?"

"In just one day you managed to save someones life and make the rulers of a country realize that they aren't doing enough for their people. You are absolutely incredible."

A/N: There you guys go, an extra long chapter to make up for the lost time. If you guys have any ideas about how I can make this story better or if you want to see a different story or pairing feel free to comment or message me about them. Thank you all so much for reading!