Hello, everyone! Welcome to an alternate ending to Merlin!

Obviously, I didn't like that Arthur died. It was quite unnecessary. So, after rewatching all five series for the umpteenth time, I decided to write something that would make me feel better. So I changed the ending of 5x12 a little and continued from there. If you like the story, I'll make it a multi-chapter! So please review and tell me what you thought :3

Disclaimer: Sadly, I don't own Merlin or its characters.

"Arthur. Come on. We have to make it to the lake."

Arthur, who'd been leaning heavily against Merlin, suddenly slumpen to the ground as his knees went out, pulling the young warlock with him. "Merlin... not without the horses. We can't, it's too late. It's too late."

The horses. The stupid horses. Merlin silently cursed Morgana for scaring them away.

"No," he said, refusing to believe it, and struggled to get them to their feet.

Arthur sounded out of breath as he spoke. "All your magic, Merlin, can't save my life."

"I can," Merlin insisted, biting back tears. "I'm not going to lose you."

"Just, just hold me. Please." Arthur's voice was soft, not afraid, begging. Merlin stopped trying to get up, and listened instead. "There's something I want to say..."

"You're not going to say goodbye," Merlin interrupted, a sharp edge of warning to his voice.

"No, Merlin..." Arthur took a deep breath. "Everything you've done, I know now." The meaning behind his words struck Merlin heavily; all those days slaving away, serving Arthur and the knights without any thanks— not to mention repeatedly saving the King's life... Arthur knew, now. "For me, for Camelot," Arthur continued. "For the kingdom you helped me build..."

Merlin smiled a little. "You'd have done it without me."

"Maybe." Arthur paused briefly. "I want to say... something I've never said to you before..." He turned his head slightly and looked straight into the eyes of his friend. "Thank you." Arthur lifted a weak hand to brush the back of Merlin's head affectionatedly.

And those two words meant more to Merlin than they ever had before. It was a thank you for everything he'd done, for everything he was doing, and for being who he was. It was acceptance. But Merlin didn't get to enjoy it for very long, because at that moment, Arthur's hand dropped as his entire body went limp.

Merlin grew cold, his veins filled with ice instead of blood. "Arthur... no! Arthur! Stay with me!" Heartbeat loud in his ears, he reached down to feel for a pulse. "Arthur! Arthur. Come on." Breathlessly, he waited, listened and felt... and finally, he found it. It was weak and slow, but there was a pulse.

Merlin exhaled in relief, a tear slipping down his cheek. He had to hurry. Arthur was right; without the horses, they'd never get there in time. So Merlin squeezed out from under the King, and called for the dragon. His call was desperate, filled with anger and sorrow, and Kilgharrah must've sensed his distress, because he was there in a few moments. Merlin pressed his forehead to Arthur's, willing him to stay alive.

"Kilgharrah," the warlock said, "I would not have summoned you, if there was any other choice. I have one last favor to ask you."

Kilgharrah looked at the fallen King, and blew out a breath. "I will take you to the lake, young warlock. But be aware that after that, it is out of your hands. Destiny, must take it's course."

Merlin just nodded. The dragon gripped them tight and flew them to the island in the middle of the lake.

Gaius had spoken of the island and the ancient power it would possess. Merlin felt it the moment he touched the ground, like a shockwave coursing through his body. He blew out a breath and caught Arthur as Kilgharrah put him down.

"Good luck, old friend," the dragon's deep voice echoed through the air.

"Thank you." Merlin nodded his goodbye, before turning toward the island. "Hello?" he called out. "I have come to see the Sidhe. I need your help."

It was eerily quiet for a moment, the only sound coming from the crashing waves of the lake. A thin fog surrounded the island, making it difficult for Merlin to see.

Suddenly, glowing blue lights emerged amongst the fog, zooming around them so fast that Merlin had trouble keeping track of them. One of the larger blue bulbs fin ally came to a stop in front of him, transforming into a tiny blue creature with wings.

"What is it that you want?" the Sidhe asked in a nasally voice. His face looked smug, and Merlin recalled Gaius calling them a 'cruel race of beings'.

"My friend," Merlin gestured to where Arthur was laying on the ground, "he's hurt badly. I need your assistance in healing him. Please."

The tiny, but powerful, creature gave a cackle for a laugh. "And why would we help you?" he mused.

"I'll give you anything you ask," Merlin promised exasperatedly. "What is it that you want in return?"

The Sidhe looked him over. "What makes you think that you have anything to offer that we require?"

"My name," Merlin began, and hesitated only briefly, "as the druids call me, is Emrys."

A whisper went through the crowd of the Sidhe, and the one before him looked impressed. "Emrys," he repeated. "We have heard whispers of your great power. Why is it that you need our help to heal your... friend?"

"He was stabbed by a sword forged in a dragon's breath," Merlin explained, growing impatient. "A piece of it remains within him. Not even I can heal wounds inflicted by such ancient power. Please, will you help me?"

The Sidhe seemed to ponder this for a second, before a slug grin spread across his tiny, blue face. "We will grant your request," he started, and Merlin's heart fluttered, "but, at a price."


When Arthur awoke, his entire body felt sore and stiff. He shifted, trying to find a more comfortable position, and realised that the ground beneath him wasn't the ground at all. Instead, it was soft and cushioned, much like his bed in Camelot. But, last he could remember, he was in the middle of the woods with Merlin—

It all came flooding back to him. He was stabbed by Mordred right after the Great Sorcerer defeated Morgana's army. That explained the soreness of his body, despite laying on something very soft. Merlin was taking him somewhere to save his life, and Merlin... Merlin was a sorcerer. The sorcerer.

Arthur opened his eyes. The walls surrounding him were very familiar; it was his room. He was back in Camelot. Standing by his bedside were Gaius and Guinevere. His heart clenched at the sight of her. Oh, how he had missed her.

"Arthur." Gwen smiled, tears building in her eyes as she looked at him. She bent down and gently wrapped her arms around him. He carefully lifted his arm and braided it into her hair, taking in her scent once more. He thought he'd never see her again. He'd accepted his death.

"How are you feeling, sire?" Gaius asked as Gwen pulled away, and there was a smile on his face as well.

Arthur swallowed the bitter memories that awoke at the sight of him. The lies. "A little sore. Gaius... what happened?"

"How much do you remember?"

"Last thing... Morgana scared our horses away. Merlin killed her." He suddenly felt stunned at the fact he spoke of. Morgana was dead. "And then... we were walking, and I..." He frowned. "I must've passed out. It's all so blurry." Arthur looked up at Gaius expectantly.

The physician shifted awkwardly. "Well, sire... The rest, I believe, is best explained by Merlin. If you'll allow..?" He trailed off.

Arthur looked away, staring up at the roof of his bed. He couldn't make sense of how he was feeling about his servant— if Merlin even was that, still. He'd lied, a lot, and for a long time. So had Gaius. But Arthur tried to imagine his life without the both of them, and came up blank. So he nodded at the physician, and mentally prepared himself for what he was about to do.

Guinevere smiled and squeezed his hand before she and Gaius left the room. For several minutes, Arthur was alone for the first time in a long time. He spent it pondering the fact that Mordred and Morgana were both dead. The war that seemed to have gone on for an eternity, was over. And his servant was a sorcerer. For years, there had been Magic in the heart of Camelot. Despite all of his degrees, Merlin had remained by his side, hiding who he really was. Lying to everyone. But, Merlin had also saved his life - several times through the years, he had come to realise. He had won the war for them, and defeated Morgana with a single blow. And, above it all, Merlin was his friend. He'd always been a loyal friend, and a trusted servant. Did this really change anything? Could he look past the fact that his friend was not only breaking the law, but had lied to him about it for all these years?

There was a knock on the door, and Merlin stepped inside. He looked hesitant, his postume apprehensive as he approached the bed. "You wished to see me, sire?"

Arthur studied the man before him. "So you did it, after all. You managed to save my life."

It wasn't really a question, but Merlin gave him a slow nod anyway.

"How?" Arthur asked. Merlin tilted his head, and opened his mouth hesitantly, as if he was afraid to answer. "Tell me the truth, please," he added.

Merlin nodded, tracing his fingers across a hem of the bedsheet. "I took you to the like of Avalon, and the Sidhe agreed to heal you," he said simply.

Arthur raised his eyebrows. "And they agreed, just like that?"

Merlin shook his head slightly. "I- I told them who I was. I said that I am Emrys."

"And they knew of you?"

"The druids have spoken of me as Emrys long before my time," Merlin answered, avoiding his gaze.

"That you're the greatest sorcerer to ever walk the earth," Arthur continued. "That's what Gaius told me anyway." He thought about it for a moment, and snorted. "I never would've believed that it could be you. Feels strange to say it."

"You're telling me," Merlin mumbled, and his eyes flickered uncertainly to Arthur's. There was amusement in his eyes, and Arthur couldn't help but laugh at the strange situation. Merlin was grinning too. But the moment was fleeting, and the tension between them soon returned. Arthur didn't like it. He just wanted things to be like they were before.

I don't want you to change. I want you... to always... be you.

"My Lord," Merlin began, and took a deep breath, "do you want me to leave Camelot?" The words left him in a rush as he exhaled.

Arthur pressed his lips together. "You've broken the law, I don't know how many times. Not to mention that you've lied to me for all these years."

Merlin looked away again, his eyes shining. "I am truly sorry, Arthur. I just, I couldn't tell you-"

"I understand," Arthur interrupted. "And I don't want you to go."

There it was. Arthur was surprised by himself. Allowing Merlin to stay meant more than just the decision. It meant accepting sorcery in Camelot. It was far beyond anything he or his father had ever allowed or even considered before. But he trusted Merlin. He knew that Merlin had only ever used his Magic for him, and for Camelot.

"T-thank you, sire," Merlin stammered, seemingly just as surprised as Arthur, and most of all relieved. Arthur wondered what he'd expected; had he thought that Arthur might still sentence him to death?

You'd have chopped my head off.

I don't know what I would've done.

"But," Arthur continued, and now it was his turn to look away as he couldn't face Merlin while saying this, "I need some space to... figure all of this out. I believe I promised you two days off. I need you to take them." He looked up, wary of Merlin's reaction.

Merlin flinched visibly at his words, and his eyes looked hurt, but he just nodded. "Of course, sire. I understand." And with a nod, he turned on his heel and walked out the door.