Castles and goodbye:

She seemed a drift of fragile ash or snow, something impermanent that had flown into his adms accidentally; the petal of a fearie flower, the white feather's of Angel wings. The dream of a little girl, the memory of a sister reaching her arms up, "Julian, Julian, carry me."

Saying goodbye was something that shadowhunters didn't do, they didn't utter those words, they said goodbye in other ways. They never had the time to waste on simple words, such as hello, how are you, and goodbye. Avada Kedavra. These were the words muttered under the teen's breath as he held his sister, covered in blood. A few strays tears ran down his face as he laid his sister to rest.

A scream ripped through the building as the boy looked at his twin, his whole world crashing down on him as he rushed over, hands grabbing her wrist, trying to get a pulse. "LIVVY!" Tears ran down his face.

Everything before him was falling apart, he watched as the Blackthorns broke, the frail, slowly cooling body of his friend lay on the floor, blood pooled about her. Everyone was to busy to notice Annabelle leaving or Robert dying on the floor. Kit felt a sharp pain as he watched before he left, this reminding him of his own loss.

Pain was a normal feeling for a shadowhunter, for someone who died, for living in world full of danger, so as she was held in his arms, vision fading as she looked at him, "Stay here with me please." She whispered as she leaned her head into the crook of his arm, her breathing slowing as she felt his warmth about her, his breathing a comfort of letting her know he was there. He was right beside her holding her close. The wounds that she was given by the monster was less painful with him there.

He watched as she faded in his arms, his heart hiccuped as he held her close to him, as he lowered his head to rest his lips on her forehead, "Im here, princess." He mumbled as he kissed her forehead, when he pulled back he looked down, a smile was on her lips, but her chest no longer moved up and down. As he sat there, holding her limp body tears rolled down his cheeks.